
3.8. Customizing system-wide cryptographic policies with subpolicies

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Use this procedure to adjust the set of enabled cryptographic algorithms or protocols.

You can either apply custom subpolicies on top of an existing system-wide cryptographic policy or define such a policy from scratch.

The concept of scoped policies allows enabling different sets of algorithms for different back ends. You can limit each configuration directive to specific protocols, libraries, or services.

Furthermore, directives can use asterisks for specifying multiple values using wildcards.

The /etc/crypto-policies/state/CURRENT.pol file lists all settings in the currently applied system-wide cryptographic policy after wildcard expansion. To make your cryptographic policy more strict, consider using values listed in the /usr/share/crypto-policies/policies/FUTURE.pol file.

You can find example subpolicies in the /usr/share/crypto-policies/policies/modules/ directory. The subpolicy files in this directory contain also descriptions in lines that are commented out.


  1. Checkout to the /etc/crypto-policies/policies/modules/ directory:

    # cd /etc/crypto-policies/policies/modules/
  2. Create subpolicies for your adjustments, for example:

    # touch MYCRYPTO-1.pmod
    # touch SCOPES-AND-WILDCARDS.pmod

    Use upper-case letters in file names of policy modules.

  3. Open the policy modules in a text editor of your choice and insert options that modify the system-wide cryptographic policy, for example:

    # vi MYCRYPTO-1.pmod
    min_rsa_size = 3072
    hash = SHA2-384 SHA2-512 SHA3-384 SHA3-512
    # Disable the AES-128 cipher, all modes
    cipher = -AES-128-*
    # Disable CHACHA20-POLY1305 for the TLS protocol (OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS, and OpenJDK)
    cipher@TLS = -CHACHA20-POLY1305
    # Allow using the FFDHE-1024 group with the SSH protocol (libssh and OpenSSH)
    group@SSH = FFDHE-1024+
    # Disable all CBC mode ciphers for the SSH protocol (libssh and OpenSSH)
    cipher@SSH = -*-CBC
    # Allow the AES-256-CBC cipher in applications using libssh
    cipher@libssh = AES-256-CBC+
  4. Save the changes in the module files.
  5. Apply your policy adjustments to the DEFAULT system-wide cryptographic policy level:

    # update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:MYCRYPTO-1:SCOPES-AND-WILDCARDS
  6. To make your cryptographic settings effective for already running services and applications, restart the system:

    # reboot


  • Check that the /etc/crypto-policies/state/CURRENT.pol file contains your changes, for example:

    $ cat /etc/crypto-policies/state/CURRENT.pol | grep rsa_size
    min_rsa_size = 3072

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