
A.7. Troubleshooting Replication

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Test replication on at least two servers (see Section 4.6, “Testing the New Replica”). If changes made on one IdM server are not replicated to the other server:
  1. Make sure you meet the conditions in Section 2.1.5, “Host Name and DNS Configuration”.
  2. Make sure that both servers can resolve each other's forward and reverse DNS records:
    [root@server1 ~]# dig +short A
    [root@server1 ~]# dig +short AAAA
    [root@server1 ~]# dig +short -x server2_IPv4_or_IPv6_address
    [root@server2 ~]# dig +short A
    [root@server2 ~]# dig +short AAAA
    [root@server2 ~]# dig +short -x server1_IPv4_or_IPv6_address
  3. Make sure that the time difference on both servers is 5 minutes at the most.
  4. Review the Directory Server error log on both servers: /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-SERVER-EXAMPLE-COM/errors.
  5. If you see errors related to Kerberos, make sure that the Directory Server keytab is correct and that you can use it to query the other server (server2 in this example):
    [root@server1 ~]# kinit -kt /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab ldap/
    [root@server1 ~]# klist
    [root@server1 ~]# ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -h -b "" -s base
    [root@server1 ~]# ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -h server2_FQDN. -b "" -s base

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