

3.2.13. JBossAS5 - EJB3 JAR Service

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Table 3.193. Overview
Description: a standalone EJB 3.x application
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS5

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.194. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Deployment Name the name of this EJB JAR yes deploymentName
Extension yes extension
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Deployment Type Name The name of the item from the org.jboss.deployers.spi.management.KnownDeploymentTypes enum corresponding to this deployment's type. yes deploymentTypeName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.195. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Path trait the absolute path of this EJB JAR file or directory custom.path
Exploded? trait whether this EJB JAR is deployed exploded (i.e. as a directory) custom.exploded


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.196. Metrics
Name Description
Start starts this EJB JAR
Stop stops this EJB JAR
Restart stops and then restarts this EJB JAR

Package Types

Table 3.197. Package Types
Name Category Description
EJB JAR File Deployable JBossAS5 - EJB3 Stateless Session Bean Service

Table 3.198. Overview
Description: An EJB3 Stateless Session Bean (SLSB)
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS5
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.199. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Type yes componentType
Component Subtype yes componentSubtype
Component Name yes componentName
Invocation Stats Property Name yes invocationStatsPropertyName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.200. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
EJB Name trait the name of this EJB name
Available Count measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB3 Session Bean in the method-ready state availableCount
Create Count measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been created since server start createCount
Create Count per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been created since server start createCount
Current Count measurement The total number of currently pooled instances of this EJB3 Session Bean currentSize
Max Size measurement The maximum number of instances that are allowed to be pooled maxSize
Remove Count measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been removed since server start removeCount
Remove Count per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been removed since server start removeCount
Method Invocation Time calltime The minimum, maximum, and average invocation times for each of the methods exposed by this EJB methodInvocationTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.201. Metrics
Name Description
View Method Statistics Display detailed method invocation statistics.
Package Types
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