
33.4. Managing Master DNS Zones

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33.4.1. Adding and Removing Master DNS Zones

Adding Master DNS Zones in the Web UI

  1. Open the Network Services tab, and select the DNS subtab, followed by the DNS Zones section.

    Figure 33.1. Managing DNS Master Zones

    Managing DNS Master Zones
  2. To add a new master zone, click Add at the top of the list of all zones.

    Figure 33.2. Adding a Master DNS Zone

    Adding a Master DNS Zone
  3. Provide the zone name, and click Add.

    Figure 33.3. Entering a New Master Zone

    Entering a New Master Zone

Adding Master DNS Zones from the Command Line

The ipa dnszone-add command adds a new zone to the DNS domain. Adding a new zone requires you to specify the name of the new subdomain. You can pass the subdomain name directly with the command:
$ ipa dnszone-add
If you do not pass the name to ipa dnszone-add, the script prompts for it automatically.
The ipa dnszone-add command also accepts various command-line options. For a complete list of these options, run the ipa dnszone-add --help command.

Removing Master DNS Zones

To remove a master DNS zone in the web UI, in the list of all zones, select the check box by the zone name and click Delete.

Figure 33.4. Removing a Master DNS Zone

Removing a Master DNS Zone
To remove a master DNS zone from the command line, use the ipa dnszone-del command. For example:
$ ipa dnszone-del

33.4.2. Adding Additional Configuration for Master DNS Zones

IdM creates a new zone with certain default configuration, such as the refresh periods, transfer settings, or cache settings.

DNS Zone Configuration Attributes

The available zone settings are listed in Table 33.1, “Zone Attributes”. Along with setting the actual information for the zone, the settings define how the DNS server handles the start of authority (SOA) record entries and how it updates its records from the DNS name server.
Table 33.1. Zone Attributes
Attribute Command-Line Option Description
Authoritative name server --name-server
Sets the domain name of the master DNS name server, also known as SOA MNAME.
By default, each IdM server advertises itself in the SOA MNAME field. Consequently, the value stored in LDAP using --name-server is ignored.
Administrator e-mail address --admin-email Sets the email address to use for the zone administrator. This defaults to the root account on the host.
SOA serial --serial Sets a serial number in the SOA record. Note that IdM sets the version number automatically and users are not expected to modify it.
SOA refresh --refresh Sets the interval, in seconds, for a secondary DNS server to wait before requesting updates from the primary DNS server.
SOA retry --retry Sets the time, in seconds, to wait before retrying a failed refresh operation.
SOA expire --expire Sets the time, in seconds, that a secondary DNS server will try to perform a refresh update before ending the operation attempt.
SOA minimum --minimum Sets the time to live (TTL) value in seconds for negative caching according to RFC 2308.
SOA time to live --ttl Sets TTL in seconds for records at zone apex. In zone, for instance, all records (A, NS, or SOA) under name are configured, but no other domain names, like, are affected.
Default time to live --default-ttl Sets the default time to live (TTL) value in seconds for negative caching for all values in a zone that never had an individual TTL value set before. Requires a restart of the named-pkcs11 service on all IdM DNS servers after changes to take effect.
BIND update policy --update-policy
Sets the permissions allowed to clients in the DNS zone.
See Dynamic Update Policies in the BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual for more information on update policy syntax.
Dynamic update --dynamic-update=TRUE|FALSE Enables dynamic updates to DNS records for clients.
Note that if this is set to false, IdM client machines will not be able to add or update their IP address. See Section 33.5.1, “Enabling Dynamic DNS Updates” for more information.
Allow transfer --allow-transfer=string
Gives a list of IP addresses or network names which are allowed to transfer the given zone, separated by semicolons (;).
Zone transfers are disabled by default. The default --allow-transfer value is none.
Allow query --allow-query Gives a list of IP addresses or network names which are allowed to issue DNS queries, separated by semicolons (;).
Allow PTR sync --allow-sync-ptr=1|0 Sets whether A or AAAA records (forward records) for the zone will be automatically synchronized with the PTR (reverse) records.
Zone forwarders --forwarder=IP_address Specifies a forwarder specifically configured for the DNS zone. This is separate from any global forwarders used in the IdM domain.
To specify multiple forwarders, use the option multiple times.
Forward policy --forward-policy=none|only|first Specifies the forward policy. For information about the supported policies, see the section called “Forward Policies”

Editing the Zone Configuration in the Web UI

To manage DNS master zones from the web UI, open the Network Services tab, and select the DNS subtab, followed by the DNS Zones section.

Figure 33.5. DNS Master Zones Management

DNS Master Zones Management
To edit an existing master zone in the DNS Zones section:
  1. Click on the zone name in the list of all zones to open the DNS zone page.

    Figure 33.6. Editing a Master Zone

    Editing a Master Zone
  2. Click Settings, and then change the zone configuration as required.

    Figure 33.7. The Settings Tab in the Master Zone Edit Page

    The Settings Tab in the Master Zone Edit Page
    For information about the available settings, see Table 33.1, “Zone Attributes”.
  3. Click Save to confirm the new configuration.
If you are changing the default time to live (TTL) of a zone, restart the named-pkcs11 service on all IdM DNS servers to make the changes take effect. All other settings are automatically activated immediately.

Editing the Zone Configuration from the Command Line

To modify an existing master DNS zone from the command line, use the ipa dnszone-mod command. For information about the available settings, see Table 33.1, “Zone Attributes”.
If an attribute does not exist in the DNS zone entry, the ipa dnszone-mod command adds the attribute. If the attribute exists, the command overwrites the current value with the specified value.
For detailed information about ipa dnszone-mod and its options, run the ipa dnszone-mod --help command.
If you are changing the default time to live (TTL) of a zone, restart the named-pkcs11 service on all IdM DNS servers to make the changes take effect. All other settings are automatically activated immediately.

33.4.3. Enabling Zone Transfers

Name servers maintain authoritative data for the zones; changes made to the zones must be sent to and distributed among the name servers for the DNS domain. A zone transfer copies all resource records from one name server to another.
IdM supports zone transfers according to the RFC 5936 (AXFR) and RFC 1995 (IXFR) standards.
The IdM-integrated DNS is multi-master. SOA serial numbers in IdM zones are not synchronized between IdM servers. For this reason, configure DNS slave servers to only use one IdM master server. This prevents zone transfer failures caused by non-synchronized SOA serial numbers.

Enabling Zone Transfers in the UI

Open the DNS zone page, as described in the section called “Editing the Zone Configuration in the Web UI”, and switch to the Settings tab.
Under Allow transfer, specify the name servers to which the zone records will be transferred.

Figure 33.8. Enabling Zone Transfers

Enabling Zone Transfers
Click Save at the top of the DNS zone page to confirm the new configuration.

Enabling Zone Transfers from the Command Line

To enable zone transfers from the command line, add the --allow-transfer option to the ipa dnszone-mod command. Specify the list of name servers to which the zone records will be transferred using --allow-transfer. For example:
[user@server ~]$ ipa dnszone-mod --allow-transfer=";;"
Once zone transfers are enabled in the bind service, IdM DNS zones can be transferred, by name, by clients such as the dig utility:
[root@server ~]# dig @ipa-server zone_name AXFR

33.4.4. Adding Records to DNS Zones

IdM supports many different record types. The following four are used most frequently:
This is a basic map for a host name and an ordinary IPv4 address. The record name of an A record is a host name, such as www. The IP Address value of an A record is a standard IPv4 address, such as
For more information about A records, see RFC 1035.
This is a basic map for a host name and an IPv6 address. The record name of an AAAA record is a host name, such as www. The IP Address value is a standard hexadecimal IPv6 address, such as 2001:DB8::1111.
For more information about AAAA records, see RFC 3596.
Service (SRV) resource records map service names to the DNS name of the server that is providing that particular service. For example, this record type can map a service like an LDAP directory to the server which manages it.
The record name of an SRV record has the format _service._protocol, such as _ldap._tcp. The configuration options for SRV records include priority, weight, port number, and host name for the target service.
For more information about SRV records, see RFC 2782.
A pointer record type (PTR) record adds a reverse DNS record, which maps an IP address to a domain name.
All reverse DNS lookups for IPv4 addresses use reverse entries that are defined in the domain. The reverse address, in human-readable form, is the exact reverse of the regular IP address, with the domain appended to it. For example, for the network address, the reverse zone is
The record name of a PTR record must be in the standard format specified in RFC 1035, extended in RFC 2317, and RFC 3596. The host name value must be a canonical host name of the host for which you want to create the record. For more information, see Example 33.8, “PTR Record”.
Reverse zones can also be configured for IPv6 addresses, with zones in the domain. For more information about IPv6 reverse zones, see RFC 3596.
When adding DNS resource records, note that many of the records require different data. For example, a CNAME record requires a host name, while an A record requires an IP address. In the web UI, the fields in the form for adding a new record are updated automatically to reflect what data is required for the currently selected type of record.

DNS Wildcard Support

IdM supports the special record * in a DNS zone as wildcard.

Example 33.2. Demonstrating DNS Wildcard Results

  1. Configure the following in your DNS zone
    • A wildcard A record *
    • An MX record for, but no A record for this host.
    • No record for
  2. Query existing and non-existent DNS records and types. You will receive the following results:
    # host -t MX mail is handled by 10
    # host -t MX has no MX record.
    # host -t A has no A record
    # host -t A has address
For more details, see RFC1034.

Adding DNS Resource Records from the Web UI

  1. In the DNS Resource Records section, click Add to add a new record.

    Figure 33.9. Adding a New DNS Resource Record

    Adding a New DNS Resource Record
  2. Select the type of record to create and fill out the other fields as required.

    Figure 33.10. Defining a New DNS Resource Record

    Defining a New DNS Resource Record
  3. Click Add to confirm the new record.

Adding DNS Resource Records from the Command Line

To add a DNS resource record of any type from the command line, use the ipa dnsrecord-add command. The command follows this syntax:
$ ipa dnsrecord-add zone_name record_name --record_type_option=data
The zone_name is the name of the DNS zone to which the record is being added. The record_name is an identifier for the new DNS resource record.
Table 33.2, “Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options” lists options for the most common resource record types: A (IPv4), AAAA (IPv6), SRV, and PTR. Lists of entries can be set by using the option multiple times with the same command invocation or, in Bash, by listing the options in a comma-separated list inside curly braces, such as --option={val1,val2,val3}.
For more detailed information on how to use ipa dnsrecord-add and which DNS record types are supported by IdM, run the ipa dnsrecord-add --help command.
Table 33.2. Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options
General Record Options
Option Description
--ttl=number Sets the time to live for the record.
--structured Parses the raw DNS records and returns them in a structured format.
Table 33.2. Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options
"A" Record Options
Option Description
--a-rec=ARECORD Passes a list of A records.
--a-ip-address=string Gives the IP address for the record.
Table 33.2. Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options
"AAAA" Record Options
Option Description
--aaaa-rec=AAAARECORD Passes a list of AAAA (IPv6) records.
--aaaa-ip-address=string Gives the IPv6 address for the record.
Table 33.2. Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options
"PTR" Record Options
Option Description
--ptr-rec=PTRRECORD Passes a list of PTR records.
--ptr-hostname=string Gives the host name for the record.
Table 33.2. Common ipa dnsrecord-add Options
"SRV" Record Options
Option Description
--srv-rec=SRVRECORD Passes a list of SRV records.
--srv-priority=number Sets the priority of the record. There can be multiple SRV records for a service type. The priority (0 - 65535) sets the rank of the record; the lower the number, the higher the priority. A service has to use the record with the highest priority first.
--srv-weight=number Sets the weight of the record. This helps determine the order of SRV records with the same priority. The set weights should add up to 100, representing the probability (in percentages) that a particular record is used.
--srv-port=number Gives the port for the service on the target host.
--srv-target=string Gives the domain name of the target host. This can be a single period (.) if the service is not available in the domain.

33.4.5. Examples of Adding or Modifying DNS Resource Records from the Command Line

Example 33.3. Adding a IPv4 Record

The following example creates the record with the IP address
$ ipa dnsrecord-add www --a-rec

Example 33.4. Adding a IPv4 Wildcard Record

The following example creates a wildcard A record with the IP address
$ ipa dnsrecord-add "*" --a-rec

Example 33.5. Modifying a IPv4 Record

When creating a record, the option to specify the A record value is --a-record. However, when modifying an A record, the --a-record option is used to specify the current value for the A record. The new value is set with the --a-ip-address option.
$ ipa dnsrecord-mod www --a-rec --a-ip-address

Example 33.6. Adding an IPv6 Record

The following example creates the record with the IP address 2001:db8::1231:5675.
$ ipa dnsrecord-add www --aaaa-rec 2001:db8::1231:5675

Example 33.7. Adding an SRV Record

In the following example, _ldap._tcp defines the service type and the connection protocol for the SRV record. The --srv-rec option defines the priority, weight, port, and target values.
For example:
[root@server ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add _ldap._tcp --srv-rec="0 51 389"
[root@server ~]# ipa dnsrecord-add _ldap._tcp --srv-rec="1 49 389"
The weight values (51 and 49 in this example) add up to 100 and represent the probability (in percentages) that a particular record is used.

Example 33.8. PTR Record

When adding the reverse DNS record, the zone name used with the ipa dnsrecord-add command is reverse, compared to the usage for adding other DNS records:
$ ipa dnsrecord-add reverseNetworkIpAddress hostIpAddress --ptr-rec FQDN
Typically, hostIpAddress is the last octet of the IP address in a given network.
For example, this adds a PTR record for with IPv4 address
$ ipa dnsrecord-add 4 --ptr-rec
The next example adds a reverse DNS entry to the IPv6 reverse zone for the host with the IP address 2001:DB8::1111:
$ ipa dnsrecord-add --ptr-rec

33.4.6. Deleting Records from DNS Zones

Deleting Records in the Web UI

To delete only a specific record type from the resource record:
  1. In the DNS Resource Records section, click the name of the resource record.

    Figure 33.11. Selecting a DNS Resource Record

    Selecting a DNS Resource Record
  2. Select the check box by the name of the record type to delete.

    Figure 33.12. Deleting a DNS Resource Record

    Deleting a DNS Resource Record
    After this, only the selected record type is deleted; the other configuration is left intact.
To delete all records for the resource in the zone:
  1. In the DNS Resource Records section, select the check box by the name of the resource record to delete, and then click Delete at the top of the list of zone records.

    Figure 33.13. Deleting an Entire Resource Record

    Deleting an Entire Resource Record
    After this, the entire resource record is deleted.

Deleting Records from the Command Line

To remove records from a zone, use the ipa dnsrecord-del command and add the --recordType-rec option together with the record value.
For example, to remove the A type record:
$ ipa dnsrecord-del www --a-rec
If you run ipa dnsrecord-del without any options, the command prompts for information about the record to delete. Note that passing the --del-all option with the command removes all associated records for the zone.
For detailed information on how to use ipa dnsrecord-del and a complete list of options accepted by the command, run the ipa dnsrecord-del --help command.

33.4.7. Disabling and Enabling Zones

IdM allows the administrator to disable and enable DNS zones. While deleting a DNS zone, described in the section called “Removing Master DNS Zones”, completely removes the zone entry and all the associated configuration, disabling the zone removes it from activity without permanently removing the zone from IdM. A disabled zone can also be enabled again.

Disabling and Enabling Zones in the Web UI

To manage DNS zones from the Web UI, open the Network Services tab, and select the DNS subtab, followed by the DNS Zones section.

Figure 33.14. Managing DNS Zones

Managing DNS Zones
To disable a zone, select the check box next to the zone name and click Disable.

Figure 33.15. Disabling a DNS Zone

Disabling a DNS Zone
Similarly, to enable a disabled zone, select the check box next to the zone name and click Enable.

Disabling and Enabling DNS Zones from the Command Line

To disable a DNS zone from the command line, use the ipa dnszone-disable command. For example:
[user@server ~]$ ipa dnszone-disable
Disabled DNS zone ""
To re-enable a disabled zone, use the ipa dnszone-enable command.
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