

3.3.3. JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - JBossWeb Service

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Table 3.300. Overview
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.301. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 3.302. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Disabled: 0 Enable the default Servlet mapping. The default value is false. no disabled:0
File Encoding Force a file encoding. no file-encoding
Listings Enable folder listings. The default value is false. no listings
Max Depth Maximum recursion for PROPFIND. The default value is 3. no max-depth
Read Only Allow write HTTP methods (PUT, DELETE). The default value is true. no read-only
Sendfile Enable sendfile if possible, for files bigger than the specified byte size. The default value is 49152. no sendfile
Secret Secret for WebDAV locking operations. no secret
Webdav Enable WebDAV functionality. The default value is false. no webdav
Check Interval Check interval for JSP updates using a background thread. The default value is 0. no check-interval
Development Enable the development mode, which gives more information when an error occurs. The default value is false. no development
Disabled: 1 Enable the JSP container. The default value is false. no disabled:1
Display Source Fragment When a runtime error occurs, attempts to display corresponding JSP source fragment. The default value is true. no display-source-fragment
Dump Smap Write SMAP data to a file. The default value is false. no dump-smap
Error On Use Bean Invalid Class Attribute Enable errors when using a bad class in useBean. The default value is false. no error-on-use-bean-invalid-class-attribute
Generate Strings As Char Arrays Generate String constants as char arrays. The default value is false. no generate-strings-as-char-arrays
Java Encoding Specify the encoding used for Java sources. The default value is UTF8. no java-encoding
Keep Generated Keep the generated Servlets. The default value is true. no keep-generated
Mapped File Map to the JSP source. The default value is true. no mapped-file
Modification Test Interval Minimum amount of time between two tests for updates, in seconds. The default value is 4. no modification-test-interval
Recompile On Fail Retry failed JSP compilations on each request. The default value is false. no recompile-on-fail
Scratch Dir Specify a different work directory. no scratch-dir
Smap Enable SMAP. The default value is true. no smap
Source Vm Source VM level for compilation. The default value is 1.5. no source-vm
Tag Pooling Enable tag pooling. The default value is true. no tag-pooling
Target Vm Target VM level for compilation. The default value is 1.5. no target-vm
Trim Spaces Trim some spaces from the generated Servlet. The default value is false. no trim-spaces
X Powered By Enable advertising the JSP engine in x-powered-by. The default value is true. no x-powered-by
Welcome File A welcome file declaration. no welcome-file
Default Virtual Server The web container's default virtual server. The default value is default-host. yes default-virtual-server
Instance Id The identifier for this server instance. no instance-id
Native Add the native initialization listener to the web container. The default value is true. no native


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types

none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Connector Service

Table 3.303. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.304. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.305. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Bytes Sent measurement Number of byte sent by the connector. bytesSent
Bytes Sent per Minute measurement Number of byte sent by the connector. bytesSent
Bytes Received measurement Number of byte received by the connector (POST data). bytesReceived
Bytes Received per Minute measurement Number of byte received by the connector (POST data). bytesReceived
Processing Time measurement Processing time used by the connector. Im milli-seconds. processingTime
Processing Time per Minute measurement Processing time used by the connector. Im milli-seconds. processingTime
Error Count measurement Number of error that occurs when processing requests by the connector. errorCount
Error Count per Minute measurement Number of error that occurs when processing requests by the connector. errorCount
Max Time measurement Max time spent to process a requests. maxTime
Request Count measurement Number of the request processed by the connector. requestCount
Request Count per Minute measurement Number of the request processed by the connector. requestCount
Max connections measurement Number of max connections this connector can handle (see configuration to set it) _maxConnections


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.306. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Configuration no *Configuration+
Scheme The web connector scheme. yes scheme
Socket Binding The web connector socket-binding reference, this connector should be bound to. yes socket-binding
Enabled Defines whether the connector should be started on startup. The default value is true. no enabled
Enable Lookups Enable DNS lookups for Servlet API. The default value is false. no enable-lookups
Executor The name of the executor that should be used for the processing threads of this connector. If undefined defaults to using an internal pool. no executor
Max Connections Amount of concurrent connections that can be processed by the connector with optimum performance. The default value depends on the connector used and the number of cpu cores (512*cores for HTTP, 32*cores for AJP). no max-connections
Max Post Size Maximum size in bytes of a POST request that can be parsed by the container. The default value is 2097152. no max-post-size
Max Save Post Size Maximum size in bytes of a POST request that will be saved during certain authentication schemes. The default value is 4096. no max-save-post-size
Name A unique name for the connector. no name
Protocol The web connector protocol. (e.g. 'HTTP/1.1' or 'AJP' or a name of a class implementing ProtocolHandler and MBeanRegistration ) yes protocol
Proxy Name The host name that will be used when sending a redirect. The default value is null. no proxy-name
Proxy Port The port that will be used when sending a redirect. no proxy-port
Redirect Port The port for redirection to a secure connector. The default value is 8433. no redirect-port
Secure Indicates if content sent or received by the connector is secured from the user perspective. The default value is false. no secure
Virtual Server The list of virtual servers that can be accessed through this connector. The default is to allow all virtual servers. no virtual-server


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
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