82.15. 浮动 IP 端点
| operation | Description | Result | Result | | ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------- | | list
| list of the a Droplet available the all of the list< com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.FloatingIP
> | create
| create | create a new Floating IP assigned to a Droplet | CamelDigitalOcean
Id Integer | List<com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Floating
IP> | |
create | create | create a new Floating IP assigned to a Region | CamelDigitalO
pojo.FloatingIP> ceanRegion
String | List<com.myjeeva.digitalocean. | get | 检索有关浮动 IP
String | CamelDigitalOcean
| | delete
| delete a Floating IP,并将它从您的帐户| CamelDigitalOcean FloatingIPAddress
String | com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojoean.pojo
.Delete | 将浮动 IP 分配给 Droplet| CamelDigitalOce
an FloatingIPAddress String <br>'CamelDigitalOceanDrop letId ' Integer | com.myjeeva.digitalocean.
pojo .
Action | unassign | unassign a Floating IP | CamelDigitalOce an Floating IPAddress String | com.myjeeva.digitalocean
. pojo.
Action | listActions | 检索 在 Floating IP | CamelDigitalO
ce an FloatingIPAddress String | List<com.myjeeva.digitalocean
.pojo.Action> |