

4.3. JBoss Data Services Server (Teiid) Plug-in

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Table 4.31. Overview
Description: Teiid Data Services
Singleton: yes
Plugin: TeiidPlugin

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans


Connection Properties



Table 4.32. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Query Count measurement The number of queries currently active. queryCount
Long Running Queries measurement The number of queries that have been running longer than the limit set for queries. longRunningQueries
Session Count measurement The number of user connections currently active. sessionCount
Used Buffer Space measurement The currently used file buffer space in MB. userBufferSpace
Prepared Plan Cache Hit Ratio % measurement Percentage of positive cache hits PREPARED_PLAN_CACHE.hitRatio
Prepared Plan Cache Size measurement Current number of entries in cache PREPARED_PLAN_CACHE.totalEntries
Prepared Plan Cache # of Requests measurement Total number of requests made against cache PREPARED_PLAN_CACHE.requestCount
ResultSet Cache Hit Ratio % measurement Percentage of positive cache hits QUERY_SERVICE_RESULT_SET_CACHE.hitRatio
ResultSet Cache Size measurement Current number of entries in cache QUERY_SERVICE_RESULT_SET_CACHE.totalEntries
ResultSet Cache # of Requests measurement Total number of requests made against cache QUERY_SERVICE_RESULT_SET_CACHE.requestCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 4.33. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Display Preview VDBs If 'Yes', Preview VDBs (created by the Teiid Designer) will display in the Virtual Database resource grouping. The default is 'No' yes displayPreviewVDBS
Max Rows Fetch Size Maximum allowed fetch size, set via JDBC. User requested value ignored above this value. (default 20480) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.maxRowsFetchSize
Max Threads Process pool maximum thread count. (default 64) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.maxThreads
Maximum Concurrent Active plans Increase this value on highly concurrent systems - but ensure that the underlying pools can handle the increased load without timeouts.(default 20) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.maxActivePlans
Time Slice In Milliseconds Query processor time slice, in milliseconds. (default 2000) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.timeSliceInMilli
Lob Chunk Size In KB The max lob chunk size in KB transferred to the client for xml, blobs, clobs (default 100KB) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.lobChunkSizeInKB
Long Running Query Threshold Length of time in seconds before a query is considered long running no RuntimeEngineDeployer.queryThresholdInSecs
Data Roles Enabled Turn on role checking of resources based on the roles defined in VDB (default true) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.useDataRoles
Detecting Change Events Set to true for the engine to detect local change events. Should be disabled if using external change data capture tools. (default true) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.detectingChangeEvents
Enabled Denotes whether or not result set caching is enabled. (default true) no RuntimeEngineDeployer.resultSetCacheEnabled
Max Entries The maximum number of result set cache entries. -1 indicates no limit. (default 1024) no ResultSetCacheConfig.maxEntries
Max Entry Age The maximum age of a result set cache entry in seconds. -1 indicates no max. (default 7200) no ResultSetCacheConfig.maxAgeInSeconds
Max Entry Staleness The maximum staleness of a result set cache entry in seconds based upon data modifications. -1 indicates no max. (default 60) no ResultSetCacheConfig.maxStaleness
Max Entries The maximum number of prepared plan cache entries. -1 indicates no limit. (default 512 no PreparedPlanCacheConfig.maxEntries
Max Entry Age The maximum age of a prepared plan cache entry in seconds. -1 indicates no max. (default 28800) no PreparedPlanCacheConfig.maxAgeInSeconds
Max Entry Staleness The maximum staleness of a prepared plan cache entry in seconds based upon metadata modifications. -1 indicates no max. (default 0) no PreparedPlanCacheConfig.maxStaleness
Max Buffer Space Max file storage space, in MB, to be used for buffer files (default 50G) no BufferService.maxBufferSpace
Processor Batch Size The max row count of a batch sent internally within the query processor. Should be <= the connectorBatchSize. (default 512) no BufferService.processorBatchSize
Connector Batch Size The max row count of a batch from a connector. Should be even multiple of processorBatchSize. (default 1024) no BufferService.connectorBatchSize
Max Processing Memory The approximate amount of buffer memory in kilobytes allowable for a single processing operation (sort, grouping, etc.) regardless of existing memory commitments. -1 means to automatically calculate a value (default -1). no BufferService.maxProcessingKb
Max File Size Max file size for buffer files (default 2GB) no BufferService.maxFileSize
Max Reserve Memory The approximate amount of memory in kilobytes allowed to be held by the buffer manager. -1 means to automatically calculate a value (default -1). no BufferService.maxReserveKb
Enable Enable Socket based JDBC access no JdbcSocketConfiguration.enabled
Host Name Host Name no JdbcSocketConfiguration.hostName
Port Number Port Number no JdbcSocketConfiguration.portNumber
SSL Enabled SSL enabled no JdbcSocketConfiguration.sslEnabled
Max Socket Threads Max NIO threads no JdbcSocketConfiguration.maxSocketThreads
Input Buffer Size SO_RCVBUF size, 0 indicates that system default should be used (default 0) no JdbcSocketConfiguration.inputBufferSize
Output Buffer Size SO_SNDBUF size, 0 indicates that system default should be used (default 0) no JdbcSocketConfiguration.outputBufferSize
Session Expiration Time Limit Max allowed time before the session is terminated by the system, 0 indicates unlimited (default 0) no SessionService.sessionExpirationTimeLimit
Session Max Limit Maximum number of sessions allowed by the system (default 5000) no SessionService.sessionMaxLimit


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 4.34. Metrics
Name Description
View current long running queries List current queries executing against the Teiid System that have surpassed the long running query threshhold
View current sessions Get current sessions connected to the Teiid instance
Deploy a VDB via URL Deploy a VDB using a URL
Terminate Session Terminate a specified session
View current requests Get current requests executing against this Teiid instance
Terminate request Terminate the processing of a query and its source queries
View current transactions Get current transactions executing against this VDB
Terminate Transaction Terminate a specified transaction

Package Types


4.3.1. TeiidPlugin - Virtual Database (VDB)s Service


Table 4.35. Overview
Description: Teiid Data Services Virtual Databases
Singleton: no
Plugin: TeiidPlugin

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties



Table 4.36. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Status trait The status of this VDB status
Errors trait Whether or not errors exist for this VDB errorCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 4.37. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The Virtual Database Name no name
Version The Virtual Database Version no version
Description The Virtual Database Description no description
Status The Virtual Database Status no status
Connection Type Allowable Connections: 1) NONE - disallow new connections 2) BY VERSION - allow connections only if the version is specified or if this is the earliest 'BY VERSION' vdb and there are no vdbs marked as 'ANY' 3) ANY - allow connections with or without a version specified. If multiple versions of same VDB are deployed, connect to one specified with ANY, or if there are multiple VDBs with ANY then connect to the latest version with ANY no connectionType
Url The Virtual Database URL no url
Overrides The translator overrides for this VDB yes translators
Single Source Models The source models for this VDB yes singleSourceModels
Multi Source Models The multi-source model sources for this VDB yes multiSourceModels
Logical Models The logical models for this VDB yes logicalModels
Error List VDB Errors yes errorList


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 4.38. Metrics
Name Description
View VDB Sessions Get current sessions currently connected to this VDB
View VDB requests Get current requests executing against this VDB
List Materialized View Info List any Materialized Views for this VDB
Refresh a Materialized View Refresh a given Materialized View for this VDB
Clear Cache Clears the cache for a given type for this VDB

Package Types

Table 4.39. Package Types
Name Category Description
VDB File Deployable TeiidPlugin - Data Roles Service

Table 4.40. Overview
Description: Data Roles for this VDB
Singleton: no
Plugin: TeiidPlugin
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Configuration Properties
Table 4.41. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name Name of the data role no name
Any Authenticated Indicates if the role is mapped to any authenticated user no anyAuthenticated
Description Description of this data role no description
Mapped Role Names Mapped role names for this data role no mappedRoleNameList


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
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