6.4. Update an Authorization
Update an existing authorization for the specified user account. However, currently this operation only supports updating the note
parameter of an existing authorization.
Method URL Structure PUT
Name Description Required Default note
Reminder description of authorization. Yes
$ curl -X PUT https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/user/authorizations/52141fa2e499b2229e00009b --user user@example.com:password --data-urlencode note=This is a note to myself
The API returns the authorizations resource with related resource links which have been left out for brevity. See Chapter 6, Authorizations for more information on all authorization parameters.
{ "api_version": 1.6, "data": { "created_at": "2013-08-21T02:02:10Z", "expires_in": 2592000, "expires_in_seconds": 2592000, "id": "52141fa2e499b2229e00009b", "identity": "user@example.com", "note": "This is a note to myself", "scopes": "userinfo", "token": "6c85ff7f619a964e260ee6def3fc5829128dbba3f8bc11a5d89178e0d6e7a163" }, "messages": [ { "exit_code": 0, "field": null, "severity": "info", "text": "Change authorization" } ], "status": "ok", "supported_api_versions": [ 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 ], "type": "authorization", "version": "1.6" }