

3.2. JBoss AS 5 and EAP 5 Server

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Table 3.88. Overview
Description: JBoss Application Server (AS) 5.x or 6.x instance and Enterprise Application Platform (EAP), Enterprise SOA Platform (SOA-P), or Enterprise Web Platform (EWP) 5.x instances.
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS5


The server can be started, restarted, or stopped via the Start, Restart, and Shutdown operations. The Start and Restart operations start the server by executing the server start script, typically run.sh on UNIX or run.bat on Windows. The following connection settings can be used to configure the start script execution:
  • Start Script - the absolute path of the start script (e.g. "/opt/jboss-eap-5.0/bin/run.sh")
  • Start Script Prefix - a prefix command line to be prepended to the start script command line (e.g. "nohup sudo -u jboss -g jboss")
  • Start Script Arguments - arguments to be passed to the start script (e.g. "--configuration=production")
  • Start Script Environment - environment variables to be set in the start script's environment (e.g. "JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_30")
These settings are automatically initialized by the JBossAS5 plugin discovery code to match the currently running server process' command line and environment.
The settings are not used by the Stop operation, since it stops the server via the management interface, not via a script.
For more detailed descriptions of the settings, see the Connection Settings section below.

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans

Table 3.89. Metrics
Name Query
jbossas process|basename|match=^java.*,arg|org.jboss.Main|match=.*

Connection Properties

Table 3.90. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Naming Provider URL The JBoss Naming Provider (JNP) URL with which to connect to the JBoss AS or EAP instance (e.g. jnp:// yes namingURL
Principal The name of the principal (i.e. user) to authenticate. no principal
Credentials The credentials (i.e. password) that should be used to authenticate the principal. no credentials
JBoss Home Directory The absolute path to the directory where JBoss AS or EAP is installed (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA). yes homeDir
Server Home Dir The path to the configuration directory under which this instance operates (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.2.0.GA/server/default); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {homeDir}. yes serverHomeDir
Server Name The name of the server configuration (e.g. minimal, default, or all); if not specified, it will default to the last path component of {serverHomeDir}. If the 'startScriptArgs' property is not set, this property will be used by the Start and Restart operations as the value of the -c option that is passed to the start script. However, this property is deprecated for that purpose and 'startScriptArgs' should be used instead. no serverName
Client Url The URL of the server's client JAR library directory; if not specified, it will default to {homeDir}/client. no clientUrl
Lib Url The URL of the server's main JAR library directory; if not specified, it will default to {homeDir}/lib. no libUrl
Common Lib Url The URL of the server's common JAR library directory; if not specified, it will default to {homeDir}/common/lib. no commonLibUrl
Script Prefix A prefix applied to script execution commands; this prefix is applied verbatim. The full path of the executable is required (e.g. /usr/bin/sudo). For applicable platforms, this is typically a sudo command, so a sudo user must be configured appropriately for the specified command. Ignored if not set. no scriptPrefix
Start Script The path to the script used by the 'Start' operation to start this JBossAS server (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.2.0.GA/bin/run.sh); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {jbossHomeDir}; defaults to 'bin/run.sh' on UNIX or 'bin\run.bat' on Windows. no startScript
Start Script Environment Variables The variables that the Start and Restart operations will add to the environment of the server start script. Each name=value pair should be on a new line. Variable values should *not* be enclosed in quotes (e.g. JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512M -Xmx1024M). On UNIX systems, the typical minimum set of environment variables is: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin . And on Windows the typical minimum set is: PATH=C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows , OS=Windows_NT , SYSTEMROOT=C:\Windows . In addition, it is good practice to set JAVA_HOME to the absolute path of the install directory of the JRE or JDK you wish to use to run the AS7 instance. However, if JAVA_HOME is not specified, the start script will attempt to find java in the PATH. There is currently a 2000 character limit for this value. no startScriptEnv
Start Script Arguments The arguments that the Start and Restart operations will pass to the server start script. Each argument should be on a new line - for example: --server-config=standalone-ha-full.xml. As an exception, the value of a space-delimited option can optionally be on the same line as the option - for example: -c default. There is currently a 2000 character limit for this value. no startScriptArgs
Shutdown Script The path to the script used by the Shut Down operation to shut down this JBossAS server (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.2.0.GA/bin/shutdown.sh); if the path is not absolute, then it will be resolved relative to {jbossHomeDir}; defaults to 'bin/shutdown.sh' on UNIX or 'bin\shutdown.bat' on Windows. no shutdownScript
Shutdown Method The method used to execute the Shut Down operation; defaults to 'JMX MBean'. 'JMX MBean' is the preferred shutdown method and should be used unless there is a specific use case for using a script. no shutdownMethod
Bind Address The host or IP address that all application server services should listen on (e.g. or foo.example.com); specify to tell the application server to bind to all available network interfaces; defaults to ''. If the 'startScriptArgs' property is not set, this property will be used by the Start and Restart operations as the value of the -b option that is passed to the start script. However, this property is deprecated for that purpose and 'startScriptArgs' should be used instead. no bindAddress
Java Home The absolute path to a JRE or JDK installation directory containing the JVM that should be used by the operations that start and/or shut down this JBoss AS server; for the Shutdown operation to work when the shutdown method is set to 'shutdown script', the property must be set. For the Start operation, this property is deprecated and will be ignored if the 'startScriptEnv' property is set. no javaHome
Start Wait Max The time, in minutes,(e.g. 1 or 8) that must elapse before the server is considered to have failed to start up. The default is 5 minutes. no startWaitMax
Stop Wait Max The time, in minutes,(e.g. 1 or 8) that must elapse before the server is considered to have failed to stop. The default is 2.5 minutes. no stopWaitMax
Shutdown MBean Name Name of the MBean to use when shutting down this server through JMX. yes shutdownMBeanName
Shutdown MBean Operation Name of the operation to invoke when shutting down this server through JMX. Note that only operations with no parameter or with one int parameter are supported. If the operation requires an int parameter, '0' will be supplied. yes shutdownMBeanOperation
Availability Check Period The amount of time, in seconds, that must elapse between availability checks to see if the server is up. If set, the availability checks will be performed asynchronously thus allowing slow-responding servers to avoid being falsely reported as down. no availabilityCheckPeriod
Service Availability Refresh Interval The amount of time, in minutes, that can elapse for service resource (e.g., EJBs, data sources) availability checks without having to refresh the managed object from the JBoss server. The information used to perform availability checks is cached. This property determines how frequently that data needs to be reloaded from the JBoss server. Any time the managed object is loaded from the server, like for collecting metrics, the availability information is updated and the interval is reset. no serviceAvailabilityRefreshInterval
JBoss AS JVM Name The name of the JBoss AS JVM resource. no childJmxServerName
Log Event Sources yes logEventSources


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.91. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Cluster Partition Name trait the name of the cluster partition this server belongs to MCBean|ServerConfig|*|partitionName
Server Name trait the name of the active profile (i.e. configuration set) this server is using MCBean|ServerConfig|*|serverName
Server Home Dir trait the full path of the configuration set directory this server is using (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/server/default) MCBean|ServerConfig|*|serverHomeDir
Version Name trait the code name for this app server's version (AS 5.0 = Morpheus, AS 5.1 = The Oracle, AS 6.x = Neo) MCBean|MCServer|*|versionName
Build Date trait the date this app server was built MCBean|MCServer|*|buildDate
Start Date trait the date and time this app server instance was started MCBean|MCServer|*|startDate
Active Thread Count measurement The current number of active threads for this app server instance MCBean|ServerInfo|*|activeThreadCount
Active Thread Group Count measurement The current number of active thread groups for this app server instance MCBean|ServerInfo|*|activeThreadGroupCount
JVM Free Memory measurement An approximation of the total amount of memory currently available in the app server JVM for future allocated objects, measured in bytes MCBean|ServerInfo|*|freeMemory
JVM Max Memory measurement The maximum amount of memory that the app server JVM will attempt to use, measured in bytes; if there is no inherent limit then the value Long.MAX_VALUE will be returned MCBean|ServerInfo|*|maxMemory
JVM Total Memory measurement The total amount of memory currently available in the app server JVM for current and future objects, measured in bytes MCBean|ServerInfo|*|totalMemory
Total Transactions measurement Total number of transactions since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|transactionCount
Total Transactions per Minute measurement Total number of transactions since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|transactionCount
Transactions Committed measurement Number of transactions committed since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|commitCount
Transactions Committed per Minute measurement Number of transactions committed since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|commitCount
Transactions Rolled Back measurement Number of transactions rolled back since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|rollbackCount
Transactions Rolled Back per Minute measurement Number of transactions rolled back since last restart MCBean|JTA|*|rollbackCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.92. Metrics
Name Description
Start Start this application server. The script used is specified in the Operations group of connection properties. This operation will fail if the server is already started.
Shut Down Shut down this application server via script or JMX, depending on the settings in the Operations and Advanced groups of connection properties. This operation will fail if the server is already shut down.
Restart Shut down (if started) and then start this application server.

Package Types

Table 3.93. Package Types
Name Category Description
Cumulative Patch Deployable Automatically installable application server patches
JAR Library Deployable Library Jar files deployed in JBoss AS

3.2.1. JBossAS5 - JBoss Web Service


Table 3.94. Overview
Description: JBoss Web Servlet Container
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS5

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties




Configuration Properties




Package Types

none JBossAS5 - Connector Service

Table 3.95. Overview
Description: a JBoss Web Connector
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS5
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.96. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Type yes componentType
Component Subtype yes componentSubtype
Component Name yes componentName
Protocol this connector's protocol (e.g. jk, ajp, http) yes protocol
Address the IP address this connector listens on yes address
Port the port this connector listens on yes port


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.97. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Maximum Request Time measurement the maximum time it took to process a request since the last restart maxTime
Request Count measurement the total number of requests processed since the last restart requestCount
Request Count per Minute measurement the total number of requests processed since the last restart requestCount
Error Count measurement the number of errors while processing requests since the last restart errorCount
Error Count per Minute measurement the number of errors while processing requests since the last restart errorCount
Current Active Threads measurement the number of threads for this connector that are currently active ThreadPool|currentThreadsBusy
Current Thread Count measurement the number of threads for this connector that currently exist ThreadPool|currentThreadCount
Maximum Threads trait Maximum number of threads that can be allocated for the thread pool of this connector ThreadPool|maxThreads


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
none JBossAS5 - Virtual Host Service

Table 3.98. Overview
Description: a JBoss Web virtual host
Singleton: no
Plugin: JBossAS5
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties
Table 3.99. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Component Type yes componentType
Component Subtype yes componentSubtype
Component Name yes componentName
Name the virtual host's name (e.g. localhost) yes name


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Table 3.100. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Aliases trait the aliases for this virtual host, if any aliases


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types
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