1.6. 从您自己的基础架构中卸载 OpenStack 上的集群
您可以删除在用户置备的基础架构上部署到 Red Hat OpenStack Platform(RHOSP)中的集群。
1.6.1. 先决条件
- 一个目录,您可以在其中创建文件以帮助您执行移除过程
- Python 3
1.6.2. 下载 playbook 的依赖项
用于简化从用户置备的基础架构中移除过程的 Ansible playbook 需要几个 Python 模块。在您要进行这个操作的机器上添加模块的仓库,然后下载它们。
这些说明假设您使用 Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)8。
- Python 3 已在您的机器上安装
$ sudo subscription-manager register # If not done already $ sudo subscription-manager attach --pool=$YOUR_POOLID # If not done already $ sudo subscription-manager repos --disable=* # If not done already $ sudo subscription-manager repos \ --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms \ --enable=openstack-16-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms \ --enable=ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms \ --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
$ sudo yum install python3-openstackclient ansible python3-openstacksdk
:$ sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
1.6.3. 在使用您自己的基础架构的 RHOSP 上移除集群
您可以在使用您自己的基础架构的 Red Hat OpenStack Platform(RHOSP)上删除 OpenShift Container Platform 集群。要快速完成移除过程,请创建并运行多个 Ansible playbook。
- Python 3 已在您的机器上安装
- 下载"下载 playbook 依赖项"中的模块
您可以还会有在安装 OpenShift Container Platform 时留下的 common.yaml
和 inventory.yaml
的本地文件中:例 1.17.
Ansible playbook- hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars_files: - metadata.json tasks: - name: 'Compute resource names' set_fact: cluster_id_tag: "openshiftClusterID={{ infraID }}" os_network: "{{ infraID }}-network" os_subnet: "{{ infraID }}-nodes" os_router: "{{ infraID }}-external-router" # Port names os_port_api: "{{ infraID }}-api-port" os_port_ingress: "{{ infraID }}-ingress-port" os_port_bootstrap: "{{ infraID }}-bootstrap-port" os_port_master: "{{ infraID }}-master-port" os_port_worker: "{{ infraID }}-worker-port" # Security groups names os_sg_master: "{{ infraID }}-master" os_sg_worker: "{{ infraID }}-worker" # Server names os_bootstrap_server_name: "{{ infraID }}-bootstrap" os_cp_server_name: "{{ infraID }}-master" os_compute_server_name: "{{ infraID }}-worker" # Trunk names os_cp_trunk_name: "{{ infraID }}-master-trunk" os_compute_trunk_name: "{{ infraID }}-worker-trunk" # Subnet pool name subnet_pool: "{{ infraID }}-kuryr-pod-subnetpool" # Service network name os_svc_network: "{{ infraID }}-kuryr-service-network" # Service subnet name os_svc_subnet: "{{ infraID }}-kuryr-service-subnet" # Ignition files os_bootstrap_ignition: "{{ infraID }}-bootstrap-ignition.json"
的本地文件中,并编辑值以匹配您自己的值:例 1.18.
Ansible playbookall: hosts: localhost: ansible_connection: local ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ansible_playbook_python}}" # User-provided values os_subnet_range: '' os_flavor_master: 'm1.xlarge' os_flavor_worker: 'm1.large' os_image_rhcos: 'rhcos' os_external_network: 'external' # OpenShift API floating IP address os_api_fip: '' # OpenShift Ingress floating IP address os_ingress_fip: '' # Service subnet cidr svc_subnet_range: '' os_svc_network_range: '' # Subnet pool prefixes cluster_network_cidrs: '' # Subnet pool prefix length host_prefix: '23' # Name of the SDN. # Possible values are OpenshiftSDN or Kuryr. os_networking_type: 'OpenshiftSDN' # Number of provisioned Control Plane nodes # 3 is the minimum number for a fully-functional cluster. os_cp_nodes_number: 3 # Number of provisioned Compute nodes. # 3 is the minimum number for a fully-functional cluster. os_compute_nodes_number: 3
可选: 如果您的集群使用 Kuryr,将以下内容插入到名为
的本地文件中:例 1.19.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstackcli # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'Get a token for creating the server group' os_auth: register: cloud when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - name: 'List octavia versions' uri: method: GET headers: X-Auth-Token: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.auth_token }}" Content-Type: 'application/json' url: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.service_catalog | selectattr('name', 'match', 'octavia') | first | json_query('endpoints') | selectattr('interface', 'match', 'public') | first | json_query('url') }}/" register: octavia_versions when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - set_fact: versions: "{{ octavia_versions.json.versions | selectattr('id', 'match', 'v2.5') | map(attribute='id') | list }}" when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - name: 'List tagged loadbalancers' uri: method: GET headers: X-Auth-Token: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.auth_token }}" url: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.service_catalog | selectattr('name', 'match', 'octavia') | first | json_query('endpoints') | selectattr('interface', 'match', 'public') | first | json_query('url') }}/v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers?tags={{cluster_id_tag}}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - versions | length > 0 register: lbs_tagged # NOTE: Kuryr creates an Octavia load balancer # for each service present on the cluster. Let's make # sure to remove the resources generated. - name: 'Remove the cluster load balancers' command: cmd: "openstack loadbalancer delete --cascade {{ item.id }}" with_items: "{{ lbs_tagged.json.loadbalancers }}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - versions | length > 0 - '"PENDING" not in item.provisioning_status' - name: 'List loadbalancers tagged on description' uri: method: GET headers: X-Auth-Token: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.auth_token }}" url: "{{ cloud.ansible_facts.service_catalog | selectattr('name', 'match', 'octavia') | first | json_query('endpoints') | selectattr('interface', 'match', 'public') | first | json_query('url') }}/v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers?description={{cluster_id_tag}}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - versions | length == 0 register: lbs_description # NOTE: Kuryr creates an Octavia load balancer # for each service present on the cluster. Let's make # sure to remove the resources generated. - name: 'Remove the cluster load balancers' command: cmd: "openstack loadbalancer delete --cascade {{ item.id }}" with_items: "{{ lbs_description.json.loadbalancers }}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - versions | length == 0 - '"PENDING" not in item.provisioning_status'
的本地文件中:例 1.20.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstackclient # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'Remove the Compute servers' os_server: name: "{{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" state: absent with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_compute_server_name] * os_compute_nodes_number }}" - name: 'List the Compute trunks' command: cmd: "openstack network trunk list -c Name -f value" when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" register: trunks - name: 'Remove the Compute trunks' command: cmd: "openstack network trunk delete {{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - (item.1|string + '-' + item.0|string) in trunks.stdout_lines|list with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_compute_trunk_name] * os_compute_nodes_number }}" - name: 'Remove the Compute ports' os_port: name: "{{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" state: absent with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_port_worker] * os_compute_nodes_number }}"
的本地文件中:例 1.21.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstackclient # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'Remove the Control Plane servers' os_server: name: "{{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" state: absent with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_cp_server_name] * os_cp_nodes_number }}" - name: 'List the Compute trunks' command: cmd: "openstack network trunk list -c Name -f value" when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" register: trunks - name: 'Remove the Control Plane trunks' command: cmd: "openstack network trunk delete {{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - (item.1|string + '-' + item.0|string) in trunks.stdout_lines|list with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_cp_trunk_name] * os_cp_nodes_number }}" - name: 'Remove the Control Plane ports' os_port: name: "{{ item.1 }}-{{ item.0 }}" state: absent with_indexed_items: "{{ [os_port_master] * os_cp_nodes_number }}"
的本地文件中:例 1.22.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'Remove the bootstrap server' os_server: name: "{{ os_bootstrap_server_name }}" state: absent delete_fip: yes - name: 'Remove the bootstrap server port' os_port: name: "{{ os_port_bootstrap }}" state: absent
的本地文件中:例 1.23.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstackclient # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'List ports attatched to router' command: cmd: "openstack port list --device-owner=network:router_interface --tags {{ cluster_id_tag }} -f value -c id" register: router_ports - name: 'Remove the ports from router' command: cmd: "openstack router remove port {{ os_router }} {{ item.1}}" with_indexed_items: "{{ router_ports.stdout_lines }}" - name: 'List ha ports attached to router' command: cmd: "openstack port list --device-owner=network:ha_router_replicated_interface --tags {{ cluster_id_tag }} -f value -c id" register: ha_router_ports - name: 'Remove the ha ports from router' command: cmd: "openstack router remove port {{ os_router }} {{ item.1}}" with_indexed_items: "{{ ha_router_ports.stdout_lines }}" - name: 'List ports' command: cmd: "openstack port list --tags {{ cluster_id_tag }} -f value -c id " register: ports - name: 'Remove the cluster ports' command: cmd: "openstack port delete {{ item.1}}" with_indexed_items: "{{ ports.stdout_lines }}" - name: 'Remove the cluster router' os_router: name: "{{ os_router }}" state: absent - name: 'List cluster networks' command: cmd: "openstack network list --tags {{ cluster_id_tag }} -f value -c Name" register: networks - name: 'Remove the cluster networks' os_network: name: "{{ item.1}}" state: absent with_indexed_items: "{{ networks.stdout_lines }}" - name: 'List the cluster subnet pool' command: cmd: "openstack subnet pool list --name {{ subnet_pool }}" when: os_networking_type == "Kuryr" register: pods_subnet_pool - name: 'Remove the cluster subnet pool' command: cmd: "openstack subnet pool delete {{ subnet_pool }}" when: - os_networking_type == "Kuryr" - pods_subnet_pool.stdout != ""
的本地文件中:例 1.24.
# Required Python packages: # # ansible # openstackclient # openstacksdk - import_playbook: common.yaml - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: 'List security groups' command: cmd: "openstack security group list --tags {{ cluster_id_tag }} -f value -c ID" register: security_groups - name: 'Remove the cluster security groups' command: cmd: "openstack security group delete {{ item.1 }}" with_indexed_items: "{{ security_groups.stdout_lines }}"
在命令行中运行您创建的 playbook:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml \ down-03_bootstrap.yaml \ down-04_control-plane.yaml \ down-05_compute-nodes.yaml \ down-06_load-balancers.yaml \ down-02_network.yaml \ down-01_security-groups.yaml
- 删除您为 OpenShift Container Platform 安装所做的任何 DNS 记录更改。
OpenShift Container Platform 被从您的基础架构中删除。