
16.6. Utilisation du rôle de système logging avec TLS

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Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to allow secure communication over the computer network.

As an administrator, you can use the logging RHEL System Role to configure a secure transfer of logs using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

16.6.1. Configuration de la journalisation des clients avec TLS

You can use an Ansible playbook with the logging System Role to configure logging on RHEL clients and transfer logs to a remote logging system using TLS encryption.

This procedure creates a private key and certificate, and configures TLS on all hosts in the clients group in the Ansible inventory. The TLS protocol encrypts the message transmission for secure transfer of logs over the network.


You do not have to call the certificate System Role in the playbook to create the certificate. The logging System Role calls it automatically.

In order for the CA to be able to sign the created certificate, the managed nodes must be enrolled in an IdM domain.

Conditions préalables

  • Vous disposez d'autorisations pour exécuter des playbooks sur les nœuds gérés sur lesquels vous souhaitez configurer TLS.
  • Les nœuds gérés sont répertoriés dans le fichier d'inventaire du nœud de contrôle.
  • Les paquets ansible et rhel-system-roles sont installés sur le nœud de contrôle.
  • The managed nodes are enrolled in an IdM domain.


  1. Créer un fichier playbook.yml avec le contenu suivant :

    - name: Deploying files input and forwards output with certs
      hosts: clients
        - rhel-system-roles.logging
          - name: logging_cert
            dns: ['localhost', '']
            ca: ipa
          - ca_cert: /local/path/to/ca_cert.pem
            cert: /local/path/to/logging_cert.pem
            private_key: /local/path/to/logging_cert.pem
          - name: input_name
            type: files
            input_log_path: /var/log/containers/*.log
          - name: output_name
            type: forwards
            target: your_target_host
            tcp_port: 514
            tls: true
            pki_authmode: x509/name
            permitted_server: ''
          - name: flow_name
            inputs: [input_name]
            outputs: [output_name]

    Le playbook utilise les paramètres suivants :

    The value of this parameter is passed on to certificate_requests in the certificate role and used to create a private key and certificate.

    Using this parameter, you can configure the paths and other settings that logging uses to find the CA, certificate, and key files used for TLS, specified with one or more of the following sub-parameters: ca_cert, ca_cert_src, cert, cert_src, private_key, private_key_src, and tls.


    If you are using logging_certificates to create the files on the target node, do not use ca_cert_src, cert_src, and private_key_src, which are used to copy files not created by logging_certificates.

    Represents the path to the CA certificate file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the certificate file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/certs/server-cert.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the private key file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/private/server-key.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the CA certificate file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by ca_cert. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Represents the path to a certificate file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by cert. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Represents the path to a private key file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by private_key. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Setting this parameter to true ensures secure transfer of logs over the network. If you do not want a secure wrapper, you can set tls: false.
  2. Vérifier la syntaxe du playbook :

    # ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook.yml
  3. Exécutez le playbook sur votre fichier d'inventaire :

    # ansible-playbook -i inventory_file playbook.yml

16.6.2. Configuration de la journalisation du serveur avec TLS

You can use an Ansible playbook with the logging System Role to configure logging on RHEL servers and set them to receive logs from a remote logging system using TLS encryption.

This procedure creates a private key and certificate, and configures TLS on all hosts in the server group in the Ansible inventory.


You do not have to call the certificate System Role in the playbook to create the certificate. The logging System Role calls it automatically.

In order for the CA to be able to sign the created certificate, the managed nodes must be enrolled in an IdM domain.

Conditions préalables

  • Vous disposez d'autorisations pour exécuter des playbooks sur les nœuds gérés sur lesquels vous souhaitez configurer TLS.
  • Les nœuds gérés sont répertoriés dans le fichier d'inventaire du nœud de contrôle.
  • Les paquets ansible et rhel-system-roles sont installés sur le nœud de contrôle.
  • The managed nodes are enrolled in an IdM domain.


  1. Créer un fichier playbook.yml avec le contenu suivant :

    - name: Deploying remote input and remote_files output with certs
      hosts: server
        - rhel-system-roles.logging
          - name: logging_cert
            dns: ['localhost', '']
            ca: ipa
          - ca_cert: /local/path/to/ca_cert.pem
            cert: /local/path/to/logging_cert.pem
            private_key: /local/path/to/logging_cert.pem
          - name: input_name
            type: remote
            tcp_ports: 514
            tls: true
            permitted_clients: ['']
          - name: output_name
            type: remote_files
            remote_log_path: /var/log/remote/%FROMHOST%/%PROGRAMNAME:::secpath-replace%.log
            async_writing: true
            client_count: 20
            io_buffer_size: 8192
          - name: flow_name
            inputs: [input_name]
            outputs: [output_name]

    Le playbook utilise les paramètres suivants :

    The value of this parameter is passed on to certificate_requests in the certificate role and used to create a private key and certificate.

    Using this parameter, you can configure the paths and other settings that logging uses to find the CA, certificate, and key files used for TLS, specified with one or more of the following sub-parameters: ca_cert, ca_cert_src, cert, cert_src, private_key, private_key_src, and tls.


    If you are using logging_certificates to create the files on the target node, do not use ca_cert_src, cert_src, and private_key_src, which are used to copy files not created by logging_certificates.

    Represents the path to the CA certificate file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the certificate file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/certs/server-cert.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the private key file on the target node. Default path is /etc/pki/tls/private/server-key.pem and the file name is set by the user.
    Represents the path to the CA certificate file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by ca_cert. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Represents the path to a certificate file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by cert. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Represents the path to a private key file on the control node which is copied to the target host to the location specified by private_key. Do not use this if using logging_certificates.
    Setting this parameter to true ensures secure transfer of logs over the network. If you do not want a secure wrapper, you can set tls: false.
  2. Vérifier la syntaxe du playbook :

    # ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook.yml
  3. Exécutez le playbook sur votre fichier d'inventaire :

    # ansible-playbook -i inventory_file playbook.yml
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