6.8. Exit Status Codes
OpenShift Enterprise follows the convention that scripts return zero (0) for success and non-zero for failure.
OpenShift Enterprise supports special handling of several non-zero exit codes. These codes enable OpenShift Enterprise to refine its behavior, for example when returning
status codes through the REST API or when deciding whether to continue or abort an operation.
If a cartridge script returns a value not included in the following tables, OpenShift Enterprise treats the error as fatal to the cartridge.
Exit Code | Usage |
1 | Non-specific error |
97 | Invalid user credentials |
99 | User does not exist |
100 | An application with specified name already exists |
101 | An application with specified name does not exist and cannot be operated on |
102 | A user with login already exists |
103 | Given namespace is already in use |
104 | User's gear limit has been reached |
105 | Invalid application name |
106 | Invalid namespace |
107 | Invalid user login |
108 | Invalid SSH key |
109 | Invalid cartridge types |
110 | Invalid application type specified |
111 | Invalid action |
112 | Invalid API |
113 | Invalid auth key |
114 | Invalid auth iv |
115 | Too many cartridges of one type per user |
116 | Invalid SSH key type |
117 | Invalid SSH key name or tag |
118 | SSH key name does not exist |
119 | SSH key or key name not specified |
120 | SSH key name already exists |
121 | SSH key already exists |
122 | Last SSH key for user |
123 | No SSH key for user |
124 | Could not delete default or primary key |
125 | Invalid template |
126 | Invalid event |
127 | A domain with specified namespace does not exist and cannot be operated on |
128 | Could not delete domain because domain has valid applications |
129 | The application is not configured with this cartridge |
130 | Invalid parameters to estimates controller |
131 | Error during estimation |
132 | Insufficient Access Rights |
133 | Could not delete user |
134 | Invalid gear profile |
135 | Cartridge not found in the application |
136 | Cartridge already embedded in the application |
137 | Cartridge cannot be added or removed from the application |
138 | User deletion not permitted for normal or non-subaccount user |
139 | Could not delete user because user has valid domain or applications |
140 | Alias already in use |
141 | Unable to find nameservers for domain |
150 | A plan with specified id does not exist |
151 | Billing account was not found for user |
152 | Billing account status not active |
153 | User has more consumed gears than the new plan allows |
154 | User has gears that the new plan does not allow |
155 | Error getting account information from billing provider |
156 | Updating user plan on billing provider failed |
157 | Plan change not allowed for subaccount user |
158 | Domain already exists for user |
159 | User has additional filesystem storage that the new plan does not allow |
160 | User max gear limit capability does not match with current plan |
161 | User gear sizes capability does not match with current plan |
162 | User max untracked additional filesystem storage per gear capability does not match with current plan |
163 | Gear group does not exist |
164 | User is not allowed to change storage quota |
165 | Invalid storage quota value provided |
166 | Storage value not within allowed range |
167 | Invalid value for nolinks parameter |
168 | Invalid scaling factor provided. Value out of range. |
169 | Could not completely distribute scales_from to all groups |
170 | Could not resolve DNS |
171 | Could not obtain lock |
172 | Invalid or missing private key is required for SSL certificate |
173 | Alias does exist for this application |
174 | Invalid SSL certificate |
175 | User is not authorized to add private certificates |
176 | User has private certificates that the new plan does not allow |
180 | This command is not available in this application |
181 | User maximum tracked additional filesystem storage per gear capability does not match with current plan |
182 | User does not have gear_sizes capability provided by current plan |
183 | User does not have max_untracked_addtl_storage_per_gear capability provided by current plan |
184 | User does not have max_tracked_addtl_storage_per_gear capability provided by current plan |
185 | Cartridge X can not be added without cartridge Y |
186 | Invalid environment variables: expected array of hashes. |
187 | Invalid environment variable X . Valid keys name (required), value |
188 | Invalid environment variable name X : specified multiple times |
189 | Environment name X not found in application |
190 | Value not specified for environment variable X |
191 | Specify parameters name/value or environment_variables |
192 | Environment name X already exists in application |
193 | Environment variable deletion not allowed for this operation |
194 | Name can only contain letters, digits and underscore and cannot begin with a digit |
210 | Cannot override existing location for Git repository |
211 | Parent directory for Git repository does not exist |
212 | Could not find libra_id_rsa |
213 | Could not read from SSH configuration file |
214 | Could not write to SSH configuration file |
215 | Host could not be created or found |
216 | Error in Git pull |
217 | Destroy aborted |
218 | Not found response from request |
219 | Unable to communicate with server |
220 | Plan change is not allowed for this account |
221 | Plan change is not allowed at this time for this account. Wait a few minutes and try again. If problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
253 | Could not open configuration file |
255 | Usage error |
Exit Code | Usage |
140 | No nodes available. If the problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
141 | Cartridge exception. |
142 | Application is registered to an invalid node. If the problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
143 | Node execution failure. If the problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
144 | Error communicating with user validation system. If the problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
145 | Error communicating with DNS system. If the problem persists contact Red Hat support. |
146 | Gear creation exception. |