
18.5. chkconfig

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The chkconfig command can also be used to activate and deactivate services. The chkconfig --list command displays a list of system services and whether they are started (on) or stopped (off) in runlevels 0-6. At the end of the list is a section for the services managed by xinetd.
If the chkconfig --list command is used to query a service managed by xinetd, it displays whether the xinetd service is enabled (on) or disabled (off). For example, the command chkconfig --list rsync returns the following output:
rsync          on
As shown, rsync is enabled as an xinetd service. If xinetd is running, rsync is enabled.
If you use chkconfig --list to query a service in /etc/rc.d, that service's settings for each runlevel are displayed. For example, the command chkconfig --list httpd returns the following output:
httpd         0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
chkconfig can also be used to configure a service to be started (or not) in a specific runlevel. For example, to turn nscd off in runlevels 3, 4, and 5, use the following command:
chkconfig --level 345 nscd off


Services managed by xinetd are immediately affected by chkconfig. For example, if xinetd is running while rsync is disabled, and the command chkconfig rsync on is executed, then rsync is immediately enabled without having to restart xinetd manually. Changes for other services do not take effect immediately after using chkconfig. You must stop or start the individual service with the command service <daemon> stop (where <daemon> is the name of the service you want to stop; for example, httpd). Replace stop with start or restart to start or restart the service.
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