
Chapter 24. OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

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24.1. About the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

The OpenShift Container Platform cluster uses a virtualized network for pod and service networks.

Part of Red Hat OpenShift Networking, the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is the default network provider for OpenShift Container Platform. OVN-Kubernetes is based on Open Virtual Network (OVN) and provides an overlay-based networking implementation. A cluster that uses the OVN-Kubernetes plugin also runs Open vSwitch (OVS) on each node. OVN configures OVS on each node to implement the declared network configuration.


OVN-Kubernetes is the default networking solution for OpenShift Container Platform and single-node OpenShift deployments.

OVN-Kubernetes, which arose from the OVS project, uses many of the same constructs, such as open flow rules, to determine how packets travel through the network. For more information, see the Open Virtual Network website.

OVN-Kubernetes is a series of daemons for OVS that translate virtual network configurations into OpenFlow rules. OpenFlow is a protocol for communicating with network switches and routers, providing a means for remotely controlling the flow of network traffic on a network device, allowing network administrators to configure, manage, and monitor the flow of network traffic.

OVN-Kubernetes provides more of the advanced functionality not available with OpenFlow. OVN supports distributed virtual routing, distributed logical switches, access control, DHCP and DNS. OVN implements distributed virtual routing within logic flows which equate to open flows. So for example if you have a pod that sends out a DHCP request on the network, it sends out that broadcast looking for DHCP address there will be a logic flow rule that matches that packet, and it responds giving it a gateway, a DNS server an IP address and so on.

OVN-Kubernetes runs a daemon on each node. There are daemon sets for the databases and for the OVN controller that run on every node. The OVN controller programs the Open vSwitch daemon on the nodes to support the network provider features; egress IPs, firewalls, routers, hybrid networking, IPSEC encryption, IPv6, network policy, network policy logs, hardware offloading and multicast.

24.1.1. OVN-Kubernetes purpose

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is an open-source, fully-featured Kubernetes CNI plugin that uses Open Virtual Network (OVN) to manage network traffic flows. OVN is a community developed, vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution. The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin:

  • Uses OVN (Open Virtual Network) to manage network traffic flows. OVN is a community developed, vendor-agnostic network virtualization solution.
  • Implements Kubernetes network policy support, including ingress and egress rules.
  • Uses the Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) protocol rather than VXLAN to create an overlay network between nodes.

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin provides the following advantages over OpenShift SDN.

  • Full support for IPv6 single-stack and IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking on supported platforms
  • Support for hybrid clusters with both Linux and Microsoft Windows workloads
  • Optional IPsec encryption of intra-cluster communications
  • Offload of network data processing from host CPU to compatible network cards and data processing units (DPUs)

24.1.2. Supported network plugin feature matrix

Red Hat OpenShift Networking offers two options for the network plugin, OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes, for the network plugin. The following table summarizes the current feature support for both network plugins:

Table 24.1. Default CNI network plugin feature comparison
FeatureOVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN

Egress IPs



Egress firewall [1]



Egress router

Supported [2]


Hybrid networking


Not supported

IPsec encryption for intra-cluster communication


Not supported


Supported [3] [4]

Not supported

Kubernetes network policy



Kubernetes network policy logs


Not supported

Hardware offloading


Not supported




  1. Egress firewall is also known as egress network policy in OpenShift SDN. This is not the same as network policy egress.
  2. Egress router for OVN-Kubernetes supports only redirect mode.
  3. IPv6 is supported only on bare metal, vSphere, IBM Power®, IBM Z®, and Red Hat OpenStack clusters.
  4. IPv6 single stack is not supported on IBM Power®, IBM Z®, and Red Hat OpenStack clusters.

24.1.3. OVN-Kubernetes IPv6 and dual-stack limitations

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin has the following limitations:

  • For clusters configured for dual-stack networking, both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic must use the same network interface as the default gateway. If this requirement is not met, pods on the host in the ovnkube-node daemon set enter the CrashLoopBackOff state. If you display a pod with a command such as oc get pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node -o yaml, the status field contains more than one message about the default gateway, as shown in the following output:

    I1006 16:09:50.985852   60651 helper_linux.go:73] Found default gateway interface br-ex
    I1006 16:09:50.985923   60651 helper_linux.go:73] Found default gateway interface ens4 fe80::5054:ff:febe:bcd4
    F1006 16:09:50.985939   60651 ovnkube.go:130] multiple gateway interfaces detected: br-ex ens4

    The only resolution is to reconfigure the host networking so that both IP families use the same network interface for the default gateway.

  • For clusters configured for dual-stack networking, both the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables must contain the default gateway. If this requirement is not met, pods on the host in the ovnkube-node daemon set enter the CrashLoopBackOff state. If you display a pod with a command such as oc get pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node -o yaml, the status field contains more than one message about the default gateway, as shown in the following output:

    I0512 19:07:17.589083  108432 helper_linux.go:74] Found default gateway interface br-ex
    F0512 19:07:17.589141  108432 ovnkube.go:133] failed to get default gateway interface

    The only resolution is to reconfigure the host networking so that both IP families contain the default gateway.

24.1.4. Session affinity

Session affinity is a feature that applies to Kubernetes Service objects. You can use session affinity if you want to ensure that each time you connect to a <service_VIP>:<Port>, the traffic is always load balanced to the same back end. For more information, including how to set session affinity based on a client’s IP address, see Session affinity.

Stickiness timeout for session affinity

The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin for OpenShift Container Platform calculates the stickiness timeout for a session from a client based on the last packet. For example, if you run a curl command 10 times, the sticky session timer starts from the tenth packet not the first. As a result, if the client is continuously contacting the service, then the session never times out. The timeout starts when the service has not received a packet for the amount of time set by the timeoutSeconds parameter.

24.2. OVN-Kubernetes architecture

24.2.1. Introduction to OVN-Kubernetes architecture

The following diagram shows the OVN-Kubernetes architecture.

Figure 24.1. OVK-Kubernetes architecture

OVN-Kubernetes architecture

The key components are:

  • Cloud Management System (CMS) - A platform specific client for OVN that provides a CMS specific plugin for OVN integration. The plugin translates the cloud management system’s concept of the logical network configuration, stored in the CMS configuration database in a CMS-specific format, into an intermediate representation understood by OVN.
  • OVN Northbound database (nbdb) container - Stores the logical network configuration passed by the CMS plugin.
  • OVN Southbound database (sbdb) container - Stores the physical and logical network configuration state for Open vSwitch (OVS) system on each node, including tables that bind them.
  • OVN north daemon (ovn-northd) - This is the intermediary client between nbdb container and sbdb container. It translates the logical network configuration in terms of conventional network concepts, taken from the nbdb container, into logical data path flows in the sbdb container. The container name for ovn-northd daemon is northd and it runs in the ovnkube-node pods.
  • ovn-controller - This is the OVN agent that interacts with OVS and hypervisors, for any information or update that is needed for sbdb container. The ovn-controller reads logical flows from the sbdb container, translates them into OpenFlow flows and sends them to the node’s OVS daemon. The container name is ovn-controller and it runs in the ovnkube-node pods.

The OVN northd, northbound database, and southbound database run on each node in the cluster and mostly contain and process information that is local to that node.

The OVN northbound database has the logical network configuration passed down to it by the cloud management system (CMS). The OVN northbound database contains the current desired state of the network, presented as a collection of logical ports, logical switches, logical routers, and more. The ovn-northd (northd container) connects to the OVN northbound database and the OVN southbound database. It translates the logical network configuration in terms of conventional network concepts, taken from the OVN northbound database, into logical data path flows in the OVN southbound database.

The OVN southbound database has physical and logical representations of the network and binding tables that link them together. It contains the chassis information of the node and other constructs like remote transit switch ports that are required to connect to the other nodes in the cluster. The OVN southbound database also contains all the logic flows. The logic flows are shared with the ovn-controller process that runs on each node and the ovn-controller turns those into OpenFlow rules to program Open vSwitch(OVS).

The Kubernetes control plane nodes contain two ovnkube-control-plane pods on separate nodes, which perform the central IP address management (IPAM) allocation for each node in the cluster. At any given time, a single ovnkube-control-plane pod is the leader.

24.2.2. Listing all resources in the OVN-Kubernetes project

Finding the resources and containers that run in the OVN-Kubernetes project is important to help you understand the OVN-Kubernetes networking implementation.


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.


  1. Run the following command to get all resources, endpoints, and ConfigMaps in the OVN-Kubernetes project:

    $ oc get all,ep,cm -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Example output

    Warning: DeploymentConfig is deprecated in v4.14+, unavailable in v4.10000+
    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
    pod/ovnkube-control-plane-65c6f55656-6d55h   2/2     Running   0              114m
    pod/ovnkube-control-plane-65c6f55656-fd7vw   2/2     Running   2 (104m ago)   114m
    pod/ovnkube-node-bcvts                       8/8     Running   0              113m
    pod/ovnkube-node-drgvv                       8/8     Running   0              113m
    pod/ovnkube-node-f2pxt                       8/8     Running   0              113m
    pod/ovnkube-node-frqsb                       8/8     Running   0              105m
    pod/ovnkube-node-lbxkk                       8/8     Running   0              105m
    pod/ovnkube-node-tt7bx                       8/8     Running   1 (102m ago)   105m
    NAME                                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    service/ovn-kubernetes-control-plane   ClusterIP   None         <none>        9108/TCP            114m
    service/ovn-kubernetes-node            ClusterIP   None         <none>        9103/TCP,9105/TCP   114m
    NAME                          DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR                 AGE
    daemonset.apps/ovnkube-node   6         6         6       6            6    114m
    NAME                                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/ovnkube-control-plane   3/3     3            3           114m
    NAME                                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/ovnkube-control-plane-65c6f55656   3         3         3       114m
    NAME                                     ENDPOINTS                                               AGE
    endpoints/ovn-kubernetes-control-plane,,               114m
    endpoints/ovn-kubernetes-node  ,, + 9 more...   114m
    NAME                                 DATA   AGE
    configmap/control-plane-status       1      113m
    configmap/kube-root-ca.crt           1      114m
    configmap/openshift-service-ca.crt   1      114m
    configmap/ovn-ca                     1      114m
    configmap/ovnkube-config             1      114m
    configmap/signer-ca                  1      114m

    There is one ovnkube-node pod for each node in the cluster. The ovnkube-config config map has the OpenShift Container Platform OVN-Kubernetes configurations.

  2. List all of the containers in the ovnkube-node pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods ovnkube-node-bcvts -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Expected output

    ovn-controller ovn-acl-logging kube-rbac-proxy-node kube-rbac-proxy-ovn-metrics northd nbdb sbdb ovnkube-controller

    The ovnkube-node pod is made up of several containers. It is responsible for hosting the northbound database (nbdb container), the southbound database (sbdb container), the north daemon (northd container), ovn-controller and the ovnkube-controller container. The ovnkube-controller container watches for API objects like pods, egress IPs, namespaces, services, endpoints, egress firewall, and network policies. It is also responsible for allocating pod IP from the available subnet pool for that node.

  3. List all the containers in the ovnkube-control-plane pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods ovnkube-control-plane-65c6f55656-6d55h -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Expected output

    kube-rbac-proxy ovnkube-cluster-manager

    The ovnkube-control-plane pod has a container (ovnkube-cluster-manager) that resides on each OpenShift Container Platform node. The ovnkube-cluster-manager container allocates pod subnet, transit switch subnet IP and join switch subnet IP to each node in the cluster. The kube-rbac-proxy container monitors metrics for the ovnkube-cluster-manager container.

24.2.3. Listing the OVN-Kubernetes northbound database contents

Each node is controlled by the ovnkube-controller container running in the ovnkube-node pod on that node. To understand the OVN logical networking entities you need to examine the northbound database that is running as a container inside the ovnkube-node pod on that node to see what objects are in the node you wish to see.


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.

To run ovn nbctl or sbctl commands in a cluster you must open a remote shell into the nbdb or sbdb containers on the relevant node

  1. List pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get po -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Example output

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-4lh9k   2/2     Running   0             27m
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-5rjh9   2/2     Running   0             27m
    ovnkube-node-55xs2                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-7r84r                       8/8     Running   0             16m
    ovnkube-node-bqq8p                       8/8     Running   0             17m
    ovnkube-node-mkj4f                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-mlr8k                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-wqn2m                       8/8     Running   0             16m

  2. Optional: To list the pods with node information, run the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -owide

    Example output

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE   IP           NODE                                       NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-4lh9k   2/2     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-1         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-5rjh9   2/2     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-55xs2                       8/8     Running   0             26m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-7r84r                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-b-wbz7z   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-bqq8p                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-a-lh7ms   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-mkj4f                       8/8     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-0         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-mlr8k                       8/8     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-1         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-wqn2m                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-c-przlm   <none>           <none>

  3. Navigate into a pod to look at the northbound database by running the following command:

    $ oc rsh -c nbdb -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes ovnkube-node-55xs2
  4. Run the following command to show all the objects in the northbound database:

    $ ovn-nbctl show

    The output is too long to list here. The list includes the NAT rules, logical switches, load balancers and so on.

    You can narrow down and focus on specific components by using some of the following optional commands:

    1. Run the following command to show the list of logical routers:

      $ oc exec -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -it ovnkube-node-55xs2 \
      -c northd -- ovn-nbctl lr-list

      Example output

      45339f4f-7d0b-41d0-b5f9-9fca9ce40ce6 (GR_ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2)
      96a0a0f0-e7ed-4fec-8393-3195563de1b8 (ovn_cluster_router)


      From this output you can see there is router on each node plus an ovn_cluster_router.

    2. Run the following command to show the list of logical switches:

      $ oc exec -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -it ovnkube-node-55xs2 \
      -c nbdb -- ovn-nbctl ls-list

      Example output

      bdd7dc3d-d848-4a74-b293-cc15128ea614 (ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2)
      b349292d-ee03-4914-935f-1940b6cb91e5 (ext_ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2)
      0aac0754-ea32-4e33-b086-35eeabf0a140 (join)
      992509d7-2c3f-4432-88db-c179e43592e5 (transit_switch)


      From this output you can see there is an ext switch for each node plus switches with the node name itself and a join switch.

    3. Run the following command to show the list of load balancers:

      $ oc exec -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -it ovnkube-node-55xs2 \
      -c nbdb -- ovn-nbctl lb-list

      Example output

      UUID                                    LB                  PROTO      VIP                     IPs
      7c84c673-ed2a-4436-9a1f-9bc5dd181eea    Service_default/    tcp,,
      4d663fd9-ddc8-4271-b333-4c0e279e20bb    Service_default/    tcp,,
      292eb07f-b82f-4962-868a-4f541d250bca    Service_openshif    tcp
      034b5a7f-bb6a-45e9-8e6d-573a82dc5ee3    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      a68bb53e-be84-48df-bd38-bdd82fcd4026    Service_openshif    tcp
      6cc21b3d-2c54-4c94-8ff5-d8e017269c2e    Service_openshif    tcp
      37996ffd-7268-4862-a27f-61cd62e09c32    Service_openshif    tcp
      81d4da3c-f811-411f-ae0c-bc6713d0861d    Service_openshif    tcp
      ac5a4f3b-b6ba-4ceb-82d0-d84f2c41306e    Service_openshif    tcp
      c88979fb-1ef5-414b-90ac-43b579351ac9    Service_openshif    tcp,,,,,
      fcb0a3fb-4a77-4230-a84a-be45dce757e8    Service_openshif    tcp
      67ef3e7b-ceb9-4bf0-8d96-b43bde4c9151    Service_openshif    tcp
      d0032fba-7d5e-424a-af25-4ab9b5d46e81    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      7361c537-3eec-4e6c-bc0c-0522d182abd4    Service_openshif    tcp,,,,,
      0296c437-1259-410b-a6fd-81c310ad0af5    Service_openshif    tcp,,,,,
      5d5679f5-45b8-479d-9f7c-08b123c688b8    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      2adcbab4-d1c9-447d-9573-b5dc9f2efbfa    Service_openshif    tcp,
      2a33a6d7-af1b-4892-87cc-326a380b809b    Service_openshif    tcp,
      f56f59d7-231a-4974-99b3-792e2741ec8d    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      08c2c6d7-d217-4b96-b5d8-c80c4e258116    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      60a69c56-fc6a-4de6-bd88-3f2af5ba5665    Service_openshif    tcp
      ab1ef694-0826-4671-a22c-565fc2d282ec    Service_openshif    tcp,,
      b1fb34d3-0944-4770-9ee3-2683e7a630e2    Service_openshif    tcp
      95811c11-56e2-4877-be1e-c78ccb3a82a9    Service_openshif    tcp
      4baba1d1-b873-4535-884c-3f6fc07a50fd    Service_openshif    tcp
      6c2e1c90-f0ca-484e-8a8e-40e71442110a    Service_openshif    udp,,,,,


      From this truncated output you can see there are many OVN-Kubernetes load balancers. Load balancers in OVN-Kubernetes are representations of services.

  5. Run the following command to display the options available with the command ovn-nbctl:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -it ovnkube-node-55xs2 \
    -c nbdb ovn-nbctl --help

24.2.4. Command line arguments for ovn-nbctl to examine northbound database contents

The following table describes the command line arguments that can be used with ovn-nbctl to examine the contents of the northbound database.


Open a remote shell in the pod you want to view the contents of and then run the ovn-nbctl commands.

Table 24.2. Command line arguments to examine northbound database contents

ovn-nbctl show

An overview of the northbound database contents as seen from a specific node.

ovn-nbctl show <switch_or_router>

Show the details associated with the specified switch or router.

ovn-nbctl lr-list

Show the logical routers.

ovn-nbctl lrp-list <router>

Using the router information from ovn-nbctl lr-list to show the router ports.

ovn-nbctl lr-nat-list <router>

Show network address translation details for the specified router.

ovn-nbctl ls-list

Show the logical switches

ovn-nbctl lsp-list <switch>

Using the switch information from ovn-nbctl ls-list to show the switch port.

ovn-nbctl lsp-get-type <port>

Get the type for the logical port.

ovn-nbctl lb-list

Show the load balancers.

24.2.5. Listing the OVN-Kubernetes southbound database contents

Each node is controlled by the ovnkube-controller container running in the ovnkube-node pod on that node. To understand the OVN logical networking entities you need to examine the northbound database that is running as a container inside the ovnkube-node pod on that node to see what objects are in the node you wish to see.


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.

To run ovn nbctl or sbctl commands in a cluster you must open a remote shell into the nbdb or sbdb containers on the relevant node

  1. List the pods by running the following command:

    $ oc get po -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Example output

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-4lh9k   2/2     Running   0             27m
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-5rjh9   2/2     Running   0             27m
    ovnkube-node-55xs2                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-7r84r                       8/8     Running   0             16m
    ovnkube-node-bqq8p                       8/8     Running   0             17m
    ovnkube-node-mkj4f                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-mlr8k                       8/8     Running   0             26m
    ovnkube-node-wqn2m                       8/8     Running   0             16m

  2. Optional: To list the pods with node information, run the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -owide

    Example output

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE   IP           NODE                                       NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-4lh9k   2/2     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-1         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-control-plane-8444dff7f9-5rjh9   2/2     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-55xs2                       8/8     Running   0             26m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-7r84r                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-b-wbz7z   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-bqq8p                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-a-lh7ms   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-mkj4f                       8/8     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-0         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-mlr8k                       8/8     Running   0             27m     ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-master-1         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-wqn2m                       8/8     Running   0             17m   ci-ln-t487nnb-72292-mdcnq-worker-c-przlm   <none>           <none>

  3. Navigate into a pod to look at the southbound database:

    $ oc rsh -c sbdb -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes ovnkube-node-55xs2
  4. Run the following command to show all the objects in the southbound database:

    $ ovn-sbctl show

    Example output

    Chassis "5db31703-35e9-413b-8cdf-69e7eecb41f7"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-a-8bmwz
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding tstor-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-a-8bmwz
    Chassis "070debed-99b7-4bce-b17d-17e720b7f8bc"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding k8s-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding rtoe-GR_ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding openshift-monitoring_alertmanager-main-1
        Port_Binding rtoj-GR_ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding etor-GR_ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding cr-rtos-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding openshift-e2e-loki_loki-promtail-qcrcz
        Port_Binding jtor-GR_ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-b-svmp6
        Port_Binding openshift-multus_network-metrics-daemon-mkd4t
        Port_Binding openshift-ingress-canary_ingress-canary-xtvj4
        Port_Binding openshift-ingress_router-default-6c76cbc498-pvlqk
        Port_Binding openshift-dns_dns-default-zz582
        Port_Binding openshift-monitoring_thanos-querier-57585899f5-lbf4f
        Port_Binding openshift-network-diagnostics_network-check-target-tn228
        Port_Binding openshift-monitoring_prometheus-k8s-0
        Port_Binding openshift-image-registry_image-registry-68899bd877-xqxjj
    Chassis "179ba069-0af1-401c-b044-e5ba90f60fea"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-0
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding tstor-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-0
    Chassis "68c954f2-5a76-47be-9e84-1cb13bd9dab9"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-c-mjf9w
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding tstor-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-worker-c-mjf9w
    Chassis "2de65d9e-9abf-4b6e-a51d-a1e038b4d8af"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-2
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding tstor-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-2
    Chassis "1d371cb8-5e21-44fd-9025-c4b162cc4247"
        hostname: ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-1
        Encap geneve
            ip: ""
            options: {csum="true"}
        Port_Binding tstor-ci-ln-9gp362t-72292-v2p94-master-1

    This detailed output shows the chassis and the ports that are attached to the chassis which in this case are all of the router ports and anything that runs like host networking. Any pods communicate out to the wider network using source network address translation (SNAT). Their IP address is translated into the IP address of the node that the pod is running on and then sent out into the network.

    In addition to the chassis information the southbound database has all the logic flows and those logic flows are then sent to the ovn-controller running on each of the nodes. The ovn-controller translates the logic flows into open flow rules and ultimately programs OpenvSwitch so that your pods can then follow open flow rules and make it out of the network.

  5. Run the following command to display the options available with the command ovn-sbctl:

    $ oc exec -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -it ovnkube-node-55xs2 \
    -c sbdb ovn-sbctl --help

24.2.6. Command line arguments for ovn-sbctl to examine southbound database contents

The following table describes the command line arguments that can be used with ovn-sbctl to examine the contents of the southbound database.


Open a remote shell in the pod you wish to view the contents of and then run the ovn-sbctl commands.

Table 24.3. Command line arguments to examine southbound database contents

ovn-sbctl show

An overview of the southbound database contents as seen from a specific node.

ovn-sbctl list Port_Binding <port>

List the contents of southbound database for a the specified port .

ovn-sbctl dump-flows

List the logical flows.

24.2.7. OVN-Kubernetes logical architecture

OVN is a network virtualization solution. It creates logical switches and routers. These switches and routers are interconnected to create any network topologies. When you run ovnkube-trace with the log level set to 2 or 5 the OVN-Kubernetes logical components are exposed. The following diagram shows how the routers and switches are connected in OpenShift Container Platform.

Figure 24.2. OVN-Kubernetes router and switch components

OVN-Kubernetes logical architecture

The key components involved in packet processing are:

Gateway routers
Gateway routers sometimes called L3 gateway routers, are typically used between the distributed routers and the physical network. Gateway routers including their logical patch ports are bound to a physical location (not distributed), or chassis. The patch ports on this router are known as l3gateway ports in the ovn-southbound database (ovn-sbdb).
Distributed logical routers
Distributed logical routers and the logical switches behind them, to which virtual machines and containers attach, effectively reside on each hypervisor.
Join local switch
Join local switches are used to connect the distributed router and gateway routers. It reduces the number of IP addresses needed on the distributed router.
Logical switches with patch ports
Logical switches with patch ports are used to virtualize the network stack. They connect remote logical ports through tunnels.
Logical switches with localnet ports
Logical switches with localnet ports are used to connect OVN to the physical network. They connect remote logical ports by bridging the packets to directly connected physical L2 segments using localnet ports.
Patch ports
Patch ports represent connectivity between logical switches and logical routers and between peer logical routers. A single connection has a pair of patch ports at each such point of connectivity, one on each side.
l3gateway ports
l3gateway ports are the port binding entries in the ovn-sbdb for logical patch ports used in the gateway routers. They are called l3gateway ports rather than patch ports just to portray the fact that these ports are bound to a chassis just like the gateway router itself.
localnet ports
localnet ports are present on the bridged logical switches that allows a connection to a locally accessible network from each ovn-controller instance. This helps model the direct connectivity to the physical network from the logical switches. A logical switch can only have a single localnet port attached to it. Installing network-tools on local host

Install network-tools on your local host to make a collection of tools available for debugging OpenShift Container Platform cluster network issues.


  1. Clone the network-tools repository onto your workstation with the following command:

    $ git clone
  2. Change into the directory for the repository you just cloned:

    $ cd network-tools
  3. Optional: List all available commands:

    $ ./debug-scripts/network-tools -h Running network-tools

Get information about the logical switches and routers by running network-tools.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed network-tools on local host.


  1. List the routers by running the following command:

    $ ./debug-scripts/network-tools ovn-db-run-command ovn-nbctl lr-list

    Example output

    944a7b53-7948-4ad2-a494-82b55eeccf87 (GR_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99)
    84bd4a4c-4b0b-4a47-b0cf-a2c32709fc53 (ovn_cluster_router)

  2. List the localnet ports by running the following command:

    $ ./debug-scripts/network-tools ovn-db-run-command \
    ovn-sbctl find Port_Binding type=localnet

    Example output

    _uuid               : d05298f5-805b-4838-9224-1211afc2f199
    additional_chassis  : []
    additional_encap    : []
    chassis             : []
    datapath            : f3c2c959-743b-4037-854d-26627902597c
    encap               : []
    external_ids        : {}
    gateway_chassis     : []
    ha_chassis_group    : []
    logical_port        : br-ex_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99
    mac                 : [unknown]
    mirror_rules        : []
    nat_addresses       : []
    options             : {network_name=physnet}
    parent_port         : []
    port_security       : []
    requested_additional_chassis: []
    requested_chassis   : []
    tag                 : []
    tunnel_key          : 2
    type                : localnet
    up                  : false
    virtual_parent      : []

  3. List the l3gateway ports by running the following command:

    $ ./debug-scripts/network-tools ovn-db-run-command \
    ovn-sbctl find Port_Binding type=l3gateway

    Example output

    _uuid               : 5207a1f3-1cf3-42f1-83e9-387bbb06b03c
    additional_chassis  : []
    additional_encap    : []
    chassis             : ca6eb600-3a10-4372-a83e-e0d957c4cd92
    datapath            : f3c2c959-743b-4037-854d-26627902597c
    encap               : []
    external_ids        : {}
    gateway_chassis     : []
    ha_chassis_group    : []
    logical_port        : etor-GR_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99
    mac                 : ["42:01:0a:00:80:04"]
    mirror_rules        : []
    nat_addresses       : ["42:01:0a:00:80:04"]
    options             : {l3gateway-chassis="84737c36-b383-4c83-92c5-2bd5b3c7e772", peer=rtoe-GR_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99}
    parent_port         : []
    port_security       : []
    requested_additional_chassis: []
    requested_chassis   : []
    tag                 : []
    tunnel_key          : 1
    type                : l3gateway
    up                  : true
    virtual_parent      : []
    _uuid               : 6088d647-84f2-43f2-b53f-c9d379042679
    additional_chassis  : []
    additional_encap    : []
    chassis             : ca6eb600-3a10-4372-a83e-e0d957c4cd92
    datapath            : dc9cea00-d94a-41b8-bdb0-89d42d13aa2e
    encap               : []
    external_ids        : {}
    gateway_chassis     : []
    ha_chassis_group    : []
    logical_port        : jtor-GR_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99
    mac                 : [router]
    mirror_rules        : []
    nat_addresses       : []
    options             : {l3gateway-chassis="84737c36-b383-4c83-92c5-2bd5b3c7e772", peer=rtoj-GR_ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99}
    parent_port         : []
    port_security       : []
    requested_additional_chassis: []
    requested_chassis   : []
    tag                 : []
    tunnel_key          : 2
    type                : l3gateway
    up                  : true
    virtual_parent      : []

  4. List the patch ports by running the following command:

    $ ./debug-scripts/network-tools ovn-db-run-command \
    ovn-sbctl find Port_Binding type=patch

    Example output

    _uuid               : 785fb8b6-ee5a-4792-a415-5b1cb855dac2
    additional_chassis  : []
    additional_encap    : []
    chassis             : []
    datapath            : f1ddd1cc-dc0d-43b4-90ca-12651305acec
    encap               : []
    external_ids        : {}
    gateway_chassis     : []
    ha_chassis_group    : []
    logical_port        : stor-ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99
    mac                 : [router]
    mirror_rules        : []
    nat_addresses       : ["0a:58:0a:80:02:01 is_chassis_resident(\"cr-rtos-ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99\")"]
    options             : {peer=rtos-ci-ln-54932yb-72292-kd676-worker-c-rzj99}
    parent_port         : []
    port_security       : []
    requested_additional_chassis: []
    requested_chassis   : []
    tag                 : []
    tunnel_key          : 1
    type                : patch
    up                  : false
    virtual_parent      : []
    _uuid               : c01ff587-21a5-40b4-8244-4cd0425e5d9a
    additional_chassis  : []
    additional_encap    : []
    chassis             : []
    datapath            : f6795586-bf92-4f84-9222-efe4ac6a7734
    encap               : []
    external_ids        : {}
    gateway_chassis     : []
    ha_chassis_group    : []
    logical_port        : rtoj-ovn_cluster_router
    mac                 : ["0a:58:64:40:00:01"]
    mirror_rules        : []
    nat_addresses       : []
    options             : {peer=jtor-ovn_cluster_router}
    parent_port         : []
    port_security       : []
    requested_additional_chassis: []
    requested_chassis   : []
    tag                 : []
    tunnel_key          : 1
    type                : patch
    up                  : false
    virtual_parent      : []

24.2.8. Additional resources

24.3. Troubleshooting OVN-Kubernetes

OVN-Kubernetes has many sources of built-in health checks and logs. Follow the instructions in these sections to examine your cluster. If a support case is necessary, follow the support guide to collect additional information through a must-gather. Only use the -- gather_network_logs when instructed by support.

24.3.1. Monitoring OVN-Kubernetes health by using readiness probes

The ovnkube-control-plane and ovnkube-node pods have containers configured with readiness probes.


  • Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed jq.


  1. Review the details of the ovnkube-node readiness probe by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node \
    -o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers[] | .name,.readinessProbe'

    The readiness probe for the northbound and southbound database containers in the ovnkube-node pod checks for the health of the databases and the ovnkube-controller container.

    The ovnkube-controller container in the ovnkube-node pod has a readiness probe to verify the presence of the OVN-Kubernetes CNI configuration file, the absence of which would indicate that the pod is not running or is not ready to accept requests to configure pods.

  2. Show all events including the probe failures, for the namespace by using the following command:

    $ oc get events -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
  3. Show the events for just a specific pod:

    $ oc describe pod ovnkube-node-9lqfk -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
  4. Show the messages and statuses from the cluster network operator:

    $ oc get co/network -o json | jq '.status.conditions[]'
  5. Show the ready status of each container in ovnkube-node pods by running the following script:

    $ for p in $(oc get pods --selector app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
    -o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{" "}{}'); do echo === $p ===;  \
    oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes $p -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[] | .name, .ready'; \

    The expectation is all container statuses are reporting as true. Failure of a readiness probe sets the status to false.

24.3.2. Viewing OVN-Kubernetes alerts in the console

The Alerting UI provides detailed information about alerts and their governing alerting rules and silences.


  • You have access to the cluster as a developer or as a user with view permissions for the project that you are viewing metrics for.

Procedure (UI)

  1. In the Administrator perspective, select Observe Alerting. The three main pages in the Alerting UI in this perspective are the Alerts, Silences, and Alerting Rules pages.
  2. View the rules for OVN-Kubernetes alerts by selecting Observe Alerting Alerting Rules.

24.3.3. Viewing OVN-Kubernetes alerts in the CLI

You can get information about alerts and their governing alerting rules and silences from the command line.


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.
  • You have installed jq.


  1. View active or firing alerts by running the following commands.

    1. Set the alert manager route environment variable by running the following command:

      $ ALERT_MANAGER=$(oc get route alertmanager-main -n openshift-monitoring \
      -o jsonpath='{}')
    2. Issue a curl request to the alert manager route API by running the following command, replacing $ALERT_MANAGER with the URL of your Alertmanager instance:

      $ curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(oc create token prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring)" https://$ALERT_MANAGER/api/v1/alerts | jq '.data[] | "\(.labels.severity) \(.labels.alertname) \(.labels.pod) \(.labels.container) \(.labels.endpoint) \(.labels.instance)"'
  2. View alerting rules by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring exec -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 -- curl -s 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/rules' | jq '.data.groups[].rules[] | select(((.name|contains("ovn")) or (.name|contains("OVN")) or (.name|contains("Ovn")) or (.name|contains("North")) or (.name|contains("South"))) and .type=="alerting")'

24.3.4. Viewing the OVN-Kubernetes logs using the CLI

You can view the logs for each of the pods in the ovnkube-master and ovnkube-node pods using the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed jq.


  1. View the log for a specific pod:

    $ oc logs -f <pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <namespace>


    Optional: Specifies that the output follows what is being written into the logs.
    Specifies the name of the pod.
    Optional: Specifies the name of a container. When a pod has more than one container, you must specify the container name.
    Specify the namespace the pod is running in.

    For example:

    $ oc logs ovnkube-node-5dx44 -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
    $ oc logs -f ovnkube-node-5dx44 -c ovnkube-controller -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    The contents of log files are printed out.

  2. Examine the most recent entries in all the containers in the ovnkube-node pods:

    $ for p in $(oc get pods --selector app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
    -o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{" "}{}'); \
    do echo === $p ===; for container in $(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes $p \
    -o json | jq -r '.status.containerStatuses[] | .name');do echo ---$container---; \
    oc logs -c $container $p -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --tail=5; done; done
  3. View the last 5 lines of every log in every container in an ovnkube-node pod using the following command:

    $ oc logs -l app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --all-containers --tail 5

24.3.5. Viewing the OVN-Kubernetes logs using the web console

You can view the logs for each of the pods in the ovnkube-master and ovnkube-node pods in the web console.


  • Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform console, navigate to Workloads Pods or navigate to the pod through the resource you want to investigate.
  2. Select the openshift-ovn-kubernetes project from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the name of the pod you want to investigate.
  4. Click Logs. By default for the ovnkube-master the logs associated with the northd container are displayed.
  5. Use the down-down menu to select logs for each container in turn. Changing the OVN-Kubernetes log levels

The default log level for OVN-Kubernetes is 4. To debug OVN-Kubernetes, set the log level to 5. Follow this procedure to increase the log level of the OVN-Kubernetes to help you debug an issue.


  • You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have access to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. Run the following command to get detailed information for all pods in the OVN-Kubernetes project:

    $ oc get po -o wide -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes

    Example output

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE    IP           NODE                                       NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    ovnkube-control-plane-65497d4548-9ptdr   2/2     Running   2 (128m ago)   147m     ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-control-plane-65497d4548-j6zfk   2/2     Running   0              147m     ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-5dx44                       8/8     Running   0              146m     ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-dpfn4                       8/8     Running   0              146m     ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-1         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-kwc9l                       8/8     Running   0              134m   ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-a-2fjcj   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-mcrhl                       8/8     Running   0              134m   ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-c-v9x5v   <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-nsct4                       8/8     Running   0              146m     ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2         <none>           <none>
    ovnkube-node-zrj9f                       8/8     Running   0              134m   ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-b-v78h7   <none>           <none>

  2. Create a ConfigMap file similar to the following example and use a filename such as env-overrides.yaml:

    Example ConfigMap file

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: env-overrides
      namespace: openshift-ovn-kubernetes
      ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0: | 1
        # This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes node process:
        # You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for ovn-controller:
      ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2: |
        # This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes node process:
        # You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for ovn-controller:
      _master: | 2
        # This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes master process as well as the ovn-dbchecker:
        # You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for northd, nbdb and sbdb on all masters:

    Specify the name of the node you want to set the debug log level on.
    Specify _master to set the log levels of ovnkube-master components.
  3. Apply the ConfigMap file by using the following command:

    $ oc apply -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -f env-overrides.yaml

    Example output

    configmap/env-overrides.yaml created

  4. Restart the ovnkube pods to apply the new log level by using the following commands:

    $ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
    --field-selector spec.nodeName=ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0 -l app=ovnkube-node
    $ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
    --field-selector spec.nodeName=ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2 -l app=ovnkube-node
    $ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node
  5. To verify that the `ConfigMap`file has been applied to all nodes for a specific pod, run the following command:

    $ oc logs -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --all-containers --prefix ovnkube-node-<xxxx> | grep -E -m 10 '(Logging config:|vconsole|DBG)'



    Specifies the random sequence of letters for a pod from the previous step.

    Example output

    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/sbdb] + exec /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl --no-monitor '--ovn-sb-log=-vconsole:info -vfile:off -vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' run_sb_ovsdb
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovnkube-controller] I1012 14:39:59.984506   35767 config.go:2247] Logging config: {File: CNIFile:/var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovn-k8s-cni-overlay.log LibovsdbFile:/var/log/ovnkube/libovsdb.log Level:5 LogFileMaxSize:100 LogFileMaxBackups:5 LogFileMaxAge:0 ACLLoggingRateLimit:20}
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/northd] + exec ovn-northd --no-chdir -vconsole:info -vfile:off '-vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' --pidfile /var/run/ovn/ --n-threads=1
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/nbdb] + exec /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl --no-monitor '--ovn-nb-log=-vconsole:info -vfile:off -vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' run_nb_ovsdb
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.552Z|00002|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 6 nodes (32 nodes total across 32 buckets)
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00003|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 6 nodes (64 nodes total across 64 buckets)
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00004|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 7 nodes (32 nodes total across 32 buckets)
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00005|reconnect|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: entering BACKOFF
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00007|reconnect|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: entering CONNECTING
    [pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00008|ovsdb_cs|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: SERVER_SCHEMA_REQUESTED -> SERVER_SCHEMA_REQUESTED at lib/ovsdb-cs.c:423

  6. Optional: Check the ConfigMap file has been applied by running the following command:

    for f in $(oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes get po -l 'app=ovnkube-node' --no-headers -o ; do echo "---- $f ----" ; oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes exec -c ovnkube-controller $f --  pgrep -a -f  init-ovnkube-controller | grep -P -o '^.*loglevel\s+\d' ; done

    Example output

    ---- ovnkube-node-2dt57 ----
    60981 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-c-vmh5n.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-c-vmh5n.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
    ---- ovnkube-node-4zznh ----
    178034 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-2.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-2.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
    ---- ovnkube-node-548sx ----
    77499 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-a-fjtnb.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-a-fjtnb.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
    ---- ovnkube-node-6btrf ----
    73781 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-b-p8rww.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-b-p8rww.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
    ---- ovnkube-node-fkc9r ----
    130707 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-0.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-0.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 5
    ---- ovnkube-node-tk9l4 ----
    181328 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-1.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-1.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4

24.3.6. Checking the OVN-Kubernetes pod network connectivity

The connectivity check controller, in OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 and later, orchestrates connection verification checks in your cluster. These include Kubernetes API, OpenShift API and individual nodes. The results for the connection tests are stored in PodNetworkConnectivity objects in the openshift-network-diagnostics namespace. Connection tests are performed every minute in parallel.


  • Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed jq.


  1. To list the current PodNetworkConnectivityCheck objects, enter the following command:

    $ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics
  2. View the most recent success for each connection object by using the following command:

    $ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
    -o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.successes[0]'
  3. View the most recent failures for each connection object by using the following command:

    $ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
    -o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.failures[0]'
  4. View the most recent outages for each connection object by using the following command:

    $ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
    -o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.outages[0]'

    The connectivity check controller also logs metrics from these checks into Prometheus.

  5. View all the metrics by running the following command:

    $ oc exec prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring -- \
    promtool query instant  http://localhost:9090 \
  6. View the latency between the source pod and the openshift api service for the last 5 minutes:

    $ oc exec prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring -- \
    promtool query instant  http://localhost:9090 \

24.3.7. Additional resources

24.4. Tracing Openflow with ovnkube-trace

OVN and OVS traffic flows can be simulated in a single utility called ovnkube-trace. The ovnkube-trace utility runs ovn-trace, ovs-appctl ofproto/trace and ovn-detrace and correlates that information in a single output.

You can execute the ovnkube-trace binary from a dedicated container. For releases after OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, you can also copy the binary to a local host and execute it from that host.

24.4.1. Installing the ovnkube-trace on local host

The ovnkube-trace tool traces packet simulations for arbitrary UDP or TCP traffic between points in an OVN-Kubernetes driven OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Copy the ovnkube-trace binary to your local host making it available to run against the cluster.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a pod variable by using the following command:

    $  POD=$(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-control-plane -o name | head -1 | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}')
  2. Run the following command on your local host to copy the binary from the ovnkube-control-plane pods:

    $  oc cp -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes $POD:/usr/bin/ovnkube-trace -c ovnkube-cluster-manager ovnkube-trace

    If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 to run the ovnkube-trace tool, you must copy the file /usr/lib/rhel8/ovnkube-trace to your local host.

  3. Make ovnkube-trace executable by running the following command:

    $  chmod +x ovnkube-trace
  4. Display the options available with ovnkube-trace by running the following command:

    $  ./ovnkube-trace -help

    Expected output

    Usage of ./ovnkube-trace:
      -addr-family string
        	Address family (ip4 or ip6) to be used for tracing (default "ip4")
      -dst string
        	dest: destination pod name
      -dst-ip string
        	destination IP address (meant for tests to external targets)
      -dst-namespace string
        	k8s namespace of dest pod (default "default")
      -dst-port string
        	dst-port: destination port (default "80")
      -kubeconfig string
        	absolute path to the kubeconfig file
      -loglevel string
        	loglevel: klog level (default "0")
      -ovn-config-namespace string
        	namespace used by ovn-config itself
      -service string
        	service: destination service name
        	skip ovn-detrace command
      -src string
        	src: source pod name
      -src-namespace string
        	k8s namespace of source pod (default "default")
        	use tcp transport protocol
        	use udp transport protocol

    The command-line arguments supported are familiar Kubernetes constructs, such as namespaces, pods, services so you do not need to find the MAC address, the IP address of the destination nodes, or the ICMP type.

    The log levels are:

    • 0 (minimal output)
    • 2 (more verbose output showing results of trace commands)
    • 5 (debug output)

24.4.2. Running ovnkube-trace

Run ovn-trace to simulate packet forwarding within an OVN logical network.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have installed ovnkube-trace on local host

Example: Testing that DNS resolution works from a deployed pod

This example illustrates how to test the DNS resolution from a deployed pod to the core DNS pod that runs in the cluster.


  1. Start a web service in the default namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc run web --namespace=default --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
  2. List the pods running in the openshift-dns namespace:

    oc get pods -n openshift-dns

    Example output

    NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    dns-default-8s42x     2/2     Running   0          5h8m
    dns-default-mdw6r     2/2     Running   0          4h58m
    dns-default-p8t5h     2/2     Running   0          4h58m
    dns-default-rl6nk     2/2     Running   0          5h8m
    dns-default-xbgqx     2/2     Running   0          5h8m
    dns-default-zv8f6     2/2     Running   0          4h58m
    node-resolver-62jjb   1/1     Running   0          5h8m
    node-resolver-8z4cj   1/1     Running   0          4h59m
    node-resolver-bq244   1/1     Running   0          5h8m
    node-resolver-hc58n   1/1     Running   0          4h59m
    node-resolver-lm6z4   1/1     Running   0          5h8m
    node-resolver-zfx5k   1/1     Running   0          5h

  3. Run the following ovnkube-trace command to verify DNS resolution is working:

    $ ./ovnkube-trace \
      -src-namespace default \ 1
      -src web \ 2
      -dst-namespace openshift-dns \ 3
      -dst dns-default-p8t5h \ 4
      -udp -dst-port 53 \ 5
      -loglevel 0 6
    Namespace of the source pod
    Source pod name
    Namespace of destination pod
    Destination pod name
    Use the udp transport protocol. Port 53 is the port the DNS service uses.
    Set the log level to 0 (0 is minimal and 5 is debug)

    Example output if the src&dst pod lands on the same node

    ovn-trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-p8t5h
    ovn-trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-p8t5h to web
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-p8t5h
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-p8t5h to web
    ovn-detrace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-p8t5h
    ovn-detrace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-p8t5h to web

    Example output if the src&dst pod lands on a different node

    ovn-trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-8s42x
    ovn-trace (remote) source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-8s42x
    ovn-trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-8s42x to web
    ovn-trace (remote) destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-8s42x to web
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-8s42x
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-8s42x to web
    ovn-detrace source pod to destination pod indicates success from web to dns-default-8s42x
    ovn-detrace destination pod to source pod indicates success from dns-default-8s42x to web

    The ouput indicates success from the deployed pod to the DNS port and also indicates that it is successful going back in the other direction. So you know bi-directional traffic is supported on UDP port 53 if my web pod wants to do dns resolution from core DNS.

If for example that did not work and you wanted to get the ovn-trace, the ovs-appctl of proto/trace and ovn-detrace, and more debug type information increase the log level to 2 and run the command again as follows:

$ ./ovnkube-trace \
  -src-namespace default \
  -src web \
  -dst-namespace openshift-dns \
  -dst dns-default-467qw \
  -udp -dst-port 53 \
  -loglevel 2

The output from this increased log level is too much to list here. In a failure situation the output of this command shows which flow is dropping that traffic. For example an egress or ingress network policy may be configured on the cluster that does not allow that traffic.

Example: Verifying by using debug output a configured default deny

This example illustrates how to identify by using the debug output that an ingress default deny policy blocks traffic.


  1. Create the following YAML that defines a deny-by-default policy to deny ingress from all pods in all namespaces. Save the YAML in the deny-by-default.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: deny-by-default
      namespace: default
      podSelector: {}
      ingress: []
  2. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f deny-by-default.yaml

    Example output created

  3. Start a web service in the default namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc run web --namespace=default --labels="app=web" --expose --port=80
  4. Run the following command to create the prod namespace:

    $ oc create namespace prod
  5. Run the following command to label the prod namespace:

    $ oc label namespace/prod purpose=production
  6. Run the following command to deploy an alpine image in the prod namespace and start a shell:

    $ oc run test-6459 --namespace=prod --rm -i -t --image=alpine -- sh
  7. Open another terminal session.
  8. In this new terminal session run ovn-trace to verify the failure in communication between the source pod test-6459 running in namespace prod and destination pod running in the default namespace:

    $ ./ovnkube-trace \
     -src-namespace prod \
     -src test-6459 \
     -dst-namespace default \
     -dst web \
     -tcp -dst-port 80 \
     -loglevel 0

    Example output

    ovn-trace source pod to destination pod indicates failure from test-6459 to web

  9. Increase the log level to 2 to expose the reason for the failure by running the following command:

    $ ./ovnkube-trace \
     -src-namespace prod \
     -src test-6459 \
     -dst-namespace default \
     -dst web \
     -tcp -dst-port 80 \
     -loglevel 2

    Example output

     3. ls_out_acl_hint (northd.c:7454): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && ct_mark.blocked == 0, priority 4, uuid 12efc456
        reg0[8] = 1;
        reg0[10] = 1;
     5. ls_out_acl_action (northd.c:7835): reg8[30..31] == 0, priority 500, uuid 69372c5d
        reg8[30..31] = 1;
     5. ls_out_acl_action (northd.c:7835): reg8[30..31] == 1, priority 500, uuid 2fa0af89
        reg8[30..31] = 2;
     4. ls_out_acl_eval (northd.c:7691): reg8[30..31] == 2 && reg0[10] == 1 && (outport == @a16982411286042166782_ingressDefaultDeny), priority 2000, uuid 447d0dab
        reg8[17] = 1;
        ct_commit { ct_mark.blocked = 1; }; 1

    Ingress traffic is blocked due to the default deny policy being in place.
  10. Create a policy that allows traffic from all pods in a particular namespaces with a label purpose=production. Save the YAML in the web-allow-prod.yaml file:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: web-allow-prod
      namespace: default
          app: web
      - Ingress
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector:
              purpose: production
  11. Apply the policy by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f web-allow-prod.yaml
  12. Run ovnkube-trace to verify that traffic is now allowed by entering the following command:

    $ ./ovnkube-trace \
     -src-namespace prod \
     -src test-6459 \
     -dst-namespace default \
     -dst web \
     -tcp -dst-port 80 \
     -loglevel 0

    Expected output

    ovn-trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from test-6459 to web
    ovn-trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from web to test-6459
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace source pod to destination pod indicates success from test-6459 to web
    ovs-appctl ofproto/trace destination pod to source pod indicates success from web to test-6459
    ovn-detrace source pod to destination pod indicates success from test-6459 to web
    ovn-detrace destination pod to source pod indicates success from web to test-6459

  13. Run the following command in the shell that was opened in step six to connect nginx to the web-server:

     wget -qO- --timeout=2 http://web.default

    Expected output

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
      body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
    <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
    <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
    working. Further configuration is required.</p>
    <p>For online documentation and support please refer to
    <a href=""></a>.<br/>
    Commercial support is available at
    <a href=""></a>.</p>
    <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>

24.4.3. Additional resources

24.5. Migrating from the OpenShift SDN network plugin

As a cluster administrator, you can migrate to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin from the OpenShift SDN network plugin using the offline migration method or the limited live migration method.


It is not possible to upgrade a cluster to OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 if it is using the OpenShift SDN network plugin. You must migrate to the OVN-Kubernetes plugin before upgrading to OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.

To learn more about OVN-Kubernetes, read About the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.

24.5.1. Offline migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin overview

The offline migration method is a manual process that includes some downtime, during which your cluster is unreachable. This method is primarily used for self-managed OpenShift Container Platform deployments.


Before you migrate your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, update your cluster to the latest z-stream release so that all the latest bug fixes apply to your cluster.

Although a rollback procedure is provided, the offline migration is intended to be a one-way process.


OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.

The following sections provide more information about the offline migration method. Supported platforms when using the offline migration method

The following table provides information about the supported platforms for the offline migration type.

Table 24.4. Supported platforms for the offline migration method
PlatformOffline Migration

Bare metal hardware (IPI and UPI)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) (IPI and UPI)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) (IPI and UPI)

IBM Cloud® (IPI and UPI)

Microsoft Azure (IPI and UPI)

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) (IPI and UPI)

VMware vSphere (IPI and UPI)

AliCloud (IPI and UPI)

Nutanix (IPI and UPI) Best practices for offline migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

For a list of best practices when migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin with the offline migration method, see Best practices for OpenShift SDN to OVN Kubernetes CNI Offline migration. Considerations for offline migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

If you have more than 150 nodes in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, then open a support case for consultation on your migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.

The subnets assigned to nodes and the IP addresses assigned to individual pods are not preserved during the migration.

While the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin implements many of the capabilities present in the OpenShift SDN network plugin, the configuration is not the same.

  • If your cluster uses any of the following OpenShift SDN network plugin capabilities, you must manually configure the same capability in the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin:

    • Namespace isolation
    • Egress router pods
  • OVN-Kubernetes, the default network provider in OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 and later versions, uses the following IP address ranges internally:,,, fd98::/64, fd69::/125, and fd97::/64. If your cluster uses OVN-Kubernetes, do not include any of these IP address ranges in any other CIDR definitions in your cluster or infrastructure.

The following sections highlight the differences in configuration between the aforementioned capabilities in OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN network plugins.

Primary network interface

The OpenShift SDN plugin allows application of the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR) to the primary interface on a node. The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin does not have this capability.

If you have an NNCP applied to the primary interface, you must delete the NNCP before migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin. Deleting the NNCP does not remove the configuration from the primary interface, but the Kubernetes-NMState cannot manage this configuration. Instead, the shell script manages the primary interface and the configuration attached to this interface.

Namespace isolation

OVN-Kubernetes supports only the network policy isolation mode.


For a cluster using OpenShift SDN that is configured in either the multitenant or subnet isolation mode, you can still migrate to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin. Note that after the migration operation, multitenant isolation mode is dropped, so you must manually configure network policies to achieve the same level of project-level isolation for pods and services.

Egress IP addresses

OpenShift SDN supports two different Egress IP modes:

  • In the automatically assigned approach, an egress IP address range is assigned to a node.
  • In the manually assigned approach, a list of one or more egress IP addresses is assigned to a node.

The migration process supports migrating Egress IP configurations that use the automatically assigned mode.

The differences in configuring an egress IP address between OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 24.5. Differences in egress IP address configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Create an EgressIPs object
  • Add an annotation on a Node object
  • Patch a NetNamespace object
  • Patch a HostSubnet object

For more information on using egress IP addresses in OVN-Kubernetes, see "Configuring an egress IP address".

Egress network policies

The difference in configuring an egress network policy, also known as an egress firewall, between OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 24.6. Differences in egress network policy configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Create an EgressFirewall object in a namespace
  • Create an EgressNetworkPolicy object in a namespace

Because the name of an EgressFirewall object can only be set to default, after the migration all migrated EgressNetworkPolicy objects are named default, regardless of what the name was under OpenShift SDN.

If you subsequently rollback to OpenShift SDN, all EgressNetworkPolicy objects are named default as the prior name is lost.

For more information on using an egress firewall in OVN-Kubernetes, see "Configuring an egress firewall for a project".

Egress router pods

OVN-Kubernetes supports egress router pods in redirect mode. OVN-Kubernetes does not support egress router pods in HTTP proxy mode or DNS proxy mode.

When you deploy an egress router with the Cluster Network Operator, you cannot specify a node selector to control which node is used to host the egress router pod.


The difference between enabling multicast traffic on OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN is described in the following table:

Table 24.7. Differences in multicast configuration
OVN-KubernetesOpenShift SDN
  • Add an annotation on a Namespace object
  • Add an annotation on a NetNamespace object

For more information on using multicast in OVN-Kubernetes, see "Enabling multicast for a project".

Network policies

OVN-Kubernetes fully supports the Kubernetes NetworkPolicy API in the API group. No changes are necessary in your network policies when migrating from OpenShift SDN. How the offline migration process works

The following table summarizes the migration process by segmenting between the user-initiated steps in the process and the actions that the migration performs in response.

Table 24.8. Offline migration to OVN-Kubernetes from OpenShift SDN
User-initiated stepsMigration activity

Set the migration field of the custom resource (CR) named cluster to OVNKubernetes. Make sure the migration field is null before setting it to a value.

Cluster Network Operator (CNO)
Updates the status of the CR named cluster accordingly.
Machine Config Operator (MCO)
Rolls out an update to the systemd configuration necessary for OVN-Kubernetes; the MCO updates a single machine per pool at a time by default, causing the total time the migration takes to increase with the size of the cluster.

Update the networkType field of the CR.


Performs the following actions:

  • Destroys the OpenShift SDN control plane pods.
  • Deploys the OVN-Kubernetes control plane pods.
  • Updates the Multus daemon sets and config map objects to reflect the new network plugin.

Reboot each node in the cluster.

As nodes reboot, the cluster assigns IP addresses to pods on the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network. Migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by using the offline migration method

As a cluster administrator, you can change the network plugin for your cluster to OVN-Kubernetes. During the migration, you must reboot every node in your cluster.


While performing the migration, your cluster is unavailable and workloads might be interrupted. Perform the migration only when an interruption in service is acceptable.


  • You have a cluster configured with the OpenShift SDN CNI network plugin in the network policy isolation mode.
  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have a recent backup of the etcd database.
  • You can manually reboot each node.
  • You checked that your cluster is in a known good state without any errors.
  • You created a security group rule that allows User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets on port 6081 for all nodes on all cloud platforms.
  • You set all timeouts for webhooks to 3 seconds or removed the webhooks.


  1. To backup the configuration for the cluster network, enter the following command:

    $ oc get cluster -o yaml > cluster-openshift-sdn.yaml
  2. Verify that the OVN_SDN_MIGRATION_TIMEOUT environment variable is set and is equal to 0s by running the following command:

    if [ -n "$OVN_SDN_MIGRATION_TIMEOUT" ] && [ "$OVN_SDN_MIGRATION_TIMEOUT" = "0s" ]; then
    #loops the timeout command of the script to repeatedly check the cluster Operators until all are available.
    timeout "$co_timeout" bash <<EOT
      oc wait co --all --for='condition=AVAILABLE=True' --timeout=10s && \
      oc wait co --all --for='condition=PROGRESSING=False' --timeout=10s && \
      oc wait co --all --for='condition=DEGRADED=False' --timeout=10s;
      sleep 10
      echo "Some ClusterOperators Degraded=False,Progressing=True,or Available=False";
  3. Remove the configuration from the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) configuration object by running the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
    --patch '{"spec":{"migration":null}}'
  4. Delete the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR) that defines the primary network interface for the OpenShift SDN network plugin by completing the following steps:

    1. Check that the existing NNCP CR bonded the primary interface to your cluster by entering the following command:

      $ oc get nncp

      Example output

      NAME          STATUS      REASON
      bondmaster0   Available   SuccessfullyConfigured

      Network Manager stores the connection profile for the bonded primary interface in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections system path.

    2. Remove the NNCP from your cluster:

      $ oc delete nncp <nncp_manifest_filename>
  5. To prepare all the nodes for the migration, set the migration field on the CNO configuration object by running the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
      --patch '{ "spec": { "migration": { "networkType": "OVNKubernetes" } } }'

    This step does not deploy OVN-Kubernetes immediately. Instead, specifying the migration field triggers the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to apply new machine configs to all the nodes in the cluster in preparation for the OVN-Kubernetes deployment.

    1. Check that the reboot is finished by running the following command:

      $ oc get mcp
    2. Check that all cluster Operators are available by running the following command:

      $ oc get co
    3. Alternatively: You can disable automatic migration of several OpenShift SDN capabilities to the OVN-Kubernetes equivalents:

      • Egress IPs
      • Egress firewall
      • Multicast

      To disable automatic migration of the configuration for any of the previously noted OpenShift SDN features, specify the following keys:

      $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        --patch '{
          "spec": {
            "migration": {
              "networkType": "OVNKubernetes",
              "features": {
                "egressIP": <bool>,
                "egressFirewall": <bool>,
                "multicast": <bool>


      bool: Specifies whether to enable migration of the feature. The default is true.

  6. Optional: You can customize the following settings for OVN-Kubernetes to meet your network infrastructure requirements:

    • Maximum transmission unit (MTU). Consider the following before customizing the MTU for this optional step:

      • If you use the default MTU, and you want to keep the default MTU during migration, this step can be ignored.
      • If you used a custom MTU, and you want to keep the custom MTU during migration, you must declare the custom MTU value in this step.
      • This step does not work if you want to change the MTU value during migration. Instead, you must first follow the instructions for "Changing the cluster MTU". You can then keep the custom MTU value by performing this procedure and declaring the custom MTU value in this step.


        OpenShift-SDN and OVN-Kubernetes have different overlay overhead. MTU values should be selected by following the guidelines found on the "MTU value selection" page.

    • Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) overlay network port
    • OVN-Kubernetes IPv4 internal subnet
    • OVN-Kubernetes IPv6 internal subnet

    To customize either of the previously noted settings, enter and customize the following command. If you do not need to change the default value, omit the key from the patch.

    $ oc patch cluster --type=merge \
      --patch '{


    The MTU for the Geneve overlay network. This value is normally configured automatically, but if the nodes in your cluster do not all use the same MTU, then you must set this explicitly to 100 less than the smallest node MTU value.
    The UDP port for the Geneve overlay network. If a value is not specified, the default is 6081. The port cannot be the same as the VXLAN port that is used by OpenShift SDN. The default value for the VXLAN port is 4789.
    An IPv4 address range for internal use by OVN-Kubernetes. You must ensure that the IP address range does not overlap with any other subnet used by your OpenShift Container Platform installation. The IP address range must be larger than the maximum number of nodes that can be added to the cluster. The default value is
    An IPv6 address range for internal use by OVN-Kubernetes. You must ensure that the IP address range does not overlap with any other subnet used by your OpenShift Container Platform installation. The IP address range must be larger than the maximum number of nodes that can be added to the cluster. The default value is fd98::/48.

    Example patch command to update mtu field

    $ oc patch cluster --type=merge \
      --patch '{

  7. As the MCO updates machines in each machine config pool, it reboots each node one by one. You must wait until all the nodes are updated. Check the machine config pool status by entering the following command:

    $ oc get mcp

    A successfully updated node has the following status: UPDATED=true, UPDATING=false, DEGRADED=false.


    By default, the MCO updates one machine per pool at a time, causing the total time the migration takes to increase with the size of the cluster.

  8. Confirm the status of the new machine configuration on the hosts:

    1. To list the machine configuration state and the name of the applied machine configuration, enter the following command:

      $ oc describe node | egrep "hostname|machineconfig"

      Example output rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b Done

      Verify that the following statements are true:

      • The value of field is Done.
      • The value of the field is equal to the value of the field.
    2. To confirm that the machine config is correct, enter the following command:

      $ oc get machineconfig <config_name> -o yaml | grep ExecStart

      where <config_name> is the name of the machine config from the field.

      The machine config can include the following update to the systemd configuration:

      ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ OVNKubernetes
    3. If a node is stuck in the NotReady state, investigate the machine config daemon pod logs and resolve any errors.

      1. To list the pods, enter the following command:

        $ oc get pod -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        Example output

        NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
        machine-config-controller-75f756f89d-sjp8b   1/1     Running   0          37m
        machine-config-daemon-5cf4b                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-7wzcd                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-fc946                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-g2v28                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-gcl4f                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-l5tnv                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-operator-79d9c55d5-hth92      1/1     Running   0          37m
        machine-config-server-bsc8h                  1/1     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-server-hklrm                  1/1     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-server-k9rtx                  1/1     Running   0          43h

        The names for the config daemon pods are in the following format: machine-config-daemon-<seq>. The <seq> value is a random five character alphanumeric sequence.

      2. Display the pod log for the first machine config daemon pod shown in the previous output by enter the following command:

        $ oc logs <pod> -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        where pod is the name of a machine config daemon pod.

      3. Resolve any errors in the logs shown by the output from the previous command.
  9. To start the migration, configure the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by using one of the following commands:

    • To specify the network provider without changing the cluster network IP address block, enter the following command:

      $ oc patch cluster \
        --type='merge' --patch '{ "spec": { "networkType": "OVNKubernetes" } }'
    • To specify a different cluster network IP address block, enter the following command:

      $ oc patch cluster \
        --type='merge' --patch '{
          "spec": {
            "clusterNetwork": [
                "cidr": "<cidr>",
                "hostPrefix": <prefix>
            "networkType": "OVNKubernetes"

      where cidr is a CIDR block and prefix is the slice of the CIDR block apportioned to each node in your cluster. You cannot use any CIDR block that overlaps with the CIDR block because the OVN-Kubernetes network provider uses this block internally.


      You cannot change the service network address block during the migration.

  10. Verify that the Multus daemon set rollout is complete before continuing with subsequent steps:

    $ oc -n openshift-multus rollout status daemonset/multus

    The name of the Multus pods is in the form of multus-<xxxxx> where <xxxxx> is a random sequence of letters. It might take several moments for the pods to restart.

    Example output

    Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 1 out of 6 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 5 of 6 updated pods are available...
    daemon set "multus" successfully rolled out

  11. To complete changing the network plugin, reboot each node in your cluster. You can reboot the nodes in your cluster with either of the following approaches:


    The following scripts reboot all of the nodes in the cluster at the same time. This can cause your cluster to be unstable. Another option is to reboot your nodes manually one at a time. Rebooting nodes one-by-one causes considerable downtime in a cluster with many nodes.

    Cluster Operators will not work correctly before you reboot the nodes.

    • With the oc rsh command, you can use a bash script similar to the following:

      readarray -t POD_NODES <<< "$(oc get pod -n openshift-machine-config-operator -o wide| grep daemon|awk '{print $1" "$7}')"
      for i in "${POD_NODES[@]}"
        read -r POD NODE <<< "$i"
        until oc rsh -n openshift-machine-config-operator "$POD" chroot /rootfs shutdown -r +1
            echo "cannot reboot node $NODE, retry" && sleep 3
    • With the ssh command, you can use a bash script similar to the following. The script assumes that you have configured sudo to not prompt for a password.

      for ip in $(oc get nodes  -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}')
         echo "reboot node $ip"
         ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$ip sudo shutdown -r -t 3
  12. Confirm that the migration succeeded:

    1. To confirm that the network plugin is OVN-Kubernetes, enter the following command. The value of status.networkType must be OVNKubernetes.

      $ oc get network.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.networkType}{"\n"}'
    2. To confirm that the cluster nodes are in the Ready state, enter the following command:

      $ oc get nodes
    3. To confirm that your pods are not in an error state, enter the following command:

      $ oc get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --sort-by='{.spec.nodeName}'

      If pods on a node are in an error state, reboot that node.

    4. To confirm that all of the cluster Operators are not in an abnormal state, enter the following command:

      $ oc get co

      The status of every cluster Operator must be the following: AVAILABLE="True", PROGRESSING="False", DEGRADED="False". If a cluster Operator is not available or degraded, check the logs for the cluster Operator for more information.

  13. Complete the following steps only if the migration succeeds and your cluster is in a good state:

    1. To remove the migration configuration from the CNO configuration object, enter the following command:

      $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        --patch '{ "spec": { "migration": null } }'
    2. To remove custom configuration for the OpenShift SDN network provider, enter the following command:

      $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        --patch '{ "spec": { "defaultNetwork": { "openshiftSDNConfig": null } } }'
    3. To remove the OpenShift SDN network provider namespace, enter the following command:

      $ oc delete namespace openshift-sdn

24.5.2. Limited live migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin overview

The limited live migration method is the process in which the OpenShift SDN network plugin and its network configurations, connections, and associated resources, are migrated to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin without service interruption. It is available for OpenShift Container Platform.


Before you migrate your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, update your cluster to the latest z-stream release so that all the latest bug fixes apply to your cluster.

It is not available for hosted control plane deployment types. This migration method is valuable for deployment types that require constant service availability and offers the following benefits:

  • Continuous service availability
  • Minimized downtime
  • Automatic node rebooting
  • Seamless transition from the OpenShift SDN network plugin to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

Although a rollback procedure is provided, the limited live migration is intended to be a one-way process.


OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.

The following sections provide more information about the limited live migration method. Supported platforms when using the limited live migration method

The following table provides information about the supported platforms for the limited live migration type.

Table 24.9. Supported platforms for the limited live migration method
PlatformLimited Live Migration

Bare metal hardware (IPI and UPI)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) (IPI and UPI)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) (IPI and UPI)

IBM Cloud® (IPI and UPI)

Microsoft Azure (IPI and UPI)

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) (IPI and UPI)

VMware vSphere (IPI and UPI)

AliCloud (UPI)

Nutanix (IPI and UPI) Best practices for limited live migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

For a list of best practices when migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin with the limited live migration method, see Limited Live Migration from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes. Considerations for limited live migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin

Before using the limited live migration method to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, cluster administrators should consider the following information:

  • The limited live migration procedure is unsupported for clusters with OpenShift SDN multitenant mode enabled.
  • Egress router pods block the limited live migration process. They must be removed before beginning the limited live migration process.
  • During the limited live migration, multicast, egress IP addresses, and egress firewalls are temporarily disabled. They can be migrated from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes after the limited live migration process has finished.
  • The migration is intended to be a one-way process. However, for users that want to rollback to OpenShift-SDN, migration from OpenShift-SDN to OVN-Kubernetes must have succeeded. Users can follow the same procedure below to migrate to the OpenShift SDN network plugin from the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • The limited live migration is not supported on HyperShift clusters.
  • OpenShift SDN does not support IPsec. After the migration, cluster administrators can enable IPsec.
  • OpenShift SDN does not support IPv6. After the migration, cluster administrators can enable dual-stack.
  • The OpenShift SDN plugin allows application of the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR) to the primary interface on a node. The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin does not have this capability.
  • The cluster MTU is the MTU value for pod interfaces. It is always less than your hardware MTU to account for the cluster network overlay overhead. The overhead is 100 bytes for OVN-Kubernetes and 50 bytes for OpenShift SDN.

    During the limited live migration, both OVN-Kubernetes and OpenShift SDN run in parallel. OVN-Kubernetes manages the cluster network of some nodes, while OpenShift SDN manages the cluster network of others. To ensure that cross-CNI traffic remains functional, the Cluster Network Operator updates the routable MTU to ensure that both CNIs share the same overlay MTU. As a result, after the migration has completed, the cluster MTU is 50 bytes less.

  • Some parameters of OVN-Kubernetes cannot be changed after installation. The following parameters can be set only before starting the limited live migration:

    • InternalTransitSwitchSubnet
    • internalJoinSubnet
  • OVN-Kubernetes reserves the and IP address ranges. These subnets cannot be overlapped with any other internal or external network. If these IP addresses have been used by OpenShift SDN or any external networks that might communicate with this cluster, you must patch them to use a different IP address range before starting the limited live migration. See "Patching OVN-Kubernetes address ranges" for more information.
  • In most cases, the limited live migration is independent of the secondary interfaces of pods created by the Multus CNI plugin. However, if these secondary interfaces were set up on the default network interface controller (NIC) of the host, for example, using MACVLAN, IPVLAN, SR-IOV, or bridge interfaces with the default NIC as the control node, OVN-Kubernetes might encounter malfunctions. Users should remove such configurations before proceeding with the limited live migration.
  • When there are multiple NICs inside of the host, and the default route is not on the interface that has the Kubernetes NodeIP, you must use the offline migration instead.
  • All DaemonSet objects in the openshift-sdn namespace, which are not managed by the Cluster Network Operator (CNO), must be removed before initiating the limited live migration. These unmanaged daemon sets can cause the migration status to remain incomplete if not properly handled. How the limited live migration process works

The following table summarizes the limited live migration process by segmenting between the user-initiated steps in the process and the actions that the migration script performs in response.

Table 24.10. Limited live migration to OVNKubernetes from OpenShiftSDN
User-initiated stepsMigration activity

Patch the cluster-level networking configuration by changing the networkType from OpenShiftSDN to OVNKubernetes.

Cluster Network Operator (CNO)
  • Sets migration related fields in the network.operator custom resource (CR) and waits for routable MTUs to be applied to all nodes.
  • Patches the network.operator CR to set the migration mode to Live for OVN-Kubernetes and deploys the OpenShift SDN network plugin in migration mode.
  • Deploys OVN-Kubernetes with hybrid overlay enabled, ensuring that no racing conditions occur.
  • Waits for the OVN-Kubernetes deployment and updates the conditions in the status of the network.config CR.
  • Triggers the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to apply the new machine config to each machine config pool, which includes node cordoning, draining, and rebooting.
  • OVN-Kubernetes adds nodes to the appropriate zones and recreates pods using OVN-Kubernetes as the default CNI plugin.
  • Removes migration-related fields from the network.operator CR and performs cleanup actions, such as deleting OpenShift SDN resources and redeploying OVN-Kubernetes in normal mode with the necessary configurations.
  • Waits for the OVN-Kubernetes redeployment and updates the status conditions in the network.config CR to indicate migration completion. If your migration is blocked, see "Checking limited live migration metrics" for information on troubleshooting the issue. Migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by using the limited live migration method

Migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin by using the limited live migration method is a multiple step process that requires users to check the behavior of egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, and multicast enabled namespaces. Administrators must also review any network policies in their deployment and remove egress router resources before initiating the limited live migration process. The following procedures should be used in succession. Checking cluster resources before initiating the limited live migration

Before migrating to OVN-Kubernetes by using the limited live migration, you should check for egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, and multicast-enabled namespaces on your OpenShift SDN deployment. You should also review any network policies in your deployment. If you find that your cluster has these resources before migration, you should check their behavior after migration to ensure that they are working as intended.

The following procedure shows you how to check for egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, multicast-enabled namespaces, network policies, and an NNCP. No action is necessary after checking for these resources.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. As an OpenShift Container Platform cluster administrator, check for egress firewall resources. You can do this by using the oc CLI, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. To check for egress firewall resource by using the oc CLI tool:

      1. To check for egress firewall resources, enter the following command:

        $ oc get -A

        Example output

        NAMESPACE    NAME                      AGE
        <namespace>  <example_egressfirewall>  5d

      2. You can check the intended behavior of an egress firewall resource by using the -o yaml flag. For example:

        $ oc get egressnetworkpolicy <example_egressfirewall> -n <namespace> -o yaml

        Example output

        kind: EgressNetworkPolicy
          name: <example_egress_policy>
          namespace: <namespace>
          - type: Allow
          - type: Deny

    2. To check for egress firewall resources by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
      2. In the Expression box, type sdn_controller_num_egress_firewalls and click Run queries. If you have egress firewall resources, they are returned in the Expression box.
  2. Check your cluster for egress IP resources. You can do this by using the oc CLI, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. To check for egress IPs by using the oc CLI tool:

      1. To list namespaces with egress IP resources, enter the following command

        $ oc get netnamespace -A | awk '$3 != ""'

        Example output

        NAME        NETID      EGRESS IPS
        namespace1  14173093   [""]
        namespace2  14173020   [""]

    2. To check for egress IPs by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
      2. In the Expression box, type sdn_controller_num_egress_ips and click Run queries. If you have egress firewall resources, they are returned in the Expression box.
  3. Check your cluster for multicast enabled namespaces. You can do this by using the oc CLI, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. To check for multicast enabled namespaces by using the oc CLI tool:

      1. To locate namespaces with multicast enabled, enter the following command:

        $ oc get netnamespace -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations."" == "true") |'

        Example output


    2. To check for multicast enabled namespaces by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
      2. In the Expression box, type sdn_controller_num_multicast_enabled_namespaces and click Run queries. If you have multicast enabled namespaces, they are returned in the Expression box.
  4. Check your cluster for any network policies. You can do this by using the oc CLI.

    1. To check for network policies by using the oc CLI tool, enter the following command:

      $ oc get networkpolicy -n <namespace>

      Example output

      NAME              POD-SELECTOR   AGE
      allow-multicast   app=my-app     11m Removing egress router pods before initiating the limited live migration

Before initiating the limited live migration, you must check for, and remove, any egress router pods. If there is an egress router pod on the cluster when performing a limited live migration, the Network Operator blocks the migration and returns the following error:

The cluster configuration is invalid (network type limited live migration is not supported for pods with `` annotation.

Please remove all egress router pods). Use `oc edit cluster` to fix.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. To locate egress router pods on your cluster, enter the following command:

    $ oc get pods --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations."" == "true") | {name:, namespace: .metadata.namespace}'

    Example output

      "name": "egress-multi",
      "namespace": "egress-router-project"

  2. Alternatively, you can query metrics on the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
    2. In the Expression box, enter network_attachment_definition_instances{networks="egress-router"}. Then, click Add.
  3. To remove an egress router pod, enter the following command:

    $ oc delete pod <egress_pod_name> -n <egress_router_project> Removing the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR)

The OpenShift SDN plugin allows application of the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR) to the primary interface on a node. The OVN-Kubernetes network plugin does not have this capability.

If you have an NNCP applied to the primary interface, you must delete the NNCP before migrating to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin. Deleting the NNCP does not remove the configuration from the primary interface, but the Kubernetes-NMState cannot manage this configuration. Instead, the shell script manages the primary interface and the configuration attached to it.


  • You created an NNCP CR and applied it to the primary interface of your network.


  1. Remove the configuration from the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) configuration object by running the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \ --patch '{"spec":{"migration":null}}'
  2. Delete the NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) custom resource (CR) that defines the primary network interface for the OpenShift SDN network plugin by completing the following steps:

    1. Check that the existing NNCP CR bonded the primary interface to your cluster by entering the following command:

      $ oc get nncp

      Example output

      NAME          STATUS      REASON
      bondmaster0   Available   SuccessfullyConfigured

      Network Manager stores the connection profile for the bonded primary interface in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections system path.

    2. Remove the NNCP from your cluster:

      $ oc delete nncp <nncp_manifest_filename> Initiating the limited live migration process

After you have checked the behavior of egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, and multicast enabled namespaces, and removed any egress router resources, you can initiate the limited live migration process.


  • A cluster has been configured with the OpenShift SDN CNI network plugin in the network policy isolation mode.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have created a recent backup of the etcd database.
  • The cluster is in a known good state without any errors.
  • Before migration to OVN-Kubernetes, a security group rule must be in place to allow UDP packets on port 6081 for all nodes on all cloud platforms.
  • If the and address ranges were previously in use by OpenShift-SDN, you have patched them. The first step of this procedure checks whether these address ranges are in use. If they are in use, see "Patching OVN-Kubernetes address ranges".
  • You have checked for egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, and multicast enabled namespaces.
  • You have removed any egress router pods before beginning the limited live migration. For more information about egress router pods, see "Deploying an egress router pod in redirect mode".
  • You have reviewed the "Considerations for limited live migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin" section of this document.


  1. To patch the cluster-level networking configuration and initiate the migration from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' --patch '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":""}},"spec":{"networkType":"OVNKubernetes"}}'

    After running this command, the migration process begins. During this process, the Machine Config Operator reboots the nodes in your cluster twice. The migration takes approximately twice as long as a cluster upgrade.


    This oc patch command checks for overlapping CIDRs in use by OpenShift SDN. If overlapping CIDRs are detected, you must patch them before the limited live migration process can start. For more information, see "Patching OVN-Kubernetes address ranges".

  2. Optional: To ensure that the migration process has completed, and to check the status of the network.config, you can enter the following commands:

    $ oc get cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.networkType}'
    $ oc get network.config cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions}' | jq .

    You can check limited live migration metrics for troubleshooting issues. For more information, see "Checking limited live migration metrics". Patching OVN-Kubernetes address ranges

OVN-Kubernetes reserves the following IP address ranges:

  • This IP address range is used for the internalJoinSubnet parameter of OVN-Kubernetes by default.
  • This IP address range is used for the internalTransSwitchSubnet parameter of OVN-Kubernetes by default.

If these IP addresses have been used by OpenShift SDN or any external networks that might communicate with this cluster, you must patch them to use a different IP address range before initiating the limited live migration.

The following procedure can be used to patch CIDR ranges that are in use by OpenShift SDN if the migration was initially blocked.


This is an optional procedure and must only be used if the migration was blocked after using the oc patch cluster --type='merge' --patch '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":""}},"spec":{"networkType":"OVNKubernetes"}}' command "Initiating the limited live migration process".


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. If the IP address range is already in use, enter the following command to patch it to a different range. The following example uses

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' -p='{"spec":{"defaultNetwork":{"ovnKubernetesConfig":{"ipv4":{"internalJoinSubnet": ""}}}}}'
  2. If the IP address range is already in use, enter the following command to patch it to a different range. The following example uses

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' -p='{"spec":{"defaultNetwork":{"ovnKubernetesConfig":{"ipv4":{"internalTransitSwitchSubnet": ""}}}}}'

After patching the and IP address ranges, you can initiate the limited live migration. Checking cluster resources after initiating the limited live migration

The following procedure shows you how to check for egress IP resources, egress firewall resources, multicast enabled namespaces, and network policies when your deploying is using OVN-Kubernetes. If you had these resources on OpenShift SDN, you should check them after migration to ensure that they are working properly.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have successfully migrated from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes by using the limited live migration.


  1. As an OpenShift Container Platform cluster administrator, check for egress firewall resources. You can do this by using the oc CLI, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. To check for egress firewall resource by using the oc CLI tool:

      1. To check for egress firewall resources, enter the following command:

        $ oc get -A

        Example output

        NAMESPACE    NAME                      AGE
        <namespace>  <example_egressfirewall>   5d

      2. You can check the intended behavior of an egress firewall resource by using the -o yaml flag. For example:

        $ oc get egressfirewall <example_egressfirewall> -n <namespace> -o yaml

        Example output

        kind: EgressFirewall
          name: <example_egress_policy>
          namespace: <namespace>
          - type: Allow
          - type: Deny

        Ensure that the behavior of this resource is intended because it could have changed after migration. For more information about egress firewalls, see "Configuring an egress firewall for a project".

    2. To check for egress firewall resources by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
      2. In the Expression box, type ovnkube_controller_num_egress_firewall_rules and click Run queries. If you have egress firewall resources, they are returned in the Expression box.
  2. Check your cluster for egress IP resources. You can do this by using the oc CLI, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

    1. To check for egress IPs by using the oc CLI tool:

      1. To list the namespace with egress IP resources, enter the following command:

        $ oc get egressip

        Example output

        NAME                EGRESSIPS    ASSIGNED NODE                              ASSIGNED EGRESSIPS

      2. To provide detailed information about an egress IP, enter the following command:

        $ oc get egressip <egressip_name> -o yaml

        Example output

        kind: EgressIP
          creationTimestamp: "2024-06-27T15:48:36Z"
          generation: 7
          name: egressip-sample
          resourceVersion: "125511578"
          uid: b65833c8-781f-4cc9-bc96-d970259a7631
              name: my-namespace

        Repeat this for all egress IPs. Ensure that the behavior of each resource is intended because it could have changed after migration. For more information about EgressIPs, see "Configuring an EgressIP address".

    2. To check for egress IPs by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. On the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Observe Metrics.
      2. In the Expression box, type ovnkube_clustermanager_num_egress_ips and click Run queries. If you have egress firewall resources, they are returned in the Expression box.
  3. Check your cluster for multicast enabled namespaces. You can only do this by using the oc CLI.

    1. To locate namespaces with multicast enabled, enter the following command:

      $ oc get namespace -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.metadata.annotations."" == "true") |'

      Example output


    2. To describe each multicast enabled namespace, enter the following command:

      $ oc describe namespace <namespace>

      Example output

      Name:         my-namespace
      Annotations: true
      Status:       Active

      Ensure that multicast functionality is correctly configured and working as expected in each namespace. For more information, see "Enabling multicast for a project".

  4. Check your cluster’s network policies. You can only do this by using the oc CLI.

    1. To obtain information about network policies within a namespace, enter the following command:

      $ oc get networkpolicy -n <namespace>

      Example output

      NAME              POD-SELECTOR   AGE
      allow-multicast   app=my-app     11m

    2. To provide detailed information about the network policy, enter the following command:

      $ oc describe networkpolicy allow-multicast -n <namespace>

      Example output

      Name:         allow-multicast
      Namespace:    my-namespace
      Created on:   2024-07-24 14:55:03 -0400 EDT
      Labels:       <none>
      Annotations:  <none>
        PodSelector:     app=my-app
        Allowing ingress traffic:
          To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports)
        Allowing egress traffic:
          To Port: <any> (traffic allowed to all ports)
        Policy Types: Ingress, Egress

      Ensure that the behavior of the network policy is as intended. Optimization for network policies differ between SDN and OVN-K, so users might need to adjust their policies to achieve optimal performance for different CNIs. For more information, see "About network policy". Checking limited live migration metrics

Metrics are available to monitor the progress of the limited live migration. Metrics can be viewed on the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or by using the oc CLI.


  • You have initiated a limited live migration to OVN-Kubernetes.


  1. To view limited live migration metrics on the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

    1. Click Observe Metrics.
    2. In the Expression box, type openshift_network and click the openshift_network_operator_live_migration_procedure option.
  2. To view metrics by using the oc CLI:

    1. Enter the following command to generate a token for the prometheus-k8s service account in the openshift-monitoring namespace:

      $ oc create token prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring

      Example output


    2. Enter the following command to request information about the openshift_network_operator_live_migration_condition metric:

      $ oc -n openshift-monitoring exec -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 -- curl -k -H "Authorization: <eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IlZiSUtwclcwbEJ2VW9We...>" "https://<openshift_API_endpoint>" --data-urlencode "query=openshift_network_operator_live_migration_condition" | jq

      Example output

       "status": "success",
        "data": {
          "resultType": "vector",
          "result": [
              "metric": {
                "__name__": "openshift_network_operator_live_migration_condition",
                "container": "network-operator",
                "endpoint": "metrics",
                "instance": "",
                "job": "metrics",
                "namespace": "openshift-network-operator",
                "pod": "network-operator-6c87754bc6-c8qld",
                "prometheus": "openshift-monitoring/k8s",
                "service": "metrics",
                "type": "NetworkTypeMigrationInProgress"
              "value": [

The table in "Information about limited live migration metrics" shows you the available metrics and the label values populated from the openshift_network_operator_live_migration_procedure expression. Use this information to monitor progress or to troubleshoot the migration. Information about limited live migration metrics

The following table shows you the available metrics and the label values populated from the openshift_network_operator_live_migration_procedure expression. Use this information to monitor progress or to troubleshoot the migration.

Table 24.11. Limited live migration metrics
MetricLabel values
A Prometheus gauge vector metric. A metric that contains a constant 1 value labeled with the reason that the CNI limited live migration might not have started. This metric is available when the CNI limited live migration has started by annotating the Network custom resource.
This metric is not published unless the limited live migration is blocked.
The list of label values includes the following
  • UnsupportedCNI: Unable to migrate to the unsupported target CNI. Valid CNI is OVNKubernetes when migrating from OpenShift SDN.
  • UnsupportedHyperShiftCluster: Limited live migration is unsupported within an HCP cluster.
  • UnsupportedSDNNetworkIsolationMode: OpenShift SDN is configured with an unsupported network isolation mode Multitenant. Migrate to a supported network isolation mode before performing limited live migration.
  • UnsupportedMACVLANInterface: Remove the egress router or any pods which contain the pod annotation Find the offending pod’s namespace or pod name with the following command:

    oc get pods -Ao=jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.pod\.network\.openshift\.io/assign-macvlan=="")]}{@.metadata.namespace}{"\t"}{}{"\n"}'.
A metric which represents the status of each condition type for the CNI limited live migration. The set of status condition types is defined for network.config to support observability of the CNI limited live migration.
A 1 value represents condition status true. A 0 value represents false. -1 represents unknown. This metric is available when the CNI limited live migration has started by annotating the Network custom resource (CR).
This metric is only available when the limited live migration has been triggered by adding the relevant annotation to the Network CR cluster, otherwise, it is not published. If the following condition types are not present within the Network CR cluster, the metric and their labels are cleared.
The list of label values includes the following
  • NetworkTypeMigrationInProgress
  • NetworkTypeMigrationTargetCNIAvailable
  • NetworkTypeMigrationTargetCNIInUse
  • NetworkTypeMigrationOriginalCNIPurged
  • NetworkTypeMigrationMTUReady

24.5.3. Additional resources

24.6. Rolling back to the OpenShift SDN network provider

As a cluster administrator, you can roll back to the OpenShift SDN network plugin from the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin using either the offline migration method, or the limited live migration method. This can only be done after the migration to the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin has successfully completed.

  • If you used the offline migration method to migrate to the OpenShift SDN network plugin from the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, you should use the offline migration rollback method.
  • If you used the limited live migration method to migrate to the OpenShift SDN network plugin from the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, you should use the limited live migration rollback method.

OpenShift SDN CNI is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.14. As of OpenShift Container Platform 4.15, the network plugin is not an option for new installations. In a subsequent future release, the OpenShift SDN network plugin is planned to be removed and no longer supported. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature until it is removed, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements. As an alternative to OpenShift SDN CNI, you can use OVN Kubernetes CNI instead. For more information, see OpenShift SDN CNI removal.

24.6.1. Using the offline migration method to roll back to the OpenShift SDN network plugin

Cluster administrators can roll back to the OpenShift SDN Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin by using the offline migration method. During the migration you must manually reboot every node in your cluster. With the offline migration method, there is some downtime, during which your cluster is unreachable.


You must wait until the migration process from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is successful before initiating a rollback.

If a rollback to OpenShift SDN is required, the following table describes the process.

Table 24.12. Performing a rollback to OpenShift SDN
User-initiated stepsMigration activity

Suspend the MCO to ensure that it does not interrupt the migration.

The MCO stops.

Set the migration field of the custom resource (CR) named cluster to OpenShiftSDN. Make sure the migration field is null before setting it to a value.

Updates the status of the CR named cluster accordingly.

Update the networkType field.


Performs the following actions:

  • Destroys the OVN-Kubernetes control plane pods.
  • Deploys the OpenShift SDN control plane pods.
  • Updates the Multus objects to reflect the new network plugin.

Reboot each node in the cluster.

As nodes reboot, the cluster assigns IP addresses to pods on the OpenShift-SDN network.

Enable the MCO after all nodes in the cluster reboot.

Rolls out an update to the systemd configuration necessary for OpenShift SDN; the MCO updates a single machine per pool at a time by default, so the total time the migration takes increases with the size of the cluster.


  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) is installed.
  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role is available.
  • The cluster is installed on infrastructure configured with the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • A recent backup of the etcd database is available.
  • A manual reboot can be triggered for each node.
  • The cluster is in a known good state, without any errors.


  1. Stop all of the machine configuration pools managed by the Machine Config Operator (MCO):

    • Stop the master configuration pool by entering the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc patch MachineConfigPool master --type='merge' --patch \
        '{ "spec": { "paused": true } }'
    • Stop the worker machine configuration pool by entering the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc patch MachineConfigPool worker --type='merge' --patch \
        '{ "spec":{ "paused": true } }'
  2. To prepare for the migration, set the migration field to null by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
      --patch '{ "spec": { "migration": null } }'
  3. Check that the migration status is empty for the object by entering the following command in your CLI. Empty command output indicates that the object is not in a migration operation.

    $ oc get Network.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.migration}'
  4. Apply the patch to the object to set the network plugin back to OpenShift SDN by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
      --patch '{ "spec": { "migration": { "networkType": "OpenShiftSDN" } } }'

    If you applied the patch to the object before the patch operation finalizes on the object, the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) enters into a degradation state and this causes a slight delay until the CNO recovers from the degraded state.

  5. Confirm that the migration status of the network plugin for the cluster object is OpenShiftSDN by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc get Network.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.migration.networkType}'
  6. Apply the patch to the object to set the network plugin back to OpenShift SDN by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
      --patch '{ "spec": { "networkType": "OpenShiftSDN" } }'
  7. Optional: Disable automatic migration of several OVN-Kubernetes capabilities to the OpenShift SDN equivalents:

    • Egress IPs
    • Egress firewall
    • Multicast

    To disable automatic migration of the configuration for any of the previously noted OpenShift SDN features, specify the following keys:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
      --patch '{
        "spec": {
          "migration": {
            "networkType": "OpenShiftSDN",
            "features": {
              "egressIP": <bool>,
              "egressFirewall": <bool>,
              "multicast": <bool>


    bool: Specifies whether to enable migration of the feature. The default is true.

  8. Optional: You can customize the following settings for OpenShift SDN to meet your network infrastructure requirements:

    • Maximum transmission unit (MTU)
    • VXLAN port

    To customize either or both of the previously noted settings, customize and enter the following command in your CLI. If you do not need to change the default value, omit the key from the patch.

    $ oc patch cluster --type=merge \
      --patch '{
    The MTU for the VXLAN overlay network. This value is normally configured automatically, but if the nodes in your cluster do not all use the same MTU, then you must set this explicitly to 50 less than the smallest node MTU value.
    The UDP port for the VXLAN overlay network. If a value is not specified, the default is 4789. The port cannot be the same as the Geneve port that is used by OVN-Kubernetes. The default value for the Geneve port is 6081.

    Example patch command

    $ oc patch cluster --type=merge \
      --patch '{

  9. Reboot each node in your cluster. You can reboot the nodes in your cluster with either of the following approaches:

    • With the oc rsh command, you can use a bash script similar to the following:

      readarray -t POD_NODES <<< "$(oc get pod -n openshift-machine-config-operator -o wide| grep daemon|awk '{print $1" "$7}')"
      for i in "${POD_NODES[@]}"
        read -r POD NODE <<< "$i"
        until oc rsh -n openshift-machine-config-operator "$POD" chroot /rootfs shutdown -r +1
            echo "cannot reboot node $NODE, retry" && sleep 3
    • With the ssh command, you can use a bash script similar to the following. The script assumes that you have configured sudo to not prompt for a password.

      for ip in $(oc get nodes  -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}')
         echo "reboot node $ip"
         ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no core@$ip sudo shutdown -r -t 3
  10. Wait until the Multus daemon set rollout completes. Run the following command to see your rollout status:

    $ oc -n openshift-multus rollout status daemonset/multus

    The name of the Multus pods is in the form of multus-<xxxxx> where <xxxxx> is a random sequence of letters. It might take several moments for the pods to restart.

    Example output

    Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 1 out of 6 new pods have been updated...
    Waiting for daemon set "multus" rollout to finish: 5 of 6 updated pods are available...
    daemon set "multus" successfully rolled out

  11. After the nodes in your cluster have rebooted and the multus pods are rolled out, start all of the machine configuration pools by running the following commands::

    • Start the master configuration pool:

      $ oc patch MachineConfigPool master --type='merge' --patch \
        '{ "spec": { "paused": false } }'
    • Start the worker configuration pool:

      $ oc patch MachineConfigPool worker --type='merge' --patch \
        '{ "spec": { "paused": false } }'

    As the MCO updates machines in each config pool, it reboots each node.

    By default the MCO updates a single machine per pool at a time, so the time that the migration requires to complete grows with the size of the cluster.

  12. Confirm the status of the new machine configuration on the hosts:

    1. To list the machine configuration state and the name of the applied machine configuration, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc describe node | egrep "hostname|machineconfig"

      Example output rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b rendered-master-c53e221d9d24e1c8bb6ee89dd3d8ad7b Done

      Verify that the following statements are true:

      • The value of field is Done.
      • The value of the field is equal to the value of the field.
    2. To confirm that the machine config is correct, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc get machineconfig <config_name> -o yaml

      where <config_name> is the name of the machine config from the field.

  13. Confirm that the migration succeeded:

    1. To confirm that the network plugin is OpenShift SDN, enter the following command in your CLI. The value of status.networkType must be OpenShiftSDN.

      $ oc get Network.config/cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.networkType}{"\n"}'
    2. To confirm that the cluster nodes are in the Ready state, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc get nodes
    3. If a node is stuck in the NotReady state, investigate the machine config daemon pod logs and resolve any errors.

      1. To list the pods, enter the following command in your CLI:

        $ oc get pod -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        Example output

        NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
        machine-config-controller-75f756f89d-sjp8b   1/1     Running   0          37m
        machine-config-daemon-5cf4b                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-7wzcd                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-fc946                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-g2v28                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-gcl4f                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-daemon-l5tnv                  2/2     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-operator-79d9c55d5-hth92      1/1     Running   0          37m
        machine-config-server-bsc8h                  1/1     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-server-hklrm                  1/1     Running   0          43h
        machine-config-server-k9rtx                  1/1     Running   0          43h

        The names for the config daemon pods are in the following format: machine-config-daemon-<seq>. The <seq> value is a random five character alphanumeric sequence.

      2. To display the pod log for each machine config daemon pod shown in the previous output, enter the following command in your CLI:

        $ oc logs <pod> -n openshift-machine-config-operator

        where pod is the name of a machine config daemon pod.

      3. Resolve any errors in the logs shown by the output from the previous command.
    4. To confirm that your pods are not in an error state, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --sort-by='{.spec.nodeName}'

      If pods on a node are in an error state, reboot that node.

  14. Complete the following steps only if the migration succeeds and your cluster is in a good state:

    1. To remove the migration configuration from the Cluster Network Operator configuration object, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        --patch '{ "spec": { "migration": null } }'
    2. To remove the OVN-Kubernetes configuration, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        --patch '{ "spec": { "defaultNetwork": { "ovnKubernetesConfig":null } } }'
    3. To remove the OVN-Kubernetes network provider namespace, enter the following command in your CLI:

      $ oc delete namespace openshift-ovn-kubernetes

24.6.2. Using the limited live migration method to roll back to the OpenShift SDN network plugin

As a cluster administrator, you can roll back to the OpenShift SDN Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin by using the limited live migration method. During the migration with this method, nodes are automatically rebooted and service to the cluster is not interrupted.


You must wait until the migration process from OpenShift SDN to OVN-Kubernetes network plugin is successful before initiating a rollback.

If a rollback to OpenShift SDN is required, the following table describes the process.

Table 24.13. Performing a rollback to OpenShift SDN
User-initiated stepsMigration activity

Patch the cluster-level networking configuration by changing the networkType from OVNKubernetes to OpenShiftSDN.

Cluster Network Operator (CNO)

Performs the following actions:

  • Sets migration related fields in the network.operator custom resource (CR) and waits for routable MTUs to be applied to all nodes by the Machine Config Operator (MCO).
  • Patches the network.operator CR to set the migration mode to Live for OpenShiftSDN and deploys the OpenShiftSDN network plugin in migration mode.
  • Deploys OVN-Kubernetes with hybrid overlay enabled.
  • Waits for both CNI plugins to be deployed and updates the conditions in the status of the network.config CR.
  • Triggers the MCO to apply the new machine config to each machine config pool, which includes node cordoning, draining, and rebooting.
  • Removes migration-related fields from the network.operator CR and performs cleanup actions, such as deleting OpenShift SDN resources and redeploying OVN-Kubernetes in normal mode with the necessary configurations.
  • Waits for the OpenShiftSDN redeployment and updates the status conditions in the network.config CR to indicate migration completion.


  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) is installed.
  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role is available.
  • The cluster is installed on infrastructure configured with the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • A recent backup of the etcd database is available.
  • A manual reboot can be triggered for each node.
  • The cluster is in a known good state, without any errors.


  1. To initiate the rollback to OpenShift SDN, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' --patch '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":""}},"spec":{"networkType":"OpenShiftSDN"}}'
  2. To watch the progress of your migration, enter the following command:

    $ watch -n1 'oc get network.config/cluster -o json | jq ".status.conditions[]|\"\\(.type) \\(.status) \\(.reason) \\(.message)\""  -r | column --table --table-columns NAME,STATUS,REASON,MESSAGE --table-columns-limit 4; echo; oc get mcp -o wide; echo; oc get node -o ",STATE:metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\\.openshift\\.io/state,DESIRED:metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\\.openshift\\.io/desiredConfig,CURRENT:metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\\.openshift\\.io/currentConfig,REASON:metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\\.openshift\\.io/reason"'

    The command prints the following information every second:

    • The conditions on the status of the object, reporting the progress of the migration.
    • The status of different nodes with respect to the machine-config-operator resource, including whether they are upgrading or have been upgraded, as well as their current and desired configurations.
  3. Complete the following steps only if the migration succeeds and your cluster is in a good state:

    1. Remove the annotation from the network.config custom resource by entering the following command:

      $ oc annotate network.config cluster
    2. Remove the OVN-Kubernetes network provider namespace by entering the following command:

      $ oc delete namespace openshift-ovn-kubernetes

24.7. Converting to IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking

As a cluster administrator, you can convert your IPv4 single-stack cluster to a dual-network cluster network that supports IPv4 and IPv6 address families. After converting to dual-stack networking, new and existing pods have dual-stack networking enabled.

Clusters provisioned on bare metal, IBM Power®, IBM Z® infrastructure, single-node OpenShift, and VMware vSphere support dual-stack networking.


When using dual-stack networking where IPv6 is required, you cannot use IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, such as ::FFFF:

24.7.1. Converting to a dual-stack cluster network

As a cluster administrator, you can convert your single-stack cluster network to a dual-stack cluster network. After converting to a dual-stack network, new and existing pods have dual-stack networking enabled.

Converting a single-stack cluster network to a dual-stack cluster network consists of creating patches and applying them to the cluster’s network and infrastructure.


Each patch operation that changes clusterNetwork, serviceNetwork, apiServerInternalIPs, and ingressIP objects triggers a restart of the cluster. Changing the MachineNetworks object does not cause a reboot of the cluster.

If you need to add IPv6 virtual IPs (VIPs) for API and Ingress services to an existing dual-stack-configured cluster, you need to patch only the cluster’s infrastructure and not the cluster’s network.


If you already upgraded your cluster to OpenShift Container Platform 4.16 or later and you need to convert the single-stack cluster network to a dual-stack cluster network, you must specify an existing IPv4 machineNetwork network configuration from the install-config.yaml file for API and Ingress services in the YAML configuration patch file. This configuration ensures that IPv4 traffic exists in the same network interface as the default gateway.

Example YAML configuration file with an added IPv4 address block for the machineNetwork network

- op: add
  path: /spec/platformSpec/baremetal/machineNetworks/- 1
  # ...

Ensure that you specify an address block for the machineNetwork network where your machines operate. You must select both API and Ingress IP addresses for the machine network.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Your cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • The cluster nodes have IPv6 addresses.
  • You have configured an IPv6-enabled router based on your infrastructure.


  1. To specify IPv6 address blocks for cluster and service networks, create a YAML configuration patch file that has a similar configuration to the following example:

    - op: add
      path: /spec/clusterNetwork/-
      value: 1
        cidr: fd01::/48
        hostPrefix: 64
    - op: add
      path: /spec/serviceNetwork/-
      value: fd02::/112 2
    Specify an object with the cidr and hostPrefix fields. The host prefix must be 64 or greater. The IPv6 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) prefix must be large enough to accommodate the specified host prefix.
    Specify an IPv6 CIDR with a prefix of 112. Kubernetes uses only the lowest 16 bits. For a prefix of 112, IP addresses are assigned from 112 to 128 bits.
  2. Patch the cluster network configuration by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc patch cluster \1
      --type='json' --patch-file <file>.yaml
    Where file specifies the name of your created YAML file.

    Example output patched

  3. To specify IPv6 VIPs for API and Ingress services for your cluster, create a YAML configuration patch file that has a similar configuration to the following example:

    - op: add
      path: /spec/platformSpec/baremetal/machineNetworks/- 1
      value: fd2e:6f44:5dd8::/64
    - op: add
      path: /spec/platformSpec/baremetal/apiServerInternalIPs/- 2
      value: fd2e:6f44:5dd8::4
    - op: add
      path: /spec/platformSpec/baremetal/ingressIPs/-
      value: fd2e:6f44:5dd8::5
    Ensure that you specify an address block for the machineNetwork network where your machines operate. You must select both API and Ingress IP addresses for the machine network.
    Ensure that you specify each file path according to your platform. The example demonstrates a file path on a bare-metal platform.
  4. Patch the cluster’s infrastructure by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc patch infrastructure cluster \1
      --type='json' --patch-file <file>.yaml
    Where file specifies the name of your created YAML file.

    Example output

    infrastructure/cluster patched


  1. Show the cluster network configuration by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc describe network
  2. Verify the successful installation of the patch on the network configuration by checking that the cluster network configuration recognizes the IPv6 address blocks that you specified in the YAML file.

    Example output

    # ...
      Cluster Network:
        Host Prefix:        23
        Cidr:               fd01::/48
        Host Prefix:        64
      Cluster Network MTU:  1400
      Network Type:         OVNKubernetes
      Service Network:
    # ...

  3. Show the cluster infrastructure configuration by entering the following command in your CLI:

    $ oc describe network
  4. Verify the successful installation of the patch on the cluster infrastructure by checking that the infrastructure recognizes the IPv6 address blocks that you specified in the YAML file.

    Example output

    # ...
    # ...
          - fd2e:6f44:5dd8::4
          - fd2e:6f44:5dd8::5
    # ...
          - fd2e:6f44:5dd8::4
          - fd2e:6f44:5dd8::5
    # ...

24.7.2. Converting to a single-stack cluster network

As a cluster administrator, you can convert your dual-stack cluster network to a single-stack cluster network.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Your cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • The cluster nodes have IPv6 addresses.
  • You have enabled dual-stack networking.


  1. Edit the custom resource (CR) by running the following command:

    $ oc edit
  2. Remove the IPv6 specific configuration that you have added to the cidr and hostPrefix fields in the previous procedure.

24.8. Configuring OVN-Kubernetes internal IP address subnets

As a cluster administrator, you can change the IP address ranges that the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin uses for the join and transit subnets.

24.8.1. Configuring the OVN-Kubernetes join subnet

You can change the join subnet used by OVN-Kubernetes to avoid conflicting with any existing subnets already in use in your environment.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Ensure that the cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.


  1. To change the OVN-Kubernetes join subnet, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        {"ipv4":{"internalJoinSubnet": "<join_subnet>"},
        "ipv6":{"internalJoinSubnet": "<join_subnet>"}}}}}'


    Specifies an IP address subnet for internal use by OVN-Kubernetes. The subnet must be larger than the number of nodes in the cluster and it must be large enough to accommodate one IP address per node in the cluster. This subnet cannot overlap with any other subnets used by OpenShift Container Platform or on the host itself. The default value for IPv4 is and the default value for IPv6 is fd98::/64.

    Example output patched


  • To confirm that the configuration is active, enter the following command:

    $ oc get \
      -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.defaultNetwork}"

    It can take up to 30 minutes for this change to take effect.

    Example output

      "ovnKubernetesConfig": {
        "ipv4": {
          "internalJoinSubnet": ""
      "type": "OVNKubernetes"

24.8.2. Configuring the OVN-Kubernetes transit subnet

You can change the transit subnet used by OVN-Kubernetes to avoid conflicting with any existing subnets already in use in your environment.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Ensure that the cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.


  1. To change the OVN-Kubernetes transit subnet, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type='merge' \
        {"ipv4":{"internalTransitSwitchSubnet": "<transit_subnet>"},
        "ipv6":{"internalTransitSwitchSubnet": "<transit_subnet>"}}}}}'


    Specifies an IP address subnet for the distributed transit switch that enables east-west traffic. This subnet cannot overlap with any other subnets used by OVN-Kubernetes or on the host itself. The default value for IPv4 is and the default value for IPv6 is fd97::/64.

    Example output patched


  • To confirm that the configuration is active, enter the following command:

    $ oc get \
      -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.defaultNetwork}"

    It can take up to 30 minutes for this change to take effect.

    Example output

      "ovnKubernetesConfig": {
        "ipv4": {
          "internalTransitSwitchSubnet": ""
      "type": "OVNKubernetes"

24.9. Configure an external gateway on the default network

As a cluster administrator, you can configure an external gateway on the default network.

This feature offers the following benefits:

  • Granular control over egress traffic on a per-namespace basis
  • Flexible configuration of static and dynamic external gateway IP addresses
  • Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 address families

24.9.1. Prerequisites

  • Your cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.
  • Your infrastructure is configured to route traffic from the secondary external gateway.

24.9.2. How OpenShift Container Platform determines the external gateway IP address

You configure a secondary external gateway with the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute custom resource (CR) from the API group. The CR supports static and dynamic approaches to specifying an external gateway’s IP address.

Each namespace that a AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute CR targets cannot be selected by any other AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute CR. A namespace cannot have concurrent secondary external gateways.

Changes to policies are isolated in the controller. If a policy fails to apply, changes to other policies do not trigger a retry of other policies. Policies are only re-evaluated, applying any differences that might have occurred by the change, when updates to the policy itself or related objects to the policy such as target namespaces, pod gateways, or namespaces hosting them from dynamic hops are made.

Static assignment
You specify an IP address directly.
Dynamic assignment

You specify an IP address indirectly, with namespace and pod selectors, and an optional network attachment definition.

  • If the name of a network attachment definition is provided, the external gateway IP address of the network attachment is used.
  • If the name of a network attachment definition is not provided, the external gateway IP address for the pod itself is used. However, this approach works only if the pod is configured with hostNetwork set to true.

24.9.3. AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object configuration

You can define an AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object, which is cluster scoped, with the following properties. A namespace can be selected by only one AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute CR at a time.

Table 24.14. AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object


Specifies the name of the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object.



Specifies a namespace selector that the routing polices apply to. Only namespaceSelector is supported for external traffic. For example:

    matchLabels: novxlan-externalgw-ecmp-4059

A namespace can only be targeted by one AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute CR. If a namespace is selected by more than one AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute CR, a failed error status occurs on the second and subsequent CRs that target the same namespace. To apply updates, you must change the policy itself or related objects to the policy such as target namespaces, pod gateways, or namespaces hosting them from dynamic hops in order for the policy to be re-evaluated and your changes to be applied.



Specifies the destinations where the packets are forwarded to. Must be either or both of static and dynamic. You must have at least one next hop defined.

Table 24.15. nextHops object



Specifies an array of static IP addresses.



Specifies an array of pod selectors corresponding to pods configured with a network attachment definition to use as the external gateway target.

Table 24.16. nextHops.static object



Specifies either an IPv4 or IPv6 address of the next destination hop.



Optional: Specifies whether Bi-Directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is supported by the network. The default value is false.

Table 24.17. nextHops.dynamic object



Specifies a [set-based]( label selector to filter the pods in the namespace that match this network configuration.



Specifies a set-based selector to filter the namespaces that the podSelector applies to. You must specify a value for this field.



Optional: Specifies whether Bi-Directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is supported by the network. The default value is false.



Optional: Specifies the name of a network attachment definition. The name must match the list of logical networks associated with the pod. If this field is not specified, the host network of the pod is used. However, the pod must be configure as a host network pod to use the host network. Example secondary external gateway configurations

In the following example, the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object configures two static IP addresses as external gateways for pods in namespaces with the novxlan-externalgw-ecmp-4059 label.

kind: AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute
  name: default-route-policy
      matchLabels: novxlan-externalgw-ecmp-4059
    - ip: ""
    - ip: ""

In the following example, the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object configures a dynamic external gateway. The IP addresses used for the external gateway are derived from the additional network attachments associated with each of the selected pods.

kind: AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute
  name: shadow-traffic-policy
        externalTraffic: ""
    - podSelector:
          gatewayPod: ""
          shadowTraffic: ""
      networkAttachmentName: shadow-gateway
    - podSelector:
          gigabyteGW: ""
          gatewayNamespace: ""
      networkAttachmentName: gateway

In the following example, the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object configures both static and dynamic external gateways.

kind: AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute
  name: multi-hop-policy
        trafficType: "egress"
    - ip: ""
    - ip: ""
    - podSelector:
          gatewayPod: ""
          egressTraffic: ""
      networkAttachmentName: gigabyte

24.9.4. Configure a secondary external gateway

You can configure an external gateway on the default network for a namespace in your cluster.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create a YAML file that contains an AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object.
  2. To create an admin policy based external route, enter the following command:

    $ oc create -f <file>.yaml


    Specifies the name of the YAML file that you created in the previous step.

    Example output created

  3. To confirm that the admin policy based external route was created, enter the following command:

    $ oc describe apbexternalroute <name> | tail -n 6


    Specifies the name of the AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute object.

    Example output

      Last Transition Time:  2023-04-24T15:09:01Z
      Configured external gateway IPs:
      Status:  Success
    Events:  <none>

24.9.5. Additional resources

24.10. Configuring an egress IP address

As a cluster administrator, you can configure the OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) network plugin to assign one or more egress IP addresses to a namespace, or to specific pods in a namespace.

24.10.1. Egress IP address architectural design and implementation

The OpenShift Container Platform egress IP address functionality allows you to ensure that the traffic from one or more pods in one or more namespaces has a consistent source IP address for services outside the cluster network.

For example, you might have a pod that periodically queries a database that is hosted on a server outside of your cluster. To enforce access requirements for the server, a packet filtering device is configured to allow traffic only from specific IP addresses. To ensure that you can reliably allow access to the server from only that specific pod, you can configure a specific egress IP address for the pod that makes the requests to the server.

An egress IP address assigned to a namespace is different from an egress router, which is used to send traffic to specific destinations.

In some cluster configurations, application pods and ingress router pods run on the same node. If you configure an egress IP address for an application project in this scenario, the IP address is not used when you send a request to a route from the application project.


Egress IP addresses must not be configured in any Linux network configuration files, such as ifcfg-eth0. Platform support

Support for the egress IP address functionality on various platforms is summarized in the following table:


Bare metal


VMware vSphere


Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP)


Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Microsoft Azure


IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE


IBM Z® and IBM® LinuxONE for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) KVM


IBM Power®





The assignment of egress IP addresses to control plane nodes with the EgressIP feature is not supported on a cluster provisioned on Amazon Web Services (AWS). (BZ#2039656). Public cloud platform considerations

For clusters provisioned on public cloud infrastructure, there is a constraint on the absolute number of assignable IP addresses per node. The maximum number of assignable IP addresses per node, or the IP capacity, can be described in the following formula:

IP capacity = public cloud default capacity - sum(current IP assignments)

While the Egress IPs capability manages the IP address capacity per node, it is important to plan for this constraint in your deployments. For example, for a cluster installed on bare-metal infrastructure with 8 nodes you can configure 150 egress IP addresses. However, if a public cloud provider limits IP address capacity to 10 IP addresses per node, the total number of assignable IP addresses is only 80. To achieve the same IP address capacity in this example cloud provider, you would need to allocate 7 additional nodes.

To confirm the IP capacity and subnets for any node in your public cloud environment, you can enter the oc get node <node_name> -o yaml command. The annotation includes capacity and subnet information for the node.

The annotation value is an array with a single object with fields that provide the following information for the primary network interface:

  • interface: Specifies the interface ID on AWS and Azure and the interface name on GCP.
  • ifaddr: Specifies the subnet mask for one or both IP address families.
  • capacity: Specifies the IP address capacity for the node. On AWS, the IP address capacity is provided per IP address family. On Azure and GCP, the IP address capacity includes both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Automatic attachment and detachment of egress IP addresses for traffic between nodes are available. This allows for traffic from many pods in namespaces to have a consistent source IP address to locations outside of the cluster. This also supports OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes, which is the default networking plugin in Red Hat OpenShift Networking in OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.


The RHOSP egress IP address feature creates a Neutron reservation port called egressip-<IP address>. Using the same RHOSP user as the one used for the OpenShift Container Platform cluster installation, you can assign a floating IP address to this reservation port to have a predictable SNAT address for egress traffic. When an egress IP address on an RHOSP network is moved from one node to another, because of a node failover, for example, the Neutron reservation port is removed and recreated. This means that the floating IP association is lost and you need to manually reassign the floating IP address to the new reservation port.


When an RHOSP cluster administrator assigns a floating IP to the reservation port, OpenShift Container Platform cannot delete the reservation port. The CloudPrivateIPConfig object cannot perform delete and move operations until an RHOSP cluster administrator unassigns the floating IP from the reservation port.

The following examples illustrate the annotation from nodes on several public cloud providers. The annotations are indented for readability.

Example annotation on AWS [

Example annotation on GCP [

The following sections describe the IP address capacity for supported public cloud environments for use in your capacity calculation. Amazon Web Services (AWS) IP address capacity limits

On AWS, constraints on IP address assignments depend on the instance type configured. For more information, see IP addresses per network interface per instance type Google Cloud Platform (GCP) IP address capacity limits

On GCP, the networking model implements additional node IP addresses through IP address aliasing, rather than IP address assignments. However, IP address capacity maps directly to IP aliasing capacity.

The following capacity limits exist for IP aliasing assignment:

  • Per node, the maximum number of IP aliases, both IPv4 and IPv6, is 100.
  • Per VPC, the maximum number of IP aliases is unspecified, but OpenShift Container Platform scalability testing reveals the maximum to be approximately 15,000.

For more information, see Per instance quotas and Alias IP ranges overview. Microsoft Azure IP address capacity limits

On Azure, the following capacity limits exist for IP address assignment:

  • Per NIC, the maximum number of assignable IP addresses, for both IPv4 and IPv6, is 256.
  • Per virtual network, the maximum number of assigned IP addresses cannot exceed 65,536.

For more information, see Networking limits. Considerations for using an egress IP on additional network interfaces

In OpenShift Container Platform, egress IPs provide administrators a way to control network traffic. Egress IPs can be used with the br-ex, or primary, network interface, which is a Linux bridge interface associated with Open vSwitch, or they can be used with additional network interfaces.

You can inspect your network interface type by running the following command:

$ ip -details link show

The primary network interface is assigned a node IP address which also contains a subnet mask. Information for this node IP address can be retrieved from the Kubernetes node object for each node within your cluster by inspecting the annotation. In an IPv4 cluster, this annotation is similar to the following example: " {"ipv4":""}".

If the egress IP is not within the subnet of the primary network interface subnet, you can use an egress IP on another Linux network interface that is not of the primary network interface type. By doing so, OpenShift Container Platform administrators are provided with a greater level of control over networking aspects such as routing, addressing, segmentation, and security policies. This feature provides users with the option to route workload traffic over specific network interfaces for purposes such as traffic segmentation or meeting specialized requirements.

If the egress IP is not within the subnet of the primary network interface, then the selection of another network interface for egress traffic might occur if they are present on a node.

You can determine which other network interfaces might support egress IPs by inspecting the Kubernetes node annotation. This annotation contains the addresses and subnet mask found for the primary network interface. It also contains additional network interface addresses and subnet mask information. These addresses and subnet masks are assigned to network interfaces that use the longest prefix match routing mechanism to determine which network interface supports the egress IP.


OVN-Kubernetes provides a mechanism to control and direct outbound network traffic from specific namespaces and pods. This ensures that it exits the cluster through a particular network interface and with a specific egress IP address.

Requirements for assigning an egress IP to a network interface that is not the primary network interface

For users who want an egress IP and traffic to be routed over a particular interface that is not the primary network interface, the following conditions must be met:

  • OpenShift Container Platform is installed on a bare metal cluster. This feature is disabled within cloud or hypervisor environments.
  • Your OpenShift Container Platform pods are not configured as host-networked.
  • If a network interface is removed or if the IP address and subnet mask which allows the egress IP to be hosted on the interface is removed, then the egress IP is reconfigured. Consequently, it could be assigned to another node and interface.
  • IP forwarding must be enabled for the network interface. To enable IP forwarding, you can use the oc edit network.operator command and edit the object like the following example:

    # ...
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
            ipForwarding: Global
    # ... Assignment of egress IPs to pods

To assign one or more egress IPs to a namespace or specific pods in a namespace, the following conditions must be satisfied:

  • At least one node in your cluster must have the "" label.
  • An EgressIP object exists that defines one or more egress IP addresses to use as the source IP address for traffic leaving the cluster from pods in a namespace.

If you create EgressIP objects prior to labeling any nodes in your cluster for egress IP assignment, OpenShift Container Platform might assign every egress IP address to the first node with the "" label.

To ensure that egress IP addresses are widely distributed across nodes in the cluster, always apply the label to the nodes you intent to host the egress IP addresses before creating any EgressIP objects. Assignment of egress IPs to nodes

When creating an EgressIP object, the following conditions apply to nodes that are labeled with the "" label:

  • An egress IP address is never assigned to more than one node at a time.
  • An egress IP address is equally balanced between available nodes that can host the egress IP address.
  • If the spec.EgressIPs array in an EgressIP object specifies more than one IP address, the following conditions apply:

    • No node will ever host more than one of the specified IP addresses.
    • Traffic is balanced roughly equally between the specified IP addresses for a given namespace.
  • If a node becomes unavailable, any egress IP addresses assigned to it are automatically reassigned, subject to the previously described conditions.

When a pod matches the selector for multiple EgressIP objects, there is no guarantee which of the egress IP addresses that are specified in the EgressIP objects is assigned as the egress IP address for the pod.

Additionally, if an EgressIP object specifies multiple egress IP addresses, there is no guarantee which of the egress IP addresses might be used. For example, if a pod matches a selector for an EgressIP object with two egress IP addresses, and, either might be used for each TCP connection or UDP conversation. Architectural diagram of an egress IP address configuration

The following diagram depicts an egress IP address configuration. The diagram describes four pods in two different namespaces running on three nodes in a cluster. The nodes are assigned IP addresses from the CIDR block on the host network.

Both Node 1 and Node 3 are labeled with "" and thus available for the assignment of egress IP addresses.

The dashed lines in the diagram depict the traffic flow from pod1, pod2, and pod3 traveling through the pod network to egress the cluster from Node 1 and Node 3. When an external service receives traffic from any of the pods selected by the example EgressIP object, the source IP address is either or The traffic is balanced roughly equally between these two nodes.

The following resources from the diagram are illustrated in detail:

Namespace objects

The namespaces are defined in the following manifest:

Namespace objects

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: namespace1
    env: prod
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: namespace2
    env: prod

EgressIP object

The following EgressIP object describes a configuration that selects all pods in any namespace with the env label set to prod. The egress IP addresses for the selected pods are and

EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egressips-prod
      env: prod
  - node: node1
  - node: node3

For the configuration in the previous example, OpenShift Container Platform assigns both egress IP addresses to the available nodes. The status field reflects whether and where the egress IP addresses are assigned.

24.10.2. EgressIP object

The following YAML describes the API for the EgressIP object. The scope of the object is cluster-wide; it is not created in a namespace.

kind: EgressIP
  name: <name> 1
  egressIPs: 2
  - <ip_address>
  namespaceSelector: 3
  podSelector: 4
The name for the EgressIPs object.
An array of one or more IP addresses.
One or more selectors for the namespaces to associate the egress IP addresses with.
Optional: One or more selectors for pods in the specified namespaces to associate egress IP addresses with. Applying these selectors allows for the selection of a subset of pods within a namespace.

The following YAML describes the stanza for the namespace selector:

Namespace selector stanza

namespaceSelector: 1
    <label_name>: <label_value>

One or more matching rules for namespaces. If more than one match rule is provided, all matching namespaces are selected.

The following YAML describes the optional stanza for the pod selector:

Pod selector stanza

podSelector: 1
    <label_name>: <label_value>

Optional: One or more matching rules for pods in the namespaces that match the specified namespaceSelector rules. If specified, only pods that match are selected. Others pods in the namespace are not selected.

In the following example, the EgressIP object associates the and egress IP addresses with pods that have the app label set to web and are in the namespaces that have the env label set to prod:

Example EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egress-group1
      app: web
      env: prod

In the following example, the EgressIP object associates the and egress IP addresses with any pods that do not have the environment label set to development:

Example EgressIP object

kind: EgressIP
  name: egress-group2
    - key: environment
      operator: NotIn
      - development

24.10.3. The egressIPConfig object

As a feature of egress IP, the reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds parameter configures the EgressIP node reachability check total timeout in seconds. If the EgressIP node cannot be reached within this timeout, the node is declared down.

You can set a value for the reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds in the configuration file for the egressIPConfig object. Setting a large value might cause the EgressIP implementation to react slowly to node changes. The implementation reacts slowly for EgressIP nodes that have an issue and are unreachable.

If you omit the reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds parameter from the egressIPConfig object, the platform chooses a reasonable default value, which is subject to change over time. The current default is 1 second. A value of 0 disables the reachability check for the EgressIP node.

The following egressIPConfig object describes changing the reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds from the default 1 second probes to 5 second probes:

kind: Network
  name: cluster
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
      egressIPConfig: 1
        reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds: 5 2
        routingViaHost: false
      genevePort: 6081
The egressIPConfig holds the configurations for the options of the EgressIP object. By changing these configurations, you can extend the EgressIP object.
The value for reachabilityTotalTimeoutSeconds accepts integer values from 0 to 60. A value of 0 disables the reachability check of the egressIP node. Setting a value from 1 to 60 corresponds to the timeout in seconds for a probe to send the reachability check to the node.

24.10.4. Labeling a node to host egress IP addresses

You can apply the"" label to a node in your cluster so that OpenShift Container Platform can assign one or more egress IP addresses to the node.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.


  • To label a node so that it can host one or more egress IP addresses, enter the following command:

    $ oc label nodes <node_name>"" 1
    The name of the node to label.

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to add the label to a node:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Node
      labels: ""
      name: <node_name>

24.10.5. Next steps

24.10.6. Additional resources

24.11. Assigning an egress IP address

As a cluster administrator, you can assign an egress IP address for traffic leaving the cluster from a namespace or from specific pods in a namespace.

24.11.1. Assigning an egress IP address to a namespace

You can assign one or more egress IP addresses to a namespace or to specific pods in a namespace.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in to the cluster as a cluster administrator.
  • Configure at least one node to host an egress IP address.


  1. Create an EgressIP object:

    1. Create a <egressips_name>.yaml file where <egressips_name> is the name of the object.
    2. In the file that you created, define an EgressIP object, as in the following example:

      kind: EgressIP
        name: egress-project1
            env: qa
  2. To create the object, enter the following command.

    $ oc apply -f <egressips_name>.yaml 1
    Replace <egressips_name> with the name of the object.

    Example output<egressips_name> created

  3. Optional: Store the <egressips_name>.yaml file so that you can make changes later.
  4. Add labels to the namespace that requires egress IP addresses. To add a label to the namespace of an EgressIP object defined in step 1, run the following command:

    $ oc label ns <namespace> env=qa 1
    Replace <namespace> with the namespace that requires egress IP addresses.


  • To show all egress IPs that are in use in your cluster, enter the following command:

    $ oc get egressip -o yaml

    The command oc get egressip only returns one egress IP address regardless of how many are configured. This is not a bug and is a limitation of Kubernetes. As a workaround, you can pass in the -o yaml or -o json flags to return all egress IPs addresses in use.

    Example output

    # ...
    # ...

24.11.2. Additional resources

24.12. Configuring an egress service

As a cluster administrator, you can configure egress traffic for pods behind a load balancer service by using an egress service.


Egress service is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You can use the EgressService custom resource (CR) to manage egress traffic in the following ways:

  • Assign a load balancer service IP address as the source IP address for egress traffic for pods behind the load balancer service.

    Assigning the load balancer IP address as the source IP address in this context is useful to present a single point of egress and ingress. For example, in some scenarios, an external system communicating with an application behind a load balancer service can expect the source and destination IP address for the application to be the same.


    When you assign the load balancer service IP address to egress traffic for pods behind the service, OVN-Kubernetes restricts the ingress and egress point to a single node. This limits the load balancing of traffic that MetalLB typically provides.

  • Assign the egress traffic for pods behind a load balancer to a different network than the default node network.

    This is useful to assign the egress traffic for applications behind a load balancer to a different network than the default network. Typically, the different network is implemented by using a VRF instance associated with a network interface.

24.12.1. Egress service custom resource

Define the configuration for an egress service in an EgressService custom resource. The following YAML describes the fields for the configuration of an egress service:

kind: EgressService
  name: <egress_service_name> 1
  namespace: <namespace> 2
  sourceIPBy: <egress_traffic_ip> 3
  nodeSelector: 4
    matchLabels:<role>: ""
  network: <egress_traffic_network> 5
Specify the name for the egress service. The name of the EgressService resource must match the name of the load-balancer service that you want to modify.
Specify the namespace for the egress service. The namespace for the EgressService must match the namespace of the load-balancer service that you want to modify. The egress service is namespace-scoped.
Specify the source IP address of egress traffic for pods behind a service. Valid values are LoadBalancerIP or Network. Use the LoadBalancerIP value to assign the LoadBalancer service ingress IP address as the source IP address for egress traffic. Specify Network to assign the network interface IP address as the source IP address for egress traffic.
Optional: If you use the LoadBalancerIP value for the sourceIPBy specification, a single node handles the LoadBalancer service traffic. Use the nodeSelector field to limit which node can be assigned this task. When a node is selected to handle the service traffic, OVN-Kubernetes labels the node in the following format:<svc-namespace>-<svc-name>: "". When the nodeSelector field is not specified, any node can manage the LoadBalancer service traffic.
Optional: Specify the routing table for egress traffic. If you do not include the network specification, the egress service uses the default host network.

Example egress service specification

kind: EgressService
  name: test-egress-service
  namespace: test-namespace
  sourceIPBy: "LoadBalancerIP"
      vrf: "true"
  network: "2"

24.12.2. Deploying an egress service

You can deploy an egress service to manage egress traffic for pods behind a LoadBalancer service.

The following example configures the egress traffic to have the same source IP address as the ingress IP address of the LoadBalancer service.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You configured MetalLB BGPPeer resources.


  1. Create an IPAddressPool CR with the desired IP for the service:

    1. Create a file, such as ip-addr-pool.yaml, with content like the following example:

      kind: IPAddressPool
        name: example-pool
        namespace: metallb-system
    2. Apply the configuration for the IP address pool by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f ip-addr-pool.yaml
  2. Create Service and EgressService CRs:

    1. Create a file, such as service-egress-service.yaml, with content like the following example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: example-service
        namespace: example-namespace
 example-pool 1
          app: example
          - name: http
            protocol: TCP
            port: 8080
            targetPort: 8080
        type: LoadBalancer
      kind: EgressService
        name: example-service
        namespace: example-namespace
        sourceIPBy: "LoadBalancerIP" 2
        nodeSelector: 3
      The LoadBalancer service uses the IP address assigned by MetalLB from the example-pool IP address pool.
      This example uses the LoadBalancerIP value to assign the ingress IP address of the LoadBalancer service as the source IP address of egress traffic.
      When you specify the LoadBalancerIP value, a single node handles the LoadBalancer service’s traffic. In this example, only nodes with the worker label can be selected to handle the traffic. When a node is selected, OVN-Kubernetes labels the node in the following format<svc-namespace>-<svc-name>: "".

      If you use the sourceIPBy: "LoadBalancerIP" setting, you must specify the load-balancer node in the BGPAdvertisement custom resource (CR).

    2. Apply the configuration for the service and egress service by running the following command:

      $ oc apply -f service-egress-service.yaml
  3. Create a BGPAdvertisement CR to advertise the service:

    1. Create a file, such as service-bgp-advertisement.yaml, with content like the following example:

      kind: BGPAdvertisement
        name: example-bgp-adv
        namespace: metallb-system
        - example-pool
        - matchLabels:
   "" 1
      In this example, the EgressService CR configures the source IP address for egress traffic to use the load-balancer service IP address. Therefore, you must specify the load-balancer node for return traffic to use the same return path for the traffic originating from the pod.


  1. Verify that you can access the application endpoint of the pods running behind the MetalLB service by running the following command:

    $ curl <external_ip_address>:<port_number> 1
    Update the external IP address and port number to suit your application endpoint.
  2. If you assigned the LoadBalancer service’s ingress IP address as the source IP address for egress traffic, verify this configuration by using tools such as tcpdump to analyze packets received at the external client.

24.13. Considerations for the use of an egress router pod

24.13.1. About an egress router pod

The OpenShift Container Platform egress router pod redirects traffic to a specified remote server from a private source IP address that is not used for any other purpose. An egress router pod can send network traffic to servers that are set up to allow access only from specific IP addresses.


The egress router pod is not intended for every outgoing connection. Creating large numbers of egress router pods can exceed the limits of your network hardware. For example, creating an egress router pod for every project or application could exceed the number of local MAC addresses that the network interface can handle before reverting to filtering MAC addresses in software.


The egress router image is not compatible with Amazon AWS, Azure Cloud, or any other cloud platform that does not support layer 2 manipulations due to their incompatibility with macvlan traffic. Egress router modes

In redirect mode, an egress router pod configures iptables rules to redirect traffic from its own IP address to one or more destination IP addresses. Client pods that need to use the reserved source IP address must be configured to access the service for the egress router rather than connecting directly to the destination IP. You can access the destination service and port from the application pod by using the curl command. For example:

$ curl <router_service_IP> <port>

The egress router CNI plugin supports redirect mode only. This is a difference with the egress router implementation that you can deploy with OpenShift SDN. Unlike the egress router for OpenShift SDN, the egress router CNI plugin does not support HTTP proxy mode or DNS proxy mode. Egress router pod implementation

The egress router implementation uses the egress router Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin. The plugin adds a secondary network interface to a pod.

An egress router is a pod that has two network interfaces. For example, the pod can have eth0 and net1 network interfaces. The eth0 interface is on the cluster network and the pod continues to use the interface for ordinary cluster-related network traffic. The net1 interface is on a secondary network and has an IP address and gateway for that network. Other pods in the OpenShift Container Platform cluster can access the egress router service and the service enables the pods to access external services. The egress router acts as a bridge between pods and an external system.

Traffic that leaves the egress router exits through a node, but the packets have the MAC address of the net1 interface from the egress router pod.

When you add an egress router custom resource, the Cluster Network Operator creates the following objects:

  • The network attachment definition for the net1 secondary network interface of the pod.
  • A deployment for the egress router.

If you delete an egress router custom resource, the Operator deletes the two objects in the preceding list that are associated with the egress router. Deployment considerations

An egress router pod adds an additional IP address and MAC address to the primary network interface of the node. As a result, you might need to configure your hypervisor or cloud provider to allow the additional address.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP)

If you deploy OpenShift Container Platform on RHOSP, you must allow traffic from the IP and MAC addresses of the egress router pod on your OpenStack environment. If you do not allow the traffic, then communication will fail:

$ openstack port set --allowed-address \
  ip_address=<ip_address>,mac_address=<mac_address> <neutron_port_uuid>
VMware vSphere
If you are using VMware vSphere, see the VMware documentation for securing vSphere standard switches. View and change VMware vSphere default settings by selecting the host virtual switch from the vSphere Web Client.

Specifically, ensure that the following are enabled: Failover configuration

To avoid downtime, the Cluster Network Operator deploys the egress router pod as a deployment resource. The deployment name is egress-router-cni-deployment. The pod that corresponds to the deployment has a label of app=egress-router-cni.

To create a new service for the deployment, use the oc expose deployment/egress-router-cni-deployment --port <port_number> command or create a file like the following example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: app-egress
  - name: tcp-8080
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8080
  - name: tcp-8443
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8443
  - name: udp-80
    protocol: UDP
    port: 80
  type: ClusterIP
    app: egress-router-cni

24.13.2. Additional resources

24.14. Deploying an egress router pod in redirect mode

As a cluster administrator, you can deploy an egress router pod to redirect traffic to specified destination IP addresses from a reserved source IP address.

The egress router implementation uses the egress router Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin.

24.14.1. Egress router custom resource

Define the configuration for an egress router pod in an egress router custom resource. The following YAML describes the fields for the configuration of an egress router in redirect mode:

kind: EgressRouter
  name: <egress_router_name>
  namespace: <namespace>  1
  addresses: [  2
      ip: "<egress_router>",  3
      gateway: "<egress_gateway>"  4
  mode: Redirect
  redirect: {
    redirectRules: [  5
        destinationIP: "<egress_destination>",
        port: <egress_router_port>,
        targetPort: <target_port>,  6
        protocol: <network_protocol>  7
    fallbackIP: "<egress_destination>" 8
Optional: The namespace field specifies the namespace to create the egress router in. If you do not specify a value in the file or on the command line, the default namespace is used.
The addresses field specifies the IP addresses to configure on the secondary network interface.
The ip field specifies the reserved source IP address and netmask from the physical network that the node is on to use with egress router pod. Use CIDR notation to specify the IP address and netmask.
The gateway field specifies the IP address of the network gateway.
Optional: The redirectRules field specifies a combination of egress destination IP address, egress router port, and protocol. Incoming connections to the egress router on the specified port and protocol are routed to the destination IP address.
Optional: The targetPort field specifies the network port on the destination IP address. If this field is not specified, traffic is routed to the same network port that it arrived on.
The protocol field supports TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
Optional: The fallbackIP field specifies a destination IP address. If you do not specify any redirect rules, the egress router sends all traffic to this fallback IP address. If you specify redirect rules, any connections to network ports that are not defined in the rules are sent by the egress router to this fallback IP address. If you do not specify this field, the egress router rejects connections to network ports that are not defined in the rules.

Example egress router specification

kind: EgressRouter
  name: egress-router-redirect
  networkInterface: {
    macvlan: {
      mode: "Bridge"
  addresses: [
      ip: "",
      gateway: ""
  mode: Redirect
  redirect: {
    redirectRules: [
        destinationIP: "",
        port: 80,
        protocol: UDP
        destinationIP: "",
        port: 8080,
        targetPort: 80,
        protocol: TCP
        destinationIP: "",
        port: 8443,
        targetPort: 443,
        protocol: TCP

24.14.2. Deploying an egress router in redirect mode

You can deploy an egress router to redirect traffic from its own reserved source IP address to one or more destination IP addresses.

After you add an egress router, the client pods that need to use the reserved source IP address must be modified to connect to the egress router rather than connecting directly to the destination IP.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Create an egress router definition.
  2. To ensure that other pods can find the IP address of the egress router pod, create a service that uses the egress router, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: egress-1
      - name: web-app
        protocol: TCP
        port: 8080
      type: ClusterIP
        app: egress-router-cni 1
    Specify the label for the egress router. The value shown is added by the Cluster Network Operator and is not configurable.

    After you create the service, your pods can connect to the service. The egress router pod redirects traffic to the corresponding port on the destination IP address. The connections originate from the reserved source IP address.


To verify that the Cluster Network Operator started the egress router, complete the following procedure:

  1. View the network attachment definition that the Operator created for the egress router:

    $ oc get network-attachment-definition egress-router-cni-nad

    The name of the network attachment definition is not configurable.

    Example output

    NAME                    AGE
    egress-router-cni-nad   18m

  2. View the deployment for the egress router pod:

    $ oc get deployment egress-router-cni-deployment

    The name of the deployment is not configurable.

    Example output

    NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    egress-router-cni-deployment   1/1     1            1           18m

  3. View the status of the egress router pod:

    $ oc get pods -l app=egress-router-cni

    Example output

    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    egress-router-cni-deployment-575465c75c-qkq6m   1/1     Running   0          18m

  4. View the logs and the routing table for the egress router pod.
  1. Get the node name for the egress router pod:

    $ POD_NODENAME=$(oc get pod -l app=egress-router-cni -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.nodeName}")
  2. Enter into a debug session on the target node. This step instantiates a debug pod called <node_name>-debug:

    $ oc debug node/$POD_NODENAME
  3. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the root file system of the host in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries from the executable paths of the host:

    # chroot /host
  4. From within the chroot environment console, display the egress router logs:

    # cat /tmp/egress-router-log

    Example output

    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Called CNI ADD
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Gateway:
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] IP Source Addresses: []
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] IP Destinations: [80 UDP 8080 TCP 80 8443 TCP 443]
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Created macvlan interface
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Renamed macvlan to "net1"
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Adding route to gateway on macvlan interface
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] deleted default route {Ifindex: 3 Dst: <nil> Src: <nil> Gw: Flags: [] Table: 254}
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Added new default route with gateway
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Added iptables rule: iptables -t nat PREROUTING -i eth0 -p UDP --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Added iptables rule: iptables -t nat PREROUTING -i eth0 -p TCP --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to-destination
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Added iptables rule: iptables -t nat PREROUTING -i eth0 -p TCP --dport 8443 -j DNAT --to-destination
    2021-04-26T12:27:20Z [debug] Added iptables rule: iptables -t nat -o net1 -j SNAT --to-source

    The logging file location and logging level are not configurable when you start the egress router by creating an EgressRouter object as described in this procedure.

  5. From within the chroot environment console, get the container ID:

    # crictl ps --name egress-router-cni-pod | awk '{print $1}'

    Example output


  6. Determine the process ID of the container. In this example, the container ID is bac9fae69ddb6:

    # crictl inspect -o yaml bac9fae69ddb6 | grep 'pid:' | awk '{print $2}'

    Example output


  7. Enter the network namespace of the container:

    # nsenter -n -t 68857
  8. Display the routing table:

    # ip route

    In the following example output, the net1 network interface is the default route. Traffic for the cluster network uses the eth0 network interface. Traffic for the network uses the net1 network interface and originates from the reserved source IP address The pod routes all other traffic to the gateway at IP address Routing for the service network is not shown.

    Example output

    default via dev net1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev net1 proto kernel scope link src dev net1

24.15. Enabling multicast for a project

24.15.1. About multicast

With IP multicast, data is broadcast to many IP addresses simultaneously.

  • At this time, multicast is best used for low-bandwidth coordination or service discovery and not a high-bandwidth solution.
  • By default, network policies affect all connections in a namespace. However, multicast is unaffected by network policies. If multicast is enabled in the same namespace as your network policies, it is always allowed, even if there is a deny-all network policy. Cluster administrators should consider the implications to the exemption of multicast from network policies before enabling it.

Multicast traffic between OpenShift Container Platform pods is disabled by default. If you are using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin, you can enable multicast on a per-project basis.

24.15.2. Enabling multicast between pods

You can enable multicast between pods for your project.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You must log in to the cluster with a user that has the cluster-admin role.


  • Run the following command to enable multicast for a project. Replace <namespace> with the namespace for the project you want to enable multicast for.

    $ oc annotate namespace <namespace> \

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to add the annotation:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: <namespace>
      annotations: "true"


To verify that multicast is enabled for a project, complete the following procedure:

  1. Change your current project to the project that you enabled multicast for. Replace <project> with the project name.

    $ oc project <project>
  2. Create a pod to act as a multicast receiver:

    $ cat <<EOF| oc create -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: mlistener
        app: multicast-verify
        - name: mlistener
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            ["dnf -y install socat hostname && sleep inf"]
            - containerPort: 30102
              name: mlistener
              protocol: UDP
  3. Create a pod to act as a multicast sender:

    $ cat <<EOF| oc create -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: msender
        app: multicast-verify
        - name: msender
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            ["dnf -y install socat && sleep inf"]
  4. In a new terminal window or tab, start the multicast listener.

    1. Get the IP address for the Pod:

      $ POD_IP=$(oc get pods mlistener -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}')
    2. Start the multicast listener by entering the following command:

      $ oc exec mlistener -i -t -- \
          socat UDP4-RECVFROM:30102,ip-add-membership=$POD_IP,fork EXEC:hostname
  5. Start the multicast transmitter.

    1. Get the pod network IP address range:

      $ CIDR=$(oc get cluster \
          -o jsonpath='{.status.clusterNetwork[0].cidr}')
    2. To send a multicast message, enter the following command:

      $ oc exec msender -i -t -- \
          /bin/bash -c "echo | socat STDIO UDP4-DATAGRAM:,range=$CIDR,ip-multicast-ttl=64"

      If multicast is working, the previous command returns the following output:


24.16. Disabling multicast for a project

24.16.1. Disabling multicast between pods

You can disable multicast between pods for your project.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You must log in to the cluster with a user that has the cluster-admin role.


  • Disable multicast by running the following command:

    $ oc annotate namespace <namespace> \ 1
    The namespace for the project you want to disable multicast for.

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to delete the annotation:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: <namespace>
      annotations: null

24.17. Tracking network flows

As a cluster administrator, you can collect information about pod network flows from your cluster to assist with the following areas:

  • Monitor ingress and egress traffic on the pod network.
  • Troubleshoot performance issues.
  • Gather data for capacity planning and security audits.

When you enable the collection of the network flows, only the metadata about the traffic is collected. For example, packet data is not collected, but the protocol, source address, destination address, port numbers, number of bytes, and other packet-level information is collected.

The data is collected in one or more of the following record formats:

  • NetFlow
  • sFlow

When you configure the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) with one or more collector IP addresses and port numbers, the Operator configures Open vSwitch (OVS) on each node to send the network flows records to each collector.

You can configure the Operator to send records to more than one type of network flow collector. For example, you can send records to NetFlow collectors and also send records to sFlow collectors.

When OVS sends data to the collectors, each type of collector receives identical records. For example, if you configure two NetFlow collectors, OVS on a node sends identical records to the two collectors. If you also configure two sFlow collectors, the two sFlow collectors receive identical records. However, each collector type has a unique record format.

Collecting the network flows data and sending the records to collectors affects performance. Nodes process packets at a slower rate. If the performance impact is too great, you can delete the destinations for collectors to disable collecting network flows data and restore performance.


Enabling network flow collectors might have an impact on the overall performance of the cluster network.

24.17.1. Network object configuration for tracking network flows

The fields for configuring network flows collectors in the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) are shown in the following table:

Table 24.18. Network flows configuration


The name of the CNO object. This name is always cluster.



One or more of netFlow, sFlow, or ipfix.



A list of IP address and network port pairs for up to 10 collectors.



A list of IP address and network port pairs for up to 10 collectors.



A list of IP address and network port pairs for up to 10 collectors.

After applying the following manifest to the CNO, the Operator configures Open vSwitch (OVS) on each node in the cluster to send network flows records to the NetFlow collector that is listening at

Example configuration for tracking network flows

kind: Network
  name: cluster

24.17.2. Adding destinations for network flows collectors

As a cluster administrator, you can configure the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) to send network flows metadata about the pod network to a network flows collector.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have a network flows collector and know the IP address and port that it listens on.


  1. Create a patch file that specifies the network flows collector type and the IP address and port information of the collectors:

  2. Configure the CNO with the network flows collectors:

    $ oc patch network.operator cluster --type merge -p "$(cat <file_name>.yaml)"

    Example output patched


Verification is not typically necessary. You can run the following command to confirm that Open vSwitch (OVS) on each node is configured to send network flows records to one or more collectors.

  1. View the Operator configuration to confirm that the exportNetworkFlows field is configured:

    $ oc get network.operator cluster -o jsonpath="{.spec.exportNetworkFlows}"

    Example output


  2. View the network flows configuration in OVS from each node:

    $ for pod in $(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node -o jsonpath='{range@.items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}');
      do ;
        echo $pod;
        oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes exec -c ovnkube-controller $pod \
          -- bash -c 'for type in ipfix sflow netflow ; do ovs-vsctl find $type ; done';

    Example output

    _uuid               : a4d2aaca-5023-4f3d-9400-7275f92611f9
    active_timeout      : 60
    add_id_to_interface : false
    engine_id           : []
    engine_type         : []
    external_ids        : {}
    targets             : [""]
    _uuid               : 61d02fdb-9228-4993-8ff5-b27f01a29bd6
    active_timeout      : 60
    add_id_to_interface : false
    engine_id           : []
    engine_type         : []
    external_ids        : {}
    targets             : [""]-

24.17.3. Deleting all destinations for network flows collectors

As a cluster administrator, you can configure the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) to stop sending network flows metadata to a network flows collector.


  • You installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You are logged in to the cluster with a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. Remove all network flows collectors:

    $ oc patch network.operator cluster --type='json' \
        -p='[{"op":"remove", "path":"/spec/exportNetworkFlows"}]'

    Example output patched

24.17.4. Additional resources

24.18. Configuring hybrid networking

As a cluster administrator, you can configure the Red Hat OpenShift Networking OVN-Kubernetes network plugin to allow Linux and Windows nodes to host Linux and Windows workloads, respectively.

24.18.1. Configuring hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes

You can configure your cluster to use hybrid networking with the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin. This allows a hybrid cluster that supports different node networking configurations.


This configuration is necessary to run both Linux and Windows nodes in the same cluster.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Log in to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin privileges.
  • Ensure that the cluster uses the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin.


  1. To configure the OVN-Kubernetes hybrid network overlay, enter the following command:

    $ oc patch cluster --type=merge \
      -p '{
                    "cidr": "<cidr>",
                    "hostPrefix": <prefix>
                "hybridOverlayVXLANPort": <overlay_port>


    Specify the CIDR configuration used for nodes on the additional overlay network. This CIDR must not overlap with the cluster network CIDR.
    Specifies the subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23, then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr, which allows for 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses. If you are required to provide access to nodes from an external network, configure load balancers and routers to manage the traffic.
    Specify a custom VXLAN port for the additional overlay network. This is required for running Windows nodes in a cluster installed on vSphere, and must not be configured for any other cloud provider. The custom port can be any open port excluding the default 4789 port. For more information on this requirement, see the Microsoft documentation on Pod-to-pod connectivity between hosts is broken.

    Windows Server Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC): Windows Server 2019 is not supported on clusters with a custom hybridOverlayVXLANPort value because this Windows server version does not support selecting a custom VXLAN port.

    Example output patched

  2. To confirm that the configuration is active, enter the following command. It can take several minutes for the update to apply.

    $ oc get -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.defaultNetwork.ovnKubernetesConfig}"

24.18.2. Additional resources

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