8.4. Configuring Redundancy
Redundancy typically provides high-availability and scaling. Because developers only interact with an OpenShift Enterprise broker host sporadically, scaling is less of a concern because a typical installation is not large enough to generate traffic to overwhelm even a single broker host. Therefore, this section concentrates on high-availability of your broker host through redundancy. Several options are available to configure redundancy with your OpenShift Enterprise installation.
As mentioned in Section 8.3, “Separating Broker Components by Host”, the major components of OpenShift Enterprise can be installed and configured on separate hosts and multiplied for redundancy. Alternatively, here are some redundant topologies to consider:
- Install broker, ActiveMQ, MongoDB, and name server on each host
- Install broker, ActiveMQ, MongoDB, and name server separately on different hosts
- Install broker and MongoDB together on multiple hosts, and install ActiveMQ separately on multiple hosts
Each host can then be made redundant to suit your requirements. Choose a configuration that best suits your particular installation.
If you have multiple broker hosts configured for redundancy, ensure that each node host has the
public key of each broker host. See Section 9.9, “Configuring SSH Keys on the Node Host” for more information.
8.4.1. BIND and DNS
Red Hat recommends that you configure redundancy for your BIND and DNS configuration to provide high availability. Consult your IT department for more information on how to leverage your existing solutions to configure redundancy for your OpenShift Enterprise installation.