
15.5. Configuring TLS-encrypted remote logging

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By default, Rsyslog sends remote-logging communication in the plain text format. If your scenario requires to secure this communication channel, you can encrypt it using TLS.

To use encrypted transport through TLS, configure both the server and the client. The server collects and analyzes the logs sent by one or more client systems.

You can use either the ossl network stream driver (OpenSSL) or the gtls stream driver (GnuTLS).


If you have a separate system with higher security, for example, a system that is not connected to any network or has stricter authorizations, use the separate system as the certifying authority (CA).

Conditions préalables

  • You have root access to both the client and server systems.
  • The rsyslog and rsyslog-openssl packages are installed on the server and the client systems.
  • If you use the gtls network stream driver, install the rsyslog-gnutls package instead of rsyslog-openssl.
  • If you generate certificates using the certtool command, install the gnutls-utils package.
  • On your logging server, the following certificates are in the /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ directory and your system configuration is updated by using the update-ca-trust command:

    • ca-cert.pem - a CA certificate that can verify keys and certificates on logging servers and clients.
    • server-cert.pem - a public key of the logging server.
    • server-key.pem - a private key of the logging server.
  • On your logging clients, the following certificates are in the /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ directory and your system configuration is updated by using update-ca-trust:

    • ca-cert.pem - a CA certificate that can verify keys and certificates on logging servers and clients.
    • client-cert.pem - a public key of a client.
    • client-key.pem - a private key of a client.


  1. Configure the server for receiving encrypted logs from your client systems:

    1. Create a new file in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory named, for example, securelogser.conf.
    2. To encrypt the communication, the configuration file must contain paths to certificate files on your server, a selected authentication method, and a stream driver that supports TLS encryption. Add the following lines to the /etc/rsyslog.d/securelogser.conf file:

      # Set certificate files
      # TCP listener
        PermittedPeer=["", ""]
      # Start up listener at port 514

      If you prefer the GnuTLS driver, use the StreamDriver.Name="gtls" configuration option. See the documentation installed with the rsyslog-doc package for more information about less strict authentication modes than x509/name.

    3. Save the changes to the /etc/rsyslog.d/securelogser.conf file.
    4. Verify the syntax of the /etc/rsyslog.conf file and any files in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory:

      # rsyslogd -N 1
      rsyslogd: version 8.1911.0-2.el8, config validation run (level 1)...
      rsyslogd: End of config validation run. Bye.
    5. Make sure the rsyslog service is running and enabled on the logging server:

      # systemctl status rsyslog
    6. Redémarrez le service rsyslog:

      # systemctl restart rsyslog
    7. Optional: If Rsyslog is not enabled, ensure the rsyslog service starts automatically after reboot:

      # systemctl enable rsyslog
  2. Configure clients for sending encrypted logs to the server:

    1. On a client system, create a new file in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory named, for example, securelogcli.conf.
    2. Add the following lines to the /etc/rsyslog.d/securelogcli.conf file:

      # Set certificate files
      # Set up the action for all messages
      *.* action(
        target="" port="514" protocol="tcp"

      If you prefer the GnuTLS driver, use the StreamDriver.Name="gtls" configuration option.

    3. Save the changes to the /etc/rsyslog.d/securelogser.conf file.
    4. Verify the syntax of the `/etc/rsyslog.conf file and other files in the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory:

      # rsyslogd -N 1
      rsyslogd: version 8.1911.0-2.el8, config validation run (level 1)...
      rsyslogd: End of config validation run. Bye.
    5. Make sure the rsyslog service is running and enabled on the logging server:

      # systemctl status rsyslog
    6. Redémarrez le service rsyslog:

      # systemctl restart rsyslog
    7. Optional: If Rsyslog is not enabled, ensure the rsyslog service starts automatically after reboot:

      # systemctl enable rsyslog


To verify that the client system sends messages to the server, follow these steps:

  1. Sur le système client, envoyez un message de test :

    # logger test
  2. Sur le système serveur, affichez le journal /var/log/messages, par exemple :

    # cat /var/log/remote/msg/hostname/root.log
    Feb 25 03:53:17 hostname root[6064]: test

    hostname est le nom d'hôte du système client. Notez que le journal contient le nom de l'utilisateur qui a entré la commande logger, dans ce cas root.

Ressources supplémentaires

  • certtool(1), openssl(1), update-ca-trust(8), rsyslogd(8), and rsyslog.conf(5) man pages.
  • Documentation installed with the rsyslog-doc package at /usr/share/doc/rsyslog/html/index.html.
  • Using the logging System Role with TLS.
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