
13.3. Marking files as trusted using an additional source of trust

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The fapolicyd framework trusts files contained in the RPM database. You can mark additional files as trusted by adding the corresponding entries to the /etc/fapolicyd/ plain-text file or the /etc/fapolicyd/trust.d/ directory, which supports separating a list of trusted files into more files. You can modify or the files in /etc/fapolicyd/trust.d either directly using a text editor or through fapolicyd-cli commands.


Marking files as trusted using or trust.d/ is better than writing custom fapolicyd rules due to performance reasons.

Conditions préalables

  • The fapolicyd framework is deployed on your system.


  1. Copy your custom binary to the required directory, for example:

    $ cp /bin/ls /tmp
    $ /tmp/ls
    bash: /tmp/ls: Operation not permitted
  2. Mark your custom binary as trusted, and store the corresponding entry to the myapp file in /etc/fapolicyd/trust.d/:

    # fapolicyd-cli --file add /tmp/ls --trust-file myapp
    • If you skip the --trust-file option, then the previous command adds the corresponding line to /etc/fapolicyd/
    • To mark all existing files in a directory as trusted, provide the directory path as an argument of the --file option, for example: fapolicyd-cli --file add /tmp/my_bin_dir/ --trust-file myapp.
  3. Update the fapolicyd database:

    # fapolicyd-cli --update

Changing the content of a trusted file or directory changes their checksum, and therefore fapolicyd no longer considers them trusted.

To make the new content trusted again, refresh the file trust database by using the fapolicyd-cli --file update command. If you do not provide any argument, the entire database refreshes. Alternatively, you can specify a path to a specific file or directory. Then, update the database by using fapolicyd-cli --update.


  1. Check that your custom binary can be now executed, for example:

    $ /tmp/ls

Ressources supplémentaires

  • man page.
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