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Chapter 22. Clusters at the network far edge

22.1. Challenges of the network far edge

Edge computing presents complex challenges when managing many sites in geographically displaced locations. Use zero touch provisioning (ZTP) and GitOps to provision and manage sites at the far edge of the network.

22.1.1. Overcoming the challenges of the network far edge

Today, service providers want to deploy their infrastructure at the edge of the network. This presents significant challenges:

  • How do you handle deployments of many edge sites in parallel?
  • What happens when you need to deploy sites in disconnected environments?
  • How do you manage the lifecycle of large fleets of clusters?

Zero touch provisioning (ZTP) and GitOps meets these challenges by allowing you to provision remote edge sites at scale with declarative site definitions and configurations for bare-metal equipment. Template or overlay configurations install OpenShift Container Platform features that are required for CNF workloads. The full lifecycle of installation and upgrades is handled through the ZTP pipeline.

ZTP uses GitOps for infrastructure deployments. With GitOps, you use declarative YAML files and other defined patterns stored in Git repositories. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses your Git repositories to drive the deployment of your infrastructure.

GitOps provides traceability, role-based access control (RBAC), and a single source of truth for the desired state of each site. Scalability issues are addressed by Git methodologies and event driven operations through webhooks.

You start the ZTP workflow by creating declarative site definition and configuration custom resources (CRs) that the ZTP pipeline delivers to the edge nodes.

The following diagram shows how ZTP works within the far edge framework.

ZTP at the network far edge

22.1.2. Using ZTP to provision clusters at the network far edge

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) manages clusters in a hub-and-spoke architecture, where a single hub cluster manages many spoke clusters. Hub clusters running RHACM provision and deploy the managed clusters by using zero touch provisioning (ZTP) and the assisted service that is deployed when you install RHACM.

The assisted service handles provisioning of OpenShift Container Platform on single node clusters, three-node clusters, or standard clusters running on bare metal.

A high-level overview of using ZTP to provision and maintain bare-metal hosts with OpenShift Container Platform is as follows:

  • A hub cluster running RHACM manages an OpenShift image registry that mirrors the OpenShift Container Platform release images. RHACM uses the OpenShift image registry to provision the managed clusters.
  • You manage the bare-metal hosts in a YAML format inventory file, versioned in a Git repository.
  • You make the hosts ready for provisioning as managed clusters, and use RHACM and the assisted service to install the bare-metal hosts on site.

Installing and deploying the clusters is a two-stage process, involving an initial installation phase, and a subsequent configuration phase. The following diagram illustrates this workflow:

Using GitOps and ZTP to install and deploy managed clusters

22.1.3. Installing managed clusters with SiteConfig resources and RHACM

GitOps ZTP uses SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) in a Git repository to manage the processes that install OpenShift Container Platform clusters. The SiteConfig CR contains cluster-specific parameters required for installation. It has options for applying select configuration CRs during installation including user defined extra manifests.

The ZTP GitOps plugin processes SiteConfig CRs to generate a collection of CRs on the hub cluster. This triggers the assisted service in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to install OpenShift Container Platform on the bare-metal host. You can find installation status and error messages in these CRs on the hub cluster.

You can provision single clusters manually or in batches with ZTP:

Provisioning a single cluster
Create a single SiteConfig CR and related installation and configuration CRs for the cluster, and apply them in the hub cluster to begin cluster provisioning. This is a good way to test your CRs before deploying on a larger scale.
Provisioning many clusters
Install managed clusters in batches of up to 400 by defining SiteConfig and related CRs in a Git repository. ArgoCD uses the SiteConfig CRs to deploy the sites. The RHACM policy generator creates the manifests and applies them to the hub cluster. This starts the cluster provisioning process.

22.1.4. Configuring managed clusters with policies and PolicyGenTemplate resources

Zero touch provisioning (ZTP) uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) to configure clusters by using a policy-based governance approach to applying the configuration.

The policy generator or PolicyGen is a plugin for the GitOps Operator that enables the creation of RHACM policies from a concise template. The tool can combine multiple CRs into a single policy, and you can generate multiple policies that apply to various subsets of clusters in your fleet.


For scalability and to reduce the complexity of managing configurations across the fleet of clusters, use configuration CRs with as much commonality as possible.

  • Where possible, apply configuration CRs using a fleet-wide common policy.
  • The next preference is to create logical groupings of clusters to manage as much of the remaining configurations as possible under a group policy.
  • When a configuration is unique to an individual site, use RHACM templating on the hub cluster to inject the site-specific data into a common or group policy. Alternatively, apply an individual site policy for the site.

The following diagram shows how the policy generator interacts with GitOps and RHACM in the configuration phase of cluster deployment.

Policy generator

For large fleets of clusters, it is typical for there to be a high-level of consistency in the configuration of those clusters.

The following recommended structuring of policies combines configuration CRs to meet several goals:

  • Describe common configurations once and apply to the fleet.
  • Minimize the number of maintained and managed policies.
  • Support flexibility in common configurations for cluster variants.
Table 22.1. Recommended PolicyGenTemplate policy categories
Policy categoryDescription


A policy that exists in the common category is applied to all clusters in the fleet. Use common PolicyGenTemplate CRs to apply common installation settings across all cluster types.


A policy that exists in the groups category is applied to a group of clusters in the fleet. Use group PolicyGenTemplate CRs to manage specific aspects of single-node, three-node, and standard cluster installations. Cluster groups can also follow geographic region, hardware variant, etc.


A policy that exists in the sites category is applied to a specific cluster site. Any cluster can have its own specific policies maintained.

Additional resources

  • For more information about extracting the reference SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs from the ztp-site-generate container image, see Preparing the ZTP Git repository.

22.2. Preparing the hub cluster for ZTP

To use RHACM in a disconnected environment, create a mirror registry that mirrors the OpenShift Container Platform release images and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) catalog that contains the required Operator images. OLM manages, installs, and upgrades Operators and their dependencies in the cluster. You can also use a disconnected mirror host to serve the RHCOS ISO and RootFS disk images that are used to provision the bare-metal hosts.

22.2.1. Telco RAN 4.11 validated solution software versions

The Red Hat Telco Radio Access Network (RAN) version 4.11 solution has been validated using the following Red Hat software products versions.

Table 22.2. Telco RAN 4.11 validated solution software
ProductSoftware version

Hub cluster OpenShift Container Platform version


GitOps ZTP plugin

4.9, 4.10, or 4.11

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM)

2.5 or 2.6

Red Hat OpenShift GitOps


Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM)

4.10 or 4.11

22.2.2. Installing GitOps ZTP in a disconnected environment

Use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), Red Hat OpenShift GitOps, and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) on the hub cluster in the disconnected environment to manage the deployment of multiple managed clusters.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have configured a disconnected mirror registry for use in the cluster.


    The disconnected mirror registry that you create must contain a version of TALM backup and pre-cache images that matches the version of TALM running in the hub cluster. The spoke cluster must be able to resolve these images in the disconnected mirror registry.


22.2.3. Adding RHCOS ISO and RootFS images to the disconnected mirror host

Before you begin installing clusters in the disconnected environment with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), you must first host Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) images for it to use. Use a disconnected mirror to host the RHCOS images.


  • Deploy and configure an HTTP server to host the RHCOS image resources on the network. You must be able to access the HTTP server from your computer, and from the machines that you create.

The RHCOS images might not change with every release of OpenShift Container Platform. You must download images with the highest version that is less than or equal to the version that you install. Use the image versions that match your OpenShift Container Platform version if they are available. You require ISO and RootFS images to install RHCOS on the hosts. RHCOS QCOW2 images are not supported for this installation type.


  1. Log in to the mirror host.
  2. Obtain the RHCOS ISO and RootFS images from, for example:

    1. Export the required image names and OpenShift Container Platform version as environment variables:

      $ export ISO_IMAGE_NAME=<iso_image_name> 1
      $ export ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME=<rootfs_image_name> 1
      $ export OCP_VERSION=<ocp_version> 1
      ISO image name, for example, rhcos-4.11.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso
      RootFS image name, for example, rhcos-4.11.1-x86_64-live-rootfs.x86_64.img
      OpenShift Container Platform version, for example, 4.11.1
    2. Download the required images:

      $ sudo wget${OCP_VERSION}/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME} -O /var/www/html/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME}
      $ sudo wget${OCP_VERSION}/${ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME} -O /var/www/html/${ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME}

Verification steps

  • Verify that the images downloaded successfully and are being served on the disconnected mirror host, for example:

    $ wget http://$(hostname)/${ISO_IMAGE_NAME}

    Example output

    Saving to: rhcos-4.11.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso
    rhcos-4.11.1-x86_64-live.x86_64.iso-  11%[====>    ]  10.01M  4.71MB/s

22.2.4. Enabling the assisted service and updating AgentServiceConfig on the hub cluster

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses the assisted service to deploy OpenShift Container Platform clusters. The assisted service is deployed automatically when you enable the MultiClusterHub Operator with Central Infrastructure Management (CIM). When you have enabled CIM on the hub cluster, you then need to update the AgentServiceConfig custom resource (CR) with references to the ISO and RootFS images that are hosted on the mirror registry HTTP server.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have enabled the assisted service on the hub cluster. For more information, see Enabling CIM.


  1. Update the AgentServiceConfig CR by running the following command:

    $ oc edit AgentServiceConfig
  2. Add the following entry to the items.spec.osImages field in the CR:

    - cpuArchitecture: x86_64
        openshiftVersion: "4.11"
        rootFSUrl: https://<host>/<path>/rhcos-live-rootfs.x86_64.img
        url: https://<mirror-registry>/<path>/rhcos-live.x86_64.iso


    Is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the target mirror registry HTTP server.
    Is the path to the image on the target mirror registry.

    Save and quit the editor to apply the changes.

22.2.5. Configuring the hub cluster to use a disconnected mirror registry

You can configure the hub cluster to use a disconnected mirror registry for a disconnected environment.


  • You have a disconnected hub cluster installation with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) 2.6 installed.
  • You have hosted the rootfs and iso images on an HTTP server.

If you enable TLS for the HTTP server, you must confirm the root certificate is signed by an authority trusted by the client and verify the trusted certificate chain between your OpenShift Container Platform hub and managed clusters and the HTTP server. Using a server configured with an untrusted certificate prevents the images from being downloaded to the image creation service. Using untrusted HTTPS servers is not supported.


  1. Create a ConfigMap containing the mirror registry config:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: assisted-installer-mirror-config
      namespace: assisted-installer
        app: assisted-service
      ca-bundle.crt: <certificate> 1
      registries.conf: |  2
        unqualified-search-registries = ["", ""]
          location = <mirror_registry_url>  3
          insecure = false
          mirror-by-digest-only = true
    The mirror registry’s certificate used when creating the mirror registry.
    The configuration for the mirror registry.
    The URL of the mirror registry.

    This updates mirrorRegistryRef in the AgentServiceConfig custom resource, as shown below:

    Example output

    kind: AgentServiceConfig
      name: agent
        volumeName: <db_pv_name>
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <db_storage_size>
        volumeName: <fs_pv_name>
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: <fs_storage_size>
        name: 'assisted-installer-mirror-config'
        - openshiftVersion: <ocp_version>
          rootfs: <rootfs_url> 1
          url: <iso_url> 2

    1 2
    Must match the URLs of the HTTPD server.

A valid NTP server is required during cluster installation. Ensure that a suitable NTP server is available and can be reached from the installed clusters through the disconnected network.

22.2.6. Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD

You can configure your hub cluster with a set of ArgoCD applications that generate the required installation and policy custom resources (CR) for each site based on a zero touch provisioning (ZTP) GitOps flow.


  • You have a OpenShift Container Platform hub cluster with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and Red Hat OpenShift GitOps installed.
  • You have extracted the reference deployment from the ZTP GitOps plugin container as described in the "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" section. Extracting the reference deployment creates the out/argocd/deployment directory referenced in the following procedure.


  1. Prepare the ArgoCD pipeline configuration:

    1. Create a Git repository with the directory structure similar to the example directory. For more information, see "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository".
    2. Configure access to the repository using the ArgoCD UI. Under Settings configure the following:

      • Repositories - Add the connection information. The URL must end in .git, for example, and credentials.
      • Certificates - Add the public certificate for the repository, if needed.
    3. Modify the two ArgoCD applications, out/argocd/deployment/clusters-app.yaml and out/argocd/deployment/policies-app.yaml, based on your Git repository:

      • Update the URL to point to the Git repository. The URL ends with .git, for example,
      • The targetRevision indicates which Git repository branch to monitor.
      • path specifies the path to the SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs, respectively.
  2. To install the ZTP GitOps plugin you must patch the ArgoCD instance in the hub cluster by using the patch file previously extracted into the out/argocd/deployment/ directory. Run the following command:

    $ oc patch argocd openshift-gitops \
    -n openshift-gitops --type=merge \
    --patch-file out/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json
  3. Apply the pipeline configuration to your hub cluster by using the following command:

    $ oc apply -k out/argocd/deployment

22.2.7. Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository

Before you can use the ZTP GitOps pipeline, you need to prepare the Git repository to host the site configuration data.


  • You have configured the hub cluster GitOps applications for generating the required installation and policy custom resources (CRs).
  • You have deployed the managed clusters using zero touch provisioning (ZTP).


  1. Create a directory structure with separate paths for the SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs.
  2. Export the argocd directory from the ztp-site-generate container image using the following commands:

    $ podman pull
    $ mkdir -p ./out
    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out
  3. Check that the out directory contains the following subdirectories:

    • out/extra-manifest contains the source CR files that SiteConfig uses to generate extra manifest configMap.
    • out/source-crs contains the source CR files that PolicyGenTemplate uses to generate the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies.
    • out/argocd/deployment contains patches and YAML files to apply on the hub cluster for use in the next step of this procedure.
    • out/argocd/example contains the examples for SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate files that represent the recommended configuration.

The directory structure under out/argocd/example serves as a reference for the structure and content of your Git repository. The example includes SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate reference CRs for single-node, three-node, and standard clusters. Remove references to cluster types that you are not using. The following example describes a set of CRs for a network of single-node clusters:

├── policygentemplates
│   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
│   ├── example-sno-site.yaml
│   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
│   ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   └── ns.yaml
└── siteconfig
    ├── example-sno.yaml
    ├── KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml
    └── kustomization.yaml

Keep SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs in separate directories. Both the SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate directories must contain a kustomization.yaml file that explicitly includes the files in that directory.

This directory structure and the kustomization.yaml files must be committed and pushed to your Git repository. The initial push to Git should include the kustomization.yaml files. The SiteConfig (example-sno.yaml) and PolicyGenTemplate (common-ranGen.yaml, group-du-sno*.yaml, and example-sno-site.yaml) files can be omitted and pushed at a later time as required when deploying a site.

The KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml file is only required if one or more SiteConfig CRs which make reference to it are committed and pushed to Git. See example-sno.yaml for an example of how this is used.

22.3. Installing managed clusters with RHACM and SiteConfig resources

You can provision OpenShift Container Platform clusters at scale with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) using the assisted service and the GitOps plugin policy generator with core-reduction technology enabled. The zero touch priovisioning (ZTP) pipeline performs the cluster installations. ZTP can be used in a disconnected environment.

22.3.1. GitOps ZTP and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

GitOps zero touch provisioning (ZTP) generates installation and configuration CRs from manifests stored in Git. These artifacts are applied to a centralized hub cluster where Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), the assisted service, and the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) use the CRs to install and configure the managed cluster. The configuration phase of the ZTP pipeline uses the TALM to orchestrate the application of the configuration CRs to the cluster. There are several key integration points between GitOps ZTP and the TALM.

Inform policies
By default, GitOps ZTP creates all policies with a remediation action of inform. These policies cause RHACM to report on compliance status of clusters relevant to the policies but does not apply the desired configuration. During the ZTP process, after OpenShift installation, the TALM steps through the created inform policies and enforces them on the target managed cluster(s). This applies the configuration to the managed cluster. Outside of the ZTP phase of the cluster lifecycle, this allows you to change policies without the risk of immediately rolling those changes out to affected managed clusters. You can control the timing and the set of remediated clusters by using TALM.
Automatic creation of ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs

To automate the initial configuration of newly deployed clusters, TALM monitors the state of all ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster. Any ManagedCluster CR that does not have a ztp-done label applied, including newly created ManagedCluster CRs, causes the TALM to automatically create a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the following characteristics:

  • The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is created and enabled in the ztp-install namespace.
  • ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has the same name as the ManagedCluster CR.
  • The cluster selector includes only the cluster associated with that ManagedCluster CR.
  • The set of managed policies includes all policies that RHACM has bound to the cluster at the time the ClusterGroupUpgrade is created.
  • Pre-caching is disabled.
  • Timeout set to 4 hours (240 minutes).

The automatic creation of an enabled ClusterGroupUpgrade ensures that initial zero-touch deployment of clusters proceeds without the need for user intervention. Additionally, the automatic creation of a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for any ManagedCluster without the ztp-done label allows a failed ZTP installation to be restarted by simply deleting the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for the cluster.


Each policy generated from a PolicyGenTemplate CR includes a ztp-deploy-wave annotation. This annotation is based on the same annotation from each CR which is included in that policy. The wave annotation is used to order the policies in the auto-generated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. The wave annotation is not used other than for the auto-generated ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.


All CRs in the same policy must have the same setting for the ztp-deploy-wave annotation. The default value of this annotation for each CR can be overridden in the PolicyGenTemplate. The wave annotation in the source CR is used for determining and setting the policy wave annotation. This annotation is removed from each built CR which is included in the generated policy at runtime.

The TALM applies the configuration policies in the order specified by the wave annotations. The TALM waits for each policy to be compliant before moving to the next policy. It is important to ensure that the wave annotation for each CR takes into account any prerequisites for those CRs to be applied to the cluster. For example, an Operator must be installed before or concurrently with the configuration for the Operator. Similarly, the CatalogSource for an Operator must be installed in a wave before or concurrently with the Operator Subscription. The default wave value for each CR takes these prerequisites into account.

Multiple CRs and policies can share the same wave number. Having fewer policies can result in faster deployments and lower CPU usage. It is a best practice to group many CRs into relatively few waves.

To check the default wave value in each source CR, run the following command against the out/source-crs directory that is extracted from the ztp-site-generate container image:

$ grep -r "ztp-deploy-wave" out/source-crs
Phase labels

The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is automatically created and includes directives to annotate the ManagedCluster CR with labels at the start and end of the ZTP process.

When ZTP configuration postinstallation commences, the ManagedCluster has the ztp-running label applied. When all policies are remediated to the cluster and are fully compliant, these directives cause the TALM to remove the ztp-running label and apply the ztp-done label.

For deployments that make use of the informDuValidator policy, the ztp-done label is applied when the cluster is fully ready for deployment of applications. This includes all reconciliation and resulting effects of the ZTP applied configuration CRs. The ztp-done label affects automatic ClusterGroupUpgrade CR creation by TALM. Do not manipulate this label after the initial ZTP installation of the cluster.

Linked CRs
The automatically created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has the owner reference set as the ManagedCluster from which it was derived. This reference ensures that deleting the ManagedCluster CR causes the instance of the ClusterGroupUpgrade to be deleted along with any supporting resources.

22.3.2. Overview of deploying managed clusters with ZTP

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses zero touch provisioning (ZTP) to deploy single-node OpenShift Container Platform clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters. You manage site configuration data as OpenShift Container Platform custom resources (CRs) in a Git repository. ZTP uses a declarative GitOps approach for a develop once, deploy anywhere model to deploy the managed clusters.

The deployment of the clusters includes:

  • Installing the host operating system (RHCOS) on a blank server
  • Deploying OpenShift Container Platform
  • Creating cluster policies and site subscriptions
  • Making the necessary network configurations to the server operating system
  • Deploying profile Operators and performing any needed software-related configuration, such as performance profile, PTP, and SR-IOV
Overview of the managed site installation process

After you apply the managed site custom resources (CRs) on the hub cluster, the following actions happen automatically:

  1. A Discovery image ISO file is generated and booted on the target host.
  2. When the ISO file successfully boots on the target host it reports the host hardware information to RHACM.
  3. After all hosts are discovered, OpenShift Container Platform is installed.
  4. When OpenShift Container Platform finishes installing, the hub installs the klusterlet service on the target cluster.
  5. The requested add-on services are installed on the target cluster.

The Discovery image ISO process is complete when the Agent CR for the managed cluster is created on the hub cluster.


The target bare-metal host must meet the networking, firmware, and hardware requirements listed in Recommended single-node OpenShift cluster configuration for vDU application workloads.

22.3.3. Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets

Add the required Secret custom resources (CRs) for the managed bare-metal host to the hub cluster. You need a secret for the ZTP pipeline to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a secret for the assisted installer service to pull cluster installation images from the registry.


The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig CR by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.


  1. Create a YAML secret file containing credentials for the host Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a pull secret required for installing OpenShift and all add-on cluster Operators:

    1. Save the following YAML as the file example-sno-secret.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: example-sno-bmc-secret
        namespace: example-sno 1
      data: 2
        password: <base64_password>
        username: <base64_username>
      type: Opaque
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: pull-secret
        namespace: example-sno  3
        .dockerconfigjson: <pull_secret> 4
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded values for password and username
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded pull secret
  2. Add the relative path to example-sno-secret.yaml to the kustomization.yaml file that you use to install the cluster.

22.3.4. Deploying a managed cluster with SiteConfig and ZTP

Use the following procedure to create a SiteConfig custom resource (CR) and related files and initiate the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) cluster deployment.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and you must configure it as a source repository for the ArgoCD application. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for more information.


    When you create the source repository, ensure that you patch the ArgoCD application with the argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json patch-file that you extract from the ztp-site-generate container. See "Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD".

  • To be ready for provisioning managed clusters, you require the following for each bare-metal host:

    Network connectivity
    Your network requires DNS. Managed cluster hosts should be reachable from the hub cluster. Ensure that Layer 3 connectivity exists between the hub cluster and the managed cluster host.
    Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) details
    ZTP uses BMC username and password details to connect to the BMC during cluster installation. The GitOps ZTP plugin manages the ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster based on the SiteConfig CR in your site Git repo. You create individual BMCSecret CRs for each host manually.


  1. Create the required managed cluster secrets on the hub cluster. These resources must be in a namespace with a name matching the cluster name. For example, in out/argocd/example/siteconfig/example-sno.yaml, the cluster name and namespace is example-sno.

    1. Export the cluster namespace by running the following command:

      $ export CLUSTERNS=example-sno
    2. Create the namespace:

      $ oc create namespace $CLUSTERNS
  2. Create pull secret and BMC Secret CRs for the managed cluster. The pull secret must contain all the credentials necessary for installing OpenShift Container Platform and all required Operators. See "Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets" for more information.


    The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.

  3. Create a SiteConfig CR for your cluster in your local clone of the Git repository:

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/siteconfig/ folder. The folder includes example files for single node, three-node, and standard clusters:

      • example-sno.yaml
      • example-3node.yaml
      • example-standard.yaml
    2. Change the cluster and host details in the example file to match the type of cluster you want. For example:

      Example single-node OpenShift cluster SiteConfig CR

      kind: SiteConfig
        name: "<site_name>"
        namespace: "<site_name>"
        baseDomain: ""
          name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret" 1
        clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.11" 2
        sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AAAA..." 3
        - clusterName: "<site_name>"
          networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
          clusterLabels: 4
            common: true
            group-du-sno: ""
            sites : "<site_name>"
            - cidr: 1001:1::/48
              hostPrefix: 64
            - cidr: 1111:2222:3333:4444::/64
            - 1001:2::/112
            - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
          #  KlusterletAddonConfig: "KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml" 5
            - hostName: "" 6
              role: "master"
              bmcAddress: idrac-virtualmedia://<out_of_band_ip>/<system_id>/ 7
                name: "bmh-secret" 8
              bootMACAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
              bootMode: "UEFI" 9
                wwn: "0x11111000000asd123"
              cpuset: "0-1,52-53"  10
              nodeNetwork: 11
                  - name: eno1
                    macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                    - name: eno1
                      type: ethernet
                      state: up
                        enabled: false
                      ipv6: 12
                        enabled: true
                        - ip: 1111:2222:3333:4444::aaaa:1
                          prefix-length: 64
                      - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
                    - destination: ::/0
                      next-hop-interface: eno1
                      next-hop-address: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
                      table-id: 254

      Create the assisted-deployment-pull-secret CR with the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR.
      clusterImageSetNameRef defines an image set available on the hub cluster. To see the list of supported versions on your hub cluster, run oc get clusterimagesets.
      Configure the SSH public key used to access the cluster.
      Cluster labels must correspond to the bindingRules field in the PolicyGenTemplate CRs that you define. For example, policygentemplates/common-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with common: true set, policygentemplates/group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with group-du-sno: "" set.
      Optional. The CR specifed under KlusterletAddonConfig is used to override the default KlusterletAddonConfig that is created for the cluster.
      For single-node deployments, define a single host. For three-node deployments, define three hosts. For standard deployments, define three hosts with role: master and two or more hosts defined with role: worker.
      BMC address that you use to access the host. Applies to all cluster types.
      Name of the bmh-secret CR that you separately create with the host BMC credentials. When creating the bmh-secret CR, use the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR that provisions the host.
      Configures the boot mode for the host. The default value is UEFI. Use UEFISecureBoot to enable secure boot on the host.
      cpuset must match the value set in the cluster PerformanceProfile CR spec.cpu.reserved field for workload partitioning.
      Specifies the network settings for the node.
      Configures the IPv6 address for the host. For single-node OpenShift clusters with static IP addresses, the node-specific API and Ingress IPs should be the same.

      For more information about BMC addressing, see the "Additional resources" section.

    3. You can inspect the default set of extra-manifest MachineConfig CRs in out/argocd/extra-manifest. It is automatically applied to the cluster when it is installed.
    4. Optional: To provision additional install-time manifests on the provisioned cluster, create a directory in your Git repository, for example, sno-extra-manifest/, and add your custom manifest CRs to this directory. If your SiteConfig.yaml refers to this directory in the extraManifestPath field, any CRs in this referenced directory are appended to the default set of extra manifests.
  4. Add the SiteConfig CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/siteconfig/kustomization.yaml.
  5. Commit the SiteConfig CR and associated kustomization.yaml changes in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment.

22.3.5. Monitoring managed cluster installation progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses the SiteConfig CR to generate the cluster configuration CRs and syncs it with the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the synchronization in the ArgoCD dashboard.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


When the synchronization is complete, the installation generally proceeds as follows:

  1. The Assisted Service Operator installs OpenShift Container Platform on the cluster. You can monitor the progress of cluster installation from the RHACM dashboard or from the command line by running the following commands:

    1. Export the cluster name:

      $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    2. Query the AgentClusterInstall CR for the managed cluster:

      $ oc get agentclusterinstall -n $CLUSTER $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Completed")]}' | jq
    3. Get the installation events for the cluster:

      $ curl -sk $(oc get agentclusterinstall -n $CLUSTER $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.debugInfo.eventsURL}')  | jq '.[-2,-1]'

22.3.6. Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP by validating the installation CRs

The ArgoCD pipeline uses the SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) to generate the cluster configuration CRs and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. Use the following steps to troubleshoot issues that might occur during this process.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Check that the installation CRs were created by using the following command:

    $ oc get AgentClusterInstall -n <cluster_name>

    If no object is returned, use the following steps to troubleshoot the ArgoCD pipeline flow from SiteConfig files to the installation CRs.

  2. Verify that the ManagedCluster CR was generated using the SiteConfig CR on the hub cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster
  3. If the ManagedCluster is missing, check if the clusters application failed to synchronize the files from the Git repository to the hub cluster:

    $ oc describe -n openshift-gitops application clusters
    1. Check for the Status.Conditions field to view the error logs for the managed cluster. For example, setting an invalid value for extraManifestPath: in the SiteConfig CR raises the following error:

          Last Transition Time:  2021-11-26T17:21:39Z
          Message:               rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build /tmp/ --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error could not create extra-manifest ranSite1.extra-manifest3 stat extra-manifest3: no such file or directory 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error: could not build the entire SiteConfig defined by /tmp/kust-plugin-config-913473579: stat extra-manifest3: no such file or directory Error: failure in plugin configured via /tmp/kust-plugin-config-913473579; exit status 1: exit status 1
          Type:  ComparisonError
    2. Check the Status.Sync field. If there are log errors, the Status.Sync field could indicate an Unknown error:

          Compared To:
              Namespace:  clusters-sub
              Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
              Path:             sites-config
              Repo URL:
              Target Revision:  master
          Status:               Unknown

22.3.7. Troubleshooting {ztp} virtual media booting on Supermicro servers

SuperMicro X11 servers do not support virtual media installations when the image is served using the https protocol. As a result, single-node OpenShift deployments for this environment fail to boot on the target node. To avoid this issue, log in to the hub cluster and disable Transport Layer Security (TLS) in the Provisioning resource. This ensures the image is not served with TLS even though the image address uses the https scheme.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Disable TLS in the Provisioning resource by running the following command:

    $ oc patch provisioning provisioning-configuration --type merge -p '{"spec":{"disableVirtualMediaTLS": true}}'
  2. Continue the steps to deploy your single-node OpenShift cluster.

22.3.8. Removing a managed cluster site from the ZTP pipeline

You can remove a managed site and the associated installation and configuration policy CRs from the ZTP pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Remove a site and the associated CRs by removing the associated SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate files from the kustomization.yaml file.

    When you run the ZTP pipeline again, the generated CRs are removed.

  2. Optional: If you want to permanently remove a site, you should also remove the SiteConfig and site-specific PolicyGenTemplate files from the Git repository.
  3. Optional: If you want to remove a site temporarily, for example when redeploying a site, you can leave the SiteConfig and site-specific PolicyGenTemplate CRs in the Git repository.

After removing the SiteConfig file from the Git repository, if the corresponding clusters get stuck in the detach process, check Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) on the hub cluster for information about cleaning up the detached cluster.

Additional resources

22.3.9. Removing obsolete content from the ZTP pipeline

If a change to the PolicyGenTemplate configuration results in obsolete policies, for example, if you rename policies, use the following procedure to remove the obsolete policies.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Remove the affected PolicyGenTemplate files from the Git repository, commit and push to the remote repository.
  2. Wait for the changes to synchronize through the application and the affected policies to be removed from the hub cluster.
  3. Add the updated PolicyGenTemplate files back to the Git repository, and then commit and push to the remote repository.


    Removing zero touch provisioning (ZTP) policies from the Git repository, and as a result also removing them from the hub cluster, does not affect the configuration of the managed cluster. The policy and CRs managed by that policy remains in place on the managed cluster.

  4. Optional: As an alternative, after making changes to PolicyGenTemplate CRs that result in obsolete policies, you can remove these policies from the hub cluster manually. You can delete policies from the RHACM console using the Governance tab or by running the following command:

    $ oc delete policy -n <namespace> <policy_name>

22.3.10. Tearing down the ZTP pipeline

You can remove the ArgoCD pipeline and all generated ZTP artifacts.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Detach all clusters from Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) on the hub cluster.
  2. Delete the kustomization.yaml file in the deployment directory using the following command:

    $ oc delete -k out/argocd/deployment
  3. Commit and push your changes to the site repository.

22.4. Configuring managed clusters with policies and PolicyGenTemplate resources

Applied policy custom resources (CRs) configure the managed clusters that you provision. You can customize how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) uses PolicyGenTemplate CRs to generate the applied policy CRs.

22.4.1. About the PolicyGenTemplate CRD

The PolicyGenTemplate custom resource definition (CRD) tells the PolicyGen policy generator what custom resources (CRs) to include in the cluster configuration, how to combine the CRs into the generated policies, and what items in those CRs need to be updated with overlay content.

The following example shows a PolicyGenTemplate CR (common-du-ranGen.yaml) extracted from the ztp-site-generate reference container. The common-du-ranGen.yaml file defines two Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies. The polices manage a collection of configuration CRs, one for each unique value of policyName in the CR. common-du-ranGen.yaml creates a single placement binding and a placement rule to bind the policies to clusters based on the labels listed in the bindingRules section.

Example PolicyGenTemplate CR - common-du-ranGen.yaml

kind: PolicyGenTemplate
  name: "common"
  namespace: "ztp-common"
    common: "true" 1
  sourceFiles: 2
    - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
    - fileName: OperatorHub.yaml 3
      policyName: "config-policy"
    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml 4
      policyName: "config-policy" 5
        name: redhat-operators
        displayName: disconnected-redhat-operators
    - fileName: DisconnectedICSP.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        - mirrors:

common: "true" applies the policies to all clusters with this label.
Files listed under sourceFiles create the Operator policies for installed clusters.
OperatorHub.yaml configures the OperatorHub for the disconnected registry.
DefaultCatsrc.yaml configures the catalog source for the disconnected registry.
policyName: "config-policy" configures Operator subscriptions. The OperatorHub CR disables the default and this CR replaces redhat-operators with a CatalogSource CR that points to the disconnected registry.

A PolicyGenTemplate CR can be constructed with any number of included CRs. Apply the following example CR in the hub cluster to generate a policy containing a single CR:

kind: PolicyGenTemplate
  name: "group-du-sno"
  namespace: "ztp-group"
    group-du-sno: ""
  mcp: "master"
    - fileName: PtpConfigSlave.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        name: "du-ptp-slave"
        - name: "slave"
          interface: "ens5f0"
          ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s --summary_interval -4"
          phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -n 24"

Using the source file PtpConfigSlave.yaml as an example, the file defines a PtpConfig CR. The generated policy for the PtpConfigSlave example is named group-du-sno-config-policy. The PtpConfig CR defined in the generated group-du-sno-config-policy is named du-ptp-slave. The spec defined in PtpConfigSlave.yaml is placed under du-ptp-slave along with the other spec items defined under the source file.

The following example shows the group-du-sno-config-policy CR:

kind: Policy
  name: group-du-ptp-config-policy
  namespace: groups-sub
  annotations: CM Configuration Management CM-2 Baseline Configuration NIST SP 800-53
    remediationAction: inform
    disabled: false
        - objectDefinition:
            kind: ConfigurationPolicy
                name: group-du-ptp-config-policy-config
                remediationAction: inform
                severity: low
                        - kube-*
                        - '*'
                    - complianceType: musthave
                        kind: PtpConfig
                            name: du-ptp-slave
                            namespace: openshift-ptp
                                - match:
                                - nodeLabel:
                                  priority: 4
                                  profile: slave
                                - interface: ens5f0
                                  name: slave
                                  phc2sysOpts: -a -r -n 24
                                  ptp4lConf: |
                                    # Default Data Set
                                    twoStepFlag 1
                                    slaveOnly 0
                                    priority1 128
                                    priority2 128
                                    domainNumber 24

22.4.2. Recommendations when customizing PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Consider the following best practices when customizing site configuration PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs):

  • Use as few policies as are necessary. Using fewer policies requires less resources. Each additional policy creates overhead for the hub cluster and the deployed managed cluster. CRs are combined into policies based on the policyName field in the PolicyGenTemplate CR. CRs in the same PolicyGenTemplate which have the same value for policyName are managed under a single policy.
  • In disconnected environments, use a single catalog source for all Operators by configuring the registry as a single index containing all Operators. Each additional CatalogSource CR on the managed clusters increases CPU usage.
  • MachineConfig CRs should be included as extraManifests in the SiteConfig CR so that they are applied during installation. This can reduce the overall time taken until the cluster is ready to deploy applications.
  • PolicyGenTemplates should override the channel field to explicitly identify the desired version. This ensures that changes in the source CR during upgrades does not update the generated subscription.

Additional resources


When managing large numbers of spoke clusters on the hub cluster, minimize the number of policies to reduce resource consumption.

Grouping multiple configuration CRs into a single or limited number of policies is one way to reduce the overall number of policies on the hub cluster. When using the common, group, and site hierarchy of policies for managing site configuration, it is especially important to combine site-specific configuration into a single policy.

22.4.3. PolicyGenTemplate CRs for RAN deployments

Use PolicyGenTemplate (PGT) custom resources (CRs) to customize the configuration applied to the cluster by using the GitOps zero touch provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. The PGT CR allows you to generate one or more policies to manage the set of configuration CRs on your fleet of clusters. The PGT identifies the set of managed CRs, bundles them into policies, builds the policy wrapping around those CRs, and associates the policies with clusters by using label binding rules.

The reference configuration, obtained from the GitOps ZTP container, is designed to provide a set of critical features and node tuning settings that ensure the cluster can support the stringent performance and resource utilization constraints typical of RAN (Radio Access Network) Distributed Unit (DU) applications. Changes or omissions from the baseline configuration can affect feature availability, performance, and resource utilization. Use the reference PolicyGenTemplate CRs as the basis to create a hierarchy of configuration files tailored to your specific site requirements.

The baseline PolicyGenTemplate CRs that are defined for RAN DU cluster configuration can be extracted from the GitOps ZTP ztp-site-generate container. See "Preparing the GitOps ZTP site configuration repository" for further details.

The PolicyGenTemplate CRs can be found in the ./out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder. The reference architecture has common, group, and site-specific configuration CRs. Each PolicyGenTemplate CR refers to other CRs that can be found in the ./out/source-crs folder.

The PolicyGenTemplate CRs relevant to RAN cluster configuration are described below. Variants are provided for the group PolicyGenTemplate CRs to account for differences in single-node, three-node compact, and standard cluster configurations. Similarly, site-specific configuration variants are provided for single-node clusters and multi-node (compact or standard) clusters. Use the group and site-specific configuration variants that are relevant for your deployment.

Table 22.3. PolicyGenTemplate CRs for RAN deployments
PolicyGenTemplate CRDescription


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to multi-node clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of CRs that get applied to single-node OpenShift clusters. These CRs configure SR-IOV features typical for RAN installations.


Contains a set of common RAN CRs that get applied to all clusters. These CRs subscribe to a set of operators providing cluster features typical for RAN as well as baseline cluster tuning.


Contains the RAN policies for three-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for single-node clusters only.


Contains the RAN policies for standard three control-plane clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for three-node clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for standard clusters.


PolicyGenTemplate CR used to generate the various policies required for single-node OpenShift clusters.

22.4.4. Customizing a managed cluster with PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Use the following procedure to customize the policies that get applied to the managed cluster that you provision using the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for site-specific configuration CRs.

    1. Choose the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, example-sno-site.yaml or example-multinode-site.yaml.
    2. Change the bindingRules field in the example file to match the site-specific label included in the SiteConfig CR. In the example SiteConfig file, the site-specific label is sites: example-sno.


      Ensure that the labels defined in your PolicyGenTemplate bindingRules field correspond to the labels that are defined in the related managed clusters SiteConfig CR.

    3. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.
  2. Optional: Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for any common configuration CRs that apply to the entire fleet of clusters.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, common-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.
  3. Optional: Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for any group configuration CRs that apply to the certain groups of clusters in the fleet.

    Ensure that the content of the overlaid spec files matches your desired end state. As a reference, the out/source-crs directory contains the full list of source-crs available to be included and overlaid by your PolicyGenTemplate templates.


    Depending on the specific requirements of your clusters, you might need more than a single group policy per cluster type, especially considering that the example group policies each have a single PerformancePolicy.yaml file that can only be shared across a set of clusters if those clusters consist of identical hardware configurations.

    1. Select the appropriate example for your CR from the out/argocd/example/policygentemplates folder, for example, group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml.
    2. Change the content in the example file to match the desired configuration.
  4. Optional. Create a validator inform policy PolicyGenTemplate CR to signal when the ZTP installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. For more information, see "Creating a validator inform policy".
  5. Define all the policy namespaces in a YAML file similar to the example out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/ns.yaml file.


    Do not include the Namespace CR in the same file with the PolicyGenTemplate CR.

  6. Add the PolicyGenTemplate CRs and Namespace CR to the kustomization.yaml file in the generators section, similar to the example shown in out/argocd/example/policygentemplates/kustomization.yaml.
  7. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CRs, Namespace CR, and associated kustomization.yaml file in your Git repository and push the changes.

    The ArgoCD pipeline detects the changes and begins the managed cluster deployment. You can push the changes to the SiteConfig CR and the PolicyGenTemplate CR simultaneously.

22.4.5. Monitoring managed cluster policy deployment progress

The ArgoCD pipeline uses PolicyGenTemplate CRs in Git to generate the RHACM policies and then sync them to the hub cluster. You can monitor the progress of the managed cluster policy synchronization after the assisted service installs OpenShift Container Platform on the managed cluster.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) applies the configuration policies that are bound to the cluster.

    After the cluster installation is complete and the cluster becomes Ready, a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR corresponding to this cluster, with a list of ordered policies defined by the annotations, is automatically created by the TALM. The cluster’s policies are applied in the order listed in ClusterGroupUpgrade CR.

    You can monitor the high-level progress of configuration policy reconciliation by using the following commands:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[-1:]}' | jq

    Example output

      "lastTransitionTime": "2022-11-09T07:28:09Z",
      "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR has upgrade policies that are still non compliant",
      "reason": "UpgradeNotCompleted",
      "status": "False",
      "type": "Ready"

  2. You can monitor the detailed cluster policy compliance status by using the RHACM dashboard or the command line.

    1. To check policy compliance by using oc, run the following command:

      $ oc get policies -n $CLUSTER

      Example output

      NAME                                                     REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
      ztp-common.common-config-policy                          inform               Compliant          3h42m
      ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy                   inform               NonCompliant       3h42m                     inform               NonCompliant       3h42m               inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-install.example1-common-config-policy-pjz9s          enforce              Compliant          167m
      ztp-install.example1-common-subscriptions-policy-zzd9k   enforce              NonCompliant       164m
      ztp-site.example1-config-policy                          inform               NonCompliant       3h42m
      ztp-site.example1-perf-policy                            inform               NonCompliant       3h42m

    2. To check policy status from the RHACM web console, perform the following actions:

      1. Click Governance Find policies.
      2. Click on a cluster policy to check it’s status.

When all of the cluster policies become compliant, ZTP installation and configuration for the cluster is complete. The ztp-done label is added to the cluster.

In the reference configuration, the final policy that becomes compliant is the one defined in the *-du-validator-policy policy. This policy, when compliant on a cluster, ensures that all cluster configuration, Operator installation, and Operator configuration is complete.

22.4.6. Validating the generation of configuration policy CRs

Policy custom resources (CRs) are generated in the same namespace as the PolicyGenTemplate from which they are created. The same troubleshooting flow applies to all policy CRs generated from a PolicyGenTemplate regardless of whether they are ztp-common, ztp-group, or ztp-site based, as shown using the following commands:

$ export NS=<namespace>
$ oc get policy -n $NS

The expected set of policy-wrapped CRs should be displayed.

If the policies failed synchronization, use the following troubleshooting steps.


  1. To display detailed information about the policies, run the following command:

    $ oc describe -n openshift-gitops application policies
  2. Check for Status: Conditions: to show the error logs. For example, setting an invalid sourceFile→fileName: generates the error shown below:

        Last Transition Time:  2021-11-26T17:21:39Z
        Message:               rpc error: code = Unknown desc = `kustomize build /tmp/ --enable-alpha-plugins` failed exit status 1: 2021/11/26 17:21:40 Error could not find test.yaml under source-crs/: no such file or directory Error: failure in plugin configured via /tmp/kust-plugin-config-52463179; exit status 1: exit status 1
        Type:  ComparisonError
  3. Check for Status: Sync:. If there are log errors at Status: Conditions:, the Status: Sync: shows Unknown or Error:

        Compared To:
            Namespace:  policies-sub
            Server:     https://kubernetes.default.svc
            Path:             policies
            Repo URL:
            Target Revision:  master
        Status:               Error
  4. When Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) recognizes that policies apply to a ManagedCluster object, the policy CR objects are applied to the cluster namespace. Check to see if the policies were copied to the cluster namespace:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    Example output:

    NAME                                         REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    ztp-common.common-config-policy              inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy       inform               Compliant          13d         inform               Compliant          13d   inform               Compliant          13d
    ztp-site.example-sno-config-policy           inform               Compliant          13d

    RHACM copies all applicable policies into the cluster namespace. The copied policy names have the format: <policyGenTemplate.Namespace>.<policyGenTemplate.Name>-<policyName>.

  5. Check the placement rule for any policies not copied to the cluster namespace. The matchSelector in the PlacementRule for those policies should match labels on the ManagedCluster object:

    $ oc get placementrule -n $NS
  6. Note the PlacementRule name appropriate for the missing policy, common, group, or site, using the following command:

    $ oc get placementrule -n $NS <placementRuleName> -o yaml
    • The status-decisions should include your cluster name.
    • The key-value pair of the matchSelector in the spec must match the labels on your managed cluster.
  7. Check the labels on the ManagedCluster object using the following command:

    $ oc get ManagedCluster $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels}' | jq
  8. Check to see which policies are compliant using the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n $CLUSTER

    If the Namespace, OperatorGroup, and Subscription policies are compliant but the Operator configuration policies are not, it is likely that the Operators did not install on the managed cluster. This causes the Operator configuration policies to fail to apply because the CRD is not yet applied to the spoke.

22.4.7. Restarting policy reconciliation

You can restart policy reconciliation when unexpected compliance issues occur, for example, when the ClusterGroupUpgrade custom resource (CR) has timed out.


  1. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is generated in the namespace ztp-install by the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager after the managed cluster becomes Ready:

    $ export CLUSTER=<clusterName>
    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER
  2. If there are unexpected issues and the policies fail to become complaint within the configured timeout (the default is 4 hours), the status of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR shows UpgradeTimedOut:

    $ oc get clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")]}'
  3. A ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the UpgradeTimedOut state automatically restarts its policy reconciliation every hour. If you have changed your policies, you can start a retry immediately by deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. This triggers the automatic creation of a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR that begins reconciling the policies immediately:

    $ oc delete clustergroupupgrades -n ztp-install $CLUSTER

Note that when the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR completes with status UpgradeCompleted and the managed cluster has the label ztp-done applied, you can make additional configuration changes using PolicyGenTemplate. Deleting the existing ClusterGroupUpgrade CR will not make the TALM generate a new CR.

At this point, ZTP has completed its interaction with the cluster and any further interactions should be treated as an update and a new ClusterGroupUpgrade CR created for remediation of the policies.

Additional resources

22.4.8. Changing applied managed cluster CRs using policies

You can remove content from a custom resource (CR) that is deployed in a managed cluster through a policy.

By default, all Policy CRs created from a PolicyGenTemplate CR have the complianceType field set to musthave. A musthave policy without the removed content is still compliant because the CR on the managed cluster has all the specified content. With this configuration, when you remove content from a CR, TALM removes the content from the policy but the content is not removed from the CR on the managed cluster.

With the complianceType field to mustonlyhave, the policy ensures that the CR on the cluster is an exact match of what is specified in the policy.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have deployed a managed cluster from a hub cluster running RHACM.
  • You have installed Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager on the hub cluster.


  1. Remove the content that you no longer need from the affected CRs. In this example, the disableDrain: false line was removed from the SriovOperatorConfig CR.

    Example CR

    kind: SriovOperatorConfig
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
        "$mcp": ""
      disableDrain: true
      enableInjector: true
      enableOperatorWebhook: true

  2. Change the complianceType of the affected policies to mustonlyhave in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file.

    Example YAML

    # ...
    - fileName: SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
      complianceType: mustonlyhave
    # ...

  3. Create a ClusterGroupUpdates CR and specify the clusters that must receive the CR changes::

    Example ClusterGroupUpdates CR

    kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
      name: cgu-remove
      namespace: default
      enable: false
      - spoke1
      - spoke2
        maxConcurrency: 2
        timeout: 240

  4. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

    $ oc create -f cgu-remove.yaml
  5. When you are ready to apply the changes, for example, during an appropriate maintenance window, change the value of the spec.enable field to true by running the following command:

    $ oc --namespace=default patch \
    --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true}}' --type=merge


  1. Check the status of the policies by running the following command:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    Example output

    NAMESPACE   NAME                                                   REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
    default               enforce                                 17m
    default                   inform               NonCompliant       15h

    When the COMPLIANCE STATE of the policy is Compliant, it means that the CR is updated and the unwanted content is removed.

  2. Check that the policies are removed from the targeted clusters by running the following command on the managed clusters:

    $ oc get <kind> <changed_cr_name>

    If there are no results, the CR is removed from the managed cluster.

22.4.9. Indication of done for ZTP installations

Zero touch provisioning (ZTP) simplifies the process of checking the ZTP installation status for a cluster. The ZTP status moves through three phases: cluster installation, cluster configuration, and ZTP done.

Cluster installation phase
The cluster installation phase is shown by the ManagedClusterJoined and ManagedClusterAvailable conditions in the ManagedCluster CR . If the ManagedCluster CR does not have these conditions, or the condition is set to False, the cluster is still in the installation phase. Additional details about installation are available from the AgentClusterInstall and ClusterDeployment CRs. For more information, see "Troubleshooting GitOps ZTP".
Cluster configuration phase
The cluster configuration phase is shown by a ztp-running label applied the ManagedCluster CR for the cluster.
ZTP done

Cluster installation and configuration is complete in the ZTP done phase. This is shown by the removal of the ztp-running label and addition of the ztp-done label to the ManagedCluster CR. The ztp-done label shows that the configuration has been applied and the baseline DU configuration has completed cluster tuning.

The transition to the ZTP done state is conditional on the compliant state of a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) validator inform policy. This policy captures the existing criteria for a completed installation and validates that it moves to a compliant state only when ZTP provisioning of the managed cluster is complete.

The validator inform policy ensures the configuration of the cluster is fully applied and Operators have completed their initialization. The policy validates the following:

  • The target MachineConfigPool contains the expected entries and has finished updating. All nodes are available and not degraded.
  • The SR-IOV Operator has completed initialization as indicated by at least one SriovNetworkNodeState with syncStatus: Succeeded.
  • The PTP Operator daemon set exists.

22.5. Manually installing a single-node OpenShift cluster with ZTP

You can deploy a managed single-node OpenShift cluster by using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and the assisted service.


If you are creating multiple managed clusters, use the SiteConfig method described in Deploying far edge sites with ZTP.


The target bare-metal host must meet the networking, firmware, and hardware requirements listed in Recommended cluster configuration for vDU application workloads.

22.5.1. Generating ZTP installation and configuration CRs manually

Use the generator entrypoint for the ztp-site-generate container to generate the site installation and configuration custom resource (CRs) for a cluster based on SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create an output folder by running the following command:

    $ mkdir -p ./out
  2. Export the argocd directory from the ztp-site-generate container image:

    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out

    The ./out directory has the reference PolicyGenTemplate and SiteConfig CRs in the out/argocd/example/ folder.

    Example output

     └── argocd
          └── example
               ├── policygentemplates
               │     ├── common-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── example-sno-site.yaml
               │     ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
               │     ├── kustomization.yaml
               │     └── ns.yaml
               └── siteconfig
                      ├── example-sno.yaml
                      ├── KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml
                      └── kustomization.yaml

  3. Create an output folder for the site installation CRs:

    $ mkdir -p ./site-install
  4. Modify the example SiteConfig CR for the cluster type that you want to install. Copy example-sno.yaml to site-1-sno.yaml and modify the CR to match the details of the site and bare-metal host that you want to install, for example:

    Example single-node OpenShift cluster SiteConfig CR

    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "<site_name>"
      namespace: "<site_name>"
      baseDomain: ""
        name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret" 1
      clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.11" 2
      sshPublicKey: "ssh-rsa AAAA..." 3
      - clusterName: "<site_name>"
        networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
        clusterLabels: 4
          common: true
          group-du-sno: ""
          sites : "<site_name>"
          - cidr: 1001:1::/48
            hostPrefix: 64
          - cidr: 1111:2222:3333:4444::/64
          - 1001:2::/112
          - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
        #  KlusterletAddonConfig: "KlusterletAddonConfigOverride.yaml" 5
          - hostName: "" 6
            role: "master"
            bmcAddress: idrac-virtualmedia://<out_of_band_ip>/<system_id>/ 7
              name: "bmh-secret" 8
            bootMACAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
            bootMode: "UEFI" 9
              wwn: "0x11111000000asd123"
            cpuset: "0-1,52-53"  10
            nodeNetwork: 11
                - name: eno1
                  macAddress: "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:11"
                  - name: eno1
                    type: ethernet
                    state: up
                      enabled: false
                    ipv6: 12
                      enabled: true
                      - ip: 1111:2222:3333:4444::aaaa:1
                        prefix-length: 64
                    - 1111:2222:3333:4444::2
                  - destination: ::/0
                    next-hop-interface: eno1
                    next-hop-address: 1111:2222:3333:4444::1
                    table-id: 254

    Create the assisted-deployment-pull-secret CR with the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR.
    clusterImageSetNameRef defines an image set available on the hub cluster. To see the list of supported versions on your hub cluster, run oc get clusterimagesets.
    Configure the SSH public key used to access the cluster.
    Cluster labels must correspond to the bindingRules field in the PolicyGenTemplate CRs that you define. For example, policygentemplates/common-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with common: true set, policygentemplates/group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml applies to all clusters with group-du-sno: "" set.
    Optional. The CR specifed under KlusterletAddonConfig is used to override the default KlusterletAddonConfig that is created for the cluster.
    For single-node deployments, define a single host. For three-node deployments, define three hosts. For standard deployments, define three hosts with role: master and two or more hosts defined with role: worker.
    BMC address that you use to access the host. Applies to all cluster types.
    Name of the bmh-secret CR that you separately create with the host BMC credentials. When creating the bmh-secret CR, use the same namespace as the SiteConfig CR that provisions the host.
    Configures the boot mode for the host. The default value is UEFI. Use UEFISecureBoot to enable secure boot on the host.
    cpuset must match the value set in the cluster PerformanceProfile CR spec.cpu.reserved field for workload partitioning.
    Specifies the network settings for the node.
    Configures the IPv6 address for the host. For single-node OpenShift clusters with static IP addresses, the node-specific API and Ingress IPs should be the same.
  5. Generate the day-0 installation CRs by processing the modified SiteConfig CR site-1-sno.yaml by running the following command:

    $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/siteconfig:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/site-install:/output:Z,U generator install site-1-sno.yaml /output

    Example output

    └── site-1-sno
        ├── site-1_agentclusterinstall_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_clusterdeployment_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_configmap_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_infraenv_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_klusterletaddonconfig_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_02-master-workload-partitioning.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-master.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-worker.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_managedcluster_example-sno.yaml
        ├── site-1-sno_namespace_example-sno.yaml

  6. Optional: Generate just the day-0 MachineConfig installation CRs for a particular cluster type by processing the reference SiteConfig CR with the -E option. For example, run the following commands:

    1. Create an output folder for the MachineConfig CRs:

      $ mkdir -p ./site-machineconfig
    2. Generate the MachineConfig installation CRs:

      $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/siteconfig:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/site-machineconfig:/output:Z,U generator install -E site-1-sno.yaml /output

      Example output

      └── site-1-sno
          ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_02-master-workload-partitioning.yaml
          ├── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-master.yaml
          └── site-1-sno_machineconfig_predefined-extra-manifests-worker.yaml

  7. Generate and export the day-2 configuration CRs using the reference PolicyGenTemplate CRs from the previous step. Run the following commands:

    1. Create an output folder for the day-2 CRs:

      $ mkdir -p ./ref
    2. Generate and export the day-2 configuration CRs:

      $ podman run -it --rm -v `pwd`/out/argocd/example/policygentemplates:/resources:Z -v `pwd`/ref:/output:Z,U generator config -N . /output

      The command generates example group and site-specific PolicyGenTemplate CRs for single-node OpenShift, three-node clusters, and standard clusters in the ./ref folder.

      Example output

       └── customResource
            ├── common
            ├── example-multinode-site
            ├── example-sno
            ├── group-du-3node
            ├── group-du-3node-validator
            │    └── Multiple-validatorCRs
            ├── group-du-sno
            ├── group-du-sno-validator
            ├── group-du-standard
            └── group-du-standard-validator
                 └── Multiple-validatorCRs

  8. Use the generated CRs as the basis for the CRs that you use to install the cluster. You apply the installation CRs to the hub cluster as described in "Installing a single managed cluster". The configuration CRs can be applied to the cluster after cluster installation is complete.

22.5.2. Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets

Add the required Secret custom resources (CRs) for the managed bare-metal host to the hub cluster. You need a secret for the ZTP pipeline to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a secret for the assisted installer service to pull cluster installation images from the registry.


The secrets are referenced from the SiteConfig CR by name. The namespace must match the SiteConfig namespace.


  1. Create a YAML secret file containing credentials for the host Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and a pull secret required for installing OpenShift and all add-on cluster Operators:

    1. Save the following YAML as the file example-sno-secret.yaml:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: example-sno-bmc-secret
        namespace: example-sno 1
      data: 2
        password: <base64_password>
        username: <base64_username>
      type: Opaque
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: pull-secret
        namespace: example-sno  3
        .dockerconfigjson: <pull_secret> 4
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded values for password and username
      Must match the namespace configured in the related SiteConfig CR
      Base64-encoded pull secret
  2. Add the relative path to example-sno-secret.yaml to the kustomization.yaml file that you use to install the cluster.

22.5.3. Installing a single managed cluster

You can manually deploy a single managed cluster using the assisted service and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM).


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created the baseboard management controller (BMC) Secret and the image pull-secret Secret custom resources (CRs). See "Creating the managed bare-metal host secrets" for details.
  • Your target bare-metal host meets the networking and hardware requirements for managed clusters.


  1. Create a ClusterImageSet for each specific cluster version to be deployed, for example clusterImageSet-4.11.yaml. A ClusterImageSet has the following format:

    kind: ClusterImageSet
      name: openshift-4.11.0 1
       releaseImage: 2
    The descriptive version that you want to deploy.
    Specifies the releaseImage to deploy and determines the operating system image version. The discovery ISO is based on the image version as set by releaseImage, or the latest version if the exact version is unavailable.
  2. Apply the clusterImageSet CR:

    $ oc apply -f clusterImageSet-4.11.yaml
  3. Create the Namespace CR in the cluster-namespace.yaml file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
         name: <cluster_name> 1
            name: <cluster_name> 2
    1 2
    The name of the managed cluster to provision.
  4. Apply the Namespace CR by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f cluster-namespace.yaml
  5. Apply the generated day-0 CRs that you extracted from the ztp-site-generate container and customized to meet your requirements:

    $ oc apply -R ./site-install/site-sno-1

22.5.4. Monitoring the managed cluster installation status

Ensure that cluster provisioning was successful by checking the cluster status.


  • All of the custom resources have been configured and provisioned, and the Agent custom resource is created on the hub for the managed cluster.


  1. Check the status of the managed cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster

    True indicates the managed cluster is ready.

  2. Check the agent status:

    $ oc get agent -n <cluster_name>
  3. Use the describe command to provide an in-depth description of the agent’s condition. Statuses to be aware of include BackendError, InputError, ValidationsFailing, InstallationFailed, and AgentIsConnected. These statuses are relevant to the Agent and AgentClusterInstall custom resources.

    $ oc describe agent -n <cluster_name>
  4. Check the cluster provisioning status:

    $ oc get agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name>
  5. Use the describe command to provide an in-depth description of the cluster provisioning status:

    $ oc describe agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name>
  6. Check the status of the managed cluster’s add-on services:

    $ oc get managedclusteraddon -n <cluster_name>
  7. Retrieve the authentication information of the kubeconfig file for the managed cluster:

    $ oc get secret -n <cluster_name> <cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.kubeconfig} | base64 -d > <directory>/<cluster_name>-kubeconfig

22.5.5. Troubleshooting the managed cluster

Use this procedure to diagnose any installation issues that might occur with the managed cluster.


  1. Check the status of the managed cluster:

    $ oc get managedcluster

    Example output

    SNO-cluster     true                                   True     True      2d19h

    If the status in the AVAILABLE column is True, the managed cluster is being managed by the hub.

    If the status in the AVAILABLE column is Unknown, the managed cluster is not being managed by the hub. Use the following steps to continue checking to get more information.

  2. Check the AgentClusterInstall install status:

    $ oc get clusterdeployment -n <cluster_name>

    Example output

    Sno0026    agent-baremetal                               false                          Initialized

    If the status in the INSTALLED column is false, the installation was unsuccessful.

  3. If the installation failed, enter the following command to review the status of the AgentClusterInstall resource:

    $ oc describe agentclusterinstall -n <cluster_name> <cluster_name>
  4. Resolve the errors and reset the cluster:

    1. Remove the cluster’s managed cluster resource:

      $ oc delete managedcluster <cluster_name>
    2. Remove the cluster’s namespace:

      $ oc delete namespace <cluster_name>

      This deletes all of the namespace-scoped custom resources created for this cluster. You must wait for the ManagedCluster CR deletion to complete before proceeding.

    3. Recreate the custom resources for the managed cluster.

22.5.6. RHACM generated cluster installation CRs reference

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) supports deploying OpenShift Container Platform on single-node clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters with a specific set of installation custom resources (CRs) that you generate using SiteConfig CRs for each site.


Every managed cluster has its own namespace, and all of the installation CRs except for ManagedCluster and ClusterImageSet are under that namespace. ManagedCluster and ClusterImageSet are cluster-scoped, not namespace-scoped. The namespace and the CR names match the cluster name.

The following table lists the installation CRs that are automatically applied by the RHACM assisted service when it installs clusters using the SiteConfig CRs that you configure.

Table 22.4. Cluster installation CRs generated by RHACM


Contains the connection information for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the target bare-metal host.

Provides access to the BMC to load and boot the discovery image on the target server by using the Redfish protocol.


Contains information for installing OpenShift Container Platform on the target bare-metal host.

Used with ClusterDeployment to generate the discovery ISO for the managed cluster.


Specifies details of the managed cluster configuration such as networking and the number of control plane nodes. Displays the cluster kubeconfig and credentials when the installation is complete.

Specifies the managed cluster configuration information and provides status during the installation of the cluster.


References the AgentClusterInstall CR to use.

Used with InfraEnv to generate the discovery ISO for the managed cluster.


Provides network configuration information such as MAC address to IP mapping, DNS server, default route, and other network settings. This is not needed if DHCP is used.

Sets up a static IP address for the managed cluster’s Kube API server.


Contains hardware information about the target bare-metal host.

Created automatically on the hub when the target machine’s discovery image boots.


When a cluster is managed by the hub, it must be imported and known. This Kubernetes object provides that interface.

The hub uses this resource to manage and show the status of managed clusters.


Contains the list of services provided by the hub to be deployed to the ManagedCluster resource.

Tells the hub which addon services to deploy to the ManagedCluster resource.


Logical space for ManagedCluster resources existing on the hub. Unique per site.

Propagates resources to the ManagedCluster.


Two CRs are created: BMC Secret and Image Pull Secret.

  • BMC Secret authenticates into the target bare-metal host using its username and password.
  • Image Pull Secret contains authentication information for the OpenShift Container Platform image installed on the target bare-metal host.


Contains OpenShift Container Platform image information such as the repository and image name.

Passed into resources to provide OpenShift Container Platform images.

22.6. Recommended single-node OpenShift cluster configuration for vDU application workloads

Use the following reference information to understand the single-node OpenShift configurations required to deploy virtual distributed unit (vDU) applications in the cluster. Configurations include cluster optimizations for high performance workloads, enabling workload partitioning, and minimizing the number of reboots required postinstallation.

Additional resources

22.6.1. Running low latency applications on OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Container Platform enables low latency processing for applications running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware by using several technologies and specialized hardware devices:

Real-time kernel for RHCOS
Ensures workloads are handled with a high degree of process determinism.
CPU isolation
Avoids CPU scheduling delays and ensures CPU capacity is available consistently.
NUMA-aware topology management
Aligns memory and huge pages with CPU and PCI devices to pin guaranteed container memory and huge pages to the non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node. Pod resources for all Quality of Service (QoS) classes stay on the same NUMA node. This decreases latency and improves performance of the node.
Huge pages memory management
Using huge page sizes improves system performance by reducing the amount of system resources required to access page tables.
Precision timing synchronization using PTP
Allows synchronization between nodes in the network with sub-microsecond accuracy.

22.6.2. Recommended cluster host requirements for vDU application workloads

Running vDU application workloads requires a bare-metal host with sufficient resources to run OpenShift Container Platform services and production workloads.

Table 22.5. Minimum resource requirements


4 to 8 vCPU cores

32GB of RAM



One vCPU is equivalent to one physical core when simultaneous multithreading (SMT), or Hyper-Threading, is not enabled. When enabled, use the following formula to calculate the corresponding ratio:

  • (threads per core × cores) × sockets = vCPUs

The server must have a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) when booting with virtual media.

22.6.3. Configuring host firmware for low latency and high performance

Bare-metal hosts require the firmware to be configured before the host can be provisioned. The firmware configuration is dependent on the specific hardware and the particular requirements of your installation.


  1. Set the UEFI/BIOS Boot Mode to UEFI.
  2. In the host boot sequence order, set Hard drive first.
  3. Apply the specific firmware configuration for your hardware. The following table describes a representative firmware configuration for an Intel Xeon Skylake or Intel Cascade Lake server, based on the Intel FlexRAN 4G and 5G baseband PHY reference design.


    The exact firmware configuration depends on your specific hardware and network requirements. The following sample configuration is for illustrative purposes only.

    Table 22.6. Sample firmware configuration for an Intel Xeon Skylake or Cascade Lake server
    Firmware settingConfiguration

    CPU Power and Performance Policy


    Uncore Frequency Scaling


    Performance P-limit


    Enhanced Intel SpeedStep ® Tech


    Intel Configurable TDP


    Configurable TDP Level

    Level 2

    Intel® Turbo Boost Technology


    Energy Efficient Turbo


    Hardware P-States


    Package C-State

    C0/C1 state



    Processor C6



Enable global SR-IOV and VT-d settings in the firmware for the host. These settings are relevant to bare-metal environments.

22.6.4. Connectivity prerequisites for managed cluster networks

Before you can install and provision a managed cluster with the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) GitOps pipeline, the managed cluster host must meet the following networking prerequisites:

  • There must be bi-directional connectivity between the ZTP GitOps container in the hub cluster and the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) of the target bare-metal host.
  • The managed cluster must be able to resolve and reach the API hostname of the hub hostname and *.apps hostname. Here is an example of the API hostname of the hub and *.apps hostname:

  • The hub cluster must be able to resolve and reach the API and *.apps hostname of the managed cluster. Here is an example of the API hostname of the managed cluster and *.apps hostname:


22.6.5. Workload partitioning in single-node OpenShift with GitOps ZTP

Workload partitioning configures OpenShift Container Platform services, cluster management workloads, and infrastructure pods to run on a reserved number of host CPUs.

To configure workload partitioning with GitOps ZTP, you specify cluster management CPU resources with the cpuset field of the SiteConfig custom resource (CR) and the reserved field of the group PolicyGenTemplate CR. The GitOps ZTP pipeline uses these values to populate the required fields in the workload partitioning MachineConfig CR (cpuset) and the PerformanceProfile CR (reserved) that configure the single-node OpenShift cluster.


For maximum performance, ensure that the reserved and isolated CPU sets do not share CPU cores across NUMA zones.

  • The workload partitioning MachineConfig CR pins the OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure pods to a defined cpuset configuration.
  • The PerformanceProfile CR pins the systemd services to the reserved CPUs.

The value for the reserved field specified in the PerformanceProfile CR must match the cpuset field in the workload partitioning MachineConfig CR.

Additional resources

  • For the recommended single-node OpenShift workload partitioning configuration, see Workload partitioning.

22.6.6. Recommended installation-time cluster configurations

The ZTP pipeline applies the following custom resources (CRs) during cluster installation. These configuration CRs ensure that the cluster meets the feature and performance requirements necessary for running a vDU application.


When using the ZTP GitOps plugin and SiteConfig CRs for cluster deployment, the following MachineConfig CRs are included by default.

Use the SiteConfig extraManifests filter to alter the CRs that are included by default. For more information, see Advanced managed cluster configuration with SiteConfig CRs. Workload partitioning

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require workload partitioning. This limits the cores allowed to run platform services, maximizing the CPU core for application payloads.


Workload partitioning can only be enabled during cluster installation. You cannot disable workload partitioning postinstallation. However, you can reconfigure workload partitioning by updating the cpu value that you define in the performance profile, and in the related MachineConfig custom resource (CR).

  • The base64-encoded CR that enables workload partitioning contains the CPU set that the management workloads are constrained to. Encode host-specific values for crio.conf and kubelet.conf in base64. Adjust the content to match the CPU set that is specified in the cluster performance profile. It must match the number of cores in the cluster host.

    Recommended workload partitioning configuration

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: master
      name: 02-master-workload-partitioning
          version: 3.2.0
          - contents:
              source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,W2NyaW8ucnVudGltZS53b3JrbG9hZHMubWFuYWdlbWVudF0KYWN0aXZhdGlvbl9hbm5vdGF0aW9uID0gInRhcmdldC53b3JrbG9hZC5vcGVuc2hpZnQuaW8vbWFuYWdlbWVudCIKYW5ub3RhdGlvbl9wcmVmaXggPSAicmVzb3VyY2VzLndvcmtsb2FkLm9wZW5zaGlmdC5pbyIKcmVzb3VyY2VzID0geyAiY3B1c2hhcmVzIiA9IDAsICJjcHVzZXQiID0gIjAtMSw1Mi01MyIgfQo=
            mode: 420
            overwrite: true
            path: /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-workload-partitioning
              name: root
          - contents:
              source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ewogICJtYW5hZ2VtZW50IjogewogICAgImNwdXNldCI6ICIwLTEsNTItNTMiCiAgfQp9Cg==
            mode: 420
            overwrite: true
            path: /etc/kubernetes/openshift-workload-pinning
              name: root

  • When configured in the cluster host, the contents of /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-workload-partitioning should look like this:

    activation_annotation = ""
    annotation_prefix = ""
    resources = { "cpushares" = 0, "cpuset" = "0-1,52-53" } 1
    The cpuset value varies based on the installation. If Hyper-Threading is enabled, specify both threads for each core. The cpuset value must match the reserved CPUs that you define in the spec.cpu.reserved field in the performance profile.
  • When configured in the cluster, the contents of /etc/kubernetes/openshift-workload-pinning should look like this:

      "management": {
        "cpuset": "0-1,52-53" 1
    The cpuset must match the cpuset value in /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-workload-partitioning.


Check that the applications and cluster system CPU pinning is correct. Run the following commands:

  1. Open a remote shell connection to the managed cluster:

    $ oc debug node/example-sno-1
  2. Check that the OpenShift infrastructure applications CPU pinning is correct:

    sh-4.4# pgrep ovn | while read i; do taskset -cp $i; done

    Example output

    pid 8481's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 8726's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 9088's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 9945's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 10387's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 12123's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 13313's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53

  3. Check that the system applications CPU pinning is correct:

    sh-4.4# pgrep systemd | while read i; do taskset -cp $i; done

    Example output

    pid 1's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 938's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 962's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53
    pid 1197's current affinity list: 0-1,52-53 Reduced platform management footprint

To reduce the overall management footprint of the platform, a MachineConfig custom resource (CR) is required that places all Kubernetes-specific mount points in a new namespace separate from the host operating system. The following base64-encoded example MachineConfig CR illustrates this configuration.

Recommended container mount namespace configuration

kind: MachineConfig
  labels: master
  name: container-mount-namespace-and-kubelet-conf-master
      version: 3.2.0
      - contents:
        mode: 493
        path: /usr/local/bin/extractExecStart
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKbnNlbnRlciAtLW1vdW50PS9ydW4vY29udGFpbmVyLW1vdW50LW5hbWVzcGFjZS9tbnQgIiRAIgo=
        mode: 493
        path: /usr/local/bin/nsenterCmns
      - contents: |
          Description=Manages a mount namespace that both kubelet and crio can use to share their container-specific mounts

          ExecStartPre=bash -c "findmnt ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY} || mount --make-unbindable --bind ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY} ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}"
          ExecStartPre=touch ${BIND_POINT}
          ExecStart=unshare --mount=${BIND_POINT} --propagation slave mount --make-rshared /
          ExecStop=umount -R ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY}
        enabled: true
        name: container-mount-namespace.service
      - dropins:
        - contents: |

            ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/extractExecStart %n /%t/%N-execstart.env ORIG_EXECSTART
            ExecStart=bash -c "nsenter --mount=%t/container-mount-namespace/mnt \
          name: 90-container-mount-namespace.conf
        name: crio.service
      - dropins:
        - contents: |

            ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/extractExecStart %n /%t/%N-execstart.env ORIG_EXECSTART
            ExecStart=bash -c "nsenter --mount=%t/container-mount-namespace/mnt \
                ${ORIG_EXECSTART} --housekeeping-interval=30s"
          name: 90-container-mount-namespace.conf
        - contents: |
          name: 30-kubelet-interval-tuning.conf
        name: kubelet.service SCTP

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a key protocol used in RAN applications. This MachineConfig object adds the SCTP kernel module to the node to enable this protocol.

Recommended SCTP configuration

kind: MachineConfig
  labels: master
  name: load-sctp-module
      version: 2.2.0
        - contents:
            source: data:,
            verification: {}
          filesystem: root
            mode: 420
            path: /etc/modprobe.d/sctp-blacklist.conf
        - contents:
            source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,sctp
          filesystem: root
            mode: 420
            path: /etc/modules-load.d/sctp-load.conf Accelerated container startup

The following MachineConfig CR configures core OpenShift processes and containers to use all available CPU cores during system startup and shutdown. This accelerates the system recovery during initial boot and reboots.

Recommended accelerated container startup configuration

kind: MachineConfig
  labels: master
  name: 04-accelerated-container-startup-master
      version: 3.2.0
      - contents:
        mode: 493
        path: /usr/local/bin/
      - contents: |
          Description=Unlocks more CPUs for critical system processes during container startup


          # Maximum wait time is 600s = 10m:

          # Steady-state threshold = 2%
          # Allowed values:
          #  4  - absolute pod count (+/-)
          #  4% - percent change (+/-)
          #  -1 - disable the steady-state check
          # Note: '%' must be escaped as '%%' in systemd unit files

          # Steady-state window = 120s
          # If the running pod count stays within the given threshold for this time
          # period, return CPU utilization to normal before the maximum wait time has
          # expires

          # Steady-state minimum = 40
          # Increasing this will skip any steady-state checks until the count rises above
          # this number to avoid false positives if there are some periods where the
          # count doesn't increase but we know we can't be at steady-state yet.


        enabled: true
        name: accelerated-container-startup.service
      - contents: |
          Description=Unlocks more CPUs for critical system processes during container shutdown


          # Maximum wait time is 600s = 10m:

          # Steady-state threshold
          # Allowed values:
          #  4  - absolute pod count (+/-)
          #  4% - percent change (+/-)
          #  -1 - disable the steady-state check
          # Note: '%' must be escaped as '%%' in systemd unit files

          # Steady-state window = 60s
          # If the running pod count stays within the given threshold for this time
          # period, return CPU utilization to normal before the maximum wait time has
          # expires


        enabled: true
        name: accelerated-container-shutdown.service Automatic kernel crash dumps with kdump

kdump is a Linux kernel feature that creates a kernel crash dump when the kernel crashes. kdump is enabled with the following MachineConfig CR:

Recommended kdump configuration

kind: MachineConfig
  labels: master
  name: 06-kdump-enable-master
      version: 3.2.0
      - enabled: true
        name: kdump.service
    - crashkernel=512M

22.6.7. Recommended postinstallation cluster configurations

When the cluster installation is complete, the ZTP pipeline applies the following custom resources (CRs) that are required to run DU workloads.


In {ztp} v4.10 and earlier, you configure UEFI secure boot with a MachineConfig CR. This is no longer required in {ztp} v4.11 and later. In v4.11, you configure UEFI secure boot for single-node OpenShift clusters by updating the spec.clusters.nodes.bootMode field in the SiteConfig CR that you use to install the cluster. For more information, see Deploying a managed cluster with SiteConfig and {ztp}. Operator namespaces and Operator groups

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require the following OperatorGroup and Namespace custom resources (CRs):

  • Local Storage Operator
  • Logging Operator
  • PTP Operator
  • SR-IOV Network Operator

The following YAML summarizes these CRs:

Recommended Operator Namespace and OperatorGroup configuration

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: management
  name: openshift-local-storage
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: openshift-local-storage
  namespace: openshift-local-storage
    - openshift-local-storage
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: management
  name: openshift-logging
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
    - openshift-logging
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: management
  labels: "true"
  name: openshift-ptp
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: ptp-operators
  namespace: openshift-ptp
    - openshift-ptp
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: management
    name: openshift-sriov-network-operator
kind: OperatorGroup
  name: sriov-network-operators
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
    - openshift-sriov-network-operator Operator subscriptions

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require the following Subscription CRs. The subscription provides the location to download the following Operators:

  • Local Storage Operator
  • Logging Operator
  • PTP Operator
  • SR-IOV Network Operator

Recommended Operator subscriptions

kind: Subscription
  name: cluster-logging
  namespace: openshift-logging
  channel: "stable" 1
  name: cluster-logging
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual 2
kind: Subscription
  name: local-storage-operator
  namespace: openshift-local-storage
  channel: "stable"
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: local-storage-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
kind: Subscription
    name: ptp-operator-subscription
    namespace: openshift-ptp
  channel: "stable"
  name: ptp-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual
kind: Subscription
  name: sriov-network-operator-subscription
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  channel: "stable"
  name: sriov-network-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  installPlanApproval: Manual

Specify the channel to get the Operator from. stable is the recommended channel.
Specify Manual or Automatic. In Automatic mode, the Operator automatically updates to the latest versions in the channel as they become available in the registry. In Manual mode, new Operator versions are installed only after they are explicitly approved. Cluster logging and log forwarding

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require logging and log forwarding for debugging. The following example YAML illustrates the required ClusterLogging and ClusterLogForwarder CRs.

Recommended cluster logging and log forwarding configuration

kind: ClusterLogging 1
  name: instance
  namespace: openshift-logging
      fluentd: {}
      type: fluentd
    type: "curator"
      schedule: "30 3 * * *"
  managementState: Managed
kind: ClusterLogForwarder 2
  name: instance
  namespace: openshift-logging
    - infrastructure: {}
      name: infra-logs
    - name: kafka-open
      type: kafka
      url: tcp://    3
    - inputRefs:
      - audit
      name: audit-logs
      - kafka-open
    - inputRefs:
      - infrastructure
      name: infrastructure-logs
      - kafka-open

Updates the existing ClusterLogging instance or creates the instance if it does not exist.
Updates the existing ClusterLogForwarder instance or creates the instance if it does not exist.
Specifies the URL of the Kafka server where the logs are forwarded to. Performance profile

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require a Node Tuning Operator performance profile to use real-time host capabilities and services.


In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, the Performance Addon Operator was used to implement automatic tuning to achieve low latency performance for OpenShift applications. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and later, this functionality is part of the Node Tuning Operator.

The following example PerformanceProfile CR illustrates the required cluster configuration.

Recommended performance profile configuration

kind: PerformanceProfile
  name: openshift-node-performance-profile 1
  - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
  - "efi=runtime" 2
    isolated: 2-51,54-103 3
    reserved: 0-1,52-53   4
    defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
      - count: 32 5
        size: 1G  6
        node: 0 7
  machineConfigPoolSelector: ""
  nodeSelector: ""
    topologyPolicy: "restricted"
    enabled: true    8

Ensure that the value for name matches that specified in the field of TunedPerformancePatch.yaml and the field of validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml.
Configures UEFI secure boot for the cluster host.
Set the isolated CPUs. Ensure all of the Hyper-Threading pairs match.

The reserved and isolated CPU pools must not overlap and together must span all available cores. CPU cores that are not accounted for cause an undefined behaviour in the system.

Set the reserved CPUs. When workload partitioning is enabled, system processes, kernel threads, and system container threads are restricted to these CPUs. All CPUs that are not isolated should be reserved.
Set the number of huge pages.
Set the huge page size.
Set node to the NUMA node where the hugepages are allocated.
Set enabled to true to install the real-time Linux kernel. PTP

Single-node OpenShift clusters use Precision Time Protocol (PTP) for network time synchronization. The following example PtpConfig CR illustrates the required PTP slave configuration.

Recommended PTP configuration

kind: PtpConfig
  name: du-ptp-slave
  namespace: openshift-ptp
    - interface: ens5f0     1
      name: slave
      phc2sysOpts: -a -r -n 24
      ptp4lConf: |
        # Default Data Set
        twoStepFlag 1
        slaveOnly 0
        priority1 128
        priority2 128
        domainNumber 24
        #utc_offset 37
        clockClass 248
        clockAccuracy 0xFE
        offsetScaledLogVariance 0xFFFF
        free_running 0
        freq_est_interval 1
        dscp_event 0
        dscp_general 0
        dataset_comparison ieee1588
        G.8275.defaultDS.localPriority 128
        # Port Data Set
        logAnnounceInterval -3
        logSyncInterval -4
        logMinDelayReqInterval -4
        logMinPdelayReqInterval -4
        announceReceiptTimeout 3
        syncReceiptTimeout 0
        delayAsymmetry 0
        fault_reset_interval 4
        neighborPropDelayThresh 20000000
        masterOnly 0
        G.8275.portDS.localPriority 128
        # Run time options
        assume_two_step 0
        logging_level 6
        path_trace_enabled 0
        follow_up_info 0
        hybrid_e2e 0
        inhibit_multicast_service 0
        net_sync_monitor 0
        tc_spanning_tree 0
        tx_timestamp_timeout 1
        unicast_listen 0
        unicast_master_table 0
        unicast_req_duration 3600
        use_syslog 1
        verbose 0
        summary_interval 0
        kernel_leap 1
        check_fup_sync 0
        # Servo Options
        pi_proportional_const 0.0
        pi_integral_const 0.0
        pi_proportional_scale 0.0
        pi_proportional_exponent -0.3
        pi_proportional_norm_max 0.7
        pi_integral_scale 0.0
        pi_integral_exponent 0.4
        pi_integral_norm_max 0.3
        step_threshold 2.0
        first_step_threshold 0.00002
        max_frequency 900000000
        clock_servo pi
        sanity_freq_limit 200000000
        ntpshm_segment 0
        # Transport options
        transportSpecific 0x0
        ptp_dst_mac 01:1B:19:00:00:00
        p2p_dst_mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
        udp_ttl 1
        udp6_scope 0x0E
        uds_address /var/run/ptp4l
        # Default interface options
        clock_type OC
        network_transport L2
        delay_mechanism E2E
        time_stamping hardware
        tsproc_mode filter
        delay_filter moving_median
        delay_filter_length 10
        egressLatency 0
        ingressLatency 0
        boundary_clock_jbod 0
        # Clock description
        productDescription ;;
        revisionData ;;
        manufacturerIdentity 00:00:00
        userDescription ;
        timeSource 0xA0
      ptp4lOpts: -2 -s --summary_interval -4
  - match:
      - nodeLabel:
    priority: 4
    profile: slave

Sets the interface used to receive the PTP clock signal. Extended Tuned profile

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require additional performance tuning configurations necessary for high-performance workloads. The following example Tuned CR extends the Tuned profile:

Recommended extended Tuned profile configuration

kind: Tuned
  name: performance-patch
  namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
    - data: |
        summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
      name: performance-patch
    - machineConfigLabels: master
      priority: 19
      profile: performance-patch SR-IOV

Single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) is commonly used to enable the fronthaul and the midhaul networks. The following YAML example configures SR-IOV for a single-node OpenShift cluster.

Recommended SR-IOV configuration

kind: SriovOperatorConfig
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  configDaemonNodeSelector: ""
  disableDrain: true
  enableInjector: true
  enableOperatorWebhook: true
kind: SriovNetwork
  name: sriov-nw-du-mh
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  networkNamespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  resourceName: du_mh
  vlan: 150 1
kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
  name: sriov-nnp-du-mh
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  deviceType: vfio-pci 2
  isRdma: false
      - ens7f0 3
  nodeSelector: ""
  numVfs: 8 4
  priority: 10
  resourceName: du_mh
kind: SriovNetwork
  name: sriov-nw-du-fh
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  networkNamespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  resourceName: du_fh
  vlan: 140 5
kind: SriovNetworkNodePolicy
  name: sriov-nnp-du-fh
  namespace: openshift-sriov-network-operator
  deviceType: netdevice 6
  isRdma: true
      - ens5f0 7
  nodeSelector: ""
  numVfs: 8 8
  priority: 10
  resourceName: du_fh

Specifies the VLAN for the midhaul network.
Select either vfio-pci or netdevice, as needed.
Specifies the interface connected to the midhaul network.
Specifies the number of VFs for the midhaul network.
The VLAN for the fronthaul network.
Select either vfio-pci or netdevice, as needed.
Specifies the interface connected to the fronthaul network.
Specifies the number of VFs for the fronthaul network. Console Operator

The console-operator installs and maintains the web console on a cluster. When the node is centrally managed the Operator is not needed and makes space for application workloads. The following Console custom resource (CR) example disables the console.

Recommended console configuration

kind: Console
  annotations: "false" "false" "false" "true"
  name: cluster
  logLevel: Normal
  managementState: Removed
  operatorLogLevel: Normal Alertmanager

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require reduced CPU resources consumed by the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring components. The following ConfigMap custom resource (CR) disables Alertmanager.

Recommended cluster monitoring configuration

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  config.yaml: |
      enabled: false
       retention: 24h Operator Lifecycle Manager

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run distributed unit workloads require consistent access to CPU resources. Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) collects performance data from Operators at regular intervals, resulting in an increase in CPU utilisation. The following ConfigMap custom resource (CR) disables the collection of Operator performance data by OLM.

Recommended cluster OLM configuration (ReduceOLMFootprint.yaml)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: collect-profiles-config
  namespace: openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager
  pprof-config.yaml: |
    disabled: True Network diagnostics

Single-node OpenShift clusters that run DU workloads require less inter-pod network connectivity checks to reduce the additional load created by these pods. The following custom resource (CR) disables these checks.

Recommended network diagnostics configuration

kind: Network
  name: cluster
  disableNetworkDiagnostics: true

22.7. Validating single-node OpenShift cluster tuning for vDU application workloads

Before you can deploy virtual distributed unit (vDU) applications, you need to tune and configure the cluster host firmware and various other cluster configuration settings. Use the following information to validate the cluster configuration to support vDU workloads.

Additional resources

22.7.1. Recommended firmware configuration for vDU cluster hosts

Use the following table as the basis to configure the cluster host firmware for vDU applications running on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.


The following table is a general recommendation for vDU cluster host firmware configuration. Exact firmware settings will depend on your requirements and specific hardware platform. Automatic setting of firmware is not handled by the zero touch provisioning pipeline.

Table 22.7. Recommended cluster host firmware settings
Firmware settingConfigurationDescription

HyperTransport (HT)


HyperTransport (HT) bus is a bus technology developed by AMD. HT provides a high-speed link between the components in the host memory and other system peripherals.



Enable booting from UEFI for the vDU host.

CPU Power and Performance Policy


Set CPU Power and Performance Policy to optimize the system for performance over energy efficiency.

Uncore Frequency Scaling


Disable Uncore Frequency Scaling to prevent the voltage and frequency of non-core parts of the CPU from being set independently.

Uncore Frequency


Sets the non-core parts of the CPU such as cache and memory controller to their maximum possible frequency of operation.

Performance P-limit


Disable Performance P-limit to prevent the Uncore frequency coordination of processors.

Enhanced Intel® SpeedStep Tech


Enable Enhanced Intel SpeedStep to allow the system to dynamically adjust processor voltage and core frequency that decreases power consumption and heat production in the host.

Intel® Turbo Boost Technology


Enable Turbo Boost Technology for Intel-based CPUs to automatically allow processor cores to run faster than the rated operating frequency if they are operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits.

Intel Configurable TDP


Enables Thermal Design Power (TDP) for the CPU.

Configurable TDP Level

Level 2

TDP level sets the CPU power consumption required for a particular performance rating. TDP level 2 sets the CPU to the most stable performance level at the cost of power consumption.

Energy Efficient Turbo


Disable Energy Efficient Turbo to prevent the processor from using an energy-efficiency based policy.

Hardware P-States


Disable P-states (performance states) to optimize the operating system and CPU for performance over power consumption.

Package C-State

C0/C1 state

Use C0 or C1 states to set the processor to a fully active state (C0) or to stop CPU internal clocks running in software (C1).



CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) is a power saving feature in Intel chips. Disabling C1E prevents the operating system from sending a halt command to the CPU when inactive.

Processor C6


C6 power-saving is a CPU feature that automatically disables idle CPU cores and cache. Disabling C6 improves system performance.

Sub-NUMA Clustering


Sub-NUMA clustering divides the processor cores, cache, and memory into multiple NUMA domains. Disabling this option can increase performance for latency-sensitive workloads.


Enable global SR-IOV and VT-d settings in the firmware for the host. These settings are relevant to bare-metal environments.

22.7.2. Recommended cluster configurations to run vDU applications

Clusters running virtualized distributed unit (vDU) applications require a highly tuned and optimized configuration. The following information describes the various elements that you require to support vDU workloads in OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 clusters. Checking the realtime kernel version

Always use the latest version of the realtime kernel in your OpenShift Container Platform clusters. If you are unsure about the kernel version that is in use in the cluster, you can compare the current realtime kernel version to the release version with the following procedure.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed podman.


  1. Run the following command to get the cluster version:

    $ OCP_VERSION=$(oc get clusterversion version -o jsonpath='{.status.desired.version}{"\n"}')
  2. Get the release image SHA number:

    $ DTK_IMAGE=$(oc adm release info --image-for=driver-toolkit$OCP_VERSION-x86_64)
  3. Run the release image container and extract the kernel version that is packaged with cluster’s current release:

    $ podman run --rm $DTK_IMAGE rpm -qa | grep 'kernel-rt-core-' | sed 's#kernel-rt-core-##'

    Example output


    This is the default realtime kernel version that ships with the release.


    The realtime kernel is denoted by the string .rt in the kernel version.


Check that the kernel version listed for the cluster’s current release matches actual realtime kernel that is running in the cluster. Run the following commands to check the running realtime kernel version:

  1. Open a remote shell connection to the cluster node:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  2. Check the realtime kernel version:

    sh-4.4# uname -r

    Example output


22.7.3. Checking that the recommended cluster configurations are applied

You can check that clusters are running the correct configuration. The following procedure describes how to check the various configurations that you require to deploy a DU application in OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 clusters.


  • You have deployed a cluster and tuned it for vDU workloads.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Check that the default OperatorHub sources are disabled. Run the following command:

    $ oc get operatorhub cluster -o yaml

    Example output

        disableAllDefaultSources: true

  2. Check that all required CatalogSource resources are annotated for workload partitioning (PreferredDuringScheduling) by running the following command:

    $ oc get catalogsource -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{" -- "}{\.workload\.openshift\.io/management}{"\n"}{end}'

    Example output

    certified-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    community-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    ran-operators 1
    redhat-marketplace -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    redhat-operators -- {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}

    CatalogSource resources that are not annotated are also returned. In this example, the ran-operators CatalogSource resource is not annotated and does not have the PreferredDuringScheduling annotation.

    In a properly configured vDU cluster, only a single annotated catalog source is listed.

  3. Check that all applicable OpenShift Container Platform Operator namespaces are annotated for workload partitioning. This includes all Operators installed with core OpenShift Container Platform and the set of additional Operators included in the reference DU tuning configuration. Run the following command:

    $ oc get namespaces -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{" -- "}{.metadata.annotations.workload\.openshift\.io/allowed}{"\n"}{end}'

    Example output

    default --
    openshift-apiserver -- management
    openshift-apiserver-operator -- management
    openshift-authentication -- management
    openshift-authentication-operator -- management


    Additional Operators must not be annotated for workload partitioning. In the output from the previous command, additional Operators should be listed without any value on the right side of the -- separator.

  4. Check that the ClusterLogging configuration is correct. Run the following commands:

    1. Validate that the appropriate input and output logs are configured:

      $ oc get -n openshift-logging ClusterLogForwarder instance -o yaml

      Example output

      kind: ClusterLogForwarder
        creationTimestamp: "2022-07-19T21:51:41Z"
        generation: 1
        name: instance
        namespace: openshift-logging
        resourceVersion: "1030342"
        uid: 8c1a842d-80c5-447a-9150-40350bdf40f0
        - infrastructure: {}
          name: infra-logs
        - name: kafka-open
          type: kafka
          url: tcp://
        - inputRefs:
          - audit
          name: audit-logs
          - kafka-open
        - inputRefs:
          - infrastructure
          name: infrastructure-logs
          - kafka-open

    2. Check that the curation schedule is appropriate for your application:

      $ oc get -n openshift-logging instance -o yaml

      Example output

      kind: ClusterLogging
        creationTimestamp: "2022-07-07T18:22:56Z"
        generation: 1
        name: instance
        namespace: openshift-logging
        resourceVersion: "235796"
        uid: ef67b9b8-0e65-4a10-88ff-ec06922ea796
            fluentd: {}
            type: fluentd
            schedule: 30 3 * * *
          type: curator
        managementState: Managed

  5. Check that the web console is disabled (managementState: Removed) by running the following command:

    $ oc get cluster -o jsonpath="{ .spec.managementState }"

    Example output


  6. Check that chronyd is disabled on the cluster node by running the following commands:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>

    Check the status of chronyd on the node:

    sh-4.4# chroot /host
    sh-4.4# systemctl status chronyd

    Example output

    ● chronyd.service - NTP client/server
        Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)
          Docs: man:chronyd(8)

  7. Check that the PTP interface is successfully synchronized to the primary clock using a remote shell connection to the linuxptp-daemon container and the PTP Management Client (pmc) tool:

    1. Set the $PTP_POD_NAME variable with the name of the linuxptp-daemon pod by running the following command:

      $ PTP_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -n openshift-ptp -l app=linuxptp-daemon -o name)
    2. Run the following command to check the sync status of the PTP device:

      $ oc -n openshift-ptp rsh -c linuxptp-daemon-container ${PTP_POD_NAME} pmc -u -f /var/run/ptp4l.0.config -b 0 'GET PORT_DATA_SET'

      Example output

      sending: GET PORT_DATA_SET
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-1 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT PORT_DATA_SET
          portIdentity            3cecef.fffe.7a7020-1
          portState               SLAVE
          logMinDelayReqInterval  -4
          peerMeanPathDelay       0
          logAnnounceInterval     1
          announceReceiptTimeout  3
          logSyncInterval         0
          delayMechanism          1
          logMinPdelayReqInterval 0
          versionNumber           2
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-2 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT PORT_DATA_SET
          portIdentity            3cecef.fffe.7a7020-2
          portState               LISTENING
          logMinDelayReqInterval  0
          peerMeanPathDelay       0
          logAnnounceInterval     1
          announceReceiptTimeout  3
          logSyncInterval         0
          delayMechanism          1
          logMinPdelayReqInterval 0
          versionNumber           2

    3. Run the following pmc command to check the PTP clock status:

      $ oc -n openshift-ptp rsh -c linuxptp-daemon-container ${PTP_POD_NAME} pmc -u -f /var/run/ptp4l.0.config -b 0 'GET TIME_STATUS_NP'

      Example output

      sending: GET TIME_STATUS_NP
        3cecef.fffe.7a7020-0 seq 0 RESPONSE MANAGEMENT TIME_STATUS_NP
          master_offset              10 1
          ingress_time               1657275432697400530
          cumulativeScaledRateOffset +0.000000000
          scaledLastGmPhaseChange    0
          gmTimeBaseIndicator        0
          lastGmPhaseChange          0x0000'0000000000000000.0000
          gmPresent                  true 2
          gmIdentity                 3c2c30.ffff.670e00

      master_offset should be between -100 and 100 ns.
      Indicates that the PTP clock is synchronized to a master, and the local clock is not the grandmaster clock.
    4. Check that the expected master offset value corresponding to the value in /var/run/ptp4l.0.config is found in the linuxptp-daemon-container log:

      $ oc logs $PTP_POD_NAME -n openshift-ptp -c linuxptp-daemon-container

      Example output

      phc2sys[56020.341]: [ptp4l.1.config] CLOCK_REALTIME phc offset  -1731092 s2 freq -1546242 delay    497
      ptp4l[56020.390]: [ptp4l.1.config] master offset         -2 s2 freq   -5863 path delay       541
      ptp4l[56020.390]: [ptp4l.0.config] master offset         -8 s2 freq  -10699 path delay       533

  8. Check that the SR-IOV configuration is correct by running the following commands:

    1. Check that the disableDrain value in the SriovOperatorConfig resource is set to true:

      $ oc get sriovoperatorconfig -n openshift-sriov-network-operator default -o jsonpath="{.spec.disableDrain}{'\n'}"

      Example output


    2. Check that the SriovNetworkNodeState sync status is Succeeded by running the following command:

      $ oc get SriovNetworkNodeStates -n openshift-sriov-network-operator -o jsonpath="{.items[*].status.syncStatus}{'\n'}"

      Example output


    3. Verify that the expected number and configuration of virtual functions (Vfs) under each interface configured for SR-IOV is present and correct in the .status.interfaces field. For example:

      $ oc get SriovNetworkNodeStates -n openshift-sriov-network-operator -o yaml

      Example output

      apiVersion: v1
      - apiVersion:
        kind: SriovNetworkNodeState
          - Vfs:
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.0
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 0
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.1
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 1
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.2
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 2
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.3
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 3
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.4
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 4
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.5
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 5
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.6
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 6
            - deviceID: 154c
              driver: vfio-pci
              pciAddress: 0000:3b:0a.7
              vendor: "8086"
              vfID: 7

  9. Check that the cluster performance profile is correct. The cpu and hugepages sections will vary depending on your hardware configuration. Run the following command:

    $ oc get PerformanceProfile openshift-node-performance-profile -o yaml

    Example output

    kind: PerformanceProfile
      creationTimestamp: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
      - foreground-deletion
      generation: 1
      name: openshift-node-performance-profile
      resourceVersion: "33558"
      uid: 217958c0-9122-4c62-9d4d-fdc27c31118c
      - idle=poll
      - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
      - efi=runtime
        isolated: 2-51,54-103
        reserved: 0-1,52-53
        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
        - count: 32
          size: 1G
      machineConfigPoolSelector: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
      nodeSelector: ""
        topologyPolicy: restricted
        enabled: true
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "True"
        type: Available
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "True"
        type: Upgradeable
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "False"
        type: Progressing
      - lastHeartbeatTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-19T21:51:31Z"
        status: "False"
        type: Degraded
      runtimeClass: performance-openshift-node-performance-profile
      tuned: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator/openshift-node-performance-openshift-node-performance-profile


    CPU settings are dependent on the number of cores available on the server and should align with workload partitioning settings. hugepages configuration is server and application dependent.

  10. Check that the PerformanceProfile was successfully applied to the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get performanceprofile openshift-node-performance-profile -o jsonpath="{range .status.conditions[*]}{ @.type }{' -- '}{@.status}{'\n'}{end}"

    Example output

    Available -- True
    Upgradeable -- True
    Progressing -- False
    Degraded -- False

  11. Check the Tuned performance patch settings by running the following command:

    $ oc get -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator performance-patch -o yaml

    Example output

    kind: Tuned
      creationTimestamp: "2022-07-18T10:33:52Z"
      generation: 1
      name: performance-patch
      namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
      resourceVersion: "34024"
      uid: f9799811-f744-4179-bf00-32d4436c08fd
      - data: |
          summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
          cmdline_crash=nohz_full=2-23,26-47 1
        name: performance-patch
      - machineConfigLabels:
        priority: 19
        profile: performance-patch

    The cpu list in cmdline=nohz_full= will vary based on your hardware configuration.
  12. Check that cluster networking diagnostics are disabled by running the following command:

    $ oc get cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.disableNetworkDiagnostics}'

    Example output


  13. Check that the Kubelet housekeeping interval is tuned to slower rate. This is set in the containerMountNS machine config. Run the following command:

    $ oc describe machineconfig container-mount-namespace-and-kubelet-conf-master | grep OPENSHIFT_MAX_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_DURATION

    Example output


  14. Check that Grafana and alertManagerMain are disabled and that the Prometheus retention period is set to 24h by running the following command:

    $ oc get configmap cluster-monitoring-config -n openshift-monitoring -o jsonpath="{ .data.config\.yaml }"

    Example output

      enabled: false
      enabled: false
       retention: 24h

    1. Use the following commands to verify that Grafana and alertManagerMain routes are not found in the cluster:

      $ oc get route -n openshift-monitoring alertmanager-main
      $ oc get route -n openshift-monitoring grafana

      Both queries should return Error from server (NotFound) messages.

  15. Check that there is a minimum of 4 CPUs allocated as reserved for each of the PerformanceProfile, Tuned performance-patch, workload partitioning, and kernel command line arguments by running the following command:

    $ oc get performanceprofile -o jsonpath="{ .items[0].spec.cpu.reserved }"

    Example output



    Depending on your workload requirements, you might require additional reserved CPUs to be allocated.

22.8. Advanced managed cluster configuration with SiteConfig resources

You can use SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) to deploy custom functionality and configurations in your managed clusters at installation time.

22.8.1. Customizing extra installation manifests in the ZTP GitOps pipeline

You can define a set of extra manifests for inclusion in the installation phase of the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) GitOps pipeline. These manifests are linked to the SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) and are applied to the cluster during installation. Including MachineConfig CRs at install time makes the installation process more efficient.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. Create a set of extra manifest CRs that the ZTP pipeline uses to customize the cluster installs.
  2. In your custom /siteconfig directory, create an /extra-manifest folder for your extra manifests. The following example illustrates a sample /siteconfig with /extra-manifest folder:

    ├── site1-sno-du.yaml
    ├── site2-standard-du.yaml
    └── extra-manifest
        └── 01-example-machine-config.yaml
  3. Add your custom extra manifest CRs to the siteconfig/extra-manifest directory.
  4. In your SiteConfig CR, enter the directory name in the extraManifestPath field, for example:

    - clusterName: "example-sno"
      networkType: "OVNKubernetes"
      extraManifestPath: extra-manifest
  5. Save the SiteConfig CRs and /extra-manifest CRs and push them to the site configuration repo.

The ZTP pipeline appends the CRs in the /extra-manifest directory to the default set of extra manifests during cluster provisioning.

22.8.2. Filtering custom resources using SiteConfig filters

By using filters, you can easily customize SiteConfig custom resources (CRs) to include or exclude other CRs for use in the installation phase of the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) GitOps pipeline.

You can specify an inclusionDefault value of include or exclude for the SiteConfig CR, along with a list of the specific extraManifest RAN CRs that you want to include or exclude. Setting inclusionDefault to include makes the ZTP pipeline apply all the files in /source-crs/extra-manifest during installation. Setting inclusionDefault to exclude does the opposite.

You can exclude individual CRs from the /source-crs/extra-manifest folder that are otherwise included by default. The following example configures a custom single-node OpenShift SiteConfig CR to exclude the /source-crs/extra-manifest/03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR at installation time.

Some additional optional filtering scenarios are also described.


  • You configured the hub cluster for generating the required installation and policy CRs.
  • You created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for the Argo CD application.


  1. To prevent the ZTP pipeline from applying the 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR file, apply the following YAML in the SiteConfig CR:

    kind: SiteConfig
      name: "site1-sno-du"
      namespace: "site1-sno-du"
      baseDomain: ""
        name: "assisted-deployment-pull-secret"
      clusterImageSetNameRef: "openshift-4.11"
      sshPublicKey: "<ssh_public_key>"
    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
            - 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml

    The ZTP pipeline skips the 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml CR during installation. All other CRs in /source-crs/extra-manifest are applied.

  2. Save the SiteConfig CR and push the changes to the site configuration repository.

    The ZTP pipeline monitors and adjusts what CRs it applies based on the SiteConfig filter instructions.

  3. Optional: To prevent the ZTP pipeline from applying all the /source-crs/extra-manifest CRs during cluster installation, apply the following YAML in the SiteConfig CR:

    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
          inclusionDefault: exclude
  4. Optional: To exclude all the /source-crs/extra-manifest RAN CRs and instead include a custom CR file during installation, edit the custom SiteConfig CR to set the custom manifests folder and the include file, for example:

    - clusterName: "site1-sno-du"
      extraManifestPath: "<custom_manifest_folder>" 1
          inclusionDefault: exclude  2
            - custom-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml
    Replace <custom_manifest_folder> with the name of the folder that contains the custom installation CRs, for example, user-custom-manifest/.
    Set inclusionDefault to exclude to prevent the ZTP pipeline from applying the files in /source-crs/extra-manifest during installation.

    The following example illustrates the custom folder structure:

      ├── site1-sno-du.yaml
      └── user-custom-manifest
            └── custom-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml

22.9. Advanced managed cluster configuration with PolicyGenTemplate resources

You can use PolicyGenTemplate CRs to deploy custom functionality in your managed clusters.

22.9.1. Deploying additional changes to clusters

If you require cluster configuration changes outside of the base GitOps ZTP pipeline configuration, there are three options:

Apply the additional configuration after the ZTP pipeline is complete
When the GitOps ZTP pipeline deployment is complete, the deployed cluster is ready for application workloads. At this point, you can install additional Operators and apply configurations specific to your requirements. Ensure that additional configurations do not negatively affect the performance of the platform or allocated CPU budget.
Add content to the ZTP library
The base source custom resources (CRs) that you deploy with the GitOps ZTP pipeline can be augmented with custom content as required.
Create extra manifests for the cluster installation
Extra manifests are applied during installation and make the installation process more efficient.

Providing additional source CRs or modifying existing source CRs can significantly impact the performance or CPU profile of OpenShift Container Platform.

Additional resources

22.9.2. Using PolicyGenTemplate CRs to override source CRs content

PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) allow you to overlay additional configuration details on top of the base source CRs provided with the GitOps plugin in the ztp-site-generate container. You can think of PolicyGenTemplate CRs as a logical merge or patch to the base CR. Use PolicyGenTemplate CRs to update a single field of the base CR, or overlay the entire contents of the base CR. You can update values and insert fields that are not in the base CR.

The following example procedure describes how to update fields in the generated PerformanceProfile CR for the reference configuration based on the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file. Use the procedure as a basis for modifying other parts of the PolicyGenTemplate based on your requirements.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for Argo CD.


  1. Review the baseline source CR for existing content. You can review the source CRs listed in the reference PolicyGenTemplate CRs by extracting them from the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) container.

    1. Create an /out folder:

      $ mkdir -p ./out
    2. Extract the source CRs:

      $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./out
  2. Review the baseline PerformanceProfile CR in ./out/source-crs/PerformanceProfile.yaml:

    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: $name
      annotations: "10"
      - "idle=poll"
      - "rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0"
        isolated: $isolated
        reserved: $reserved
        defaultHugepagesSize: $defaultHugepagesSize
          - size: $size
            count: $count
            node: $node
      machineConfigPoolSelector:$mcp: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
      nodeSelector:$mcp: ''
        topologyPolicy: "restricted"
        enabled: true

    Any fields in the source CR which contain $…​ are removed from the generated CR if they are not provided in the PolicyGenTemplate CR.

  3. Update the PolicyGenTemplate entry for PerformanceProfile in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml reference file. The following example PolicyGenTemplate CR stanza supplies appropriate CPU specifications, sets the hugepages configuration, and adds a new field that sets globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing to false.

    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        name: openshift-node-performance-profile
          # These must be tailored for the specific hardware platform
          isolated: "2-19,22-39"
          reserved: "0-1,20-21"
          defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
            - size: 1G
              count: 10
        globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
  4. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push to the Git repository being monitored by the GitOps ZTP argo CD application.

Example output

The ZTP application generates an RHACM policy that contains the generated PerformanceProfile CR. The contents of that CR are derived by merging the metadata and spec contents from the PerformanceProfile entry in the PolicyGenTemplate onto the source CR. The resulting CR has the following content:

kind: PerformanceProfile
    name: openshift-node-performance-profile
        - idle=poll
        - rcupdate.rcu_normal_after_boot=0
        isolated: 2-19,22-39
        reserved: 0-1,20-21
    globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
            - count: 10
              size: 1G
    machineConfigPoolSelector: ""
        userLevelNetworking: true
    nodeSelector: ""
        topologyPolicy: restricted
        enabled: true

In the /source-crs folder that you extract from the ztp-site-generate container, the $ syntax is not used for template substitution as implied by the syntax. Rather, if the policyGen tool sees the $ prefix for a string and you do not specify a value for that field in the related PolicyGenTemplate CR, the field is omitted from the output CR entirely.

An exception to this is the $mcp variable in /source-crs YAML files that is substituted with the specified value for mcp from the PolicyGenTemplate CR. For example, in example/policygentemplates/group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml, the value for mcp is worker:

    group-du-standard: ""
  mcp: "worker"

The policyGen tool replace instances of $mcp with worker in the output CRs.

22.9.3. Adding new content to the GitOps ZTP pipeline

The source CRs in the GitOps ZTP site generator container provide a set of critical features and node tuning settings for RAN Distributed Unit (DU) applications. These are applied to the clusters that you deploy with ZTP. To add or modify existing source CRs in the ztp-site-generate container, rebuild the ztp-site-generate container and make it available to the hub cluster, typically from the disconnected registry associated with the hub cluster. Any valid OpenShift Container Platform CR can be added.

Perform the following procedure to add new content to the ZTP pipeline.


  1. Create a directory containing a Containerfile and the source CR YAML files that you want to include in the updated ztp-site-generate container, for example:

    ├── example-cr1.yaml
    ├── example-cr2.yaml
  2. Add the following content to the Containerfile:

    ADD example-cr2.yaml /kustomize/plugin/
    ADD example-cr1.yaml /kustomize/plugin/
  3. Open a terminal at the ztp-update/ folder and rebuild the container:

    $ podman build -t ztp-site-generate-rhel8-custom:v4.11-custom-1
  4. Push the built container image to your disconnected registry, for example:

    $ podman push localhost/ztp-site-generate-rhel8-custom:v4.11-custom-1
  5. Patch the Argo CD instance on the hub cluster to point to the newly built container image:

    $ oc patch -n openshift-gitops argocd openshift-gitops --type=json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path":"/spec/repo/initContainers/0/image", "value": ""} ]'

    When the Argo CD instance is patched, the openshift-gitops-repo-server pod automatically restarts.


  1. Verify that the new openshift-gitops-repo-server pod has completed initialization and that the previous repo pod is terminated:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-gitops | grep openshift-gitops-repo-server

    Example output

    openshift-gitops-server-7df86f9774-db682          1/1     Running   	     1          28s

    You must wait until the new openshift-gitops-repo-server pod has completed initialization and the previous pod is terminated before the newly added container image content is available.

Additional resources

  • Alternatively, you can patch the ArgoCD instance as described in Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD by modifying argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json with an updated initContainer image before applying the patch file.

22.9.4. Configuring policy compliance evaluation timeouts for PolicyGenTemplate CRs

Use Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) installed on a hub cluster to monitor and report on whether your managed clusters are compliant with applied policies. RHACM uses policy templates to apply predefined policy controllers and policies. Policy controllers are Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD) instances.

You can override the default policy evaluation intervals with PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs). You configure duration settings that define how long a ConfigurationPolicy CR can be in a state of policy compliance or non-compliance before RHACM re-evaluates the applied cluster policies.

The zero touch provisioning (ZTP) policy generator generates ConfigurationPolicy CR policies with pre-defined policy evaluation intervals. The default value for the noncompliant state is 10 seconds. The default value for the compliant state is 10 minutes. To disable the evaluation interval, set the value to never.


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have logged in to the hub cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have created a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure the evaluation interval for all policies in a PolicyGenTemplate CR, add evaluationInterval to the spec field, and then set the appropriate compliant and noncompliant values. For example:

        compliant: 30m
        noncompliant: 20s
  2. To configure the evaluation interval for the spec.sourceFiles object in a PolicyGenTemplate CR, add evaluationInterval to the sourceFiles field, for example:

       - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
         policyName: "sriov-sub-policy"
           compliant: never
           noncompliant: 10s
  3. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CRs files in the Git repository and push your changes.


Check that the managed spoke cluster policies are monitored at the expected intervals.

  1. Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges on the managed cluster.
  2. Get the pods that are running in the open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace. Run the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon

    Example output

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
    config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb    1/1     Running   22 (5d8h ago)   10d

  3. Check the applied policies are being evaluated at the expected interval in the logs for the config-policy-controller pod:

    $ oc logs -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon config-policy-controller-858b894c68-v4xdb

    Example output

    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-config-policy-config"}
    2022-05-10T15:10:25.280Z       info   configuration-policy-controller controllers/configurationpolicy_controller.go:166      Skipping the policy evaluation due to the policy not reaching the evaluation interval  {"policy": "compute-1-common-compute-1-catalog-policy-config"}

22.9.5. Signalling ZTP cluster deployment completion with validator inform policies

Create a validator inform policy that signals when the zero touch provisioning (ZTP) installation and configuration of the deployed cluster is complete. This policy can be used for deployments of single-node OpenShift clusters, three-node clusters, and standard clusters.


  1. Create a standalone PolicyGenTemplate custom resource (CR) that contains the source file validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml. You only need one standalone PolicyGenTemplate CR for each cluster type. For example, this CR applies a validator inform policy for single-node OpenShift clusters:

    Example single-node cluster validator inform policy CR (group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml)

    kind: PolicyGenTemplate
      name: "group-du-sno-validator" 1
      namespace: "ztp-group" 2
        group-du-sno: "" 3
        ztp-done: "" 4
      mcp: "master" 5
        - fileName: validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml
          remediationAction: inform 6
          policyName: "du-policy" 7

    The name of PolicyGenTemplates object. This name is also used as part of the names for the placementBinding, placementRule, and policy that are created in the requested namespace.
    This value should match the namespace used in the group PolicyGenTemplates.
    The group-du-* label defined in bindingRules must exist in the SiteConfig files.
    The label defined in bindingExcludedRules must be`ztp-done:`. The ztp-done label is used in coordination with the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager.
    mcp defines the MachineConfigPool object that is used in the source file validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml. It should be master for single node and three-node cluster deployments and worker for standard cluster deployments.
    Optional. The default value is inform.
    This value is used as part of the name for the generated RHACM policy. The generated validator policy for the single node example is group-du-sno-validator-du-policy.
  2. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate CR file in your Git repository and push the changes.

Additional resources

22.9.6. Configuring PTP fast events using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can configure PTP fast events for vRAN clusters that are deployed using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline. Use PolicyGenTemplate custom resources (CRs) as the basis to create a hierarchy of configuration files tailored to your specific site requirements.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. Add the following YAML into .spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file to configure the AMQP Operator:

    #AMQ interconnect operator for fast events
    - fileName: AmqSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: AmqSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: AmqSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
  2. Apply the following PolicyGenTemplate changes to group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml, or group-du-standard-ranGen.yaml files according to your requirements:

    1. In .sourceFiles, add the PtpOperatorConfig CR file that configures the AMQ transport host to the config-policy:

      - fileName: PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
        policyName: "config-policy"
    2. Configure the linuxptp and phc2sys for the PTP clock type and interface. For example, add the following stanza into .sourceFiles:

      - fileName: PtpConfigSlave.yaml 1
        policyName: "config-policy"
          name: "du-ptp-slave"
          - name: "slave"
            interface: "ens5f1" 2
            ptp4lOpts: "-2 -s --summary_interval -4" 3
            phc2sysOpts: "-a -r -m -n 24 -N 8 -R 16" 4
          ptpClockThreshold: 5
            holdOverTimeout: 30 #secs
            maxOffsetThreshold: 100  #nano secs
            minOffsetThreshold: -100 #nano secs
      Can be one PtpConfigMaster.yaml, PtpConfigSlave.yaml, or PtpConfigSlaveCvl.yaml depending on your requirements. PtpConfigSlaveCvl.yaml configures linuxptp services for an Intel E810 Columbiaville NIC. For configurations based on group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml or group-du-3node-ranGen.yaml, use PtpConfigSlave.yaml.
      Device specific interface name.
      You must append the --summary_interval -4 value to ptp4lOpts in .spec.sourceFiles.spec.profile to enable PTP fast events.
      Required phc2sysOpts values. -m prints messages to stdout. The linuxptp-daemon DaemonSet parses the logs and generates Prometheus metrics.
      Optional. If the ptpClockThreshold stanza is not present, default values are used for the ptpClockThreshold fields. The stanza shows default ptpClockThreshold values. The ptpClockThreshold values configure how long after the PTP master clock is disconnected before PTP events are triggered. holdOverTimeout is the time value in seconds before the PTP clock event state changes to FREERUN when the PTP master clock is disconnected. The maxOffsetThreshold and minOffsetThreshold settings configure offset values in nanoseconds that compare against the values for CLOCK_REALTIME (phc2sys) or master offset (ptp4l). When the ptp4l or phc2sys offset value is outside this range, the PTP clock state is set to FREERUN. When the offset value is within this range, the PTP clock state is set to LOCKED.
  3. Apply the following PolicyGenTemplate changes to your specific site YAML files, for example, example-sno-site.yaml:

    1. In .sourceFiles, add the Interconnect CR file that configures the AMQ router to the config-policy:

      - fileName: AmqInstance.yaml
        policyName: "config-policy"
  4. Merge any other required changes and files with your custom site repository.
  5. Push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy PTP fast events to new sites using GitOps ZTP.

Additional resources

22.9.7. Configuring bare-metal event monitoring using PolicyGenTemplate CRs

You can configure bare-metal hardware events for vRAN clusters that are deployed using the GitOps Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) pipeline.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data.


  1. To configure the AMQ Interconnect Operator and the Bare Metal Event Relay Operator, add the following YAML to spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file:

    # AMQ interconnect operator for fast events
    - fileName: AmqSubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: AmqSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: AmqSubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    # Bare Metal Event Rely operator
    - fileName: BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionNS.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
    - fileName: BareMetalEventRelaySubscription.yaml
      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
  2. Add the Interconnect CR to .spec.sourceFiles in the site configuration file, for example, the example-sno-site.yaml file:

    - fileName: AmqInstance.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
  3. Add the HardwareEvent CR to spec.sourceFiles in your specific group configuration file, for example, in the group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml file:

    - fileName: HardwareEvent.yaml
      policyName: "config-policy"
        nodeSelector: {}
        transportHost: "amqp://<amq_interconnect_name>.<amq_interconnect_namespace>.svc.cluster.local" 1
        logLevel: "info"
    The transportHost URL is composed of the existing AMQ Interconnect CR name and namespace. For example, in transportHost: "amqp://amq-router.amq-router.svc.cluster.local", the AMQ Interconnect name and namespace are both set to amq-router.

    Each baseboard management controller (BMC) requires a single HardwareEvent resource only.

  4. Commit the PolicyGenTemplate change in Git, and then push the changes to your site configuration repository to deploy bare-metal events monitoring to new sites using GitOps ZTP.
  5. Create the Redfish Secret by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-bare-metal-events create secret generic redfish-basic-auth \
    --from-literal=username=<bmc_username> --from-literal=password=<bmc_password> \

Additional resources

Additional resources

22.10. Updating managed clusters with the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager

You can use the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) to manage the software lifecycle of OpenShift Container Platform managed clusters. TALM uses Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies to perform changes on the target clusters.


The Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Additional resources

22.10.1. Updating clusters in a disconnected environment

You can upgrade managed clusters and Operators for managed clusters that you have deployed using GitOps ZTP and Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM). Setting up the environment

TALM can perform both platform and Operator updates.

You must mirror both the platform image and Operator images that you want to update to in your mirror registry before you can use TALM to update your disconnected clusters. Complete the following steps to mirror the images:

  • For platform updates, you must perform the following steps:

    1. Mirror the desired OpenShift Container Platform image repository. Ensure that the desired platform image is mirrored by following the "Mirroring the OpenShift Container Platform image repository" procedure linked in the Additional Resources. Save the contents of the imageContentSources section in the imageContentSources.yaml file:

      Example output

       - mirrors:
       - mirrors:

    2. Save the image signature of the desired platform image that was mirrored. You must add the image signature to the PolicyGenTemplate CR for platform updates. To get the image signature, perform the following steps:

      1. Specify the desired OpenShift Container Platform tag by running the following command:

        $ OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER=<release_version>
      2. Specify the architecture of the server by running the following command:

        $ ARCHITECTURE=<server_architecture>
      3. Get the release image digest from Quay by running the following command

        $ DIGEST="$(oc adm release info${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}-${ARCHITECTURE} | sed -n 's/Pull From: .*@//p')"
      4. Set the digest algorithm by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ALGO="${DIGEST%%:*}"
      5. Set the digest signature by running the following command:

        $ DIGEST_ENCODED="${DIGEST#*:}"
      6. Get the image signature from the website by running the following command:

        $ SIGNATURE_BASE64=$(curl -s "${DIGEST_ALGO}=${DIGEST_ENCODED}/signature-1" | base64 -w0 && echo)
      7. Save the image signature to the checksum-<OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER>.yaml file by running the following commands:

        $ cat >checksum-${OCP_RELEASE_NUMBER}.yaml <<EOF
    3. Prepare the update graph. You have two options to prepare the update graph:

      1. Use the OpenShift Update Service.

        For more information about how to set up the graph on the hub cluster, see Deploy the operator for OpenShift Update Service and Build the graph data init container.

      2. Make a local copy of the upstream graph. Host the update graph on an http or https server in the disconnected environment that has access to the managed cluster. To download the update graph, use the following command:

        $ curl -s -o ~/upgrade-graph_stable-4.11
  • For Operator updates, you must perform the following task:

    • Mirror the Operator catalogs. Ensure that the desired operator images are mirrored by following the procedure in the "Mirroring Operator catalogs for use with disconnected clusters" section.

Additional resources Performing a platform update

You can perform a platform update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update ZTP to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired image repository.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create a PolicyGenTemplate CR for the platform update:

    1. Save the following contents of the PolicyGenTemplate CR in the du-upgrade.yaml file.

      Example of PolicyGenTemplate for platform update

      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
          - fileName: ImageSignature.yaml 1
            policyName: "platform-upgrade-prep"
          - fileName: DisconnectedICSP.yaml
            policyName: "platform-upgrade-prep"
              name: disconnected-internal-icsp-for-ocp
              repositoryDigestMirrors: 3
                - mirrors:
                - mirrors:
          - fileName: ClusterVersion.yaml 4
            policyName: "platform-upgrade-prep"
              name: version
              channel: "stable-4.11"
          - fileName: ClusterVersion.yaml 5
            policyName: "platform-upgrade"
              name: version
              channel: "stable-4.11"
                version: 4.11.4
                - version: 4.11.4
                  state: "Completed"

      The ConfigMap CR contains the signature of the desired release image to update to.
      Shows the image signature of the desired OpenShift Container Platform release. Get the signature from the checksum-${OCP_RELASE_NUMBER}.yaml file you saved when following the procedures in the "Setting up the environment" section.
      Shows the mirror repository that contains the desired OpenShift Container Platform image. Get the mirrors from the imageContentSources.yaml file that you saved when following the procedures in the "Setting up the environment" section.
      Shows the ClusterVersion CR to update upstream.
      Shows the ClusterVersion CR to trigger the update. The channel, upstream, and desiredVersion fields are all required for image pre-caching.

      The PolicyGenTemplate CR generates two policies:

      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep policy does the preparation work for the platform update. It creates the ConfigMap CR for the desired release image signature, creates the image content source of the mirrored release image repository, and updates the cluster version with the desired update channel and the update graph reachable by the managed cluster in the disconnected environment.
      • The du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policy is used to perform platform upgrade.
    2. Add the du-upgrade.yaml file contents to the kustomization.yaml file located in the ZTP Git repository for the PolicyGenTemplate CRs and push the changes to the Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    3. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep platform-upgrade
  2. Apply the required update resources before starting the platform update with the TALM.

    1. Save the content of the platform-upgrade-prep ClusterUpgradeGroup CR with the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep policy and the target managed clusters to the cgu-platform-upgrade-prep.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: true
    2. Apply the policy to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the update process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the platform update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the du-upgrade-platform-upgrade policy and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpdate CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpdate CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the hub cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-platform-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
  5. Start the platform update:

    1. Enable the cgu-platform-upgrade policy and disable pre-caching by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Additional resources Performing an Operator update

You can perform an Operator update with the TALM.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update ZTP to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with ZTP.
  • Mirror the desired index image, bundle images, and all Operator images referenced in the bundle images.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Update the PolicyGenTemplate CR for the Operator update.

    1. Update the du-upgrade PolicyGenTemplate CR with the following additional contents in the du-upgrade.yaml file:

      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
          - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            remediationAction: inform
            policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
              name: redhat-operators
              displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
              image: 1
              updateStrategy: 2
                  interval: 1h
      The index image URL contains the desired Operator images. If the index images are always pushed to the same image name and tag, this change is not needed.
      Set how frequently the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) polls the index image for new Operator versions with the registryPoll.interval field. This change is not needed if a new index image tag is always pushed for y-stream and z-stream Operator updates. The registryPoll.interval field can be set to a shorter interval to expedite the update, however shorter intervals increase computational load. To counteract this, you can restore registryPoll.interval to the default value once the update is complete.
    2. This update generates one policy, du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy, to update the redhat-operators catalog source with the new index images that contain the desired Operators images.


      If you want to use the image pre-caching for Operators and there are Operators from a different catalog source other than redhat-operators, you must perform the following tasks:

      • Prepare a separate catalog source policy with the new index image or registry poll interval update for the different catalog source.
      • Prepare a separate subscription policy for the desired Operators that are from the different catalog source.

      For example, the desired SRIOV-FEC Operator is available in the certified-operators catalog source. To update the catalog source and the Operator subscription, add the following contents to generate two policies, du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy:

      kind: PolicyGenTemplate
        name: "du-upgrade"
        namespace: "ztp-group-du-sno"
          group-du-sno: ""
        mcp: "master"
        remediationAction: inform
          - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
            remediationAction: inform
            policyName: "fec-catsrc-policy"
              name: certified-operators
              displayName: Intel SRIOV-FEC Operator
                  interval: 10m
          - fileName: AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml
            policyName: "subscriptions-fec-policy"
              channel: "stable"
              source: certified-operators
    3. Remove the specified subscriptions channels in the common PolicyGenTemplate CR, if they exist. The default subscriptions channels from the ZTP image are used for the update.


      The default channel for the Operators applied through ZTP 4.11 is stable, except for the performance-addon-operator. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the performance-addon-operator functionality was moved to the node-tuning-operator. For the 4.10 release, the default channel for PAO is v4.10. You can also specify the default channels in the common PolicyGenTemplate CR.

    4. Push the PolicyGenTemplate CRs updates to the ZTP Git repository.

      ArgoCD pulls the changes from the Git repository and generates the policies on the hub cluster.

    5. Check the created policies by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy|subscription"
  2. Apply the required catalog source updates before starting the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR named operator-upgrade-prep with the catalog source policies and the target managed clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - spoke1
        enable: true
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
          maxConcurrency: 1
    2. Apply the policy to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the update process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies -A | grep -E "catsrc-policy"
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the content of the Operator update ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy policy and the subscription policies created from the common PolicyGenTemplate and the target clusters to the cgu-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-operator-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 1
        - common-subscriptions-policy 2
        preCaching: false
        - spoke1
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      The policy is needed by the image pre-caching feature to retrieve the operator images from the catalog source.
      The policy contains Operator subscriptions. If you have followed the structure and content of the reference PolicyGenTemplates, all Operator subscriptions are grouped into the common-subscriptions-policy policy.

      One ClusterGroupUpgrade CR can only pre-cache the images of the desired Operators defined in the subscription policy from one catalog source included in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR. If the desired Operators are from different catalog sources, such as in the example of the SRIOV-FEC Operator, another ClusterGroupUpgrade CR must be created with du-upgrade-fec-catsrc-policy and du-upgrade-subscriptions-fec-policy policies for the SRIOV-FEC Operator images pre-caching and update.

    2. Apply the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the Operator update.

    1. Before starting image pre-caching, verify the subscription policy is NonCompliant at this point by running the following command:

      $ oc get policy common-subscriptions-policy -n <policy_namespace>

      Example output

      NAME                          REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE     AGE
      common-subscriptions-policy   inform               NonCompliant         27d

    2. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    3. Monitor the process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-operator-upgrade -o jsonpath='{.status.precaching.status}'
    4. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu -n default cgu-operator-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}' | jq

      Example output

            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:49:08.000Z",
            "message": "The ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is not enabled",
            "reason": "UpgradeNotStarted",
            "status": "False",
            "type": "Ready"
            "lastTransitionTime": "2022-03-08T20:55:30.000Z",
            "message": "Precaching is completed",
            "reason": "PrecachingCompleted",
            "status": "True",
            "type": "PrecachingDone"

  5. Start the Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-operator-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR and disable pre-caching to start the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

Additional resources Troubleshooting missed Operator updates due to out-of-date policy compliance states

In some scenarios, Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM) might miss Operator updates due to an out-of-date policy compliance state.

After a catalog source update, it takes time for the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to update the subscription status. The status of the subscription policy might continue to show as compliant while TALM decides whether remediation is needed. As a result, the Operator specified in the subscription policy does not get upgraded.

To avoid this scenario, add another catalog source configuration to the PolicyGenTemplate and specify this configuration in the subscription for any Operators that require an update.


  1. Add a catalog source configuration in the PolicyGenTemplate resource:

    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
            name: redhat-operators
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog
                interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
          remediationAction: inform
          policyName: "operator-catsrc-policy"
            name: redhat-operators-v2 1
            displayName: Red Hat Operators Catalog v2 2
            image:<version> 3
                interval: 1h
                lastObservedState: READY
    Update the name for the new configuration.
    Update the display name for the new configuration.
    Update the index image URL. This fileName.spec.image field overrides any configuration in the DefaultCatsrc.yaml file.
  2. Update the Subscription resource to point to the new configuration for Operators that require an update:

    kind: Subscription
      name: operator-subscription
      namespace: operator-namspace
    # ...
      source: redhat-operators-v2 1
    # ...
    Enter the name of the additional catalog source configuration that you defined in the PolicyGenTemplate resource. Performing a platform and an Operator update together

You can perform a platform and an Operator update at the same time.


  • Install the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM).
  • Update ZTP to the latest version.
  • Provision one or more managed clusters with ZTP.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Create RHACM policies in the hub cluster.


  1. Create the PolicyGenTemplate CR for the updates by following the steps described in the "Performing a platform update" and "Performing an Operator update" sections.
  2. Apply the prep work for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Save the content of the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR with the policies for platform update preparation work, catalog source updates, and target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file, for example:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 10
        enable: true
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade-prep.yml
    3. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces
  3. Create the ClusterGroupUpdate CR for the platform and the Operator update with the spec.enable field set to false.

    1. Save the contents of the platform and Operator update ClusterGroupUpdate CR with the policies and the target clusters to the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file, as shown in the following example:

      kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
        name: cgu-du-upgrade
        namespace: default
        - du-upgrade-platform-upgrade 1
        - du-upgrade-operator-catsrc-policy 2
        - common-subscriptions-policy 3
        preCaching: true
        - group-du-sno
          maxConcurrency: 1
        enable: false
      This is the platform update policy.
      This is the policy containing the catalog source information for the Operators to be updated. It is needed for the pre-caching feature to determine which Operator images to download to the managed cluster.
      This is the policy to update the Operators.
    2. Apply the cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml file to the hub cluster by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f cgu-platform-operator-upgrade.yml
  4. Optional: Pre-cache the images for the platform and the Operator update.

    1. Enable pre-caching in the ClusterGroupUpgrade CR by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"preCaching": true}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the update process and wait for the pre-caching to complete. Check the status of pre-caching by running the following command on the managed cluster:

      $ oc get jobs,pods -n openshift-talm-pre-cache
    3. Check if the pre-caching is completed before starting the update by running the following command:

      $ oc get cgu cgu-du-upgrade -ojsonpath='{.status.conditions}'
  5. Start the platform and Operator update.

    1. Enable the cgu-du-upgrade ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to start the platform and the Operator update by running the following command:

      $ oc --namespace=default patch \
      --patch '{"spec":{"enable":true, "preCaching": false}}' --type=merge
    2. Monitor the process. Upon completion, ensure that the policy is compliant by running the following command:

      $ oc get policies --all-namespaces

      The CRs for the platform and Operator updates can be created from the beginning by configuring the setting to spec.enable: true. In this case, the update starts immediately after pre-caching completes and there is no need to manually enable the CR.

      Both pre-caching and the update create extra resources, such as policies, placement bindings, placement rules, managed cluster actions, and managed cluster view, to help complete the procedures. Setting the afterCompletion.deleteObjects field to true deletes all these resources after the updates complete. Removing Performance Addon Operator subscriptions from deployed clusters

In earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform, the Performance Addon Operator provided automatic, low latency performance tuning for applications. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, these functions are part of the Node Tuning Operator.

Do not install the Performance Addon Operator on clusters running OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later. If you upgrade to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Node Tuning Operator automatically removes the Performance Addon Operator.


You need to remove any policies that create Performance Addon Operator subscriptions to prevent a re-installation of the Operator.

The reference DU profile includes the Performance Addon Operator in the PolicyGenTemplate CR common-ranGen.yaml. To remove the subscription from deployed managed clusters, you must update common-ranGen.yaml.


If you install Performance Addon Operator 4.10.3-5 or later on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later, the Performance Addon Operator detects the cluster version and automatically hibernates to avoid interfering with the Node Tuning Operator functions. However, to ensure best performance, remove the Performance Addon Operator from your OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 clusters.


  • Create a Git repository where you manage your custom site configuration data. The repository must be accessible from the hub cluster and be defined as a source repository for ArgoCD.
  • Update to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 or later.
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Change the complianceType to mustnothave for the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group, and subscription in the common-ranGen.yaml file.

     -  fileName: PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
        policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        complianceType: mustnothave
     -  fileName: PaoSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
        policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        complianceType: mustnothave
     -  fileName: PaoSubscription.yaml
        policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
        complianceType: mustnothave
  2. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy changes to Non-Compliant.
  3. Apply the change to your target clusters by using the Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager. For more information about rolling out configuration changes, see the "Additional resources" section.
  4. Monitor the process. When the status of the common-subscriptions-policy policy for a target cluster is Compliant, the Performance Addon Operator has been removed from the cluster. Get the status of the common-subscriptions-policy by running the following command:

    $ oc get policy -n ztp-common common-subscriptions-policy
  5. Delete the Performance Addon Operator namespace, Operator group and subscription CRs from .spec.sourceFiles in the common-ranGen.yaml file.
  6. Merge the changes with your custom site repository and wait for the ArgoCD application to synchronize the change to the hub cluster. The policy remains compliant.

22.10.2. About the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for ZTP

TALM has a controller called ManagedClusterForCGU that monitors the Ready state of the ManagedCluster CRs on the hub cluster and creates the ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs for ZTP (zero touch provisioning).

For any managed cluster in the Ready state without a "ztp-done" label applied, the ManagedClusterForCGU controller automatically creates a ClusterGroupUpgrade CR in the ztp-install namespace with its associated RHACM policies that are created during the ZTP process. TALM then remediates the set of configuration policies that are listed in the auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR to push the configuration CRs to the managed cluster.


If the managed cluster has no bound policies when the cluster becomes Ready, no ClusterGroupUpgrade CR is created.

Example of an auto-created ClusterGroupUpgrade CR for ZTP

kind: ClusterGroupUpgrade
  generation: 1
  name: spoke1
  namespace: ztp-install
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: ManagedCluster
    name: spoke1
    uid: 98fdb9b2-51ee-4ee7-8f57-a84f7f35b9d5
  resourceVersion: "46666836"
  uid: b8be9cd2-764f-4a62-87d6-6b767852c7da
        ztp-done: "" 1
        ztp-running: ""
      deleteObjects: true
        ztp-running: "" 2
  - spoke1
  enable: true
  - common-spoke1-config-policy
  - common-spoke1-subscriptions-policy
  - group-spoke1-config-policy
  - spoke1-config-policy
  - group-spoke1-validator-du-policy
  preCaching: false
    maxConcurrency: 1
    timeout: 240

Applied to the managed cluster when TALM completes the cluster configuration.
Applied to the managed cluster when TALM starts deploying the configuration policies.

22.11. Updating GitOps ZTP

You can update the Gitops zero touch provisioning (ZTP) infrastructure independently from the hub cluster, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM), and the managed OpenShift Container Platform clusters.


You can update the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Operator when new versions become available. When updating the GitOps ZTP plugin, review the updated files in the reference configuration and ensure that the changes meet your requirements.

22.11.1. Overview of the GitOps ZTP update process

You can update GitOps zero touch provisioning (ZTP) for a fully operational hub cluster running an earlier version of the GitOps ZTP infrastructure. The update process avoids impact on managed clusters.


Any changes to policy settings, including adding recommended content, results in updated polices that must be rolled out to the managed clusters and reconciled.

At a high level, the strategy for updating the GitOps ZTP infrastructure is as follows:

  1. Label all existing clusters with the ztp-done label.
  2. Stop the ArgoCD applications.
  3. Install the new GitOps ZTP tools.
  4. Update required content and optional changes in the Git repository.
  5. Update and restart the application configuration.

22.11.2. Preparing for the upgrade

Use the following procedure to prepare your site for the GitOps zero touch provisioning (ZTP) upgrade.


  1. Get the latest version of the GitOps ZTP container that has the custom resources (CRs) used to configure Red Hat OpenShift GitOps for use with GitOps ZTP.
  2. Extract the argocd/deployment directory by using the following commands:

    $ mkdir -p ./update
    $ podman run --log-driver=none --rm extract /home/ztp --tar | tar x -C ./update

    The /update directory contains the following subdirectories:

    • update/extra-manifest: contains the source CR files that the SiteConfig CR uses to generate the extra manifest configMap.
    • update/source-crs: contains the source CR files that the PolicyGenTemplate CR uses to generate the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) policies.
    • update/argocd/deployment: contains patches and YAML files to apply on the hub cluster for use in the next step of this procedure.
    • update/argocd/example: contains example SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate files that represent the recommended configuration.
  3. Update the clusters-app.yaml and policies-app.yaml files to reflect the name of your applications and the URL, branch, and path for your Git repository.

    If the upgrade includes changes that results in obsolete policies, the obsolete policies should be removed prior to performing the upgrade.

  4. Diff the changes between the configuration and deployment source CRs in the /update folder and Git repo where you manage your fleet site CRs. Apply and push the required changes to your site repository.


    When you update GitOps ZTP to the latest version, you must apply the changes from the update/argocd/deployment directory to your site repository. Do not use older versions of the argocd/deployment/ files.

22.11.3. Labeling the existing clusters

To ensure that existing clusters remain untouched by the tool updates, label all existing managed clusters with the ztp-done label.


This procedure only applies when updating clusters that were not provisioned with Topology Aware Lifecycle Manager (TALM). Clusters that you provision with TALM are automatically labeled with ztp-done.


  1. Find a label selector that lists the managed clusters that were deployed with zero touch provisioning (ZTP), such as local-cluster!=true:

    $ oc get managedcluster -l 'local-cluster!=true'
  2. Ensure that the resulting list contains all the managed clusters that were deployed with ZTP, and then use that selector to add the ztp-done label:

    $ oc label managedcluster -l 'local-cluster!=true' ztp-done=

22.11.4. Stopping the existing GitOps ZTP applications

Removing the existing applications ensures that any changes to existing content in the Git repository are not rolled out until the new version of the tools is available.

Use the application files from the deployment directory. If you used custom names for the applications, update the names in these files first.


  1. Perform a non-cascaded delete on the clusters application to leave all generated resources in place:

    $ oc delete -f update/argocd/deployment/clusters-app.yaml
  2. Perform a cascaded delete on the policies application to remove all previous policies:

    $ oc patch -f policies-app.yaml -p '{"metadata": {"finalizers": [""]}}' --type merge
    $ oc delete -f update/argocd/deployment/policies-app.yaml

22.11.5. Required changes to the Git repository

When upgrading the ztp-site-generate container from an earlier release of GitOps ZTP to v4.10 or later, there are additional requirements for the contents of the Git repository. Existing content in the repository must be updated to reflect these changes.

  • Make required changes to PolicyGenTemplate files:

    All PolicyGenTemplate files must be created in a Namespace prefixed with ztp. This ensures that the GitOps zero touch provisioning (ZTP) application is able to manage the policy CRs generated by GitOps ZTP without conflicting with the way Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) manages the policies internally.

  • Add the kustomization.yaml file to the repository:

    All SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs must be included in a kustomization.yaml file under their respective directory trees. For example:

    ├── policygentemplates
    │   ├── site1-ns.yaml
    │   ├── site1.yaml
    │   ├── site2-ns.yaml
    │   ├── site2.yaml
    │   ├── common-ns.yaml
    │   ├── common-ranGen.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen-ns.yaml
    │   ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    │   └── kustomization.yaml
    └── siteconfig
        ├── site1.yaml
        ├── site2.yaml
        └── kustomization.yaml

    The files listed in the generator sections must contain either SiteConfig or PolicyGenTemplate CRs only. If your existing YAML files contain other CRs, for example, Namespace, these other CRs must be pulled out into separate files and listed in the resources section.

    The PolicyGenTemplate kustomization file must contain all PolicyGenTemplate YAML files in the generator section and Namespace CRs in the resources section. For example:

    kind: Kustomization
    - common-ranGen.yaml
    - group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
    - site1.yaml
    - site2.yaml
    - common-ns.yaml
    - group-du-sno-ranGen-ns.yaml
    - site1-ns.yaml
    - site2-ns.yaml

    The SiteConfig kustomization file must contain all SiteConfig YAML files in the generator section and any other CRs in the resources:

    kind: Kustomization
    - site1.yaml
    - site2.yaml
  • Remove the pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files.

    In OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 and later, the pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files are no longer required. The update/deployment/kustomization.yaml CR manages the policies deployment on the hub cluster.


    There is a set of pre-sync.yaml and post-sync.yaml files under both the SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate trees.

  • Review and incorporate recommended changes

    Each release may include additional recommended changes to the configuration applied to deployed clusters. Typically these changes result in lower CPU use by the OpenShift platform, additional features, or improved tuning of the platform.

    Review the reference SiteConfig and PolicyGenTemplate CRs applicable to the types of cluster in your network. These examples can be found in the argocd/example directory extracted from the GitOps ZTP container.

22.11.6. Installing the new GitOps ZTP applications

Using the extracted argocd/deployment directory, and after ensuring that the applications point to your site Git repository, apply the full contents of the deployment directory. Applying the full contents of the directory ensures that all necessary resources for the applications are correctly configured.


  1. To patch the ArgoCD instance in the hub cluster by using the patch file that you previously extracted into the update/argocd/deployment/ directory, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch argocd openshift-gitops \
    -n openshift-gitops --type=merge \
    --patch-file update/argocd/deployment/argocd-openshift-gitops-patch.json
  2. To apply the contents of the argocd/deployment directory, enter the following command:

    $ oc apply -k update/argocd/deployment

22.11.7. Rolling out the GitOps ZTP configuration changes

If any configuration changes were included in the upgrade due to implementing recommended changes, the upgrade process results in a set of policy CRs on the hub cluster in the Non-Compliant state. With the ZTP GitOps v4.10 and later ztp-site-generate container, these policies are set to inform mode and are not pushed to the managed clusters without an additional step by the user. This ensures that potentially disruptive changes to the clusters can be managed in terms of when the changes are made, for example, during a maintenance window, and how many clusters are updated concurrently.

To roll out the changes, create one or more ClusterGroupUpgrade CRs as detailed in the TALM documentation. The CR must contain the list of Non-Compliant policies that you want to push out to the managed clusters as well as a list or selector of which clusters should be included in the update.

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