
11.9. Removing a Clevis pin from a LUKS-encrypted volume manually

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Use the following procedure for manual removing the metadata created by the clevis luks bind command and also for wiping a key slot that contains passphrase added by Clevis.


The recommended way to remove a Clevis pin from a LUKS-encrypted volume is through the clevis luks unbind command. The removal procedure using clevis luks unbind consists of only one step and works for both LUKS1 and LUKS2 volumes. The following example command removes the metadata created by the binding step and wipe the key slot 1 on the /dev/sda2 device:

# clevis luks unbind -d /dev/sda2 -s 1

Conditions préalables

  • A LUKS-encrypted volume with a Clevis binding.


  1. Check which LUKS version the volume, for example /dev/sda2, is encrypted by and identify a slot and a token that is bound to Clevis:

    # cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda2
    LUKS header information
    Version:        2
      0: luks2
    1: luks2
          Key:        512 bits
          Priority:   normal
          Cipher:     aes-xts-plain64
            0: clevis
                  Keyslot:  1

    In the previous example, the Clevis token is identified by 0 and the associated key slot is 1.

  2. In case of LUKS2 encryption, remove the token:

    # cryptsetup token remove --token-id 0 /dev/sda2
  3. If your device is encrypted by LUKS1, which is indicated by the Version: 1 string in the output of the cryptsetup luksDump command, perform this additional step with the luksmeta wipe command:

    # luksmeta wipe -d /dev/sda2 -s 1
  4. Wipe the key slot containing the Clevis passphrase:

    # cryptsetup luksKillSlot /dev/sda2 1

Ressources supplémentaires

  • clevis-luks-unbind(1), cryptsetup(8), and luksmeta(8) man pages
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