6.6. 使用 OpenShift Serverless 的 metering
Metering 是一个已弃用的功能。弃用的功能仍然包含在 OpenShift Container Platform 中,并将继续被支持。但是,这个功能会在以后的发行版本中被删除,且不建议在新的部署中使用。
有关 OpenShift Container Platform 中已弃用或删除的主要功能的最新列表,请参阅 OpenShift Container Platform 发行注记中已弃用和删除的功能部分。
作为集群管理员,您可使用 Metering 来分析 OpenShift Serverless 集群中的情况。
如需有关 OpenShift Container Platform 的 metering 的更多信息,请参阅关于 metering。
Metering 目前不支持 IBM Z 和 IBM Power 系统。
6.6.1. 安装 metering
有关在 OpenShift Container Platform 上安装 metering 的详情,请参考安装 Metering。
6.6.2. Knative making metering 的数据源
以下 ReportDataSources
是 OpenShift Container Platform metering 如何使用 Knative instructioning 的示例。 Knativelatesting 中 CPU 用量的数据源
这个数据源提供在报告的时间段内每个 Knative 服务使用的总 CPU 秒数。
yaml 文件
apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: ReportDataSource metadata: name: knative-service-cpu-usage spec: prometheusMetricsImporter: query: > sum by(namespace, label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision) ( label_replace(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!="POD",container!="",pod!=""}[1m]), "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)") * on(pod, namespace) group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision) kube_pod_labels{label_serving_knative_dev_service!=""} ) 用于 Knative making 中的内存使用的数据源
这个数据源为每个 Knative 服务在报告期间提供平均内存消耗。
yaml 文件
apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: ReportDataSource metadata: name: knative-service-memory-usage spec: prometheusMetricsImporter: query: > sum by(namespace, label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision) ( label_replace(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!="POD", container!="",pod!=""}, "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)") * on(pod, namespace) group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision) kube_pod_labels{label_serving_knative_dev_service!=""} ) 为 KnativeUping metering 应用数据源
您可以使用以下命令应用 ReportDataSources
$ oc apply -f <datasource_name>.yaml
$ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml
6.6.3. 对 Knative Serving metering 的查询
以下 ReportQuery
资源引用提供的 DataSources
示例。 在 Knativelatesting 中查询 CPU 用量
yaml 文件
apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: ReportQuery metadata: name: knative-service-cpu-usage spec: inputs: - name: ReportingStart type: time - name: ReportingEnd type: time - default: knative-service-cpu-usage name: KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource type: ReportDataSource columns: - name: period_start type: timestamp unit: date - name: period_end type: timestamp unit: date - name: namespace type: varchar unit: kubernetes_namespace - name: service type: varchar - name: data_start type: timestamp unit: date - name: data_end type: timestamp unit: date - name: service_cpu_seconds type: double unit: cpu_core_seconds query: | SELECT timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start, timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end, labels['namespace'] as project, labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service, min("timestamp") as data_start, max("timestamp") as data_end, sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_cpu_seconds FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource |} WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}' AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] 在 Knative Serving 中查询内存用量
yaml 文件
apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: ReportQuery metadata: name: knative-service-memory-usage spec: inputs: - name: ReportingStart type: time - name: ReportingEnd type: time - default: knative-service-memory-usage name: KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource type: ReportDataSource columns: - name: period_start type: timestamp unit: date - name: period_end type: timestamp unit: date - name: namespace type: varchar unit: kubernetes_namespace - name: service type: varchar - name: data_start type: timestamp unit: date - name: data_end type: timestamp unit: date - name: service_usage_memory_byte_seconds type: double unit: byte_seconds query: | SELECT timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start, timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end, labels['namespace'] as project, labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service, min("timestamp") as data_start, max("timestamp") as data_end, sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_usage_memory_byte_seconds FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource |} WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}' AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] 为 Knative Serving metering 应用查询
:$ oc apply -f <query-name>.yaml
$ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml
6.6.4. Knative Serving 的 metering 报告
您可以通过创建 Report
资源来针对 Knative Serving 运行 metering 报告。在您运行报告前,您必须修改 Report
yaml 文件
apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: Report metadata: name: knative-service-cpu-usage spec: reportingStart: '2019-06-01T00:00:00Z' 1 reportingEnd: '2019-06-30T23:59:59Z' 2 query: knative-service-cpu-usage 3 runImmediately: true 运行 metering 报告
$ oc apply -f <report-name>.yml
$ oc get report
NAME QUERY SCHEDULE RUNNING FAILED LAST REPORT TIME AGE knative-service-cpu-usage knative-service-cpu-usage Finished 2019-06-30T23:59:59Z 10h