
8.5. Configuring Keylime agent

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The Keylime agent is the component deployed to all systems to be monitored by Keylime.

By default, the Keylime agent stores all its data in the /var/lib/keylime/ directory of the monitored system.


To keep the configuration files organized within the drop-in directories, use file names with a two-digit number prefix, for example /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf. The configuration processing reads the files inside the drop-in directory in lexicographic order and sets each option to the last value it reads.

Conditions préalables


  1. Install the Keylime agent:

    # dnf install keylime-agent

    This command installs the keylime-agent-rust package.

  2. Define the agent’s IP address and port in the configuration files. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-agent-ip.conf, with the following content:

    ip = '<agent_ip>'

    Because the Keylime agent configuration uses the TOML format, which is different from the INI format used for configuration of the other components, the values must be in single quotation marks.

    • Replace <agent_IP_address> with the agent’s IP address. Alternatively, use ip = '*' or ip = '' to bind the agent to all available IP addresses.
    • Optionally, you can also change the agent’s port from the default value 9002 by using the port = '<agent_port>' option.
  3. Define the registrar’s IP address and port in the configuration files. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf, with the following content:

    registrar_ip = '<registrar_IP_address>'
    • Replace <registrar_IP_address> with the registrar’s IP address.
    • Optionally, you can also change the registrar’s port from the default value 8890 by using the registrar_port = '<registrar_port>' option.
  4. Optional: Define the agent’s universally unique identifier (UUID). If it is not defined, the default UUID is used. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-agent-uuid.conf, with the following content:

    uuid = '<agent_UUID>'
    • Replace <agent_UUID> with the agent’s UUID, for example d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-abcdef012345. You can use the uuidgen utility to generate a UUID.
  5. Optional: Load existing keys and certificates for the agent. If the agent receives no server_key and server_cert, it generates its own key and a self-signed certificate.


    Do not use certificate chains. Keylime currently does not correctly use all the provided certificates during signature verification, which results in a TLS handshake failure. For more information, see RHEL-396.

    Define the location of the keys and certificates in the configuration. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:

    server_key = '</path/to/server_key>'
    server_key_password = '<passphrase1>'
    server_cert = '</path/to/server_cert>'
    trusted_client_ca = '</path/to/ca/cert>'

    Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. The Keylime agent does not accept relative paths.

  6. Open the port in firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port 9002/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    If you use a different port, replace 9002 with the port number defined in the .conf file.

  7. Enable and start the keylime_agent service:

    # systemctl enable --now keylime_agent
  8. Optional: From the system where the Keylime tenant is configured, verify that the agent is correctly configured and can connect to the registrar.

    # keylime_tenant -c regstatus --uuid <agent_uuid>
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/logging.conf']
    ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", "ip": "", "port": 9002, "regcount": 1, "operational_state": "Registered"}}}
    • Replace <agent_uuid> with the agent’s UUID.

      If the registrar and agent are correctly configured, the output displays the agent’s IP address and port, followed by "operational_state": "Registered".

  9. Create a new IMA policy by entering the following content into the /etc/ima/ima-policy file:

    dont_measure fsmagic=0x9fa0
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x62656572
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x64626720
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x01021994
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x858458f6
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x73636673
    dont_measure fsmagic=0xf97cff8c
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x27e0eb
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x794c7630
    # Don't measure log, audit or tmp files
    dont_measure obj_type=var_log_t
    dont_measure obj_type=auditd_log_t
    dont_measure obj_type=tmp_t
    measure func=BPRM_CHECK
    measure func=FILE_MMAP mask=MAY_EXEC
    measure func=MODULE_CHECK uid=0
  10. Reboot the system to apply the new IMA policy.


  1. Verify that the agent is running:

    # systemctl status keylime_agent
    ● keylime_agent.service - The Keylime compute agent
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_agent.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since ...

Prochaines étapes

After the agent is configured on all systems you want to monitor, you can deploy Keylime to perform one or both of the following functions:

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