
Chapitre 10. Saving and restoring virtual machines

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To free up system resources, you can shut down a virtual machine (VM) running on that system. However, when you require the VM again, you must boot up the guest operating system (OS) and restart the applications, which may take a considerable amount of time. To reduce this downtime and enable the VM workload to start running sooner, you can use the save and restore feature to avoid the OS shutdown and boot sequence entirely.

This section provides information about saving VMs, as well as about restoring them to the same state without a full VM boot-up.

10.1. How saving and restoring virtual machines works

Saving a virtual machine (VM) saves its memory and device state to the host’s disk, and immediately stops the VM process. You can save a VM that is either in a running or paused state, and upon restoring, the VM will return to that state.

This process frees up RAM and CPU resources on the host system in exchange for disk space, which may improve the host system performance. When the VM is restored, because the guest OS does not need to be booted, the long boot-up period is avoided as well.

To save a VM, you can use the command-line interface (CLI). For instructions, see Saving virtual machines using the command line interface.

To restore a VM you can use the CLI or the web console GUI.

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