
5.3. Configuring applications to authenticate using certificates from smart cards

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Authentication using smart cards in applications may increase security and simplify automation.

  • The wget network downloader enables you to specify PKCS #11 URIs instead of paths to locally stored private keys, and thus simplifies creating scripts for tasks that require safely stored private keys and certificates. For example:

    $ wget --private-key 'pkcs11:token=softhsm;id=%01;type=private?pin-value=111111' --certificate 'pkcs11:token=softhsm;id=%01;type=cert'

    See the wget(1) man page for more information.

  • Specifying PKCS #11 URI for use by the curl tool is analogous:

    $ curl --key 'pkcs11:token=softhsm;id=%01;type=private?pin-value=111111' --cert 'pkcs11:token=softhsm;id=%01;type=cert'

    See the curl(1) man page for more information.


    Because a PIN is a security measure that controls access to keys stored on a smart card and the configuration file contains the PIN in the plain-text form, consider additional protection to prevent an attacker from reading the PIN. For example, you can use the pin-source attribute and provide a file: URI for reading the PIN from a file. See RFC 7512: PKCS #11 URI Scheme Query Attribute Semantics for more information. Note that using a command path as a value of the pin-source attribute is not supported.

  • The Firefox web browser automatically loads the p11-kit-proxy module. This means that every supported smart card in the system is automatically detected. For using TLS client authentication, no additional setup is required and keys from a smart card are automatically used when a server requests them.

Using PKCS #11 URIs in custom applications

If your application uses the GnuTLS or NSS library, support for PKCS #11 URIs is ensured by their built-in support for PKCS #11. Also, applications relying on the OpenSSL library can access cryptographic hardware modules thanks to the openssl-pkcs11 engine.

With applications that require working with private keys on smart cards and that do not use NSS, GnuTLS, and OpenSSL, use p11-kit to implement registering PKCS #11 modules.

Ressources supplémentaires

  • p11-kit(8) man page.
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