3.3. Gathering data about specific features

You can gather debugging information about specific features by using the oc adm must-gather CLI command with the --image or --image-stream argument. The must-gather tool supports multiple images, so you can gather data about more than one feature by running a single command.

表 3.1. Supported must-gather images


Data collection for OpenShift Virtualization.


Data collection for OpenShift Serverless.


Data collection for Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh.


Data collection for the Migration Toolkit for Containers.


Data collection for Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage.


Data collection for Red Hat OpenShift cluster logging.


Data collection for Local Storage Operator.


To collect the default must-gather data in addition to specific feature data, add the --image-stream=openshift/must-gather argument.


  • Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc) installed.


  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to store the must-gather data.
  2. Run the oc adm must-gather command with one or more --image or --image-stream arguments. For example, the following command gathers both the default cluster data and information specific to OpenShift Virtualization:

    $ oc adm must-gather \
     --image-stream=openshift/must-gather \ 1
     --image=registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtualization/cnv-must-gather-rhel8:v2.4.9 2
    The default OpenShift Container Platform must-gather image
    The must-gather image for OpenShift Virtualization

    You can use the must-gather tool with additional arguments to gather data that is specifically related to cluster logging and the Cluster Logging Operator in your cluster. For cluster logging, run the following command:

    $ oc adm must-gather --image=$(oc -n openshift-logging get deployment.apps/cluster-logging-operator \
     -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "cluster-logging-operator")].image}')

    例 3.1. Example must-gather output for cluster logging

    ├── cluster-logging
    │  ├── clo
    │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator-74dd5994f-6ttgt
    │  │  ├── clusterlogforwarder_cr
    │  │  ├── cr
    │  │  ├── csv
    │  │  ├── deployment
    │  │  └── logforwarding_cr
    │  ├── collector
    │  │  ├── fluentd-2tr64
    │  ├── curator
    │  │  └── curator-1596028500-zkz4s
    │  ├── eo
    │  │  ├── csv
    │  │  ├── deployment
    │  │  └── elasticsearch-operator-7dc7d97b9d-jb4r4
    │  ├── es
    │  │  ├── cluster-elasticsearch
    │  │  │  ├── aliases
    │  │  │  ├── health
    │  │  │  ├── indices
    │  │  │  ├── latest_documents.json
    │  │  │  ├── nodes
    │  │  │  ├── nodes_stats.json
    │  │  │  └── thread_pool
    │  │  ├── cr
    │  │  ├── elasticsearch-cdm-lp8l38m0-1-794d6dd989-4jxms
    │  │  └── logs
    │  │     ├── elasticsearch-cdm-lp8l38m0-1-794d6dd989-4jxms
    │  ├── install
    │  │  ├── co_logs
    │  │  ├── install_plan
    │  │  ├── olmo_logs
    │  │  └── subscription
    │  └── kibana
    │     ├── cr
    │     ├── kibana-9d69668d4-2rkvz
    ├── cluster-scoped-resources
    │  └── core
    │     ├── nodes
    │     │  ├── ip-10-0-146-180.eu-west-1.compute.internal.yaml
    │     └── persistentvolumes
    │        ├── pvc-0a8d65d9-54aa-4c44-9ecc-33d9381e41c1.yaml
    ├── event-filter.html
    ├── gather-debug.log
    └── namespaces
       ├── openshift-logging
       │  ├── apps
       │  │  ├── daemonsets.yaml
       │  │  ├── deployments.yaml
       │  │  ├── replicasets.yaml
       │  │  └── statefulsets.yaml
       │  ├── batch
       │  │  ├── cronjobs.yaml
       │  │  └── jobs.yaml
       │  ├── core
       │  │  ├── configmaps.yaml
       │  │  ├── endpoints.yaml
       │  │  ├── events
       │  │  │  ├── curator-1596021300-wn2ks.162634ebf0055a94.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── curator.162638330681bee2.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-delete-app-1596020400-gm6nl.1626341a296c16a1.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-delete-audit-1596020400-9l9n4.1626341a2af81bbd.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-delete-infra-1596020400-v98tk.1626341a2d821069.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-rollover-app-1596020400-cc5vc.1626341a3019b238.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-rollover-audit-1596020400-s8d5s.1626341a31f7b315.yaml
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-rollover-infra-1596020400-7mgv8.1626341a35ea59ed.yaml
       │  │  ├── events.yaml
       │  │  ├── persistentvolumeclaims.yaml
       │  │  ├── pods.yaml
       │  │  ├── replicationcontrollers.yaml
       │  │  ├── secrets.yaml
       │  │  └── services.yaml
       │  ├── openshift-logging.yaml
       │  ├── pods
       │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator-74dd5994f-6ttgt
       │  │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator
       │  │  │  │  └── cluster-logging-operator
       │  │  │  │     └── logs
       │  │  │  │        ├── current.log
       │  │  │  │        ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │  │        └── previous.log
       │  │  │  └── cluster-logging-operator-74dd5994f-6ttgt.yaml
       │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator-registry-6df49d7d4-mxxff
       │  │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator-registry
       │  │  │  │  └── cluster-logging-operator-registry
       │  │  │  │     └── logs
       │  │  │  │        ├── current.log
       │  │  │  │        ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │  │        └── previous.log
       │  │  │  ├── cluster-logging-operator-registry-6df49d7d4-mxxff.yaml
       │  │  │  └── mutate-csv-and-generate-sqlite-db
       │  │  │     └── mutate-csv-and-generate-sqlite-db
       │  │  │        └── logs
       │  │  │           ├── current.log
       │  │  │           ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │           └── previous.log
       │  │  ├── curator-1596028500-zkz4s
       │  │  ├── elasticsearch-cdm-lp8l38m0-1-794d6dd989-4jxms
       │  │  ├── elasticsearch-delete-app-1596030300-bpgcx
       │  │  │  ├── elasticsearch-delete-app-1596030300-bpgcx.yaml
       │  │  │  └── indexmanagement
       │  │  │     └── indexmanagement
       │  │  │        └── logs
       │  │  │           ├── current.log
       │  │  │           ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │           └── previous.log
       │  │  ├── fluentd-2tr64
       │  │  │  ├── fluentd
       │  │  │  │  └── fluentd
       │  │  │  │     └── logs
       │  │  │  │        ├── current.log
       │  │  │  │        ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │  │        └── previous.log
       │  │  │  ├── fluentd-2tr64.yaml
       │  │  │  └── fluentd-init
       │  │  │     └── fluentd-init
       │  │  │        └── logs
       │  │  │           ├── current.log
       │  │  │           ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │           └── previous.log
       │  │  ├── kibana-9d69668d4-2rkvz
       │  │  │  ├── kibana
       │  │  │  │  └── kibana
       │  │  │  │     └── logs
       │  │  │  │        ├── current.log
       │  │  │  │        ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │  │        └── previous.log
       │  │  │  ├── kibana-9d69668d4-2rkvz.yaml
       │  │  │  └── kibana-proxy
       │  │  │     └── kibana-proxy
       │  │  │        └── logs
       │  │  │           ├── current.log
       │  │  │           ├── previous.insecure.log
       │  │  │           └── previous.log
       │  └── route.openshift.io
       │     └── routes.yaml
       └── openshift-operators-redhat
          ├── ...
  3. Create a compressed file from the must-gather directory that was just created in your working directory. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar cvaf must-gather.tar.gz must-gather.local.5421342344627712289/ 1
    Make sure to replace must-gather-local.5421342344627712289/ with the actual directory name.
  4. Attach the compressed file to your support case on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
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