

Chapter 5. Resources for JBoss ON

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These default resources are available to manage JBoss ON servers, agents, and functionality.

5.1. RHQAgent - RHQ Agent Server


Table 5.1. Overview
Description: Management Agent
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans


Connection Properties

Table 5.2. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Log Event Sources The list of log files that can be tracked yes logEventSources
Snapshot Config Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the configuration yes snapshotConfigEnabled
Snapshot Log Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the log files yes snapshotLogEnabled
Snapshot Data Enabled If true, take a snapshot of the data files yes snapshotDataEnabled
JVM Name The name of the child JVM resource. no childJmxServerName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 5.3. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
SIGAR Version trait The version of the SIGAR (System Information Gatherer and Reporter) native library used by the Agent Trait.SigarVersion
Reason For Last Restart trait Indicates what caused the last agent restart Trait.ReasonForLastRestart
Agent Home Directory trait The directory where the agent is installed Trait.AgentHomeDirectory
Number of Agent Restarts measurement Number of times the agent was restarted during the lifetime of its Java Virtual Machine NumberAgentRestarts
Agent-Server Clock Difference measurement Number of milliseconds the agent's clock differs from its server's clock AgentServerClockDifference
Up Time measurement Total number of seconds since the agent was started Uptime
Total Number Of Commands Received measurement Total number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server NumberTotalCommandsReceived
Total Number Of Commands Received per Minute measurement Total number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server NumberTotalCommandsReceived
Number of Commands Received Successfully measurement Number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server and succesfully processed NumberSuccessfulCommandsReceived
Number of Commands Received Successfully per Minute measurement Number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server and succesfully processed NumberSuccessfulCommandsReceived
Number of Commands Received but Failed measurement Number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server but failed to process NumberFailedCommandsReceived
Number of Commands Received but Failed per Minute measurement Number of messages this agent has received from the RHQ Server but failed to process NumberFailedCommandsReceived
Avg Execution Time Commands Received Successfully measurement Average time it took to process incoming commands that are ultimately successful AverageExecutionTimeReceived
Avg Execution Time Commands Sent Successfully measurement Average time it took to send commands that are ultimately successful AverageExecutionTimeSent
Total Number of Commands Sent measurement Total number of messages this agent has sent to the RHQ Server NumberTotalCommandsSent
Total Number of Commands Sent per Minute measurement Total number of messages this agent has sent to the RHQ Server NumberTotalCommandsSent
Number of Commands Successfully Sent measurement Number of messages this agent has sent to the RHQ Server successfully NumberSuccessfulCommandsSent
Number of Commands Successfully Sent per Minute measurement Number of messages this agent has sent to the RHQ Server successfully NumberSuccessfulCommandsSent
Number of Commands Sent but Failed measurement Number of messages this agent has either tried, but failed, to send or were not processed succesfully by the RHQ Server NumberFailedCommandsSent
Number of Commands Sent but Failed per Minute measurement Number of messages this agent has either tried, but failed, to send or were not processed succesfully by the RHQ Server NumberFailedCommandsSent
Number Of Active Commands Being Sent measurement The number of messages this agent is currently sending NumberCommandsActiveSent
Number of Commands In Queue measurement Number of messages currently queued waiting to be sent to the RHQ Server NumberCommandsInQueue
Number of Commands Spooled To Disk measurement Number of messages spooled to disk waiting to be sent to the RHQ Server NumberCommandsSpooled
JVM Free Memory measurement The amount of free memory the agent JVM has in its heap JVMFreeMemory
JVM Total Memory measurement The amount of total memory the agent JVM has in its heap JVMTotalMemory
JVM Active Threads measurement The number of active threads currently running in the agent JVM JVMActiveThreads


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 5.4. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Agent Name The name that this agent is known as. This is read-only - once assigned, it cannot change. yes rhq.agent.name
Plugins Directory Location on the file system where the plugin jar files are stored yes rhq.agent.plugins.directory
Server Discovery Initial Delay Startup delay before the first server discovery is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.server-discovery.initial-delay-secs
Server Discovery Period Time between server discoveries (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.server-discovery.period-secs
Service Discovery Initial Delay Startup delay before the first service discovery is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.service-discovery.initial-delay-secs
Service Discovery Period Time between service discoveries (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.service-discovery.period-secs
Availability Scan Initial Delay Startup delay before the first availability scan is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.availability-scan.initial-delay-secs
Availability Scan Period Time between availability scans (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.availability-scan.period-secs
Measurement Collection Initial Delay Startup delay before the first measurement collection is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.measurement-collection.initial-delay-secs
Measurement Collection Threadpool Size Number of concurrent measurement collections that can be run no rhq.agent.plugins.measurement-collection.threadpool-size
Drift Detection Initial Delay Startup delay before the first drift detection scan is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.drift-detection.initial-delay-secs
Drift Detection Period Time between drift detection scans (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.drift-detection.period-secs
Operation Invocation Timeout Time before an operation invocation is aborted (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.operation-invocation-timeout-secs
Operation Invoker Threadpool Size Number of concurrent operation invocations that can be run no rhq.agent.plugins.operation-invoker.threadpool-size
Content Discovery Initial Delay Startup delay before the first content discovery is run (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.content-discovery.initial-delay-secs
Content Discovery Period Time between content discoveries (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.content-discovery.period-secs
Content Discovery Threadpool Size Number of concurrent content discoveries that can be run no rhq.agent.plugins.content-discovery.threadpool-size
Configuration Change Detection Startup Delay Time before configuration change detection starts (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.configuration-discovery.initial-delay-secs
Configuration Change Detection Interval Time period for checking for configuration changes (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.configuration-discovery.period-secs
Event Sender Initial Delay Defines the delay before the first event report gets sent to the server (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.event-sender.initial-delay-secs
Event Sender Period Defines how often event reports get sent to the server (in seconds) no rhq.agent.plugins.event-sender.period-secs
Event Report Max Per Source Defines the maximum number of events for any given event source that can be placed in a single event report that is sent up to the server. If this number is larger than the max-total setting, then this setting is ignored no rhq.agent.plugins.event-report.max-per-source
Event Report Max Total Defines the total maximum number of events that can be placed in a single event report that is sent up to the server no rhq.agent.plugins.event-report.max-total
Disabled Plugins Defines the plugins that should be disabled and not loaded by the plugin container. This is a comma-separated list of plugin names. no rhq.agent.plugins.disabled
RHQ Server Transport Protocol The transport protocol used to send commands to the RHQ Server. If you want secure communications, the RHQ Server must use an SSL-enabled transport yes rhq.agent.server.transport
RHQ Server IP Address The RHQ Server address that it is bound to yes rhq.agent.server.bind-address
RHQ Server Port The port that the RHQ Server is listening to yes rhq.agent.server.bind-port
RHQ Server Transport Parameters Custom set of transport parameters used when sending commands to the RHQ Server. Please see the documentation for more information on transport params. no rhq.agent.server.transport-params
RHQ Server Alias If the RHQ Server IP address is not defined, this is the DNS alias name that will be looked up to determine the RHQ Server IP address. no rhq.agent.server.alias
Agent Transport Protocol The transport protocol used to receive commands from the RHQ Server. e.g. socket, sslsocket. If you want secure communications, you must use an SSL-enabled transport yes rhq.communications.connector.transport
Agent IP Address The address the agent binds to when listening for incoming commands from the RHQ Server no rhq.communications.connector.bind-address
Agent Port The port the agent listens to for incoming commands from the RHQ Server yes rhq.communications.connector.bind-port
Agent Transport Parameters Custom set of transport parameters. Please see the documentation for more information on transport params. no rhq.communications.connector.transport-params
Incoming: Secure Socket Protocol no rhq.communications.connector.security.secure-socket-protocol
Incoming: Keystore File no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.file
Incoming: Keystore Algorithm no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.algorithm
Incoming: Keystore Type no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.type
Incoming: Keystore Password no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.password
Incoming: Keystore Key Password no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.key-password
Incoming: Keystore Alias no rhq.communications.connector.security.keystore.alias
Incoming: Truststore File no rhq.communications.connector.security.truststore.file
Incoming: Truststore Algorithm no rhq.communications.connector.security.truststore.algorithm
Incoming: Truststore Type no rhq.communications.connector.security.truststore.type
Incoming: Truststore Password no rhq.communications.connector.security.truststore.password
Incoming: Client Authentication Mode Determines if the agent should authenticate a RHQ Server before accepting incoming commands from it no rhq.communications.connector.security.client-auth-mode
Outgoing: Secure Socket Protocol no rhq.agent.client.security.secure-socket-protocol
Outgoing: Keystore File no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.file
Outgoing: Keystore Algorithm no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.algorithm
Outgoing: Keystore Type no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.type
Outgoing: Keystore Password no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.password
Outgoing: Keystore Key Password no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.key-password
Outgoing: Keystore Alias no rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.alias
Outgoing: Truststore File no rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.file
Outgoing: Truststore Algorithm no rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.algorithm
Outgoing: Truststore Type no rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.type
Outgoing: Truststore Password no rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.password
Outgoing: Authenticate Server? If true, then the agent must authenticate the RHQ Server before it can send it messages no rhq.agent.client.security.server-auth-mode-enabled
RHQ Server Polling Interval If this value is larger than 0, it indicates the agent should periodically poll the RHQ Server to make sure it's still up or (if it was down) see when it comes back up. The value is the number of milliseconds to wait in between polls no rhq.agent.client.server-polling-interval-msecs
Auto-Detect RHQ Server? If true, the agent will use multicast detection to auto-detect the RHQ Server. If this is enabled, make sure you enable and configure the multicast detector no rhq.agent.server-auto-detection
Multicast Detector Enabled? The multicast detector must be enabled if you want the RHQ Agent to auto-detect the RHQ Server and vice versa. Disable this if your network does not support multicast traffic. no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.enabled
Multicast Detector Multicast Address The address used by JBoss ON to broadcast detection messages. All RHQ Servers and RHQ Agents must be using the same address. no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.multicast-address
Multicast Detector Bind Address The address bound by the network interface no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.bind-address
Multicast Detector Port The port that the detector is multicasting to no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.port
Multicast Detector Heartbeat The number of milliseconds between heartbeat messages emitted by the multicast detector. This value must be less than the default time delay. no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.heartbeat-time-delay
Multicast Detector Time Delay Amount of milliseconds that must pass without hearing a RHQ Server's heartbeat before assuming its down. This value must be greater than the heartbeat time delay. no rhq.communications.multicast-detector.default-time-delay
Queue Size Maximum number of commands that the agent can queue up for sending to the RHQ Server. Setting this to 0 makes the queue unbounded. no rhq.agent.client.queue-size
Maximum Concurrency Maximum number of commands that the agent can send to the RHQ Server at the same time. no rhq.agent.client.max-concurrent
Timeout The default time in milliseconds the agent will wait before aborting a command being sent no rhq.agent.client.command-timeout-msecs
Retry Interval This is the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, the agent will wait before trying to resend a guaranteed command that previously failed no rhq.agent.client.retry-interval-msecs
Max Retries This is the maximum amount of times the agent will resend a guaranteed command that previously failed due to something other than a cannot-connect error no rhq.agent.client.max-retries
Send Throttling Configures the send throttle. See the documentation for more information on send throttling no rhq.agent.client.send-throttling
Queue Throttling Configures the queue throttle. See the documentation for more information on queue throttling no rhq.agent.client.queue-throttling
Register with RHQ Server At Startup? This will force the agent to register with the RHQ Server, even if it is already registered no rhq.agent.register-with-server-at-startup
Time To Wait For RHQ Server At Startup This is the number of milliseconds the agent will wait for the RHQ Server to come up no rhq.agent.wait-for-server-at-startup-msecs
Update Plugins At Startup This will force the agent to download plugin updates from the RHQ Server no rhq.agent.update-plugins-at-startup
Test Failover List At Startup If true, the agent will attempt to connect to all servers found in its failover list. Warning messages will be logged if errors occur while attempting to connect to one or more servers. no rhq.agent.test-failover-list-at-startup
Enable Agent Update If true, the agent will be allowed to update itself if it finds there is a new agent update binary available. If this feature is not enabled, the agent will never be allowed to update itself. no rhq.agent.agent-update.enabled
Agent Update Binary Version URL If defined, this will be the URL the agent uses when it needs to retrieve information about the latest available agent update binary. If this is not defined, the agent will ask its server for the agent update binary version information. no rhq.agent.agent-update.version-url
Agent Update Binary Download URL If defined, this will be the URL the agent uses when it needs to download the latest available agent update binary. If this is not defined, the agent will download the agent update binary from its server. no rhq.agent.agent-update.download-url
Data Directory Location where the agent can persist data to the file system no rhq.agent.data-directory
Disable Native System Disables the native system; agent will not use the native JNI libraries no rhq.agent.disable-native-system
Primary Server Switchover Check Interval The amount of milliseconds in between checking that the agent is connected to the primary server, as opposed to a failover server. The check is disabled if this is 0. no rhq.agent.primary-server-switchover-check-interval-msecs
Remote Stream Idle Timeout The maximum amount of milliseconds an agent-hosted remote stream is allowed to remain idle before it will be closed. no rhq.communications.remote-stream-max-idle-time-msecs
Command Spool Filename Defines the name of the command spool file. This file must be located in the data directory (if one does not exist, it will be created) no rhq.agent.client.command-spool-file.name
Command Spool File Parameters Defines the maximum size the spool file is allowed to be and how it is to be purged. See the documentation on the format of this value. no rhq.agent.client.command-spool-file.params
Compress Spool File? If true, data in the spool file will be compressed. Note that this saves disk space at the expense of performance no rhq.agent.client.command-spool-file.compressed
VM Health Check Interval The amount of milliseconds in between checking the health of the agent's Java Virtual Machine. The check is disabled if this is set to 0. no rhq.agent.vm-health-check.interval-msecs
VM Health Check Low Heap Memory Threshold The threshold percentage that must be crossed if the agent's VM health check is to consider the JVM with critically low memory. This value is a percentage of used heap memory out of the maximum heap size. no rhq.agent.vm-health-check.low-heap-mem-threshold
VM Health Check Low NonHeap Memory Threshold The threshold percentage that must be crossed if the agent's VM health check is to consider the JVM with critically low memory. This value is a percentage of used non-heap memory out of the maximum non-heap size. no rhq.agent.vm-health-check.low-nonheap-mem-threshold


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 5.5. Metrics
Name Description
Restart Agent Shuts down the agent's comm layer and plugin container and starts them up again. This does *not* restart the agent's VM - use the launcher services to do that.
Shutdown Agent Shuts down the agent's comm layer and plugin container. If the agent is in daemon mode, the entire agent VM will exit
Restart Plugin Container Recycles the plugin container.
Download Latest Failover List Tells the agent to download an updated server failover list. This will also check to make sure the agent is pointing to its primary server as found in the new failover list and, if not, will attempt to switch to the primary server now.
Update All Plugins Tells the agent to update its plugins. This pulls new/updated plugins down from the RHQ Server
Get Info On All Plugins Retrieves information on all deployed plugins.
Get Plugin Info Retrieves information on a specific plugin.
Execute Availability Scan Runs an availability scan and returns a report of its findings. An availability report tells you what resources are up or down. This operation will send the report to the server for processing, as well as return the results.
Get Current Date/Time Obtains the agent's current date/time.
Set Debug Mode Turns on or off debug mode, which causes the agent to emit verbose log messages.
Execute Prompt Command Executes an agent prompt command, just as if you invoked the command at the agent prompt in a console. Note that you must ensure the prompt command does not require additional input, since the agent will look for that input from another source (e.g. console keyboard).
Switch To Server Tell the agent to immediately switch to another server. The given server can be a simple hostname in which case, the current transport, port and transport parameters being used to talk to the current server will stay the same. Otherwise, it will be assumed the server is a full endpoint URL.

Package Types


5.1.1. RHQAgent - Measurement Subsystem Service


Table 5.6. Overview
Description: The measurement subsystem within an agent's plugin container
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 5.7. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 5.8. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Currently Schedule Measurements measurement The total number of active measurement schedules currently being collected by this RHQ Agent CurrentlyScheduleMeasurements
Measurements Collected measurement The total number of measurements collected since this RHQ Agent was started MeasurementsCollected
Measurements Collected per Minute measurement The total number of measurements collected since this RHQ Agent was started MeasurementsCollected
Total Time Collecting Measurements measurement The amount of time this RHQ Agent has spent collecting measurements since it was started TotalTimeCollectingMeasurements
Total Time Collecting Measurements per Minute measurement The amount of time this RHQ Agent has spent collecting measurements since it was started TotalTimeCollectingMeasurements
Failed Collections measurement The number of individual measurement collections that have failed since this RHQ Agent was started FailedCollections
Failed Collections per Minute measurement The number of individual measurement collections that have failed since this RHQ Agent was started FailedCollections
Late Collections measurement The number of individual measurement collections that have fallen behind from their desired schedule LateCollections
Late Collections per Minute measurement The number of individual measurement collections that have fallen behind from their desired schedule LateCollections


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties




Package Types


5.1.2. RHQAgent - Plugin Container Service


Table 5.9. Overview
Description: The plugin container itself, which hosts the plugins and manages their lifecycle
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 5.10. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate
Description Template yes descriptionTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 5.11. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Number Of Plugin Class Loaders measurement The total number of plugin classloaders currently created and actively managed. NumberOfPluginClassLoaders
Number Of Discovery Class Loaders measurement The total number of discovery classloaders currently created and actively managed. NumberOfDiscoveryClassLoaders
Number Of Resource Class Loaders measurement The total number of individual resource classloaders currently created and assigned to resources. NumberOfResourceClassLoaders


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 5.12. Metrics
Name Description
Retrieve Plugin Dependency Graph Get the list of plugins and show what plugins they depend on. The order of this list is the order in which the plugins are deployed.
Retrieve Plugin ClassLoader Information Get information on all plugin classloaders. There is one plugin classloader for each deployed plugin.
Retrieve Discovery ClassLoader Information Get information on all discovery classloaders. These are created for discovery components that need to discover resources under a parent resource where that parent resource is from a different plugin than the discovery component.
Retrieve ClassLoader Information For All Resources Get information on classloaders for all resources. Depending on the number of resources being managed, this is potentially an expensive operation.
Retrieve Unique Resource ClassLoader Information Get information on all unique resource classloader instances that are created. Depending on the number of resources being managed, this is potentially an expensive operation.

Package Types


5.1.3. RHQAgent - Environment Setup Script Service


Table 5.13. Overview
Description: The agent startup script that sets up the agent environment
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 5.14. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Pathname The full path to the script yes Pathname


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 5.15. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Environment Variables Environment variables that are set when starting the RHQ Agent JVM process yes environmentVariables


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types


5.1.4. RHQAgent - Launcher Script Service


Table 5.16. Overview
Description: The script that can run the agent as a daemon service. The Environment Setup Script configures the behavior of this service.
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 5.17. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Pathname The full path to launcher script file yes Pathname


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties



Table 5.18. Metrics
Name Description
Restart Restarts the agent VM. This will completely kill the agent VM process (if it is running as this service) and then attempt to restart it. If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Stop Stops the agent VM gracefully. This will completely kill the agent VM process (if it is running as this service). If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Kill Performs a hard kill on the agent VM. This will completely kill the agent VM process (if it is running as this service). If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Status Gets the status of agent VM, if it was launched by the launcher script.

Package Types


5.1.5. RHQAgent - Java Service Wrapper Launcher Service


Table 5.19. Overview
Description: The Java Service Wrapper that can run the agent as a daemon service
Singleton: yes
Plugin: RHQAgent

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 5.20. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Launcher Script The full path to wrapper launcher script file yes launcherScript
Configuration File The full path to the configuration file yes configurationFile
Environment File The full path to the environment setup file no environmentFile
Include File The full path to the include file no includeFile


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 5.21. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Main Configuration Settings The main JSW configuration. This is read-only - to customize the configuration, add settings to the environment and/or includes. yes mainConfigurationSettings
Environment Settings Environment settings to further customize the JSW. These are set prior to applying the main configuration and include settings. Variables set here can be placed in the main config or includes using the %VAR% notation. yes environmentSettings
Include Settings Override settings that augment the existing JSW configuration. These are applied after the main configuration is set. yes includeSettings


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 5.22. Metrics
Name Description
Install Installs the Java Service Wrapper so it starts the agent at boot time
Restart Restarts the Java Service Wrapper and the agent it contains. This will completely kill the agent VM process (if it is running as this service) and then attempt to restart it. If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Stop Stops the Java Service Wrapper and the agent it contains. This will completely kill the agent VM process (if it is running as this service). If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Remove Removes the Java Service Wrapper so it no longer starts the agent at boot time. *NOTE* This will completely kill the agent VM process if it is running as this service. If the agent executing this operation will quickly die, no confirmation will be available as to the success or failure of this operation.
Status Gets the status of the Java Service Wrapper

Package Types

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