13.2.6. Start Cartridge
Start an application's embedded cartridge that is not running.
Method Resource URL POST
Name Description Required Default event
Event Yes
{ "event": "start" }
$ curl -X POST https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/application/534253991015616165707776/cartridge/mysql-5.5/events --user user@example.com --data-urlencode event=start
The API returns the application resource. Unnecessary information and related resource links returned by the API have been removed for brevity. See Chapter 11, Applications for more information on all application parameters.
{ "api_version": 1.6, "data": { "aliases": [ ], "app_url": "http://myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com/", "build_job_url": null, "building_app": null, "building_with": null, "creation_time": "2013-08-21T01:58:41Z", "domain_id": "mydomain", "embedded": { "haproxy-1.4": { }, "mysql-5.5": { "connection_url": "mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/", "username": "adminthGnHLU", "password": "dPFjWLrUjfxC", "database_name": "myapp", "info": "Connection URL: mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/" } }, "framework": "ruby-2.0", "gear_count": 1, "gear_profile": "small", "git_url": "ssh://534253991015616165707776@myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/myapp.git/", "health_check_path": "health", "id": "534253991015616165707776", "initial_git_url": null, "members": [ { "explicit_role": null, "from": [ { "type": "domain", "role": "admin" } ], "id": "5213a826e499b22f15000001", "name": "user@example.com", "owner": true, "role": "admin", "type": "user" } ], "name": "myapp", "scalable": true, "ssh_url": "ssh://534253991015616165707776@myapp-mydomain.rhcloud.com" }, "messages": [ { "exit_code": 0, "field": null, "severity": "info", "text": "Added start on mysql-5.5 for application myapp" } ], "status": "ok", "supported_api_versions": [ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ], "type": "application", "version": "1.6" }