8.2.3. Authenticating Using Kerberos
Configuring Kerberos authentication to authenticate OpenShift Enterprise users is beyond the scope of this guide. Consult your IT department for more information.
However, an example configuration that can be edited is provided to specify your Kerberos service parameters:
#cd /var/www/openshift/broker/httpd/conf.d/
#cp openshift-origin-auth-remote-user-kerberos.conf.sample openshift-origin-auth-remote-user.conf
#vim openshift-origin-auth-remote-user.conf
Modify the
and KrbAuthRealms
settings to suit the requirements of your Kerberos service. Ensure the Kerberos server's firewall is configured to allow access by the broker hosts. See the mod_auth_kerb
documentation at http://modauthkerb.sourceforge.net/configure.html for more information.
Restart the broker application for your changes to take effect:
# service openshift-broker restart
Using this method, user administration must be performed with your Kerberos service.