
5.2. Opening a virtual machine graphical console using Virt Viewer

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To connect to a graphical console of a KVM virtual machine (VM) and open it in the Virt Viewer desktop application, follow the procedure below.

Conditions préalables

  • Your system, as well as the VM you are connecting to, must support graphical displays.
  • If the target VM is located on a remote host, connection and root access privileges to the host are needed.
  • Optional: If the target VM is located on a remote host, set up your libvirt and SSH for more convenient access to remote hosts.


  • To connect to a local VM, use the following command and replace guest-name with the name of the VM you want to connect to:

    # virt-viewer guest-name
  • To connect to a remote VM, use the virt-viewer command with the SSH protocol. For example, the following command connects as root to a VM called guest-name, located on remote system The connection also requires root authentication for

    # virt-viewer --direct --connect qemu+ssh://root@ guest-name
    root@'s password:


If the connection works correctly, the VM display is shown in the Virt Viewer window.

You can interact with the VM console using the mouse and keyboard in the same manner you interact with a real machine. The display in the VM console reflects the activities being performed on the VM.

Résolution de problèmes

  • If clicking in the graphical console does not have any effect, expand the console to full screen. This is a known issue with the mouse cursor offset.
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