

3.5. mod_cluster Service (Tech Preview)

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This is a tech preview plug-in available for JBoss AS/EAP 4 servers and JBoss AS/EAP 5 servers.
Upgrade from a tech preview plug-in to a release plug-in is not supported. If you install and use this mod_cluster plug-in, it may be necessary to remove the plug-in — and any resources and data associated with it — to install the release version.


Table 3.1910. Overview
Description: mod_cluster plugin
Singleton: yes
Plugin: mod_cluster

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.1911. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Engine Object Name yes engineObjectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Modcluster Config File yes modclusterConfigFile


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1912. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Proxy Information trait Proxy Information ProxyInformation


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.1913. Metrics
Name Description
Reset the node Move this application server out of an error state.
Refresh configuration Refresh configuration for this application server.

Package Types


3.5.1. mod_cluster - HA Service


Table 3.1914. Overview
Description: HA Service
Singleton: yes
Plugin: mod_cluster

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.1915. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Class Name yes className
Proxy Info Property yes proxyInfoProperty


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1916. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Master Node trait Master Node MasterNode
Proxy Configuration trait Proxy Configuration ProxyConfiguration
Proxy Info trait Proxy Info ProxyInfo


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.1917. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Process Status Frequency Process status frequency. no processStatusFrequency


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1918. Metrics
Name Description
Disable domain Disables all contexts on each node within the current domain. If the current domain is null, then all nodes are stopped.
Enable domain Enable all contexts on each node within the current domain. If the current domain is null, then all nodes are stopped.
Stop domain Gracefully stops all contexts on each node within the current domain. If the current domain is null, then all nodes are stopped.
Ping httpd Ping httpd and determine whether each proxy is accessible and healthy. Returns the PING_RSP grouped by proxy address.
Ping node by JVM Route Ping a node from httpd and returns the PING_RSP grouped by proxy address. Dtermines whether the node configured with the specified jvm route is accessible from each proxy returning the PING_RSP grouped by proxy address.
Ping node by address Ping a node from httpd and returns the PING_RSP grouped by proxy address. Determines whether the node configured with the specified jvm route is accessible from each proxy returning the PING_RSP grouped by proxy address.
Add a proxy Add a proxy.
Remove a proxy Remove a proxy.
Disable all webpapps Disable all webapps for all virtual hosts of this application server.
Enable all webapps Enable all webapps for all virtual hosts of this application server.
Stop all webapps Gracefully stops all webapps for all virtual hosts of this application server.

Package Types

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