

3.7. JBossCache - Subsystem Server

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Table 3.1952. Overview
Description: The JBoss Cache instances on this server
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossCache

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans


Connection Properties




Configuration Properties




Package Types


3.7.1. JBossCache - Service


Table 3.1953. Overview
Description: Statistics for JBossCache
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossCache


Please note that the number of possible metrics varies depending on the configuration and flavour of Cache used.

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.1954. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Is Tree Cache Is this a TreeCache instance or a POJO Cache yes isTreeCache


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1955. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Number of Nodes measurement Number of Nodes :numberOfNodes
Activations measurement Number of passivated nodes that have been activated. ActivationInterceptor:activations
Cache Loader Loads measurement Number of nodes loaded through a cache loader. CacheLoaderInterceptor:cacheLoaderLoads
Cache Loader Loads per Minute measurement Number of nodes loaded through a cache loader. CacheLoaderInterceptor:cacheLoaderLoads
Cache Loader Misses measurement Number of unsuccessful attempts to load a node through a cache loader. CacheLoaderInterceptor:cacheLoaderMisses
Cache Loader Misses per Minute measurement Number of unsuccessful attempts to load a node through a cache loader. CacheLoaderInterceptor:cacheLoaderMisses
Cache Hits measurement Number of successful attribute retrievals. CacheMgmtInterceptor:hits
Cache Hits per Minute measurement Number of successful attribute retrievals. CacheMgmtInterceptor:hits
Cache Misses measurement Number of unsuccessful attribute retrievals. CacheMgmtInterceptor:misses
Cache Misses per Minute measurement Number of unsuccessful attribute retrievals. CacheMgmtInterceptor:misses
Hit-miss-ratio measurement Ratio of hits to hits and misses. A hit is a get attribute operation that results in an object being returned to the client. The retrieval may be from a cache loader if the entry isn't in the local cache. CacheMgmtInterceptor:hitMissRatio
Read-write-ratio measurement Ratio of read operations to write operations. This is the ratio of cache hits and misses to cache stores. CacheMgmtInterceptor:readWriteRatio
Cache Stores measurement Number of attribute store operations. CacheMgmtInterceptor:stores
Cache Stores per Minute measurement Number of attribute store operations. CacheMgmtInterceptor:stores
Cache Evictions measurement Number of node evictions. CacheMgmtInterceptor:evictions
Cache Evictions per Minute measurement Number of node evictions. CacheMgmtInterceptor:evictions
Number of Attributes measurement Number of attributes currently cached. CacheMgmtInterceptor:numberOfAttributes
Number of Nodes cached measurement Number of nodes currently cached. CacheMgmtInterceptor:numberOfNodes
Elapsed Time measurement Number of seconds that the cache has been running. CacheMgmtInterceptor:elapsedTime
Elapsed Time per Minute measurement Number of seconds that the cache has been running. CacheMgmtInterceptor:elapsedTime
Time since reset measurement Number of seconds since the cache statistics have been reset. CacheMgmtInterceptor:timeSinceReset
Time since reset per Minute measurement Number of seconds since the cache statistics have been reset. CacheMgmtInterceptor:timeSinceReset
Average Read Time measurement Average time in milliseconds to retrieve a cache attribute, including unsuccessful attribute retrievals. CacheMgmtInterceptor:averageReadTime
Average Write Time measurement Average time in milliseconds to write a cache attribute. CacheMgmtInterceptor:averageWriteTime
Cache Loader Stores measurement Number of nodes written to the cache loader. CacheStoreInterceptor:cacheLoaderStores
Cache Loader Stores per Minute measurement Number of nodes written to the cache loader. CacheStoreInterceptor:cacheLoaderStores
Invalidations measurement Number of cached nodes that have been invalidated. InvalidationInterceptor:invalidations
Invalidations per Minute measurement Number of cached nodes that have been invalidated. InvalidationInterceptor:invalidations
Passivations measurement Number of cached nodes that have been passivated. PassivationInterceptor:passivations
Passivations per Minute measurement Number of cached nodes that have been passivated. PassivationInterceptor:passivations
Tx prepares measurement Number of transaction prepare operations performed. TxInterceptor:prepares
Tx prepares per Minute measurement Number of transaction prepare operations performed. TxInterceptor:prepares
Tx commits measurement Number of transaction commit operations performed. TxInterceptor:commits
Tx commits per Minute measurement Number of transaction commit operations performed. TxInterceptor:commits
Tx rollbacks measurement Number of transaction rollback operations performed. TxInterceptor:rollbacks
Tx rollbacks per Minute measurement Number of transaction rollback operations performed. TxInterceptor:rollbacks


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.1956. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Flavor Is this going to be a POJO Cache or a Tree Cache yes Flavour
Transaction Manager Lookup Class What class should be used to get a transaction manager instance yes TransactionManagerLookupClass
Isolation Level The isolation level for access to the cache (default is REPEATABLE_READ) no IsolationLevel
Node Locking Scheme the node locking scheme for this cache (default is PESSIMISTIC) no NodeLockingScheme
Cache Mode the cache mode - a cache can be configured to be either local (standalone) or clustered. If in a cluster, the cache can be configured to replicate changes, or to invalidate changes (default is LOCAL) no CacheMode
Use Repl Queue should a replication queue be used for asynchronous replication? (default is false) no UseReplQueue
Repl Queue Interval Time in milliseconds for elements from the replication queue to be replicated. Only used if UseReplQueue is enabled. (default is 100) no ReplQueueInterval
Repl Queue Max Elements Maximum number of elements which trigger replication (default is 10) no ReplQueueMaxElements
Cluster Name Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all clusters, in order to find each other yes ClusterName
Fetch State On Startup Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster (default is true) no FetchStateOnStartup
Initial State Retrieval Timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until the initial state (i.e. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from existing members in a clustered environment yes InitialStateRetrievalTimeout
Sync Repl Timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a synchronous call have been received. yes SyncReplTimeout
Lock Acquisition Timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition. yes LockAcquisitionTimeout


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1957. Metrics
Name Description
Reset Statistics Resets all statistics
List associated MBeans List all MBeans that form this Cache instance

Package Types

none JBossCache - JGroupsChannel Service

Table 3.1958. Overview
Description: The underlying JGroups channel for this cache instance
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossCache
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Configuration Properties
Package Types
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