

3.6. Hibernate - Statistics Service

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Table 3.1946. Overview
Description: Statistics for Hibernate
Singleton: no
Plugin: Hibernate


In order to monitor Hibernate statistics via JON, the Hibernate Session Manager MBean must be deployed to an object name of the format {{_"Hibernate:application=%application%,type=statistics"_}}, and statistics must be enabled. Some example code is provided below to register the Hibernate Session MBean within an EJB3 application. {code} public static void enableHibernateStatistics(EntityManager entityManager) { try { StatisticsService mBean = new StatisticsService(); SessionFactory sessionFactory = getHibernateSession(entityManager).getSessionFactory(); mBean.setSessionFactory(sessionFactory); ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(HIBERNATE_STATISTICS_MBEAN_OBJECTNAME); MBeanServer jbossMBeanServer = getJBossMBeanServer(); jbossMBeanServer.registerMBean(mBean, objectName); sessionFactory.getStatistics().setStatisticsEnabled(true); } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee) { LOG.info("Duplicate MBean registration ignored: " + HIBERNATE_STATISTICS_MBEAN_OBJECTNAME); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Couldn't register Hibernate statistics MBean.", e); } } private static Session getHibernateSession(EntityManager entityManager) { Session session; if (entityManager.getDelegate() instanceof EntityManagerImpl) { EntityManagerImpl entityManagerImpl = (EntityManagerImpl) entityManager.getDelegate(); session = entityManagerImpl.getSession(); } else { session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate(); } return session; } private static MBeanServer getJBossMBeanServer() { List<MBeanServer> servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null); MBeanServer jbossServer = null; for (MBeanServer server : servers) { if ("jboss".equals(server.getDefaultDomain())) { jbossServer = server; } } if (jbossServer == null) { jbossServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); } return jbossServer; } {code} See also [Publishing statistics through JMX|http://hibernate.org/216.html] and [Enabling Hibernate statistics|http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/jboss/jboss-eap-4.3/doc/hibernate/Hibernate_Reference_Guide/Optional_configuration_properties-Hibernate_statistics.html]

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.1947. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Application the Hibernate application name yes application


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1948. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Entity Insert Count measurement The global number of entity inserts since the statistics were reset EntityInsertCount
Entity Insert Count per Minute measurement The global number of entity inserts since the statistics were reset EntityInsertCount
Query Execution Max Time measurement The amount of time taken by the slowest recorded query since the statistics were reset QueryExecutionMaxTime
Entity Update Count measurement The global number of entity updates since the statistics were reset EntityUpdateCount
Entity Update Count per Minute measurement The global number of entity updates since the statistics were reset EntityUpdateCount
Collection Update Count measurement The global number of collections updated since the statistics were reset CollectionUpdateCount
Collection Update Count per Minute measurement The global number of collections updated since the statistics were reset CollectionUpdateCount
Entity Load Count measurement The global number of entity loads since the statistics were reset EntityLoadCount
Entity Load Count per Minute measurement The global number of entity loads since the statistics were reset EntityLoadCount
Entity Fetch Count measurement The global number of entity fetches since the statistics were reset EntityFetchCount
Entity Fetch Count per Minute measurement The global number of entity fetches since the statistics were reset EntityFetchCount
Entity Delete Count measurement The global number of entity deletes since the statistics were reset EntityDeleteCount
Entity Delete Count per Minute measurement The global number of entity deletes since the statistics were reset EntityDeleteCount
Collection Recreate Count measurement The global number of collections recreated since the statistics were reset CollectionRecreateCount
Collection Recreate Count per Minute measurement The global number of collections recreated since the statistics were reset CollectionRecreateCount
Query Execution Count measurement The global number of queries executed since the statistics were reset QueryExecutionCount
Query Execution Count per Minute measurement The global number of queries executed since the statistics were reset QueryExecutionCount
Flush Count measurement The global number of flushes executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit) since the statistics were reset FlushCount
Flush Count per Minute measurement The global number of flushes executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit) since the statistics were reset FlushCount
Collection Load Count measurement The global number of collections loaded since the statistics were reset CollectionLoadCount
Collection Load Count per Minute measurement The global number of collections loaded since the statistics were reset CollectionLoadCount
Successful Transaction Count measurement The global number of transactions known to have been successful since the statistics were reset SuccessfulTransactionCount
Successful Transaction Count per Minute measurement The global number of transactions known to have been successful since the statistics were reset SuccessfulTransactionCount
Query Cache Hit Count measurement The global number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache since the statistics were reset QueryCacheHitCount
Query Cache Hit Count per Minute measurement The global number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache since the statistics were reset QueryCacheHitCount
Collection Remove Count measurement The global number of collections removed since the statistics were reset CollectionRemoveCount
Collection Remove Count per Minute measurement The global number of collections removed since the statistics were reset CollectionRemoveCount
Connect Count measurement The global number of connections asked by the sessions (the actual number of connections used may be much smaller depending whether you use a connection pool or not) since the statistics were reset ConnectCount
Connect Count per Minute measurement The global number of connections asked by the sessions (the actual number of connections used may be much smaller depending whether you use a connection pool or not) since the statistics were reset ConnectCount
Start Time trait The time when the statistics collection started or were last reset StartTime
Second Level Cache Put Count measurement The global number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache since the statistics were reset SecondLevelCachePutCount
Second Level Cache Put Count per Minute measurement The global number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache since the statistics were reset SecondLevelCachePutCount
Query Cache Put Count measurement The global number of cacheable queries put in cache since the statistics were reset QueryCachePutCount
Query Cache Put Count per Minute measurement The global number of cacheable queries put in cache since the statistics were reset QueryCachePutCount
Session Open Count measurement The global number of sessions closed since the statistics were reset SessionOpenCount
Session Open Count per Minute measurement The global number of sessions closed since the statistics were reset SessionOpenCount
Transaction Count measurement The global number of transactions known to have completed since the statistics were reset TransactionCount
Transaction Count per Minute measurement The global number of transactions known to have completed since the statistics were reset TransactionCount
Collection Fetch Count measurement The global number of collections fetched since the statistics were reset CollectionFetchCount
Collection Fetch Count per Minute measurement The global number of collections fetched since the statistics were reset CollectionFetchCount
Session Close Count measurement The global number of sessions closed since the statistics were reset SessionCloseCount
Session Close Count per Minute measurement The global number of sessions closed since the statistics were reset SessionCloseCount
Query Cache Miss Count measurement The global number of cached queries *not* found in cache since the statistics were reset QueryCacheMissCount
Query Cache Miss Count per Minute measurement The global number of cached queries *not* found in cache since the statistics were reset QueryCacheMissCount
Second Level Cache Miss Count measurement The global number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded from the database since the statistics were reset SecondLevelCacheMissCount
Second Level Cache Miss Count per Minute measurement The global number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded from the database since the statistics were reset SecondLevelCacheMissCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.1949. Metrics
Name Description
Clear Statistics Clear the collected statistics and begin collecting again
View Queries View statistical information about queries executed by Hibernate

Package Types


3.6.1. Hibernate - Entity Service


Table 3.1950. Overview
Description: A Hibernate persistent entity
Singleton: no
Plugin: Hibernate

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 3.1951. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Load Count measurement The number of times this entity was loaded since the statistics were reset loadCount
Update Count measurement The number of times this entity was updated since the statistics were reset updateCount
Insert Count measurement The number of times this entity was inserted since the statistics were reset insertCount
Delete Count measurement The number of times this entity was deleted since the statistics were reset deleteCount
Fetch Count measurement The number of times this entity was fetched since the statistics were reset fetchCount
Optimistic Lock Failure Count measurement The number of StaleObjectStateExceptions for this entity that occurred since the statistics were reset optimisticFailureCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types

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