

Chapter 3. Enterprise Application Platform Resources

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There are certain server types that are supported by default in JBoss Operations Network, both for JBoss and non-JBoss resource types.
The JBoss resources here are included with JBoss ON by default through the EAP plug-in pack. Additional JBoss resources can be managed by JBoss ON by installing additional plug-in packs.

3.1. JBoss AS 4 and EAP 4 Server (Deprecated)


This plug-in is deprecated in JBoss ON 3.1.2 and will be removed in a future release.


Table 3.1. Overview
Description: JBoss Application Server
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Binding to IP addresses

When starting JBossAS instances that need to be monitored using remote JMX (i.e. JNP), it is necessary for the java.rmi.server.hostname System property to be set to the same value as the server's JNP address (which is set to the jboss.bind.address System property by default). Due to bugs in JBossAS (for more information please see http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4736 and http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4955, java.rmi.server.hostname will default to, unless JBossAS is started using -b, in which case java.rmi.server.hostname will default to the bind address specified as the argument to -b.
Therefore, you must start your JBossAS instances by using either -b:
run -b ...
or by explicitly specifying a value for java.rmi.server.hostname via -D or -P, e.g.:
run -Djboss.bind.address= -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= ...
Otherwise, you will not be able to manage the instance via JON.
Using -b is the recommended way to specify the bind address, since, in addition to setting jboss.bind.address and java.rmi.server.hostname, it will also set other JGroups-related System properties to the specified address.

Monitoring of EJB 2.x EJBs

The issue here is that JBossAS changed the way it creates the MBean names of the deployed EJBs from the JNDI names / EJB names. Basically the <jndi-name>, or <local-jndi-name> if <jndi-name> is not present, from jboss.xml is used.
So the workaround is to set the <jndi-name> to the ejb-name in your application. As this probably breaks client code, you will want to setup a naming reference that restores the original hierarchy. For example, if you have in jboss.xml:
You might change this to:
And then add an MBean flowsys-naming-alias-service.xml:
<mbean code="org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias"
<attribute name="ToName">flower.AbilityLocal</attribute>
<attribute name="FromName">Ability</attribute>
After you have done this, go into the inventory of the respective beans, edit the configuration and then click OK.
The naming alias ensures that clients of the Ability EJB can still find the bean in JNDI at the original location. Naming aliases appear in JNDIView (within JMX-Console) as LinkRef.

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans

Table 3.2. Metrics
Name Query
JBoss4 process|basename|match=^java.*,arg|org.jboss.Main|match=.*

Connection Properties

Table 3.3. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Naming Provider URL The JNP URL with which to connect to the JBoss Application Server instance (e.g. jnp:// yes namingURL
Principal The name of the principal (i.e. user) to authenticate. no principal
Credentials The credentials (i.e. password) that should be used to authenticate the principal. no credentials
JBoss Home Directory The absolute path to the directory where JBossAS is installed (e.g. /opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA). yes jbossHomeDir
Configuration Path The path to the configuration directory under which this instance operates (e.g. /opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {jbossHomeDir}. yes configurationPath
Configuration Set The name of the server configuration (e.g. minimal, default, or all); if not specified, it will default to the last path component of {configurationPath}. no configurationSet
Script Prefix A prefix applied to script execution commands; this prefix is applied verbatim. The full path of the executable is required (e.g. /usr/bin/sudo). For applicable platforms, this is typically a sudo command, so a sudo user must be configured appropriately for the specified command. Ignored if not set. no scriptPrefix
Start Script The path to the script used by the 'Start' operation to start this JBossAS server (e.g. /opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA/bin/run.sh); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {jbossHomeDir}; defaults to 'bin/run.sh' on UNIX or 'bin\run.bat' on Windows. no startScript
Shutdown Script The path to the script used by the 'Shutdown' operation to shutdown this JBossAS server (e.g. /opt/jboss-4.2.2.GA/bin/shutdown.sh); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {jbossHomeDir}; defaults to 'bin/shutdown.sh' on UNIX or 'bin\shutdown.bat' on Windows. no shutdownScript
Shutdown Method The method used to execute the Shutdown operation; defaults to 'JMX MBean'. no shutdownMethod
Binding Address The host or IP address used by all JBoss services as the binding address (e.g.; specify to tell JBossAS to bind to all available network interfaces; defaults to ''. no bindingAddress
JAVA_HOME Path The absolute path to a JRE or JDK installation directory containing the JVM that should be used to start and shutdown the JBossAS instance; defaults to the home directory of the RHQ agent JRE. no javaHomePath
Start Wait Max The time, in minutes,(e.g. 1 or 8) that must elapse before the server is considered to have failed to start up. The default is 5 minutes. no startWaitMax
Stop Wait Max The time, in minutes,(e.g. 1 or 8) that must elapse before the server is considered to have failed to stop. The default is 2.5 minutes. no stopWaitMax
Log Event Sources yes logEventSources
Snapshot Config Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the configuration yes snapshotConfigEnabled
Snapshot Config Directory The directory containing the configuration files that will be captured in the snapshot. This is usually relative to the configurationPath but can be a full absolute path. yes snapshotConfigDirectory
Snapshot Config Regex If defined, this regular expression must match a configuration file name if that file is to be captured in the snapshot. If not defined, all configuration files will be captured. no snapshotConfigRegex
Snapshot Config Recursive If true, the snapshot will include files located in subdirectories under the config directory. yes snapshotConfigRecursive
Snapshot Log Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the log files yes snapshotLogEnabled
Snapshot Log Directory The directory containing the log files that will be captured in the snapshot. This is usually relative to the configurationPath but can be a full absolute path. yes snapshotLogDirectory
Snapshot Log Regex If defined, this regular expression must match a log file name if that file is to be captured in the snapshot. If not defined, all log files will be captured. no snapshotLogRegex
Snapshot Log Recursive If true, the snapshot will include files located in subdirectories under the log directory. yes snapshotLogRecursive
Snapshot Data Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the data files yes snapshotDataEnabled
Snapshot Data Directory The directory containing the data files that will be captured in the snapshot. This is usually relative to the configurationPath but can be a full absolute path. yes snapshotDataDirectory
Snapshot Data Regex If defined, this regular expression must match a data file name if that file is to be captured in the snapshot. If not defined, all data files will be captured. no snapshotDataRegex
Snapshot Data Recursive If true, the snapshot will include files located in subdirectories under the data directory. yes snapshotDataRecursive
Snapshot Additional Files List Additional files to be included in the snapshot report yes snapshotAdditionalFilesList
Type The type of the connection. yes type
Shutdown MBean Name Name of the MBean to use when shutting down this server through JMX. yes shutdownMbeanName
Shutdown MBean Operation Name of the operation to invoke when shutting down this server through JMX. Note that only operations with no parameter or with one int parameter are supported. If the operation requires an int parameter, '0' will be supplied. yes shutdownMbeanOperation
Availability Check Period The amount of time, in seconds, that must elapse between availability checks to see if the server is up. If set, the availability checks will be performed asynchronously thus allowing slow-responding servers to avoid being falsely reported as down. no availabilityCheckPeriod
JBoss AS JVM Name The name of the JBoss AS JVM resource. no childJmxServerName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.4. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Partition Name trait the name of the cluster partition this app server instance belongs to partitionName
Version Name trait the code name for the this app server instance's major version (AS 3.2 = WonderLand, AS 4.0 = Zion, AS 4.2 = Trinity, EAP 4.x = EAP, SOA 4.x = SOA) jboss.system:type=Server:VersionName
Build Date trait the date this app server was built jboss.system:type=Server:BuildDate
Start Date trait the date and time this app server instance was started jboss.system:type=Server:StartDate
Active Thread Count measurement The current number of active threads for this app server instance jboss.system:type=ServerInfo:ActiveThreadCount
Active Thread Group Count measurement The current number of active thread groups for this app server instance jboss.system:type=ServerInfo:ActiveThreadGroupCount
JVM Free Memory measurement An approximation of the total amount of memory currently available in the app server JVM for future allocated objects, measured in bytes jboss.system:type=ServerInfo:FreeMemory
JVM Max Memory measurement The maximum amount of memory that the app server JVM will attempt to use, measured in bytes; if there is no inherent limit then the value Long.MAX_VALUE will be returned jboss.system:type=ServerInfo:MaxMemory
JVM Total Memory measurement The total amount of memory currently available in the app server JVM for current and future objects, measured in bytes jboss.system:type=ServerInfo:TotalMemory
Total Transactions measurement Total number of transactions since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:TransactionCount
Total Transactions per Minute measurement Total number of transactions since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:TransactionCount
Transactions Committed measurement Number of transactions commited since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:CommitCount
Transactions Committed per Minute measurement Number of transactions commited since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:CommitCount
Transactions Rolledback measurement Number of transactions commited since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:RollbackCount
Transactions Rolledback per Minute measurement Number of transactions commited since last restart jboss:service=TransactionManager:RollbackCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.5. Metrics
Name Description
Start Start this application server. The script used is specified in the Operations group of connection properties.
Shutdown Shutdown this application server via script or JMX depending on the settings in the Operations and Advanced groups of connection properties.
Restart Shutdown and then start this application server.

Package Types

Table 3.6. Package Types
Name Category Description
Cumulative Patch Deployable Automatically installable application server patches
Jar Library Deployable Library Jar files deployed in JBoss AS

3.1.1. JBossAS - Embedded Tomcat Server


Table 3.7. Overview
Description: Tomcat Web Application Container embedded in a JBossAS Server
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans


Connection Properties




Configuration Properties




Package Types

none JBossAS - Connector Service

Table 3.8. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.9. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Port Port this connector listens on. yes port
Address Address this connector listens on. yes address
Scheme The scheme of the protocol used by this connector (e.g. jk, ajp, http, https). yes schema
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.10. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Maximum Request Time measurement Maximum time it took to process a request jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=GlobalRequestProcessor:maxTime
Request count measurement Total number of requests processed since last restart. jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=GlobalRequestProcessor:requestCount
Request count per Minute measurement Total number of requests processed since last restart. jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=GlobalRequestProcessor:requestCount
Error count measurement Number of errors while processing since last restart. jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=GlobalRequestProcessor:errorCount
Error count per Minute measurement Number of errors while processing since last restart. jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=GlobalRequestProcessor:errorCount
Threads Active measurement Threads Active jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=ThreadPool:currentThreadsBusy
Threads Allocated measurement Threads Allocated jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=ThreadPool:currentThreadCount
Maximum Threads trait Maximum number of threads that can be allocated for the thread pool of this connector jboss.web:name=%schema%%dash%%address%-%port%,type=ThreadPool:maxThreads


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBossAS - VHost Service

Table 3.11. Overview
Description: A virtual host in the web container
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.12. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.13. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Aliases trait The aliases for this virtual host jboss.web:type=Host,host=%name%:aliases


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types

3.1.2. JBossAS - Datasource Service


Table 3.14. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.15. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this datasource yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.16. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Total Connections measurement Total Number of Connections for the Connection Pool, both active and in-active. ConnectionCount
Available Connections measurement Number of available connections in the connection pool in-active and waiting. AvailableConnectionCount
Active Connections measurement Number of Connections currently supporting clients. InUseConnectionCount
Connections Created measurement Number of Connections created since the Connection Pool was created. ConnectionCreatedCount
Connections Created per Minute measurement Number of Connections created since the Connection Pool was created. ConnectionCreatedCount
Connections Destroyed measurement Number of Connections destroyed since the Connection Pool was created. ConnectionDestroyedCount
Connections Destroyed per Minute measurement Number of Connections destroyed since the Connection Pool was created. ConnectionDestroyedCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.17. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Type yes type
JNDI Name The JNDI name under which the DataSource wrapper will be bound. yes jndi-name
Driver Class The fully qualified name of the JDBC driver or datasource class. Not used for XA-Datasources no driver-class
Connection Url The JDBC driver connection URL string. Needed for Tx and Non-Tx datasources no connection-url
User Name no user-name
Password no password
Min Pool Size no min-pool-size
Max Pool Size no max-pool-size
Transaction Isolation The Transaction Isolation level. The default setting is to use whichever isolation level is provided by default by the database. no transaction-isolation
Blocking Timeout Millis Indicates the maximum time in milliseconds to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for a permit for a connection, and will never throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long time. If nothing is specified the default of 30000 milliseconds is used. no blocking-timeout-millis
Idle Timeout Minutes Indicates the maximum time in minutes a connection may be idle before being closed. The actual maximum time depends also on the IdleRemover scan time, which is 1/2 the smallest idle-timeout-minutes of any pool. If nothing is specified the default of 15 minutes is used. no idle-timeout-minutes
Prepared Statement Cache Size The number of prepared statements per connection in an LRU cache. no prepared-statement-cache-size
Valid Connection Checker Class Name An org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.ValidConnectionChecker that provides a SQLException isValidConnection(Connection e) method to validate is a connection is valid. An exception means the connection is destroyed. This overrides the check-valid-connection-sql when present. no valid-connection-checker-class-name
Use Java Context Indicates if the JNDI name should be prefixed with java: which causes the DataSource to only be accessible from within the JBoss server vm. The default is Yes. no use-java-context
Security Domain Indicates Subjects (from security domain) are used to distinguish connections in the pool. The content of the security domain is the name of the JAAS security manager that will handle authentication. This name correlates to the JAAS login-config.xml descriptor application-policy/name attribute. Must be specified if either Container Based or Container and Application Based authentication types are specified. no security-domain
New Connection Sql Specify an SQL statement to execute whenever a connection is added to the connection pool. no new-connection-sql
Exception Sorter Class Name An org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.ExceptionSorter that provides a boolean isExceptionFatal(SQLException e) method to validate is an exception should be broadcast to all javax.resource.spi.ConnectionEventListener as a connectionErrorOccurred message. no exception-sorter-class-name
Check Valid Connection Sql Specify an SQL statement to check validity of a pool connection. This may be called when managed connection is taken from pool for use. no check-valid-connection-sql
Track Statements Whether to check for unclosed statements when a connection is returned to the pool and result sets are closed when a statement is closed/returned to the prepared statement cache. The default is Yes, but no warnings. no track-statements
Xa Datasource Class The datasource class for XA connections. no xa-datasource-class
Connection Property no connection-property
No Tx Separate Pools Whether to use separate pools for connections retrieved in a transaction and those retrieved outside a transaction. The default is Yes. no no-tx-separate-pools
Application Managed Security no application-managed-security
Security Domain and Application no security-domain-and-application
Track Connection By Tx Whether the connection should be "locked" to the transaction, returning it to the pool at the end of the transaction. The default is No. no track-connection-by-tx
Is Same RM Override Value Allows one to unconditionally set whether the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRM(XAResource) returns true or false. The default is not to override the return value. no isSameRM-override-value


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.18. Metrics
Name Description
Flush Resets the connection pool for this datasource. Performs the following steps: 1) all idle connections are immediately closed, 2) any in use connections are closed when the application finishes with them, and 3) new connections are created.

Package Types


3.1.3. JBossAS - ConnectionFactory Service


Table 3.19. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.20. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this Connection Factory yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.21. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Available Connection Count measurement Number of available connections. AvailableConnectionCount
Connection Count measurement Connection Count ConnectionCount
Connection Created Count measurement Connection Created Count ConnectionCreatedCount
Connection Destroyed Count measurement Connection Destroyed Count ConnectionDestroyedCount
In Use Connection Count measurement Mumber of connections currently in use. InUseConnectionCount
Max Connections In Use Count measurement Maximum number of maximum connections that have been in use. MaxConnectionsInUseCount
Max Size measurement Max Size MaxSize
Min Size measurement Min Size MinSize


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.22. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Connection Factory Type Connection Factory Type (Tx or no Tx) yes type
JNDI Name The JNDI Name under which the DataSource wrapper will be bound. yes jndi-name
User Name This element specifies the default username used when creating a new connection. The actual username may be overridden by the application code getConnection parameters or the connection creation context JAAS Subject. no user-name
Password This element specifies the default password used when creating a new connection. The actual password may be overridden by the application code getConnection parameters or the connection creation context JAAS Subject. no password
Minimum Pool Size Indicates the minimum number of connections the pool should hold. no min-pool-size
Maximum Pool Size Indicates the maximum number of connections the pool should hold. no max-pool-size
Application Managed Security Specifying this element indicates that connections in the pool should be distinguished by application code supplied parameters, such as from getConnection(user, pw). This requires that you set a security domain which will populate a security-domain-and-application tag. If it is missing this resource will not be created or saved. no application-managed-security
Security Domain/Security Domain and Application Indicates Subjects from security domain are used to distinguish connections in this pool. If Application Managed Security is set to true, then this will create a security-domain tag. If it is set to false or unset, then this property will populate a security-domain-and-application tag. no security-domain
Adapter Display Name used to identify the RAR deployment matching the display-name in the ra.xml no adapter-display-name
Depends The depends element specifies the JMX ObjectName string of a service that the connection manager services depend on. The connection manager service will not be started until the dependent services have been started. no depends
Rar Name This is the name of the RAR file that contains the definition for the resource we want to provide. For nested RAR files, the name would look like myapplication.ear#my.rar. yes rar-name
Connection Definition This is the connection factory interface class. It should match the connectionfactory-interface in the ra.xml file. yes connection-definition
Type Mappings This element declares a default type mapping for this datasource. The type mapping should match a type-mapping/name element from standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml. no type-mapping
Use Java Context Indicates if the JNDI name should be prefixed with java:. no use-java-context
Transaction Type Whether to use local or xa transactions. If nothing is specified, the default of local will be used. no transaction-type
No Tx Separate Pools The presence of this element indicates that two connection pools are required to isolate connections used with JTA transaction from those used without a JTA transaction. The pools are lazily constructed on first use. Its use case is for Oracle (and possibly other vendors) XA implementations that don't like using an XA connection with and without a JTA transaction. no no-tx-separate-pools
Track Connection By Transaction Whether the connection should be locked into the transaction. no track-connection-by-tx
isSameRM Override Value Allows one to unconditionally set whether the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.isSameRMXAResource returns true or false. The default is not to override the return value. no isSameRM-override-value
Use Strict Minimum Whether on not to use strict minumum. no use-strict-min
Prefill Prefill the Pool with Connection objects, or lazy load objects in the pool no prefill
Blocking Timeout in Milliseconds Indicates the maximum time in milliseconds to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for a permit for a connection, and will never throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long time. If nothing is specified the default of 30000 milliseconds is used. no blocking-timeout-millis
Idle Timeout Maximum time in minutes a connection can be idle before it is closed. no idle-timeout-minutes
XA Resource Timeout Maximum time in minutes an XA Resource can be idle before it is removed. no xa-resource-timeout
New Connection SQL Specify an SQL statement to execute whenever a connection is added to the connection pool. no new-connection-sql
Check Valid Connection SQL Specify an SQL statement to check validity of a pool connection. This may be called when managed connection is taken from pool for use. no check-valid-connection-sql
Config Property Configuration Properties no config-property


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types


3.1.4. JBossAS - JBossMQ Service


Table 3.23. Overview
Description: The JBossMQ subsystem
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.24. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.25. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
JMS Message Cache Hits measurement The number of cache hits to the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:CacheHits
JMS Message Cache Hits per Minute measurement The number of cache hits to the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:CacheHits
JMS Message Cache Misses measurement The number of cache misses to the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:CacheMisses
JMS Message Cache Misses per Minute measurement The number of cache misses to the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:CacheMisses
JMS Message Cache Current Memory Usage measurement The total memory currently in use by the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:CurrentMemoryUsage
JMS Message Cache High Memory Mark measurement The peak amount of memory the JMS Message Cache has actively used since server start jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:HighMemoryMark
JMS Message Cache Max Memory Mark measurement The maximum amount of memory the JMS Message Cache is allowed to use jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:MaxMemoryMark
JMS Message Cache Size measurement The number of messages currently in the JMS Message Cache jboss.mq:service=MessageCache:TotalCacheSize


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types

none JBossAS - JMQ JMS Queue Service

Table 3.26. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.27. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this queue yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.28. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Messages in Queue measurement The number of undelivered messages in the queue. QueueDepth
Receivers Count measurement The number of ClientConsumers waiting for a message. ReceiversCount
Scheduled Message Count measurement The number of messages waiting to be scheduled ScheduledMessageCount
In Process Message Count measurement The number of messages received by clients but not acknowledged (from AS 4.0.5) InProcessMessageCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.29. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Destination Manager The JMX object name of the destination manager configured for the server. yes DestinationManager
Security Manager The JMX object name of the security manager that is being used to validate client requests. no SecurityManager
Expiry Destination By default, JBossMQ silently removes expired JMS message from its destination. As of JBoss 4.0.4, expired messages can now be moved into a separate destination. ExpiryDestination indicates the javax.management.ObjectName of the expiry destination. This destination must be located on the same server and be a JBossMQ destination. no ExpiryDestination
JNDI Name The location in JNDI to which the queue object will be bound. If this is not set it will be bound under the queue context using the name of the queue. This property is optional, in most cases the mbean name is used for binding purpose. See {server-config}/deploy/jms/jbossmq-destinations-service.xml for examples. no JNDIName
In Memory Don't persist messages and avoid message softening when using the NullPersistenceManager no InMemory
Redelivery Limit The maximum times a message is nacked before a message is sent to the Dead Letter Queue (0 - don't redeliver, n - redeliver n times, -1 - continue redelivering indefinitely) no RedeliveryLimit
Redelivery Delay The length of time in milliseconds to wait before a message is redelivered after a nack no RedeliveryDelay
Message Counter History Day Limit Sets the destination message counter history day limit with a value less than 0 indicating unlimited history, a 0 value disabling history and a value greater than 0 giving the history days count. no MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit
Maximum Depth The MaxDepth is an upper limit to the backlog of messages that can exist for a destination. If exceeded, attempts to add new messages will result in a org.jboss.mq.DestinationFullException. The MaxDepth can still be exceeded in a number of situations, e.g. when a message is placed back into the queue. Also transactions performing read committed processing, look at the current size of queue, ignoring any messages that may be added as a result of the current transaction or other transactions. This is because we don't want the transaction to fail during the commit phase when the message is physically added to the queue. no MaxDepth
Recovery Retries Specifies the number of times uncommitted transactions are to be resolved before failing. Default 0 - zero (from JBoss-4.0.3). no RecoveryRetries
Security Configurations This element specifies a XML fragment which describes the access control list to be used by the SecurityManager to authorize client operations against the destination. The content model is the same as for the SecurityManager SecurityConf attribute. yes SecurityConf
Queue Name Name of the queue to be used in the JMX object name. yes MBeanName
JNDI Binding Binding path of this Queue in JNDI. yes JNDIBinding


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.30. Metrics
Name Description
Remove All Messages Clears all Messages in the Queue
Reset Message Counter Clears the MessageCounter data for this Queue
Reset Message Counter History Clears the MessageCounter history data for this Queue
List Messages by Selector Lists the Messages in the Queue by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
List Scheduled Messages Lists the Scheduled Messages by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
List In Process Messages Lists the Messages in process by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
Package Types
none JBossAS - JMQ JMS Topic Service

Table 3.31. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.32. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this topic yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.33. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
All Message Counter measurement Returns the total message count for all subscriptions. AllMessageCount
Durable Message Count measurement Total number of messages for all durable subscriptions. DurableMessageCount
Non-durable Message Count measurement Total number of messages for all non-durable subscriptions. NonDurableMessageCount
All Subscription Count measurement Number of subscriptions waiting for a message. AllSubscriptionsCount
Durable Subscription Count measurement Number of durable subscriptions waiting for a message. DurableSubscriptionsCount
Non-durable Subscription Count measurement Number of non-durable subscriptions waiting for a message. NonDurableSubscriptionsCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.34. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Destination Manager The JMX object name of the destination manager configured for the server. yes DestinationManager
Security Manager The JMX object name of the security manager that is being used to validate client requests. no SecurityManager
Expiry Destination By default, JBossMQ silently removes expired JMS message from its destination. As of JBoss 4.0.4, expired messages can now be moved into a separate destination. ExpiryDestination indicates the javax.management.ObjectName of the expiry destination. This destination must be located on the same server and be a JBossMQ destination. no ExpiryDestination
JNDI Name The location in JNDI to which the topic will be bound. If this is not set it will be bound under the topic context using the mbean name of the topic. This property is optional, in most cases the mbean name is used for binding purpose. See {server-config}/deploy/jms/jbossmq-destinations-service.xml for examples. no JNDIName
In Memory Don't persist messages and avoid message softening when using the NullPersistenceManager. no InMemory
Redelivery Limit The maximum times a message is nacked before a message is sent to the Dead Letter Queue (0 - don't redeliver, n - redeliver n times, -1 - continue redelivering indefinitely). no RedeliveryLimit
Redelivery Delay The length of time in milliseconds to wait before a message is redelivered after a nack. no RedeliveryDelay
Message Counter History Day Limit Sets the destination message counter history day limit with a value less than 0 indicating unlimited history, a 0 value disabling history and a value greater than 0 giving the history days count. no MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit
Maximum Depth The MaxDepth is an upper limit to the backlog of messages that can exist for a destination. If exceeded, attempts to add new messages will result in a org.jboss.mq.DestinationFullException. The MaxDepth can still be exceeded in a number of situations, e.g. when a message is placed back into the queue. Also transactions performing read committed processing, look at the current size of queue, ignoring any messages that may be added as a result of the current transaction or other transactions. This is because we don't want the transaction to fail during the commit phase when the message is physically added to the queue. no MaxDepth
Recovery Retries Specifies the number of times uncommitted transactions are to be resolved before failing. Default 0 - zero (from JBoss-4.0.3). no RecoveryRetries
Security Configurations This element specifies a XML fragment which describes the access control list to be used by the SecurityManager to authorize client operations against the destination. The content model is the same as for the SecurityManager SecurityConf attribute. yes SecurityConf
Topic Name Name of the queue to be used as the JMX object name. yes MBeanName
JNDI Binding Binding path of this Topic in JNDI. yes JNDIBinding


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.35. Metrics
Name Description
Remove All Messages Clears all Subscriptions
List All Subscriptions Lists all the Subscriptions.
List Durable Subscriptions Lists all the durable subscriptions.
List Non-durable Subscriptions Lists all the non-durable subscriptions.
Reset Message Counter Clears the message counter data for all topic subscriptions.
Reset Message Counter History Clears the message counter history data for this topic.
List Messages by ID and Selector List the messages for a subscription by ID and with an optional selector.
Get Non-durable Message Count Gets the message count for non-durable messages by client ID and subscription ID.
List Non-durable Messages Lists the non-durable messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Get Durable Message Count Gets the message count for durable messages by client ID and subscription ID.
List Durable Messages Lists the durable messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Get Non-durable Scheduled Message Count Gets the message count for non-durable scheduled messages by client ID and subscription ID.
List Non-durable Scheduled Messages Lists the non-durable scheduled messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Get Durable Scheduled Message Count Gets the message count for durable scheduled messages by client ID and subscription ID.
List Durable Scheduled Messages Lists the durable scheduled messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Get Non-durable In-process Message Count Gets the message count for non-durable in-process messages by client Id and subscription Id
List Non-durable In-process Messages Lists the non-durable in-process messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Get Durable In-process Message Count Gets the message count for durable in-process messages by client ID and subscription Id
List Durable In-process Messages Lists the durable in-process messages by client ID, subscription ID, and an optional selector.
Package Types

3.1.5. JBossAS - JBossMessaging Service


Table 3.36. Overview
Description: The JBoss Messaging subsystem
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.37. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.38. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Version of the Provider trait The version of JBoss Messaging in use jboss.messaging:service=ServerPeer:ProviderVersion


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types

none JBossAS - JBM JMS Queue Service

Table 3.39. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.40. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this queue yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.41. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Messages in Queue measurement The number of messages in the queue. MessageCount
Consumer Count measurement The number of ClientConsumers waiting for a message. ConsumerCount
Scheduled Message Count measurement The number of scheduled messages in the Queue ScheduledMessageCount
Created programmatically trait Was this Queue created dynamically CreatedProgrammatically
Delivering Count measurement The number of messages currently being delivered DeliveringCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.42. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Server Peer The ObjectName of the server peer this destination was deployed on. yes ServerPeer
Dead Letter Queue The DLQ for this queue, overrides the default DLQ on the server peer. no DLQ
Expiry Queue By default, JBoss Messaging silently removes expired JMS message from its destination. ExpiryDestination indicates the javax.management.ObjectName of the expiry destination. This destination must be located on the same server and be a JBossMessaging destination. no ExpiryQueue
JNDI Name The location in JNDI to which the queue object will be bound. If this is not set it will be bound under the queue context using the name of the queue. This property is optional, in most cases the mbean name is used for binding purpose. See {server-config}/deploy/jms/jbossmq-destinations-service.xml for examples. no JNDIName
Clustered Is this a clustered destination? no Clustered
Max Delivery Attempts The maximum times a message is nacked before a message is sent to the Dead Letter Queue (0 - don't redeliver, n - redeliver n times, -1 - continue redelivering indefinitely) no MaxDeliveryAttempts
Redelivery Delay The length of time in milliseconds to wait before a message is redelivered after a nack no RedeliveryDelay
Message Counter History Day Limit Sets the destination message counter history day limit with a value less than 0 indicating unlimited history, a 0 value disabling history and a value greater than 0 giving the history days count. no MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit
Maximum Queue Size The maximum number of messages this queue can hold before they are dropped (-1 = infinite) no MaxSize
Full Size The in-memory message limit, can only be set when queue is stopped no FullSize
Page Size The paging size, can only be set when queue is stopped no PageSize
Down Cache Size The write-cache size, can only be set when queue is stopped no DownCacheSize
Security Configurations This element specifies a XML fragment which describes the access control list to be used by the SecurityManager to authorize client operations against the destination. The content model is the same as for the SecurityManager SecurityConf attribute. yes SecurityConfig
Queue Name Name of the queue to be used in the JMX object name. yes MBeanName
JNDI Binding Binding path of this Queue in JNDI. yes JNDIBinding


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.43. Metrics
Name Description
Remove All Messages Clears all Messages in the Queue
Reset Message Counter Clears the MessageCounter data for this Queue
Reset Message Counter History Clears the MessageCounter history data for this Queue
List Messages by Selector Lists the Messages in the Queue by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
List All Messages Lists All Messages by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
List Durable Messages Lists Durable Messages by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
List Non-Durable Messages Lists Non-Durable Messages by Selector (if provided). Selector is not required.
Package Types
none JBossAS - JBM JMS Topic Service

Table 3.44. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.45. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this topic yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.46. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
All Message Counter measurement Returns the total message count for all subscriptions. AllMessageCount
Durable Message Count measurement Total number of messages for all durable subscriptions. DurableMessageCount
Non-durable Message Count measurement Total number of messages for all non-durable subscriptions. NonDurableMessageCount
All Subscription Count measurement Number of subscriptions waiting for a message. AllSubscriptionsCount
Durable Subscription Count measurement Number of durable subscriptions waiting for a message. DurableSubscriptionsCount
Non-durable Subscription Count measurement Number of non-durable subscriptions waiting for a message. NonDurableSubscriptionsCount
Created programmatically trait Was this Topic created dynamically CreatedProgrammatically


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.47. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Server Peer The ObjectName of the server peer this destination was deployed on. yes ServerPeer
Dead Letter Queue The DLQ for this queue, overrides the default DLQ on the server peer. no DLQ
Expiry Queue By default, JBoss Messaging silently removes expired JMS message from its destination. ExpiryDestination indicates the javax.management.ObjectName of the expiry destination. This destination must be located on the same server and be a JBossMessaging destination. no ExpiryQueue
JNDI Name The location in JNDI to which the topic will be bound. If this is not set it will be bound under the topic context using the mbean name of the topic. This property is optional, in most cases the mbean name is used for binding purpose. See {server-config}/deploy/jms/jbossmq-destinations-service.xml for examples. no JNDIName
Clustered Is this a clustered destination? no Clustered
Max Delivery Attempts The maximum times a message is nacked before a message is sent to the Dead Letter Queue (0 - don't redeliver, n - redeliver n times, -1 - continue redelivering indefinitely) no MaxDeliveryAttempts
Redelivery Delay The length of time in milliseconds to wait before a message is redelivered after a NACK no RedeliveryDelay
Message Counter History Day Limit Sets the destination message counter history day limit with a value less than 0 indicating unlimited history, a 0 value disabling history and a value greater than 0 giving the history days count. no MessageCounterHistoryDayLimit
Maximum Queue Size The maximum number of messages this queue can hold before they are dropped (-1 = infinite) no MaxSize
Full Size The in-memory message limit, can only be set when queue is stopped no FullSize
Page Size The paging size, can only be set when queue is stopped no PageSize
Down Cache Size The write-cache size, can only be set when queue is stopped no DownCacheSize
Security Configurations This element specifies a XML fragment which describes the access control list to be used by the SecurityManager to authorize client operations against the destination. The content model is the same as for the SecurityManager SecurityConf attribute. yes SecurityConfig
Topic Name Name of the queue to be used in the JMX object name. yes MBeanName
JNDI Binding Binding path of this Topic in JNDI. yes JNDIBinding


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.48. Metrics
Name Description
Remove All Messages Clears all Subscriptions
List All Subscriptions Lists all the Subscriptions.
List Durable Subscriptions Lists all the durable subscriptions.
List Non-durable Subscriptions Lists all the non-durable subscriptions.
List Messages by ID and Selector List the messages for a subscription by ID and with an optional selector.
List Non-durable Messages Lists the non-durable messages by subscription ID and an optional selector.
List Durable Messages Lists the durable messages by subscription ID and an optional selector.
Package Types

3.1.6. JBossAS - EJB3 Session Bean Service


Table 3.49. Overview
Description: An EJB3 Stateless or Stateful Session Bean
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.50. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this bean yes name
Ear yes ear
Jar yes jar


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.51. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Current Count measurement The total number of currently pooled instances of this EJB3 Session Bean CurrentSize
Create Count measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been created since server start CreateCount
Create Count per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been created since server start CreateCount
Remove Count measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been removed since server start RemoveCount
Remove Count per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB3 Session Bean that have been removed since server start RemoveCount
Available Count measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB3 Session Bean in the method-ready state AvailableCount
Max Size measurement The maximum number of instances that are allowed to be pooled MaxSize
Method Invocation Time calltime The minimum, maximum, and average invocation times for each of the methods exposed by this EJB; NOTE: this metric is only available if JBoss EJB3 RC9 Patch 1 or later is being used (a capable version of EJB3 is included with JBossAS 4.2.0.GA or later) MethodInvocationTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.52. Metrics
Name Description
View Method Stats View method execution statistics for the EJB; NOTE: this operation is only available if JBoss EJB3 RC9 Patch 1 or later is being used (a capable version of EJB3 is included with JBossAS 4.2.0.GA or later)

Package Types


3.1.7. JBossAS - Stateless Session EJB Service


Table 3.53. Overview
Description: An EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.54. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this ejb yes name
J 2ee Application yes j2eeApplication
Ejb Jar yes ejbJar


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.55. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Create Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Create Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Remove Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Remove Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Method-Ready Beans measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean in the method-ready state {stats.methodReadyCount.current}
Pool Size measurement The total number of currently pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateless Session Bean {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=pool,service=EJB}CurrentSize}
Max Pool Size measurement The maximum number of instances that are allowed to be pooled {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=pool,service=EJB}MaxSize}
Method Invocation Time calltime the minimum, maximum, and average invocation times for each of the methods exposed by this EJB MethodInvocationTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


3.1.8. JBossAS - Stateful Session EJB Service


Table 3.56. Overview
Description: An EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.57. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this EJB yes name
J 2ee Application yes j2eeApplication
Ejb Jar yes ejbJar


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.58. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Create Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Create Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Remove Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Remove Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Method-Ready Beans measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean in the method-ready state {stats.methodReadyCount.current}
Passive Beans measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Stateful Session Bean in the passivated state {stats.passiveCount.current}
Method Invocation Time calltime the minimum, maximum, and average invocation times for each of the methods exposed by this EJB MethodInvocationTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


3.1.9. JBossAS - Entity EJB Service


Table 3.59. Overview
Description: An EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.60. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this ejb yes name
J 2ee Application yes j2eeApplication
Ejb Jar yes ejbJar


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.61. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Create Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Create Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Remove Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Remove Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Method-Ready Beans measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean in the method-ready state {stats.methodReadyCount.current}
Pooled Beans measurement The total number of currently pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean {stats.pooledCount.current}
Cache Size measurement The total number of currently cached instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=cache,service=EJB}CacheSize}
Passivated Count measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean in the passivated state {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=cache,service=EJB}PassivatedCount}
Passivated Count per Minute measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean in the passivated state {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=cache,service=EJB}PassivatedCount}
Current Size measurement The total number of currently pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Entity Bean {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=pool,service=EJB}PoolSize}
Max Size measurement The maximum number of instances that are allowed to be pooled {{jboss.j2ee:jndiName=%name%,plugin=pool,service=EJB}MaxPoolSize}


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


3.1.10. JBossAS - Message Driven EJB Service


Table 3.62. Overview
Description: An EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.63. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate
Name The name of this ejb yes name
J 2ee Application yes j2eeApplication
Ejb Jar yes ejbJar


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.64. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Create Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Create Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean that have been created since server start {stats.createCount.count}
Remove Calls measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Remove Calls per Minute measurement The number of instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean that have been removed since server start {stats.removeCount.count}
Method-Ready Beans measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean in the method-ready state {stats.messageCount.count}
Method-Ready Beans per Minute measurement The number of pooled instances of this EJB 1.x or 2.x Message Driven Bean in the method-ready state {stats.messageCount.count}


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


3.1.11. JBossAS - Enterprise Application (EAR) Service


Table 3.65. Overview
Description: Enterprise Application
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.66. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The name of this EAR yes name
Filename yes filename
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Extension yes extension
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.67. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Path trait The absolute path of this EAR file or directory Application.path
Exploded? trait Whether this EAR is deployed exploded (i.e. as a directory) Application.exploded


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.68. Metrics
Name Description
Revert Tries to revert this enterprise application from a saved backup in the same directory and with a name ending in .bak

Package Types

Table 3.69. Package Types
Name Category Description
EAR File Deployable JBossAS - Embedded Web Application (WAR) Service

Table 3.70. Overview
Description: Web Application embedded inside of an Enterprise Application
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.71. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The name of this WAR yes name
Filename yes filename
Object Name yes objectName
Context Root this WAR's context root - used as a unique path prefix for URLs corresponding to this WAR no contextRoot
Virtual Host The (virtual) host that this application is running on. If no virtual host is set, this defaults to 'localhost' no vHost
Jboss Web Name the objectName for the jboss.web WebModule that will be used to fire operations no jbossWebName
Response Time Log File the full path to the log file containing response-time stats for this webapp no responseTimeLogFile
Response Time Url Excludes a space-delimited list of regular expressions specifying URLs that should be excluded from response-time stats collection no responseTimeUrlExcludes
Response Time Url Transforms a space-delimited list of Perl-style substitution expressions that should be applied to all URLs for which response-time stats are collected (e.g. |^/dept/finance/.*|/dept/finance/*|) no responseTimeUrlTransforms
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Extension yes extension
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.72. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Path trait the absolute path of this WAR file or directory Application.path
Exploded? trait whether this WAR is deployed exploded (i.e. as a directory) Application.exploded
Context Root trait this WAR's context root - used as a unique path prefix for URLs corresponding to this WAR ContextRoot
HTTP Response Time calltime the minimum, maximum, and average response times for HTTP requests serviced by this webapp ResponseTime
Min. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Minimum response time of a servlet Servlet.MinResponseTime
Avg. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Average response time of a servlet Servlet.AvgResponseTime
Max. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Maximum response time of a servlet Servlet.MaxResponseTime
Total processing time measurement Total processing time of the webapp Servlet.TotalTime
Total processing time per Minute measurement Total processing time of the webapp Servlet.TotalTime
Requests served measurement Number of requests served by servlets Servlet.NumRequests
Requests served per Minute measurement Number of requests served by servlets Servlet.NumRequests
Errors while processing measurement Number of errors while processing Servlet.NumErrors
Errors while processing per Minute measurement Number of errors while processing Servlet.NumErrors
Currently Active Sessions measurement Number active sessions for the webapp right now Session.activeSessions
Maximum number of Active Sessions measurement Maximum number of active sessions for the webapp Session.maxActive
Sessions created measurement Number of sessions created for the webapp Session.sessionCounter
Sessions created per Minute measurement Number of sessions created for the webapp Session.sessionCounter
Expired Sessions measurement Number of expired sessions for the webapp Session.expiredSessions
Expired Sessions per Minute measurement Number of expired sessions for the webapp Session.expiredSessions
Rejected Sessions measurement Number of sessions rejected for the webapp Session.rejectedSessions
Rejected Sessions per Minute measurement Number of sessions rejected for the webapp Session.rejectedSessions
Session Average alive time measurement Average alive time of a Sessions Session.sessionAverageAliveTime
Max Session alive time measurement Maximum alive time of a Sessions Session.sessionMaxAliveTime
Vhost trait Virtual hosts this app runs on Vhost.name


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Table 3.73. Metrics
Name Description
Start starts this webapp; NOTE: this operation is *not* supported for JBossAS versions prior to 4.0.4.GA (see http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3006)
Stop stops this webapp; NOTE: this operation is *not* supported for JBossAS versions prior to 4.0.4.GA (see http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3006)
Reload reloads this webapp; NOTE: if the webapp is not in the started state, this operation will fail
Package Types

3.1.12. JBossAS - Web Application (WAR) Service


Table 3.74. Overview
Description: Web Application
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.75. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The name of this WAR yes name
Filename yes filename
Object Name yes objectName
Context Root this WAR's context root - used as a unique path prefix for URLs corresponding to this WAR no contextRoot
Virtual Host The (virtual) host that this application is running on. If no virtual host is set, this defaults to 'localhost' no vHost
Jboss Web Name the objectName for the jboss.web WebModule that will be used to fire operations no jbossWebName
Response Time Log File the full path to the log file containing response-time stats for this webapp. The location is determined by the RtFilter and is usually something like ...server/.../log/rt/appname_rt.log no responseTimeLogFile
Response Time Url Excludes a space-delimited list of regular expressions specifying URLs that should be excluded from response-time stats collection no responseTimeUrlExcludes
Response Time Url Transforms a space-delimited list of Perl-style substitution expressions that should be applied to all URLs for which response-time stats are collected (e.g. |^/dept/finance/.*|/dept/finance/*|) no responseTimeUrlTransforms
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Extension yes extension
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.76. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Path trait the absolute path of this WAR file or directory Application.path
Exploded? trait whether this WAR is deployed exploded (i.e. as a directory) Application.exploded
Context Root trait this WAR's context root - used as a unique path prefix for URLs corresponding to this WAR ContextRoot
HTTP Response Time calltime the minimum, maximum, and average response times for HTTP requests serviced by this webapp ResponseTime
Min. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Minimum response time of a servlet Servlet.MinResponseTime
Avg. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Average response time of a servlet Servlet.AvgResponseTime
Max. Servlet Resp. Time measurement Maximum response time of a servlet Servlet.MaxResponseTime
Total processing time measurement Total processing time of the webapp Servlet.TotalTime
Total processing time per Minute measurement Total processing time of the webapp Servlet.TotalTime
Requests served measurement Number of requests served by servlets Servlet.NumRequests
Requests served per Minute measurement Number of requests served by servlets Servlet.NumRequests
Errors while processing measurement Number of errors while processing Servlet.NumErrors
Errors while processing per Minute measurement Number of errors while processing Servlet.NumErrors
Currently Active Sessions measurement Number active sessions for the webapp right now Session.activeSessions
Maximum number of Active Sessions measurement Maximum number of active sessions for the webapp Session.maxActive
Sessions created measurement Number of sessions created for the webapp Session.sessionCounter
Sessions created per Minute measurement Number of sessions created for the webapp Session.sessionCounter
Expired Sessions measurement Number of expired sessions for the webapp Session.expiredSessions
Expired Sessions per Minute measurement Number of expired sessions for the webapp Session.expiredSessions
Rejected Sessions measurement Number of sessions rejected for the webapp Session.rejectedSessions
Rejected Sessions per Minute measurement Number of sessions rejected for the webapp Session.rejectedSessions
Session Average alive time measurement Average alive time of a Sessions Session.sessionAverageAliveTime
Max Session alive time measurement Maximum alive time of a Sessions Session.sessionMaxAliveTime
Vhost trait Virtual hosts this app runs on Vhost.name


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.77. Metrics
Name Description
Start starts this webapp; NOTE: this operation is *not* supported for JBossAS versions prior to 4.0.4.GA (see http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3006)
Stop stops this webapp; NOTE: this operation is *not* supported for JBossAS versions prior to 4.0.4.GA (see http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3006)
Reload reloads this webapp; NOTE: if the webapp is not in the started state, this operation will fail
Revert Tries to revert this web application from a saved backup in the same directory and with a name ending in .bak

Package Types

Table 3.78. Package Types
Name Category Description
WAR File Deployable

3.1.13. JBossAS - EJB3 Entity Tree Cache Service


Table 3.79. Overview
Description: The entity cache
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.80. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.81. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Number Of Locks Held measurement The number of entities locked for update / replication across the (clustered) tree cache NumberOfLocksHeld
Number Of Nodes measurement The total number of entities currently cached across the (clustered) tree cache NumberOfNodes


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types

none JBossAS - EJB3 Entity Tree Cache Interceptor Service

Table 3.82. Overview
Description: The entity cache interceptor
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.83. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.84. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Hit Miss Ratio measurement Returns the hit/miss ratio for the cache. This ratio is defined as hits/(hits + misses). HitMissRatio
Read Write Ratio measurement Returns the read/write ratio for the cache. This ratio is defined as (hits + misses)/stores. ReadWriteRatio
Hits measurement Returns the number of requests made to this cache which it could answer without interrogating the underlying data store Hits
Misses measurement Returns the number of requests made to this cache which required interrogating the underlying data store Misses
Evictions measurement Returns the number of elements purged from this cache in accordance with its specific eviction policy Evictions
Number Of Locks Held measurement The number of elements locked by this interceptor for update / replication across the (clustered) tree cache NumberOfLocksHeld
Number Of Nodes measurement The total number of entities currently cached across the (clustered) tree cache NumberOfNodes
Average Write Time measurement The average time it takes to insert or update elements for the cache AverageWriteTime
Time Since Reset measurement The amount of time since this cache was reset / cleared TimeSinceReset
Average Read Time measurement The average time it takes to read elements for the cache, includes AverageReadTime
Stores measurement Number of store / writes into this cache made by this interceptor Stores
Number Of Attributes measurement The total number of attributes (properties of an entity) currently cached across the (clustered) tree cache NumberOfAttributes
Elapsed Time measurement The amount of time since this cache was created ElapsedTime


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types

3.1.14. JBossAS - Script Service


Table 3.85. Overview
Description: provides the ability to execute a script that performs some task related to its parent JBossAS server
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.86. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Path the absolute path to the script file yes path
Environment Variables the environment variables that will be passed to the script; each variable must be on a new line and have the syntax name=value; the variable's value can contain properties with the syntax %propertyName%; the script plugin will interpolate these with the current values of the corresponding properties from the script's parent JBossAS server's connection properties no environmentVariables


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties



Table 3.87. Metrics
Name Description
Execute Script execute the script; NOTE: environment variables to be passed to the script can be configured via this Script service's connection properties (under its Inventory>Connection tab)

Package Types

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