
Chapitre 11. Clonage de machines virtuelles

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To quickly create a new virtual machine (VM) with a specific set of properties, you can clone an existing VM.

Cloning creates a new VM that uses its own disk image for storage, but most of the clone’s configuration and stored data is identical to the source VM. This makes it possible to prepare multiple VMs optimized for a certain task without the need to optimize each VM individually.

11.1. How cloning virtual machines works

Cloning a virtual machine (VM) copies the XML configuration of the source VM and its disk images, and makes adjustments to the configurations to ensure the uniqueness of the new VM. This includes changing the name of the VM and ensuring it uses the disk image clones. Nevertheless, the data stored on the clone’s virtual disks is identical to the source VM.

This process is faster than creating a new VM and installing it with a guest operating system, and can be used to rapidly generate VMs with a specific configuration and content.

If you are planning to create multiple clones of a VM, first create a VM template that does not contain:

  • Unique settings, such as persistent network MAC configuration, which can prevent the clones from working correctly.
  • Sensitive data, such as SSH keys and password files.

For instructions, see Creating virtual machines templates.

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