
3.9. Renaming Client Machines

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This section explains how to rename an IdM client. The process involves:
Renaming a client is a manual procedure. Red Hat does not recommend it unless changing the host name is absolutely required.

Identifying Current Service and Keytab Configuration

Before uninstalling the current client, make note of certain settings for the client. You will apply this configuration after re-enrolling the machine with a new host name.
  1. Identify which services are running on the machine:
    1. Use the ipa service-find command, and identify services with certificates in the output:
      $ ipa service-find
    2. In addition, each host has a default host service which does not appear in the ipa service-find output. The service principal for the host service, also called a host principal, is host/
  2. Identify all host groups to which the machine belongs.
    # ipa hostgroup-find
  3. For all service principals displayed by ipa service-find, determine the location of the corresponding keytabs on
    Each service on the client system has a Kerberos principal in the form service_name/hostname@REALM, such as ldap/

Removing the Client Machine from the IdM Domain

  1. Unenroll the client machine from the IdM domain. See Section 3.7, “Uninstalling a Client”.
  2. For each identified keytab other than /etc/krb5.keytab, remove the old principals:
    [root@client ~]# ipa-rmkeytab -k /path/to/keytab -r EXAMPLE.COM
  3. On an IdM server, remove the host entry. This removes all services and revokes all certificates issued for that host:
    [root@server ~]# ipa host-del
At this point, the host is completely removed from IdM.

Re-enrolling the Client with a New Host Name

  1. Rename the machine as required.
  2. Re-enroll the machine as an IdM client. See Section 3.8, “Re-enrolling a Client into the IdM Domain”.
  3. On an IdM server, add a new keytab for every service identified in the section called “Identifying Current Service and Keytab Configuration”.
    [root@server ~]# ipa service-add service_name/new_host_name
  4. Generate certificates for services that had a certificate assigned in the section called “Identifying Current Service and Keytab Configuration”. You can do this:
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