
13.2. Adding and Removing User or Host Groups

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To add a group, you can use:
IdM enables specifying a custom GID when creating a user group. If you do this, be careful to avoid ID conflicts. See Section 14.6, “Ensuring That ID Values Are Unique”. If you do not specify a custom GID, IdM automatically assigns a GID from the available ID range.
To remove a group, you can use:
Note that removing a group does not delete the group members from IdM.

Web UI: Adding a User or Host Group

  1. Click Identity Groups, and select User Groups or Host Groups in the left sidebar.
  2. Click Add to start adding the group.
  3. Fill out the information about the group.
    For details on user group types, see Section 13.1.4, “User Group Types in IdM”.
  4. Click Add to confirm.

Command Line: Adding a User or Host Group

  1. Log in as the administrator:
    $ kinit admin
  2. To add a user group, use the ipa group-add command. To add a host group, use the ipa hostgroup-add command.
    $ ipa group-add group_name
    Added group "group_name"
By default, ipa group-add adds a POSIX user group. To specify a different group type, add options to ipa group-add:
  • --nonposix to create a non-POSIX group
  • --external to create an external group
For details on group types, see Section 13.1.4, “User Group Types in IdM”.

Web UI: Removing a User or Host Group

  1. Click Identity Groups and select User Groups or Host Groups in the left sidebar.
  2. Select the group to remove, and click Delete.

Command Line: Removing a User or Host Group

  1. Log in as the administrator:
    $ kinit admin
  2. To delete a user group, use the ipa group-del group_name command. To delete a host group, use the ipa hostgroup-del group_name command.
    $ ipa group-del group_name
    Deleted group "group_name"
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