

3.3.12. JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Deployment Service

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Table 3.411. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.412. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.413. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Status trait The current runtime status of a deployment. Possible status modes are OK, FAILED, and STOPPED. FAILED indicates a dependency is missing or a service could not start. STOPPED indicates that the deployment was manually stopped. status


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.414. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Content List of pieces of content that comprise the deployment. yes content
Enabled Boolean indicating whether the deployment content is currently deployed in the runtime (or should be deployed in the runtime the next time the server starts.) yes enabled
Name Unique identifier of the deployment. Must be unique across all deployments. yes name
Persistent Boolean indicating whether the existence of the deployment should be recorded in the persistent server configuration. Only relevant to a standalone mode server. Default is 'true'. A deployment managed by a deployment scanner would have this set to 'false' to ensure the deployment is only deployed at server start if the scanner again detects the deployment. yes persistent
Runtime Name Name by which the deployment should be known within a server runtime. This would be equivalent to the file name of a deployment file, and would form the basis for such things as default Java Enterprise Edition application and module names. This would typically be the same as 'name', but in some cases users may wish to have two deployments with the same runtime-name (e.g. two versions of foo.war) both available in the deployment content repository, in which case the deployments would need to have distinct name; values but would have the same runtime-name. yes runtime-name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.415. Metrics
Name Description

Package Types

Table 3.416. Package Types
Name Category Description
File Deployable Deployments on this server group JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Subdeployment Service

Table 3.417. Overview
Description: Runtime resources associated with a child deployment packaged inside another deployment; for example a war packaged inside an ear.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.418. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Web Runtime Service
Table 3.419. Overview
Description: Runtime resources exposed by web components in the deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.420. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Response Time Log File the full path to the log file containing response-time stats for this webapp no responseTimeLogFile
Response Time Url Excludes a space-delimited list of regular expressions specifying URLs that should be excluded from response-time stats collection no responseTimeUrlExcludes
Response Time Url Transforms a space-delimited list of Perl-style substitution expressions that should be applied to all URLs for which response-time stats are collected (e.g. |^/dept/finance/.*|/dept/finance/*|) no responseTimeUrlTransforms
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.421. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Virtual Host trait the virtual host this webapp is deployed to virtual-host
Context Root trait the context root of this webapp context-root
Response Time calltime the minimum, maximum, and average response times for requests serviced by this webapp responseTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Datasources Runtime Service
Table 3.422. Overview
Description: Runtime resources exposed by data sources included in this deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.423. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - XA Datasource Runtime Service
Table 3.424. Overview
Description: A JDBC XA data-source configuration
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.425. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.426. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Properties no *2
Allocation Retry The allocation retry element indicates the number of times that allocating a connection should be tried before throwing an exception no allocation-retry
Allocation Retry Wait Millis The allocation retry wait millis element specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait between retrying to allocate a connection no allocation-retry-wait-millis
Background Validation An element to specify that connections should be validated on a background thread versus being validated prior to use. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. The default value is false. no background-validation
Background Validation Millis The background-validation-millis element specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that background validation will run. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise no background-validation-millis
Blocking Timeout Wait Millis The blocking-timeout-millis element specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for locking a connection, and will never throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long time no blocking-timeout-wait-millis
Check Valid Connection Sql Specify an SQL statement to check validity of a pool connection. This may be called when managed connection is obtained from the pool no check-valid-connection-sql
Driver Name Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use. It is a symbolic name matching the the name of installed driver. In case the driver is deployed as jar, the name is the name of deployment unit yes driver-name
Enabled Specifies if the datasource should be enabled no enabled
Exception Sorter Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.ExceptionSorter that provides an isExceptionFatal(SQLException) method to validate if an exception should broadcast an error no exception-sorter-class-name
Exception Sorter Properties The exception sorter properties no exception-sorter-properties
Flush Strategy Specifies how the pool should be flush in case of an error. no flush-strategy
Idle Timeout Minutes The idle-timeout-minutes elements specifies the maximum time, in minutes, a connection may be idle before being closed. The actual maximum time depends also on the IdleRemover scan time, which is half of the smallest idle-timeout-minutes value of any pool. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. no idle-timeout-minutes
Interleaving An element to enable interleaving for XA connections. The default value is false. no interleaving
Jndi Name Specifies the JNDI name for the datasource yes jndi-name
Jta Enable JTA integration. The default value is true. no jta
Max Pool Size The max-pool-size element specifies the maximum number of connections for a pool. No more connections will be created in each sub-pool. The default value is 20. no max-pool-size
Min Pool Size The min-pool-size element specifies the minimum number of connections for a pool. The default value is 0. no min-pool-size
New Connection Sql Specifies an SQL statement to execute whenever a connection is added to the connection pool no new-connection-sql
No Recovery Specifies if the connection pool should be excluded from recovery no no-recovery
No Tx Separate Pool Oracle does not like XA connections getting used both inside and outside a JTA transaction. To workaround the problem you can create separate sub-pools for the different contexts. The default value is false. no no-tx-separate-pool
Pad Xid Should the Xid be padded. The default value is false. no pad-xid
Password Specifies the password used when creating a new connection no password
Pool Prefill Should the pool be prefilled. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. The default value is false. no pool-prefill
Pool Use Strict Min Specifies if the min-pool-size should be considered strictly. The default value is false. no pool-use-strict-min
Prepared Statements Cache Size The number of prepared statements per connection in an LRU cache no prepared-statements-cache-size
Query Timeout Any configured query timeout in seconds. If not provided no timeout will be set no query-timeout
Reauth Plugin Class Name The fully qualified class name of the reauthentication plugin implementation no reauth-plugin-class-name
Reauth Plugin Properties The properties for the reauthentication plugin no reauth-plugin-properties
Recovery Password The password used for recovery no recovery-password
Recovery Plugin Class Name The fully qualified class name of the recovery plugin implementation no recovery-plugin-class-name
Recovery Plugin Properties The properties for the recovery plugin no recovery-plugin-properties
Recovery Security Domain The security domain used for recovery no recovery-security-domain
Recovery Username The user name used for recovery no recovery-username
Same Rm Override The is-same-rm-override element allows one to unconditionally set whether the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRM(XAResource) returns true or false no same-rm-override
Security Domain Specifies the security domain which defines the javax.security.auth.Subject that are used to distinguish connections in the pool no security-domain
Set Tx Query Timeout Whether to set the query timeout based on the time remaining until transaction timeout. Any configured query timeout will be used if there is no transaction. The default value is false. no set-tx-query-timeout
Share Prepared Statements Whether to share prepared statements, i.e. whether asking for same statement twice without closing uses the same underlying prepared statement. The default value is false. no share-prepared-statements
Spy Enable spying of SQL statements. The default value is false. no spy
Stale Connection Checker Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionChecker that provides an isStaleConnection(SQLException) method which if it returns true will wrap the exception in an org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionException no stale-connection-checker-class-name
Stale Connection Checker Properties The stale connection checker properties no stale-connection-checker-properties
Track Statements Whether to check for unclosed statements when a connection is returned to the pool, result sets are closed, a statement is closed or return to the prepared statement cache. Valid values are: 'false' - do not track statements, 'true' - track statements and result sets and warn when they are not closed, 'nowarn' - track statements but do not warn about them being unclosed. The default value is 'NOWARN'. no track-statements
Transaction Isolation Set the java.sql.Connection transaction isolation level. Valid values are: TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE and TRANSACTION_NONE no transaction-isolation
Url Delimiter Specifies the delimeter for URLs in connection-url for HA datasources no url-delimiter
Url Selector Strategy Class Name A class that implements org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.URLSelectorStrategy no url-selector-strategy-class-name
Use Ccm Enable the use of a cached connection manager. The default value is true. no use-ccm
Use Fast Fail Whether to fail a connection allocation on the first try if it is invalid (true) or keep trying until the pool is exhausted of all potential connections (false). The default value is false. no use-fast-fail
Use Java Context Setting this to false will bind the datasource into global JNDI. The default value is true. no use-java-context
Use Try Lock Any configured timeout for internal locks on the resource adapter objects in seconds no use-try-lock
User Name Specify the user name used when creating a new connection no user-name
Valid Connection Checker Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.ValidConnectionChecker that provides an isValidConnection(Connection) method to validate a connection. If an exception is returned that means the connection is invalid. This overrides the check-valid-connection-sql element no valid-connection-checker-class-name
Valid Connection Checker Properties The valid connection checker properties no valid-connection-checker-properties
Validate On Match The validate-on-match element specifies if connection validation should be done when a connection factory attempts to match a managed connection. This is typically exclusive to the use of background validation. The default value is false. no validate-on-match
Wrap Xa Resource Should the XAResource instances be wrapped in a org.jboss.tm.XAResourceWrapper instance. The default value is true. no wrap-xa-resource
Xa Datasource Class The fully qualifed name of the javax.sql.XADataSource implementation no xa-datasource-class
Xa Resource Timeout The value is passed to XAResource.setTransactionTimeout(), in seconds. Default is zero no xa-resource-timeout


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.427. Metrics
Name Description
Subsystem:flush All Connection In Pool Flushes all connections in the pool
Subsystem:flush Idle Connection In Pool Flushes all idle connections in the pool
Subsystem:test Connection In Pool Test if a connection can be obtained
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Datasource Runtime Service
Table 3.428. Overview
Description: A JDBC data-source configuration
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.429. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.430. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Connection Property no *1
Allocation Retry The allocation retry element indicates the number of times that allocating a connection should be tried before throwing an exception no allocation-retry
Allocation Retry Wait Millis The allocation retry wait millis element specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait between retrying to allocate a connection no allocation-retry-wait-millis
Background Validation An element to specify that connections should be validated on a background thread versus being validated prior to use. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. The default value is false. no background-validation
Background Validation Millis The background-validation-millis element specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that background validation will run. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise no background-validation-millis
Blocking Timeout Wait Millis The blocking-timeout-millis element specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for locking a connection, and will never throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long time no blocking-timeout-wait-millis
Check Valid Connection Sql Specify an SQL statement to check validity of a pool connection. This may be called when managed connection is obtained from the pool no check-valid-connection-sql
Connection Url The JDBC driver connection URL yes connection-url
Datasource Class The fully qualifed name of the JDBC datasource class no datasource-class
Driver Class The fully qualifed name of the JDBC driver class no driver-class
Driver Name Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use. It is a symbolic name matching the the name of installed driver. In case the driver is deployed as jar, the name is the name of deployment unit yes driver-name
Enabled Specifies if the datasource should be enabled no enabled
Exception Sorter Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.ExceptionSorter that provides an isExceptionFatal(SQLException) method to validate if an exception should broadcast an error no exception-sorter-class-name
Exception Sorter Properties The exception sorter properties no exception-sorter-properties
Flush Strategy Specifies how the pool should be flush in case of an error. no flush-strategy
Idle Timeout Minutes The idle-timeout-minutes elements specifies the maximum time, in minutes, a connection may be idle before being closed. The actual maximum time depends also on the IdleRemover scan time, which is half of the smallest idle-timeout-minutes value of any pool. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. no idle-timeout-minutes
Jndi Name Specifies the JNDI name for the datasource yes jndi-name
Jta Enable JTA integration. The default value is true. no jta
Max Pool Size The max-pool-size element specifies the maximum number of connections for a pool. No more connections will be created in each sub-pool. The default value is 20. no max-pool-size
Min Pool Size The min-pool-size element specifies the minimum number of connections for a pool. The default value is 0. no min-pool-size
New Connection Sql Specifies an SQL statement to execute whenever a connection is added to the connection pool no new-connection-sql
Password Specifies the password used when creating a new connection no password
Pool Prefill Should the pool be prefilled. Changing this value can be done only on disabled datasource, requires a server restart otherwise. The default value is false. no pool-prefill
Pool Use Strict Min Specifies if the min-pool-size should be considered strictly. The default value is false. no pool-use-strict-min
Prepared Statements Cache Size The number of prepared statements per connection in an LRU cache no prepared-statements-cache-size
Query Timeout Any configured query timeout in seconds. If not provided no timeout will be set no query-timeout
Reauth Plugin Class Name The fully qualified class name of the reauthentication plugin implementation no reauth-plugin-class-name
Reauth Plugin Properties The properties for the reauthentication plugin no reauth-plugin-properties
Security Domain Specifies the security domain which defines the javax.security.auth.Subject that are used to distinguish connections in the pool no security-domain
Set Tx Query Timeout Whether to set the query timeout based on the time remaining until transaction timeout. Any configured query timeout will be used if there is no transaction. The default value is false. no set-tx-query-timeout
Share Prepared Statements Whether to share prepared statements, i.e. whether asking for same statement twice without closing uses the same underlying prepared statement. The default value is false. no share-prepared-statements
Spy Enable spying of SQL statements. The default value is false. no spy
Stale Connection Checker Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionChecker that provides an isStaleConnection(SQLException) method which if it returns true will wrap the exception in an org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.StaleConnectionException no stale-connection-checker-class-name
Stale Connection Checker Properties The stale connection checker properties no stale-connection-checker-properties
Track Statements Whether to check for unclosed statements when a connection is returned to the pool, result sets are closed, a statement is closed or return to the prepared statement cache. Valid values are: 'false' - do not track statements, 'true' - track statements and result sets and warn when they are not closed, 'nowarn' - track statements but do not warn about them being unclosed. The default value is 'NOWARN'. no track-statements
Transaction Isolation Set the java.sql.Connection transaction isolation level. Valid values are: TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE and TRANSACTION_NONE no transaction-isolation
Url Delimiter Specifies the delimeter for URLs in connection-url for HA datasources no url-delimiter
Url Selector Strategy Class Name A class that implements org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.URLSelectorStrategy no url-selector-strategy-class-name
Use Ccm Enable the use of a cached connection manager. The default value is true. no use-ccm
Use Fast Fail Whether to fail a connection allocation on the first try if it is invalid (true) or keep trying until the pool is exhausted of all potential connections (false). The default value is false. no use-fast-fail
Use Java Context Setting this to false will bind the datasource into global JNDI. The default value is true. no use-java-context
Use Try Lock Any configured timeout for internal locks on the resource adapter objects in seconds no use-try-lock
User Name Specify the user name used when creating a new connection no user-name
Valid Connection Checker Class Name An org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.ValidConnectionChecker that provides an isValidConnection(Connection) method to validate a connection. If an exception is returned that means the connection is invalid. This overrides the check-valid-connection-sql element no valid-connection-checker-class-name
Valid Connection Checker Properties The valid connection checker properties no valid-connection-checker-properties
Validate On Match The validate-on-match element specifies if connection validation should be done when a connection factory attempts to match a managed connection. This is typically exclusive to the use of background validation. The default value is false. no validate-on-match


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.431. Metrics
Name Description
Subsystem:flush All Connection In Pool Flushes all connections in the pool
Subsystem:flush Idle Connection In Pool Flushes all idle connections in the pool
Subsystem:test Connection In Pool Test if a connection can be obtained
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Messaging Runtime Service
Table 3.432. Overview
Description: Runtime resources exposed by messaging resources included in this deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.433. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - HornetQ Server Runtime Service
Table 3.434. Overview
Description: A HornetQ server instance.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource TypesConnection Properties
Table 3.435. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.436. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Started trait Whether this server is started. started
Version trait The server's version. version


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.437. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Allow Failback Whether this server will automatically shutdown if the original live server comes back up. The default value is true. no allow-failback
Async Connection Execution Enabled Whether incoming packets on the server should be handed off to a thread from the thread pool for processing. False if they should be handled on the remoting thread. The default value is true. no async-connection-execution-enabled
Backup Whether this server is a backup server. The default value is false. no backup
Cluster Password The password used by cluster connections to communicate between the clustered nodes. The default value is CHANGE ME!!. no cluster-password
Cluster User The user used by cluster connections to communicate between the clustered nodes. The default value is HORNETQ.CLUSTER.ADMIN.USER. no cluster-user
Clustered Whether the server is clustered. The default value is false. no clustered
Connection Ttl Override If set, this will override how long (in ms) to keep a connection alive without receiving a ping. The default value is -1. no connection-ttl-override
Create Bindings Dir Whether the server should create the bindings directory on start up. The default value is true. no create-bindings-dir
Create Journal Dir Whether the server should create the journal directory on start up. The default value is true. no create-journal-dir
Failback Delay How long to wait before failback occurs on live server restart. The default value is 5000. no failback-delay
Failover On Shutdown Whether this backup server (if it is a backup server) should come live on a normal server shutdown. The default value is false. no failover-on-shutdown
Id Cache Size The size of the cache for pre-creating message IDs. The default value is 2000. no id-cache-size
Jmx Domain The JMX domain used to register internal HornetQ MBeans in the MBeanServer. The default value is org.hornetq. no jmx-domain
Jmx Management Enabled Whether HornetQ should expose its internal management API via JMX. This is not recommended, as accessing these MBeans can lead to inconsistent configuration. The default value is false. no jmx-management-enabled
Journal Buffer Size The size of the internal buffer on the journal. no journal-buffer-size
Journal Buffer Timeout The timeout (in nanoseconds) used to flush internal buffers on the journal. no journal-buffer-timeout
Journal Compact Min Files The minimal number of journal data files before we can start compacting. The default value is 10. no journal-compact-min-files
Journal Compact Percentage The percentage of live data on which we consider compacting the journal. The default value is 30. no journal-compact-percentage
Journal File Size The size (in bytes) of each journal file. The default value is 10485760. no journal-file-size
Journal Max Io The maximum number of write requests that can be in the AIO queue at any one time. no journal-max-io
Journal Min Files How many journal files to pre-create. The default value is 2. no journal-min-files
Journal Sync Non Transactional Whether to wait for non transaction data to be synced to the journal before returning a response to the client. The default value is true. no journal-sync-non-transactional
Journal Sync Transactional Whether to wait for transaction data to be synchronized to the journal before returning a response to the client. The default value is true. no journal-sync-transactional
Journal Type The type of journal to use. The default value is ASYNCIO. no journal-type
Live Connector Ref The name of the connector used to connect to the live connector. If this server is not a backup that uses shared nothing HA, it's value is 'undefined'. no live-connector-ref
Log Journal Write Rate Whether to periodically log the journal's write rate and flush rate. The default value is false. no log-journal-write-rate
Management Address Address to send management messages to. The default value is jms.queue.hornetq.management. no management-address
Management Notification Address The name of the address that consumers bind to to receive management notifications. The default value is hornetq.notifications. no management-notification-address
Memory Measure Interval Frequency to sample JVM memory in ms (or -1 to disable memory sampling). The default value is -1. no memory-measure-interval:expr
Memory Warning Threshold Percentage of available memory which if exceeded results in a warning log. The default value is 25. no memory-warning-threshold:expr
Message Counter Enabled Whether message counters are enabled. The default value is false. no message-counter-enabled
Message Counter Max Day History How many days to keep message counter history. The default value is 10. no message-counter-max-day-history
Message Counter Sample Period The sample period (in ms) to use for message counters. The default value is 10000. no message-counter-sample-period
Message Expiry Scan Period How often (in ms) to scan for expired messages. The default value is 30000. no message-expiry-scan-period
Message Expiry Thread Priority The priority of the thread expiring messages. The default value is 3. no message-expiry-thread-priority
Page Max Concurrent Io The maximum number of concurrent reads allowed on paging. The default value is 5. no page-max-concurrent-io
Perf Blast Pages TODO. The default value is -1. no perf-blast-pages
Persist Delivery Count Before Delivery Whether the delivery count is persisted before delivery. False means that this only happens after a message has been cancelled. The default value is false. no persist-delivery-count-before-delivery
Persist Id Cache Whether IDs are persisted to the journal. The default value is true. no persist-id-cache
Persistence Enabled Whether the server will use the file based journal for persistence. The default value is true. no persistence-enabled
Remoting Interceptors The list of interceptor classes used by this server. no remoting-interceptors
Run Sync Speed Test Whether on startup to perform a diagnostic test on how fast your disk can sync. Useful when determining performance issues. The default value is false. no run-sync-speed-test
Scheduled Thread Pool Max Size The number of threads that the main scheduled thread pool has. The default value is 5. no scheduled-thread-pool-max-size:expr
Security Domain The security domain to use to verify user and role information. The default value is other. no security-domain
Security Enabled Whether security is enabled. The default value is true. no security-enabled
Security Invalidation Interval How long (in ms) to wait before invalidating the security cache. The default value is 10000. no security-invalidation-interval
Server Dump Interval How often to dump basic runtime information to the server log. A value less than 1 disables this feature. The default value is -1. no server-dump-interval
Shared Store Whether this server is using a shared store for failover. The default value is true. no shared-store
Thread Pool Max Size The number of threads that the main thread pool has. -1 means no limit. The default value is 30. no thread-pool-max-size:expr
Transaction Timeout How long (in ms) before a transaction can be removed from the resource manager after create time. The default value is 300000. no transaction-timeout
Transaction Timeout Scan Period How often (in ms) to scan for timeout transactions. The default value is 1000. no transaction-timeout-scan-period
Wild Card Routing Enabled Whether the server supports wild card routing. The default value is true. no wild-card-routing-enabled


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.438. Metrics
Name Description
Close Connections for Address Closes all the connections of clients connected to this server whose remote address contains the specified IP address. Returns true if any connections were closed, false otherwise.
Commit Prepared Transaction Heuristically commits a prepared transaction.
Force Failover Force the messaging server to stop and notify clients to failover.
Get Address Settings as JSON Returns the address settings as a JSON string for an address match. The returned String is a JSON string containing an array of address settings details.
Get Connectors as JSON Returns the connectors configured for this server using JSON serialization.
Get Last Sent Message ID Returns the ID of the last message sent from the given session to the given address.
Get Session Creation Time Gets the session's creation time. Returns the creation time, represented as a string showing the number of milliseconds since the epoch.
List All Consumers as JSON Lists all the consumers.
List Connection IDs Lists the IDs of all the connections connected to this server.
List Connections as JSON List all JMS connections.
List Consumers as JSON Lists all the consumers which belongs to the JMS Connection specified by the connection-id.
List Heuristic Committed Transactions Lists transactions which have been heuristically committed. Returns a list of strings. The Strings are Base-64 representation of the transaction XID.
List Heuristic Rolled Back Transactions Lists transactions which have been heuristically rolled back. Returns a list of strings. The Strings are Base-64 representation of the transaction XID.
List Prepared Transaction Details as HTML List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in HTML format.
List Prepared Transaction Details as JSON List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first, with details, in JSON format.
List Prepared Transaction JMS Details as HTML List all the prepared transactions, sorted by date, oldest first, with details in JMS, in HTML format
List Prepared Transaction JMS details as JSON List all the prepared transactions, sorted by date, oldest first, with details in JMS format, in JSON format
List Prepared Transactions List all the prepared transaction, sorted by date, oldest first. Returns a list of strings. The Strings are Base-64 representation of the transaction XID and can be used to heuristically commit or rollback the transactions.
List Producers Info as JSON For all sessions, lists information about message producers using JSON serialization.
List Remote Addresses Lists the addresses of all the clients connected to the given address. If an ip-address argument is supplied, only those clients whose remote address string includes the given ip-address string will be returned.
List Sessions Lists all the sessions IDs for the specified connection ID.
List Sessions as JSON Lists all the sessions IDs for the specified connection ID. The returned String is a JSON string containing an array of session ids.
List Target Destinations Lists all addresses to which the designated session has sent messages. The returned String is a JSON string containing an array of address names.
Reset All Message Counter Histories Reset all message counters history.
Reset All Message Counters Reset all message counters.
Rollback Prepared Transaction Heuristically rolls back a prepared transaction. Returns true if the transaction was successfully rolled back, false otherwise.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - JMS Queue Runtime Service
Table 3.439. Overview
Description: Defines a JMS queue.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.440. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.441. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Consumer Count measurement The number of consumers consuming messages from this queue. consumer-count
Dead Letter Address trait The address to send dead messages to. dead-letter-address
Delivering Count measurement The number of messages that this queue is currently delivering to its consumers. delivering-count
Durable trait Whether the queue is durable or not. The default value is true. durable
Expiry Address trait The address to send expired messages to. expiry-address
Message Count measurement The number of messages currently in this queue. message-count
Messages Added measurement The number of messages added to this queue since it was created. messages-added
Paused trait Whether the queue is paused. paused
Queue Address trait The queue address defines what address is used for routing messages. queue-address
Scheduled Count measurement The number of scheduled messages in this queue. scheduled-count
Selector trait The queue selector. selector
Temporary trait Whether the queue is temporary. temporary


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.442. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Entries The jndi names the queue will be bound to. yes entries


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.443. Metrics
Name Description
Change Message Priority Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given message-id. Returns true if the message was expired, false otherwise.
Change Messages Priority Change the priority of the messages corresponding to the given filter. Returns the number of removed messages.
Count Messages Returns the number of the messages in the queue matching the given filter.
Expire Message Expire the message corresponding to the given message-id. Returns true if the message was expired, false otherwise.
Expire Messages Expire the messages matching the given filter.
List Consumers as JSON A string in JSON format.
List Message Counter as HTML List the message counter as a string in HTML format.
List Message Counter as JSON List the message counter as a string in JSON format.
List Message Counter History as HTML List the message counter history.
List Message Counter History as JSON List the message counter history as a string in JSON format.
List Messages List all messages in the queue that match the filter
List Messages as JSON List all messages in the queue that match the filter and return them as a string in JSON format.
Move Message Move the message corresponding to the given message-id to another queue
Move Messages Move the messages corresponding to the given filter to another queue.
Pause Pause the queue.
Remove Message Remove the message corresponding to the given message-id.
Remove Messages Remove messages matching the given filter from the destination.
Reset Message Counter Reset the message counters.
Resume Resume the queue.
Send Message to Dead Letter Address Send the message corresponding to the given message-id to this queue's Dead Letter Address.
Send Messages to Dead Letter Address Send the messages corresponding to the given filter to this queue's Dead Letter Address.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - JMS Topic Runtime Service
Table 3.444. Overview
Description: Defines a JMS queue.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.445. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.446. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Delivering Count measurement The number of messages that this queue is currently delivering to its consumers. delivering-count
Durable Message Count measurement The number of messages for all durable subscribers for this topic. durable-message-count
Durable Subscription Count measurement The number of durable subscribers for this topic. durable-subscription-count
Message Count measurement The number of messages currently in this queue. message-count
Messages Added measurement The number of messages added to this queue since it was created. messages-added
Non Durable Message Count measurement The number of messages for all non-durable subscribers for this topic. non-durable-message-count
Non Durable Subscription Count measurement The number of non-durable subscribers for this topic. non-durable-subscription-count
Subscription Count measurement The number of (durable and non-durable) subscribers for this topic. subscription-count
Temporary trait Whether the topic is temporary. temporary
Topic Address trait The address the topic points to. topic-address


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.447. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
JNDI Names The jndi names the queue will be bound to. yes entries


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.448. Metrics
Name Description
Count Messages for Subscription Count the number of messages matching the filter for the given subscription.
Drop All Subscriptions Drop all subscriptions from this topic.
Drop Durable Subscription Drop a durable subscription
List All Subscriptions List all subscriptions.
List All Subscriptions as JSON List all subscriptions as a string in JSON format.
List Durable Subscriptions List only the durable subscriptions.
List Durable Subscriptions as JSON List only the durable subscriptions, as a string in JSON format.
List Messages for Subscription List all the messages for the given subscription.
List Messages for Subscription as JSON List all the messages for the given subscription as a string in JSON format.
List Non-Durable Subscriptions List only the non-durable subscriptions.
List Non-Durable Subscriptions as JSON List only the non-durable subscriptions, as a string in JSON format.
Remove Messages Remove messages matching the given filter from the destination.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - EJB3 Runtime Service
Table 3.449. Overview
Description: Runtime resources exposed by EJBs components included in this deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.450. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Message Driven Bean Runtime Service
Table 3.451. Overview
Description: Bean component included in the deployment.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.452. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.453. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Pool Available Count measurement The number of available (i.e. not in use) instances in the pool. pool-available-count
Pool Create Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been created. pool-create-count
Pool Current Size measurement The current size of the pool. pool-current-size
Pool Max Size measurement The maximum size of the pool. pool-max-size
Pool Remove Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been removed. pool-remove-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.454. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Class Name The component's class name. no component-class-name
Declared Roles The roles declared (via @DeclareRoles) on this EJB component. yes declared-roles
Run As Role The run-as role (if any) for this EJB component. no run-as-role
Security Domain The security domain for this EJB component. no security-domain
Timers EJB timers associated with the component. yes timers


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Singleton Bean Runtime Service
Table 3.455. Overview
Description: Singleton bean component included in the deployment.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.456. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.457. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Class Name The component's class name. no component-class-name
Declared Roles The roles declared (via @DeclareRoles) on this EJB component. yes declared-roles
Run As Role The run-as role (if any) for this EJB component. no run-as-role
Security Domain The security domain for this EJB component. no security-domain
Timers EJB timers associated with the component. yes timers


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Stateless Session Bean Runtime Service
Table 3.458. Overview
Description: Stateless session bean component included in the deployment.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.459. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.460. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Pool Available Count measurement The number of available (i.e. not in use) instances in the pool. pool-available-count
Pool Create Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been created. pool-create-count
Pool Current Size measurement The current size of the pool. pool-current-size
Pool Max Size measurement The maximum size of the pool. pool-max-size
Pool Remove Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been removed. pool-remove-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.461. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Class Name The component's class name. no component-class-name
Declared Roles The roles declared (via @DeclareRoles) on this EJB component. yes declared-roles
Run As Role The run-as role (if any) for this EJB component. no run-as-role
Security Domain The security domain for this EJB component. no security-domain
Timers EJB timers associated with the component. yes timers


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Entity Bean Runtime Service
Table 3.462. Overview
Description: Entity bean component included in the deployment.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.463. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.464. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Pool Available Count measurement The number of available (i.e. not in use) instances in the pool. pool-available-count
Pool Create Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been created. pool-create-count
Pool Current Size measurement The current size of the pool. pool-current-size
Pool Max Size measurement The maximum size of the pool. pool-max-size
Pool Remove Count measurement The number of bean instances that have been removed. pool-remove-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.465. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Class Name The component's class name. no component-class-name
Declared Roles The roles declared (via @DeclareRoles) on this EJB component. yes declared-roles
Run As Role The run-as role (if any) for this EJB component. no run-as-role
Security Domain The security domain for this EJB component. no security-domain


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Stateful Session Bean Runtime Service
Table 3.466. Overview
Description: Stateful session bean component included in the deployment.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.467. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.468. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Class Name The component's class name. no component-class-name
Declared Roles The roles declared (via @DeclareRoles) on this EJB component. yes declared-roles
Run As Role The run-as role (if any) for this EJB component. no run-as-role
Security Domain The security domain for this EJB component. no security-domain


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Webservices Runtime Service
Table 3.469. Overview
Description: Runtime resources exposed by web service components in the deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.470. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Endpoint Runtime Service
Table 3.471. Overview
Description: Webservice endpoint.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.472. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.473. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Average Processing Time measurement Average endpoint processing time. average-processing-time
Fault Count measurement Count of faults the endpoint generated. fault-count
Max Processing Time measurement Maximal endpoint processing time. max-processing-time
Min Processing Time measurement Minimal endpoint processing time. min-processing-time
Request Count measurement Count of requests the endpoint processed. request-count
Response Count measurement Count of responses the endpoint generated. response-count
Total Processing Time measurement Total endpoint processing time. total-processing-time


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.474. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Class Webservice endpoint class. yes class
Context Webservice endpoint context. yes context
Name Webservice endpoint name. yes name
Type Webservice endpoint type. yes type
Wsdl Url Webservice endpoint WSDL URL. yes wsdl-url


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - JPA Runtime Service
Table 3.475. Overview
Description: The configuration of the JPA subsystem.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.476. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Hibernate Persistence Unit Service
Table 3.477. Overview
Description: Runtime information about JPA use in the deployment.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource TypesConnection Properties
Table 3.478. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.479. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Close Statement Count measurement Number of released prepared statements. close-statement-count
Close Statement Count per Minute measurement Number of released prepared statements. close-statement-count
Collection Fetch Count measurement Number of collections fetched. collection-fetch-count
Collection Fetch Count per Minute measurement Number of collections fetched. collection-fetch-count
Collection Load Count measurement Number of collections loaded. collection-load-count
Collection Load Count per Minute measurement Number of collections loaded. collection-load-count
Collection Recreated Count measurement Number of collections recreated. collection-recreated-count
Collection Recreated Count per Minute measurement Number of collections recreated. collection-recreated-count
Collection Remove Count measurement Number of collections removed. collection-remove-count
Collection Remove Count per Minute measurement Number of collections removed. collection-remove-count
Collection Update Count measurement Number of collections updated. collection-update-count
Collection Update Count per Minute measurement Number of collections updated. collection-update-count
Completed Transaction Count measurement Number of completed transactions. completed-transaction-count
Completed Transaction Count per Minute measurement Number of completed transactions. completed-transaction-count
Connect Count measurement Get the number of connections asked for by the sessions. connect-count
Connect Count per Minute measurement Get the number of connections asked for by the sessions. connect-count
Entity Delete Count measurement Get number of entity deletes. entity-delete-count
Entity Delete Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity deletes. entity-delete-count
Entity Fetch Count measurement Get number of entity fetches. entity-fetch-count
Entity Fetch Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity fetches. entity-fetch-count
Entity Insert Count measurement Get number of entity inserts. entity-insert-count
Entity Insert Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity inserts. entity-insert-count
Entity Load Count measurement Get number of entity loads. entity-load-count
Entity Load Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity loads. entity-load-count
Entity Update Count measurement Get number of entity updates. entity-update-count
Entity Update Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity updates. entity-update-count
Flush Count measurement Get the number of flushes executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit). flush-count
Flush Count per Minute measurement Get the number of flushes executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit). flush-count
Optimistic Failure Count measurement Number of optimistic lock exceptions. optimistic-failure-count
Optimistic Failure Count per Minute measurement Number of optimistic lock exceptions. optimistic-failure-count
Prepared Statement Count measurement Number of acquired prepared statements. prepared-statement-count
Prepared Statement Count per Minute measurement Number of acquired prepared statements. prepared-statement-count
Query Cache Hit Count measurement Get the number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache. query-cache-hit-count
Query Cache Hit Count per Minute measurement Get the number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache. query-cache-hit-count
Query Cache Miss Count measurement Get the number of cached queries not found in cache. query-cache-miss-count
Query Cache Miss Count per Minute measurement Get the number of cached queries not found in cache. query-cache-miss-count
Query Cache Put Count measurement Get the number of cacheable queries put in cache. query-cache-put-count
Query Cache Put Count per Minute measurement Get the number of cacheable queries put in cache. query-cache-put-count
Query Execution Count measurement Get number of executed queries. query-execution-count
Query Execution Count per Minute measurement Get number of executed queries. query-execution-count
Query Execution Max Time measurement Get the time in milliseconds of the slowest query. query-execution-max-time
Query Execution Max Time Query String trait Get the query string for the slowest query. query-execution-max-time-query-string
Second Level Cache Hit Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections successfully retrieved from the cache. second-level-cache-hit-count
Second Level Cache Hit Count per Minute measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections successfully retrieved from the cache. second-level-cache-hit-count
Second Level Cache Miss Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded. second-level-cache-miss-count
Second Level Cache Miss Count per Minute measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded. second-level-cache-miss-count
Second Level Cache Put Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache. second-level-cache-put-count
Second Level Cache Put Count per Minute measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache. second-level-cache-put-count
Session Close Count measurement Number of sessions closed. session-close-count
Session Close Count per Minute measurement Number of sessions closed. session-close-count
Session Open Count measurement Number of sessions opened. session-open-count
Session Open Count per Minute measurement Number of sessions opened. session-open-count
Successful Transaction Count measurement Number of successful transactions. successful-transaction-count
Successful Transaction Count per Minute measurement Number of successful transactions. successful-transaction-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.480. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Enabled Determine if statistics are enabled. no enabled


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.481. Metrics
Name Description
Subsystem:clear Clear statistics.
Subsystem:evict All Evict all entities from second level cache.
Subsystem:summary Log the statistics.
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Entity Cache Service
Table 3.482. Overview
Description: Statistics for a Hibernate Second Level Cache region.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.483. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.484. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Element Count In Memory measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections currently stored in memory. element-count-in-memory
Hit Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections successfully retrieved from the cache. hit-count
Miss Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded. miss-count
Put Count measurement Number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache. put-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Query Cache Service
Table 3.485. Overview
Description: Statistics for individual queries.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.486. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.487. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Query Cache Hit Count measurement Get the number of times query was retrieved from cache. query-cache-hit-count
Query Cache Hit Count per Minute measurement Get the number of times query was retrieved from cache. query-cache-hit-count
Query Cache Miss Count measurement Get the number of times query was not found in cache. query-cache-miss-count
Query Cache Miss Count per Minute measurement Get the number of times query was not found in cache. query-cache-miss-count
Query Cache Put Count measurement Get the number of times query was put in cache. query-cache-put-count
Query Cache Put Count per Minute measurement Get the number of times query was put in cache. query-cache-put-count
Query Execution Average Time measurement Get the average time in milliseconds of the query. query-execution-average-time
Query Execution Count measurement Get number of times query has been executed. query-execution-count
Query Execution Count per Minute measurement Get number of times query has been executed. query-execution-count
Query Execution Max Time measurement Get the time in milliseconds of the query. query-execution-max-time
Query Execution Min Time measurement Get the minimum time in milliseconds of the query. query-execution-min-time
Query Execution Row Count measurement Get number of rows returned from executions of query. query-execution-row-count
Query Execution Row Count per Minute measurement Get number of rows returned from executions of query. query-execution-row-count
Query Name trait Query name. query-name


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Entity Service
Table 3.488. Overview
Description: Statistics for individual entities.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.489. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.490. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Entity Delete Count measurement Get number of entity deletes. entity-delete-count
Entity Delete Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity deletes. entity-delete-count
Entity Fetch Count measurement Get number of entity fetches. entity-fetch-count
Entity Fetch Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity fetches. entity-fetch-count
Entity Insert Count measurement Get number of entity inserts. entity-insert-count
Entity Insert Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity inserts. entity-insert-count
Entity Load Count measurement Get number of entity loads. entity-load-count
Entity Load Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity loads. entity-load-count
Entity Update Count measurement Get number of entity updates. entity-update-count
Entity Update Count per Minute measurement Get number of entity updates. entity-update-count
Optimistic Failure Count measurement Number of optimistic lock exceptions. optimistic-failure-count
Optimistic Failure Count per Minute measurement Number of optimistic lock exceptions. optimistic-failure-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Collection Service
Table 3.491. Overview
Description: Statistics for individual collections.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS7
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.492. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.493. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Collection Fetch Count measurement Number of times collection was fetched. collection-fetch-count
Collection Fetch Count per Minute measurement Number of times collection was fetched. collection-fetch-count
Collection Load Count measurement Number of times collection was loaded. collection-load-count
Collection Load Count per Minute measurement Number of times collection was loaded. collection-load-count
Collection Recreated Count measurement Number of times collection was recreated. collection-recreated-count
Collection Recreated Count per Minute measurement Number of times collection was recreated. collection-recreated-count
Collection Remove Count measurement Number of times collection was removed. collection-remove-count
Collection Remove Count per Minute measurement Number of times collection was removed. collection-remove-count
Collection Update Count measurement Number of times collection was updated. collection-update-count
Collection Update Count per Minute measurement Number of times collection was updated. collection-update-count


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
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