

Chapter 1. Managed Platforms

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JBoss Operations Network 3.1.2 supports several major types of platforms and operating systems, including Java, Linux, Unix distributions, and Windows. Platform support is implemented through a single agent resource plug-in that defines the individual configuration, metrics, and operations for all supported platform types.

1.1. Platforms - AIX Platform


Table 1.1. Overview
Description: IBM AIX Operating System
Singleton: no
Plugin: Platforms

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties



Table 1.2. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Free Memory measurement The total free system memory (does not include buffer or cache memory) Native.MemoryInfo.free
Actual Free Memory measurement The actual total free system memory (includes unallocated memory as well as available buffer and cache memory) Native.MemoryInfo.actualFree
Used Memory measurement The total used system memory (does not include buffer or cache memory) Native.MemoryInfo.used
Actual Used Memory measurement The actual total used system memory (includes buffer and cache memory) Native.MemoryInfo.actualUsed
Total Memory measurement The total system memory Native.MemoryInfo.total
Free Swap Space measurement The total free system swap Native.SwapInfo.free
Used Swap Space measurement The total used system swap Native.SwapInfo.used
Total Swap Space measurement The total system swap Native.SwapInfo.total
Idle measurement Idle percentage of all CPUs CpuPerc.idle
System Load measurement Percentage of all CPUs running in system mode CpuPerc.sys
User Load measurement Percentage of all CPUs running in user mode CpuPerc.user
Wait Load measurement Percentage of all CPUs waiting on I/O CpuPerc.wait
Hostname trait Name that this platform is known as Trait.hostname
OS Name trait Name that the operating system is known as Trait.osname
OS Version trait Version of the operating system Trait.osversion
Architecture trait Hardware architecture of the platform Trait.sysarch


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 1.3. Metrics
Name Description
Manual Autodiscovery Run an immediate discovery to search for resources
View Process List View running processes on this system

Package Types


1.1.1. Platforms - Network Adapter Service


Table 1.4. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: Platforms

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 1.5. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Inet4Address trait IP address of the network adapter Trait.net4.address
Interface Flags trait Flag constants for network related operations Trait.interfaceFlags
Bytes Received measurement The total number of bytes received across this network interface since it started rxBytes
Bytes Received per Minute measurement The total number of bytes received across this network interface since it started rxBytes
Packets Received measurement The total number of packets received across this network interface since it started rxPackets
Packets Received per Minute measurement The total number of packets received across this network interface since it started rxPackets
Bytes Transmitted measurement The total number of bytes transmitted across this network interface since it started txBytes
Bytes Transmitted per Minute measurement The total number of bytes transmitted across this network interface since it started txBytes
Packets Transmitted measurement The total number of packets transmitted across this network interface since it started txPackets
Packets Transmitted per Minute measurement The total number of packets transmitted across this network interface since it started txPackets
Receive Errors measurement 'errors' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxErrors
Receive Errors per Minute measurement 'errors' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxErrors
Receive Packets Dropped measurement 'dropped' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxDropped
Receive Packets Dropped per Minute measurement 'dropped' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxDropped
Receive Overrurns measurement 'overruns' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxOverruns
Receive Overrurns per Minute measurement 'overruns' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxOverruns
Receive Frame measurement 'frame' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxFrame
Receive Frame per Minute measurement 'frame' statistic for received packets across this network interface since it started rxFrame
Transmit Errors measurement 'errors' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txErrors
Transmit Errors per Minute measurement 'errors' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txErrors
Transmit Packets Dropped measurement 'dropped' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txDropped
Transmit Packets Dropped per Minute measurement 'dropped' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txDropped
Transmit Overruns measurement 'overruns' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txOverruns
Transmit Overruns per Minute measurement 'overruns' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txOverruns
Transmit Collisions measurement 'collisions' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txCollisions
Transmit Collisions per Minute measurement 'collisions' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txCollisions
Transmit Carrier measurement 'carrier' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txCarrier
Transmit Carrier per Minute measurement 'carrier' statistic for transmitted packets across this network interface since it started txCarrier


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


1.1.2. Platforms - File System Service


Table 1.6. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: Platforms

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 1.7. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Free Space measurement The total free bytes on filesystem fileSystemUsage.free
Used Percentage measurement The percentage of disk used fileSystemUsage.usePercent
Capacity trait The total size of the filesystem fileSystemUsage.total
Volume Type trait The filesystem's generic type name fileSystem.typeName
Drive Type trait The filesystem's operating system-specific type name fileSystem.sysTypeName
name trait The name of this device fileSystem.devName
Free Files measurement The number of free file nodes on the filesystem fileSystemUsage.freeFiles
Flags trait The filesystem's flags fileSystem.flags
Used measurement The total bytes used on the filesystem fileSystemUsage.used
Disk Reads measurement The number of physical disk reads fileSystemUsage.diskReads
Disk Reads per Minute measurement The number of physical disk reads fileSystemUsage.diskReads
Disk Writes measurement The number of physical disk writes fileSystemUsage.diskWrites
Disk Writes per Minute measurement The number of physical disk writes fileSystemUsage.diskWrites
Disk Read Bytes measurement The number of physical disk bytes read fileSystemUsage.diskReadBytes
Disk Read Bytes per Minute measurement The number of physical disk bytes read fileSystemUsage.diskReadBytes
Disk Write Bytes measurement The number of physical disk bytes written fileSystemUsage.diskWriteBytes
Disk Write Bytes per Minute measurement The number of physical disk bytes written fileSystemUsage.diskWriteBytes
Disk Queue measurement The number of I/Os currently in progress fileSystemUsage.diskQueue


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


1.1.3. Platforms - CPU Service


Table 1.8. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: Platforms

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 1.9. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Idle measurement Idle percentage of this CPU CpuPerc.idle
System Load measurement Percentage of this CPU running in system mode CpuPerc.sys
User Load measurement Percentage of this CPU running in user mode CpuPerc.user
Wait Load measurement Percentage of this CPU waiting on I/O CpuPerc.wait
User Time measurement The total system CPU user time Cpu.user
User Time per Minute measurement The total system CPU user time Cpu.user
Nice Time measurement The total system CPU nice time Cpu.nice
Nice Time per Minute measurement The total system CPU nice time Cpu.nice
System Time measurement The total system CPU kernel time Cpu.sys
System Time per Minute measurement The total system CPU kernel time Cpu.sys
Idle Time measurement The total system CPU idle time Cpu.idle
Idle Time per Minute measurement The total system CPU idle time Cpu.idle
Wait Time measurement The total system CPU I/O wait time Cpu.wait
Wait Time per Minute measurement The total system CPU I/O wait time Cpu.wait
Vendor trait Vendor of this CPU CpuTrait.vendor
CPU Model trait Model of this CPU CpuTrait.model
CPU Speed trait Speed of this CPU in Mhz CpuTrait.mhz
Cache size trait Cache Size of this CPU CpuTrait.cacheSize


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


1.1.4. Platforms - Process Service


Table 1.10. Overview
Description: A generic process monitoring service to track native process information based on a pid file or process query
Singleton: no
Plugin: Platforms

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 1.11. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Type Choice of using a pid file or a PIQL query to find the process to monitor yes type
Pid File Fully qualified path to the pid file for the process to monitor no pidFile
Piql Process Information Query Language for process to monitor no piql
Full Process Tree If true, the entire process tree will be monitored yes fullProcessTree


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 1.12. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
User Time measurement The aggregate amount of CPU user time spent by all processes Process.cpu.user
User Time per Minute measurement The aggregate amount of CPU user time spent by all processes Process.cpu.user
Kernel Time measurement The aggregate amount of CPU kernel time spent by all processes Process.cpu.sys
Kernel Time per Minute measurement The aggregate amount of CPU kernel time spent by all processes Process.cpu.sys
CPU Percentage measurement The percentage of CPU currently being used by all processes Process.cpu.percent
Physical Memory measurement The aggregate amount of resident memory used by all processes Process.memory.resident
Virtual Memory measurement The aggregate amount of virtual memory used by all processes Process.memory.size
Open File Descriptors measurement The aggregate number of file descriptors open by all processes Process.fileDescriptor.total


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types

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