9.5. 启用 Operator 以支持使用 AWS STS 的基于 CCO 的工作流

作为 Operator 作者设计在 Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)上运行的项目,您可以通过自定义项目来支持 Cloud Credential Operator (CCO),使 Operator 能够对启用了 STS 的 OpenShift Container Platform 集群上的 AWS 进行身份验证。

使用此方法,Operator 负责创建 CredentialsRequest 对象并读取生成的 Secret 对象,并需要 RBAC 权限。


默认情况下,与 Operator 部署相关的 pod 会挂载 serviceAccountToken 卷,以便在生成的 Secret 对象中引用服务帐户令牌。


  • OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 或更高版本
  • 处于 STS 模式的集群
  • 基于 OLM 的 Operator 项目


  1. 更新 Operator 项目的 ClusterServiceVersion (CSV)对象:

    1. 确保 Operator 有 RBAC 权限来创建 CredentialsRequests 对象:

      例 9.1. clusterPermissions 列表示例

      # ...
          - rules:
            - apiGroups:
              - "cloudcredential.openshift.io"
              - credentialsrequests
              - create
              - delete
              - get
              - list
              - patch
              - update
              - watch
    2. 添加以下注解来声明对使用 AWS STS 的基于 CCO 工作流的方法的支持:

      # ...
         features.operators.openshift.io/token-auth-aws: "true"
  2. 更新 Operator 项目代码:

    1. 从 pod 上由 Subscription 对象设置的环境变量获取角色 ARN。例如:

      // Get ENV var
      roleARN := os.Getenv("ROLEARN")
      setupLog.Info("getting role ARN", "role ARN = ", roleARN)
      webIdentityTokenPath := "/var/run/secrets/openshift/serviceaccount/token"
    2. 确保具有 CredentialsRequest 对象已准备好修补并应用。例如:

      例 9.2. CredentialsRequest 对象创建示例

      import (
         minterv1 "github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/pkg/apis/cloudcredential/v1"
         corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
         metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
      var in = minterv1.AWSProviderSpec{
         StatementEntries: []minterv1.StatementEntry{
               Action: []string{
               Effect:   "Allow",
               Resource: "arn:aws:s3:*:*:*",
      	STSIAMRoleARN: "<role_arn>",
      var codec = minterv1.Codec
      var ProviderSpec, _ = codec.EncodeProviderSpec(in.DeepCopyObject())
      const (
         name      = "<credential_request_name>"
         namespace = "<namespace_name>"
      var CredentialsRequestTemplate = &minterv1.CredentialsRequest{
         ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
             Name:      name,
             Namespace: "openshift-cloud-credential-operator",
         Spec: minterv1.CredentialsRequestSpec{
            ProviderSpec: ProviderSpec,
            SecretRef: corev1.ObjectReference{
               Name:      "<secret_name>",
               Namespace: namespace,
            ServiceAccountNames: []string{
            CloudTokenPath:   "",

      另外,如果您从 YAML 表单的 CredentialsRequest 对象开始(例如,作为 Operator 项目代码的一部分),您可以以不同的方式处理它:

      例 9.3. 以 YAML 格式创建 CredentialsRequest 对象示例

      // CredentialsRequest is a struct that represents a request for credentials
      type CredentialsRequest struct {
        APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion"`
        Kind       string `yaml:"kind"`
        Metadata   struct {
           Name      string `yaml:"name"`
           Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"`
        } `yaml:"metadata"`
        Spec struct {
           SecretRef struct {
              Name      string `yaml:"name"`
              Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"`
           } `yaml:"secretRef"`
           ProviderSpec struct {
              APIVersion     string `yaml:"apiVersion"`
              Kind           string `yaml:"kind"`
              StatementEntries []struct {
                 Effect   string   `yaml:"effect"`
                 Action   []string `yaml:"action"`
                 Resource string   `yaml:"resource"`
              } `yaml:"statementEntries"`
              STSIAMRoleARN   string `yaml:"stsIAMRoleARN"`
           } `yaml:"providerSpec"`
           // added new field
            CloudTokenPath   string `yaml:"cloudTokenPath"`
        } `yaml:"spec"`
      // ConsumeCredsRequestAddingTokenInfo is a function that takes a YAML filename and two strings as arguments
      // It unmarshals the YAML file to a CredentialsRequest object and adds the token information.
      func ConsumeCredsRequestAddingTokenInfo(fileName, tokenString, tokenPath string) (*CredentialsRequest, error) {
        // open a file containing YAML form of a CredentialsRequest
        file, err := os.Open(fileName)
        if err != nil {
           return nil, err
        defer file.Close()
        // create a new CredentialsRequest object
        cr := &CredentialsRequest{}
        // decode the yaml file to the object
        decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(file)
        err = decoder.Decode(cr)
        if err != nil {
           return nil, err
        // assign the string to the existing field in the object
        cr.Spec.CloudTokenPath = tokenPath
        // return the modified object
        return cr, nil

      目前不支持在 Operator 捆绑包中添加 CredentialsRequest 对象。

    3. 在凭证请求中添加角色 ARN 和 Web 身份令牌路径,并在 Operator 初始化过程中应用它:

      例 9.4. 在 Operator 初始化过程中应用 CredentialsRequest 对象示例

      // apply CredentialsRequest on install
      credReq := credreq.CredentialsRequestTemplate
      credReq.Spec.CloudTokenPath = webIdentityTokenPath
      c := mgr.GetClient()
      if err := c.Create(context.TODO(), credReq); err != nil {
         if !errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
            setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create CredRequest")
    4. 确保 Operator 可以等待 Secret 对象从 CCO 显示,如下例所示,以及您在 Operator 中协调的其他项目:

      例 9.5. 等待 Secret 对象示例

      // WaitForSecret is a function that takes a Kubernetes client, a namespace, and a v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" name as arguments
      // It waits until the secret object with the given name exists in the given namespace
      // It returns the secret object or an error if the timeout is exceeded
      func WaitForSecret(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace, name string) (*v1.Secret, error) {
        // set a timeout of 10 minutes
        timeout := time.After(10 * time.Minute) 1
        // set a polling interval of 10 seconds
        ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
        // loop until the timeout or the secret is found
        for {
           select {
           case <-timeout:
              // timeout is exceeded, return an error
              return nil, fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for secret %s in namespace %s", name, namespace)
                 // add to this error with a pointer to instructions for following a manual path to a Secret that will work on STS
           case <-ticker.C:
              // polling interval is reached, try to get the secret
              secret, err := client.CoreV1().Secrets(namespace).Get(context.Background(), name, metav1.GetOptions{})
              if err != nil {
                 if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
                    // secret does not exist yet, continue waiting
                 } else {
                    // some other error occurred, return it
                    return nil, err
              } else {
                 // secret is found, return it
                 return secret, nil
      timeout 值基于 CCO 检测添加的 CredentialsRequest 对象并生成 Secret 对象的速度。您可能会考虑降低时间或为集群管理员创建自定义反馈,这可能会导致 Operator 尚未访问云资源的原因。
    5. 通过从凭证请求中读取 CCO 创建的 secret 并设置 AWS 配置,并创建包含该 secret 数据的 AWS 配置文件:

      例 9.6. AWS 配置创建示例

      func SharedCredentialsFileFromSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) (string, error) {
         var data []byte
         switch {
         case len(secret.Data["credentials"]) > 0:
             data = secret.Data["credentials"]
             return "", errors.New("invalid secret for aws credentials")
         f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "aws-shared-credentials")
         if err != nil {
             return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create file for shared credentials")
         defer f.Close()
         if _, err := f.Write(data); err != nil {
             return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write credentials to %s", f.Name())
         return f.Name(), nil

      secret 被假定为存在,但在使用此 secret 时,您的 Operator 代码应等待和重试,以提供 CCO 创建 secret 的时间。

      另外,等待周期最终应该超时,并警告用户 OpenShift Container Platform 集群版本,因此 CCO 可能会是一个较早的版本,它不支持使用 STS 检测的 CredentialsRequest 对象工作流。在这种情况下,指示用户必须使用其他方法添加 secret。

    6. 配置 AWS SDK 会话,例如:

      例 9.7. AWS SDK 会话配置示例

      sharedCredentialsFile, err := SharedCredentialsFileFromSecret(secret)
      if err != nil {
         // handle error
      options := session.Options{
         SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,
         SharedConfigFiles: []string{sharedCredentialsFile},
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