6.4. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS 검증 Webhook
AWS 검증 웹 후크의 Red Hat OpenShift Service는 OpenShift SRE 팀에서 유지 관리하는 동적 승인 제어 집합입니다. 이러한 HTTP 콜백(Webhook이라고도 함)은 클러스터 안정성을 보장하기 위해 다양한 유형의 요청에 대해 호출됩니다. 다음 목록에서는 등록된 작업 및 리소스가 포함된 규칙을 포함하는 다양한 Webhook를 설명합니다. 이러한 검증 웹 후크를 우회하려고 하면 클러스터의 안정성과 지원 가능성에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
예 6.3. Webhook 검증 목록
[ { "webhookName": "clusterlogging-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE" ], "apiGroups": [ "logging.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "v1" ], "resources": [ "clusterloggings" ], "scope": "Namespaced" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may set log retention outside the allowed range of 0-7 days" }, { "webhookName": "hiveownership-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "quota.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterresourcequotas" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "webhookObjectSelector": { "matchLabels": { "hive.openshift.io/managed": "true" } }, "documentString": "Managed OpenShift customers may not edit certain managed resources. A managed resource has a \"hive.openshift.io/managed\": \"true\" label." }, { "webhookName": "namespace-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "namespaces" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not modify namespaces specified in the [openshift-monitoring/addons-namespaces openshift-monitoring/managed-namespaces openshift-monitoring/ocp-namespaces] ConfigMaps because customer workloads should be placed in customer-created namespaces. Customers may not create namespaces identified by this regular expression (^com$|^io$|^in$) because it could interfere with critical DNS resolution. Additionally, customers may not set or change the values of these Namespace labels [managed.openshift.io/storage-pv-quota-exempt managed.openshift.io/service-lb-quota-exempt]." }, { "webhookName": "pod-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "v1" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "pods" ], "scope": "Namespaced" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may use tolerations on Pods that could cause those Pods to be scheduled on infra or master nodes." }, { "webhookName": "regular-user-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "cloudcredential.openshift.io", "machine.openshift.io", "admissionregistration.k8s.io", "addons.managed.openshift.io", "cloudingress.managed.openshift.io", "managed.openshift.io", "ocmagent.managed.openshift.io", "splunkforwarder.managed.openshift.io", "upgrade.managed.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "*/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "autoscaling.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterautoscalers", "machineautoscalers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "config.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterversions", "clusterversions/status", "schedulers", "apiservers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "operator.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "kubeapiservers", "openshiftapiservers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "nodes", "nodes/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "managed.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "subjectpermissions", "subjectpermissions/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "network.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "netnamespaces", "netnamespaces/*" ], "scope": "*" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift customers may not manage any objects in the following APIgroups [network.openshift.io cloudcredential.openshift.io managed.openshift.io ocmagent.managed.openshift.io upgrade.managed.openshift.io config.openshift.io operator.openshift.io machine.openshift.io admissionregistration.k8s.io addons.managed.openshift.io cloudingress.managed.openshift.io splunkforwarder.managed.openshift.io autoscaling.openshift.io], nor may Managed OpenShift customers alter the APIServer, KubeAPIServer, OpenShiftAPIServer, ClusterVersion, Node or SubjectPermission objects." }, { "webhookName": "scc-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "security.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "securitycontextconstraints" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not modify the following default SCCs: [anyuid hostaccess hostmount-anyuid hostnetwork node-exporter nonroot privileged restricted]" }, { "webhookName": "techpreviewnoupgrade-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE" ], "apiGroups": [ "config.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "featuregates" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not use TechPreviewNoUpgrade FeatureGate that could prevent any future ability to do a y-stream upgrade to their clusters." } ]