
8.3. Configuring Keylime registrar

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The registrar is the Keylime component that contains a database of all agents, and it hosts the public keys of the TPM vendors. After the registrar’s HTTPS service accepts trusted platform module (TPM) public keys, it presents an interface to obtain these public keys for checking quotes.


To maintain the chain of trust, keep the system that runs the registrar secure and under your control.

You can install the registrar on a separate system or on the same system as the Keylime verifier, depending on your requirements. Running the verifier and registrar on separate systems provides better performance.


To keep the configuration files organized within the drop-in directories, use file names with a two-digit number prefix, for example /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf. The configuration processing reads the files inside the drop-in directory in lexicographic order and sets each option to the last value it reads.

Conditions préalables

  • You have network access to the systems where the Keylime verifier is installed and running. For more information, see Section 8.2, « Configuring Keylime verifier ».
  • You have root permissions and network connection to the system or systems on which you want to install Keylime components.
  • You have access to two databases, where Keylime saves data from the registrar and from the verifier

    You can use any of the following database management systems:

    • SQLite (default)
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
  • You have valid keys and certificates from your certificate authority.


  1. Install the Keylime registrar:

    # dnf install keylime-registrar
  2. Define the IP address and port of the registrar:

    1. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf, with the following content:

      ip = <registrar_IP_address>
      • Replace <registrar_IP_address> with the registrar’s IP address. Alternatively, use ip = * or ip = to bind the registrar to all available IP addresses.
      • Optionally, change the port to which the Keylime agents connect by using the port = option. The default value is 8890.
      • Optionally, change the TLS port to which the Keylime verifier and tenant connect by using the tls_port = option. The default value is 8891.
  3. Optional: Configure the registrar’s database for the list of agents. The default configuration uses an SQLite database in the registrar’s /var/lib/keylime/reg_data.sqlite directory. You can create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-db-url.conf, with the following content:

    database_url = <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties>

    Replace <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties> with the URL of the database, for example, postgresql://registrar:EKYYX-bqY2?#raXm@

    Ensure that the credentials you use have the permissions for Keylime to create the database structure.

  4. Add certificates and keys to the registrar:

    • You can use the default configuration and load the keys and certificates to the /var/lib/keylime/reg_ca/ directory.
    • Alternatively, you can define the location of the keys and certificates in the configuration. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:


      Do not use the tls_dir = default setting with custom CA certificates. Instead, specify a path to the location of the certificates. For more information, see RHELPLAN-157337.

      tls_dir = /var/lib/keylime/reg_ca
      server_key = </path/to/server_key>
      server_key_password = <passphrase1>
      server_cert = </path/to/server_cert>
      trusted_client_ca = ['</path/to/ca/cert1>', '</path/to/ca/cert2>']

      Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. Alternatively, you can define a directory in the tls_dir option and use paths relative to that directory.

  5. Open the ports in firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port 8890/tcp --add-port 8891/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    If you use a different port, replace 8890 or 8891 with the port number defined in the .conf file.

  6. Start the keylime_registrar service:

    # systemctl enable --now keylime_registrar

    In the default configuration, start the keylime_verifier before starting the keylime_registrar service because the verifier creates the CA and certificates for the other Keylime components. This order is not necessary when you use custom certificates.


  • Check that the keylime_registrar service is active and running:

    # systemctl status keylime_registrar
    ● keylime_registrar.service - The Keylime registrar service
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_registrar.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-09 10:10:17 EST; 1min 42s ago
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