

3.4.2. JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Host Service

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Table 3.1046. Overview
Description: A host involved in this domain
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.1047. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1048. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Host state trait Detailed host state host-state
Start time of the server trait Start time of the server startTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.1049. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Properties no *2
Path The standard paths provided by the system include: jboss.home - the root directory of the JBoss AS distribution; user.home - user's home directory; user.dir - user's current working directory; java.home - java installation directory; jboss.server.base.dir - root directory for an individual server instance; jboss.server.data.dir - directory the server will use for persistent data file storage; jboss.server.log.dir - directory the server will use for log file storage; jboss.server.tmp.dir - directory the server will use for temporary file storage; jboss.domain.servers.dir - directory under which a host controller will create the working area for individual server instances no *3


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types

none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - JVM Service

Table 3.1050. Overview
Description: Information about the underlying JVM
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1051. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Operating System Service
Table 3.1052. Overview
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1053. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1054. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Available Processors measurement The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine. available-processors
System Load Average measurement The system load average for the last minute. The load average may not be available on some platforms; if the load average is not available, a negative value is returned. system-load-average


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Memory Service
Table 3.1055. Overview
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1056. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1057. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Object Pending Finalization Count measurement The approximate number of objects for which finalization is pending. object-pending-finalization-count
Initial heap usage measurement The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. heap-memory-usage:init
Used heap measurement The amount of used memory in bytes. heap-memory-usage:used
Committed heap measurement The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. heap-memory-usage:committed
Maximum heap usage measurement The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. heap-memory-usage:max
Initial non-heap usage measurement The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. non-heap-memory-usage:init
Used non-heap memory measurement The amount of used memory in bytes. non-heap-memory-usage:used
Committed non-heap memory measurement The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. non-heap-memory-usage:committed
Maximum non-heap usage measurement The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. non-heap-memory-usage:max


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.1058. Metrics
Name Description
Trigger GC Runs the garbage collector.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Runtime Service
Table 3.1059. Overview
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1060. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1061. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Uptime measurement The uptime of the Java virtual machine in milliseconds. uptime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Threading Service
Table 3.1062. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1063. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1064. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Thread Count measurement The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads. thread-count
Peak Thread Count measurement The peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset. peak-thread-count
Total Started Thread Count measurement The total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started. total-started-thread-count
Daemon Thread Count measurement The current number of live daemon threads. daemon-thread-count
Current Thread Cpu Time measurement The total CPU time for the current thread in nanoseconds, or -1 if 'thread-cpu-time-enabled' is 'false'. A Java virtual machine implementation may not support CPU time measurement. If 'thread-cpu-time-supported', is 'false' undefined. current-thread-cpu-time
Current Thread User Time measurement The CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode in nanoseconds, or -1 if 'thread-cpu-time-enabled' is 'false'. A Java virtual machine implementation may not support CPU time measurement. If 'thread-cpu-time-supported', is 'false' the result will be undefined current-thread-user-time


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.1065. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Thread Contention Monitoring Enabled Whether thread contention monitoring is enabled. no thread-contention-monitoring-enabled
Thread Cpu Time Enabled Whether thread CPU time measurement is enabled. no thread-cpu-time-enabled
All Thread Ids All live thread IDs. If a security manager is installed and the caller does not have ManagementPermission('monitor'), the result will be undefined. yes all-thread-ids
Thread Contention Monitoring Supported Whether the Java virtual machine supports thread contention monitoring. no thread-contention-monitoring-supported
Thread Cpu Time Supported Whether the Java virtual machine implementation supports CPU time measurement for any thread. no thread-cpu-time-supported
Current Thread Cpu Time Supported Whether the Java virtual machine supports CPU time measurement for the current thread. no current-thread-cpu-time-supported
Object Monitor Usage Supported Whether the Java virtual machine supports monitoring of object monitor usage. no object-monitor-usage-supported
Synchronizer Usage Supported Whether the Java virtual machine supports monitoring of ownable synchronizer usage. no synchronizer-usage-supported


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1066. Metrics
Name Description
Dump All Threads Returns the thread info for all live threads with stack trace and synchronization information.
Find Deadlocked Threads Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers.
Find Monitor Deadlocked Threads Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors.
Get Thread Cpu Time Returns the total CPU time for a thread of the specified ID in nanoseconds.
Get Thread Info Returns the thread info for a thread of the specified id. The stack trace, locked monitors, and locked synchronizers in the returned reply object will be empty.
Get Thread Infos Returns the thread info for each thread whose ID is in the input list.
Get Thread User Time Returns the CPU time that a thread of the specified ID has executed in user mode in nanoseconds.
Reset Peak Thread Count Resets the peak thread count to the current number of live threads.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Garbage Collector Service
Table 3.1067. Overview
Description: Parent resource for the resources providing the management interface for the garbage collection of the Java virtual machine.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1068. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Garbage Collector Resource Service
Table 3.1069. Overview
Description: The management interface for one of the garbage collectors in the Java virtual machine.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1070. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path
Include Runtime yes includeRuntime


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1071. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Collection Count measurement The total number of collections that have occurred. collection-count
Collection Time measurement The approximate accumulated collection elapsed time in milliseconds. collection-time
Name trait The name representing this garbage collector name
Valid trait Whether this this memory manager is valid in the Java virtual machine. valid


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.1072. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Memory Pool Names The name of memory pools that this garbage collector manages. yes memory-pool-names


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Memory Pool Service
Table 3.1073. Overview
Description: Parent resource for the resources providing the management interface for the Java virtual machine's memory pools.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1074. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Memory Pool Resource Service
Table 3.1075. Overview
Description: The management interface for a memory pool. A memory pool represents the memory resource managed by the Java virtual machine and is managed by one or more memory managers.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.1076. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path
Include Runtime yes includeRuntime


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1077. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Collection Usage - Init measurement The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. collection-usage:init
Collection Usage - Used measurement The amount of used memory in bytes. collection-usage:used
Collection Usage - Committed measurement The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. collection-usage:committed
Collection Usage - Max measurement The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. collection-usage:max
Collection Usage Threshold Count measurement The number of times that the Java virtual machine has detected that the memory usage has reached or exceeded the collection usage threshold. A memory pool may not support a collection usage threshold. If 'collection-usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. collection-usage-threshold-count
Collection Usage Threshold Exceeded measurement Whether the memory usage of this memory pool after the most recent collection on which the Java virtual machine has expended effort has reached or exceeded its collection usage threshold. A memory pool may not support a collection usage threshold. If 'collection-usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. collection-usage-threshold-exceeded
Collection Usage Threshold Supported trait Whether this memory pool supports a collection usage threshold. collection-usage-threshold-supported
Name trait The name representing this memory pool. name
Peak Usage - Init measurement The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. peak-usage:init
Peak Usage - Used measurement The amount of used memory in bytes. peak-usage:used
Peak Usage - Committed measurement The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. peak-usage:committed
Peak Usage - Max measurement The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. peak-usage:max
Type trait The type of this memory pool. type
Usage - Init measurement The amount of memory in bytes that the Java virtual machine initially requests from the operating system for memory management. usage:init
Usage - Used measurement The amount of used memory in bytes. usage:used
Usage - Committed measurement The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. usage:committed
Usage - Max measurement The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. usage:max
Usage Threshold Count measurement The number of times that the memory usage has crossed the usage threshold. A memory pool may not support a usage threshold. If 'usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. usage-threshold-count
Usage Threshold Exceeded measurement Whether the memory usage of this memory pool reaches or exceeds its usage threshold value. A memory pool may not support a usage threshold. If 'usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. usage-threshold-exceeded
Usage Threshold Supported trait Whether this memory pool supports usage threshold. usage-threshold-supported
Valid trait Whether this memory pool is valid in the Java virtual machine. A memory pool becomes invalid once the Java virtual machine removes it from the memory system. valid


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.1078. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Collection Usage Threshold The collection usage threshold value of this memory pool in bytes. A memory pool may not support a collection usage threshold. If 'collection-usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. no collection-usage-threshold
Memory Manager Names The names of the memory managers that manage this memory pool. yes memory-manager-names
Usage Threshold The usage threshold value of this memory pool in bytes. A memory pool may not support a usage threshold. If 'usage-threshold-supported', is 'false' trying to read this attribute via the 'read-attribute' operation will result in failure, and the value of this attribute in the result of a 'read-resource' operation will be 'undefined'. no usage-threshold


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.1079. Metrics
Name Description
Reset Peak Usage Resets the peak memory usage statistic of this memory pool to the current memory usage.
Package Types
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