Chapter 22. Resource Traits
One category of information that is collected about a resource is its traits. Traits are descriptive information, usually information that does not change very frequently.
For example, traits for a platform include its operating system name and version, its distribution, its architecture, and its hostname. Most resources have similar identifying information, such as a version number or vendor information.
Traits are in-between information. They are detectable and are detected by the JBoss ON agent's monitoring processes. But they are also generalized descriptive information. Trait information is even shown on the resource's details page.
Figure 22.1. Resource Details
The traits that are collected are defined in the resource plug-in itself, so this information is viewable but not configurable through the UI. The list of traits for each resource type is covered in the Resource Reference: Monitoring, Operation, and Configuration Options.
22.1. Collection Interval
By default for most resource types, traits are checked every 24 hours. Because traits change infrequently, they do not need to be collected very often.
The trait collection interval is configured the same as metrics collection intervals. To change the collection interval for a trait, see Section 19.3.2, “Setting Collection Intervals for a Specific Resource”.