Chapter 6. Example Puppet Configurations
The following sections provide example Puppet configurations covering various OpenShift Enterprise deployment scenarios.
6.1. Configuring One Broker Host and One Node Host
The following configuration puts the OpenShift Enterprise broker component and most of the supporting services on one host (the broker host), but configures a second host as a dedicated node (the node host). This is a good template for a basic, production-capable OpenShift Enterprise deployment as you can add node hosts as needed to increase capacity.
Example 6.1. Broker Host Configuration
class { 'openshift_origin' : roles => ['msgserver','datastore','nameserver','broker'], ose_version => '2.2', # Hostname values broker_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', datastore_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', nameserver_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', msgserver_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', node_hostname => 'node.openshift.local', # IP address values broker_ip_addr => '', nameserver_ip_addr => '', node_ip_addr => '', conf_node_external_eth_dev => 'eth0', # You must pre-configure your RPM sources install_method => 'none', # OpenShift Config domain => '', conf_valid_gear_sizes => 'small,medium,large', conf_default_gear_capabilities => 'small,medium', conf_default_gear_size => 'small', openshift_user1 => 'demo', openshift_password1 => 'IZPmHrdxOgqjqB0TMNDGQ', # Datastore Config mongodb_port => 27017, mongodb_replicasets => false, mongodb_broker_user => 'openshift', mongodb_broker_password => 'brFZGRCiOlmAqrMbj0OYgg', mongodb_admin_user => 'admin', mongodb_admin_password => 'BbMsrtPxsmSi5SY1zerN5A', # MsgServer config msgserver_cluster => false, mcollective_user => 'mcollective', mcollective_password => 'eLMRLsAcytKAJmuYOPE6Q', # DNS Config dns_infrastructure_zone => 'openshift.local', dns_infrastructure_names => [ { hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', ipaddr => '' }, { hostname => 'node.openshift.local', ipaddr => '' } ], bind_key => 'yV9qIn/KuCqvnu7SNtRKU3oZQMMxF1ET/GjkXt5pf5JBcHSKY8tqRagiocCbUX56GOM/iuP//D0TteLc3f1N2g==', dns_infrastructure_key => 'UjCNCJgnqJPx6dFaQcWVwDjpEAGQY4Sc2H/llwJ6Rt+0iN8CP0Bm5j5pZsvvhZq7mxx7/MdTBBMWJIA9/yLQYg==', }
Example 6.2. Node Host Configuration
class { 'openshift_origin' : roles => ['node'], ose_version => '2.2', # Hostname values broker_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', datastore_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', msgserver_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', nameserver_hostname => 'broker.openshift.local', node_hostname => 'node.openshift.local', # IP Address values broker_ip_addr => '', nameserver_ip_addr => '', node_ip_addr => '', conf_node_external_eth_dev => 'eth0', # You must pre-configure your RPM sources install_method => 'none', # OpenShift Config domain => '', openshift_user1 => 'demo', openshift_password1 => 'IZPmHrdxOgqjqB0TMNDGQ', conf_valid_gear_sizes => 'small,medium,large', conf_default_gear_capabilities => 'small,medium', conf_default_gear_size => 'small', # Datastore config mongodb_port => 27017, mongodb_replicasets => false, mongodb_broker_user => 'openshift', mongodb_broker_password => 'brFZGRCiOlmAqrMbj0OYgg', mongodb_admin_user => 'admin', mongodb_admin_password => 'BbMsrtPxsmSi5SY1zerN5A', # MsgServer Config mcollective_user => 'mcollective', mcollective_password => 'eLMRLsAcytKAJmuYOPE6Q', # DNS Config dns_infrastructure_zone => 'openshift.local', bind_key => 'yV9qIn/KuCqvnu7SNtRKU3oZQMMxF1ET/GjkXt5pf5JBcHSKY8tqRagiocCbUX56GOM/iuP//D0TteLc3f1N2g==', dns_infrastructure_key => 'UjCNCJgnqJPx6dFaQcWVwDjpEAGQY4Sc2H/llwJ6Rt+0iN8CP0Bm5j5pZsvvhZq7mxx7/MdTBBMWJIA9/yLQYg==', }