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Chapter 7. Security Profiles Operator

7.1. Security Profiles Operator overview

OpenShift Container Platform Security Profiles Operator (SPO) provides a way to define secure computing (seccomp) profiles and SELinux profiles as custom resources, synchronizing profiles to every node in a given namespace. For the latest updates, see the release notes.

The SPO can distribute custom resources to each node while a reconciliation loop ensures that the profiles stay up-to-date. See Understanding the Security Profiles Operator.

The SPO manages SELinux policies and seccomp profiles for namespaced workloads. For more information, see Enabling the Security Profiles Operator.

You can create seccomp and SELinux profiles, bind policies to pods, record workloads, and synchronize all worker nodes in a namespace.

Use Advanced Security Profile Operator tasks to enable the log enricher, configure webhooks and metrics, or restrict profiles to a single namespace.

Troubleshoot the Security Profiles Operator as needed, or engage Red Hat support.

You can Uninstall the Security Profiles Operator by removing the profiles before removing the Operator.

7.2. Security Profiles Operator release notes

The Security Profiles Operator provides a way to define secure computing (seccomp) and SELinux profiles as custom resources, synchronizing profiles to every node in a given namespace.

These release notes track the development of the Security Profiles Operator in OpenShift Container Platform.

For an overview of the Security Profiles Operator, see xref:[Security Profiles Operator Overview].

7.2.1. Security Profiles Operator 0.8.6

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.8.6:

This update includes upgraded dependencies in underlying base images.

7.2.2. Security Profiles Operator 0.8.5

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.8.5: Bug fixes

  • When attempting to install the Security Profile Operator from the web console, the option to enable Operator-recommended cluster monitoring was unavailable for the namespace. With this update, you can now enabled Operator-recommend cluster monitoring in the namespace. (OCPBUGS-37794)
  • Previously, the Security Profiles Operator would intermittently be not visible in the OperatorHub, which caused limited access to install the Operator via the web console. With this update, the Security Profiles Operator is present in the OperatorHub.

7.2.3. Security Profiles Operator 0.8.4

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.8.4:

This update addresses CVEs in underlying dependencies. New features and enhancements

7.2.4. Security Profiles Operator 0.8.2

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.8.2: Bug fixes

  • Previously, SELinuxProfile objects did not inherit custom attributes from the same namespace. With this update, the issue has now been resolved and SELinuxProfile object attributes are inherited from the same namespace as expected. (OCPBUGS-17164)
  • Previously, RawSELinuxProfiles would hang during the creation process and would not reach an Installed state. With this update, the issue has been resolved and RawSELinuxProfiles are created successfully. (OCPBUGS-19744)
  • Previously, patching the enableLogEnricher to true would cause the seccompProfile log-enricher-trace pods to be stuck in a Pending state. With this update, log-enricher-trace pods reach an Installed state as expected. (OCPBUGS-22182)
  • Previously, the Security Profiles Operator generated high cardinality metrics, causing Prometheus pods using high amounts of memory. With this update, the following metrics will no longer apply in the Security Profiles Operator namespace:

    • rest_client_request_duration_seconds
    • rest_client_request_size_bytes
    • rest_client_response_size_bytes


7.2.5. Security Profiles Operator 0.8.0

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.8.0: Bug fixes

  • Previously, while trying to install Security Profiles Operator in a disconnected cluster, the secure hashes provided were incorrect due to a SHA relabeling issue. With this update, the SHAs provided work consistently with disconnected environments. (OCPBUGS-14404)

7.2.6. Security Profiles Operator 0.7.1

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.7.1: New features and enhancements

  • Security Profiles Operator (SPO) now automatically selects the appropriate selinuxd image for RHEL 8- and 9-based RHCOS systems.


    Users that mirror images for disconnected environments must mirror both selinuxd images provided by the Security Profiles Operator.

  • You can now enable memory optimization inside of an spod daemon. For more information, see Enabling memory optimization in the spod daemon.


    SPO memory optimization is not enabled by default.

  • The daemon resource requirements are now configurable. For more information, see Customizing daemon resource requirements.
  • The priority class name is now configurable in the spod configuration. For more information, see Setting a custom priority class name for the spod daemon pod. Deprecated and removed features

  • The default nginx-1.19.1 seccomp profile is now removed from the Security Profiles Operator deployment. Bug fixes

  • Previously, a Security Profiles Operator (SPO) SELinux policy did not inherit low-level policy definitions from the container template. If you selected another template, such as net_container, the policy would not work because it required low-level policy definitions that only existed in the container template. This issue occurred when the SPO SELinux policy attempted to translate SELinux policies from the SPO custom format to the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) format. With this update, the container template appends to any SELinux policies that require translation from SPO to CIL. Additionally, the SPO SELinux policy can inherit low-level policy definitions from any supported policy template. (OCPBUGS-12879)
Known issue
  • When uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator, the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object is not deleted and must be manually removed. As a workaround, delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object after uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. These steps are defined in Uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. (OCPBUGS-4687)

7.2.7. Security Profiles Operator 0.5.2

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.5.2:

This update addresses a CVE in an underlying dependency.

Known issue
  • When uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator, the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object is not deleted and must be manually removed. As a workaround, delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object after uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. These steps are defined in Uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. (OCPBUGS-4687)

7.2.8. Security Profiles Operator 0.5.0

The following advisory is available for the Security Profiles Operator 0.5.0:

Known issue
  • When uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator, the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object is not deleted and must be manually removed. As a workaround, delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object after uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. These steps are defined in Uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator. (OCPBUGS-4687)

7.3. Security Profiles Operator support

7.3.1. Security Profiles Operator lifecycle

The Security Profiles Operator is a "Rolling Stream" Operator, meaning updates are available asynchronously of OpenShift Container Platform releases. For more information, see OpenShift Operator Life Cycles on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

7.3.2. Getting support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, or with OpenShift Container Platform in general, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal.

From the Customer Portal, you can:

  • Search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of articles and solutions relating to Red Hat products.
  • Submit a support case to Red Hat Support.
  • Access other product documentation.

To identify issues with your cluster, you can use Insights in OpenShift Cluster Manager. Insights provides details about issues and, if available, information on how to solve a problem.

If you have a suggestion for improving this documentation or have found an error, submit a Jira issue for the most relevant documentation component. Please provide specific details, such as the section name and OpenShift Container Platform version.

7.4. Understanding the Security Profiles Operator

OpenShift Container Platform administrators can use the Security Profiles Operator to define increased security measures in clusters.


The Security Profiles Operator supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) worker nodes. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes are not supported.

7.4.1. About Security Profiles

Security profiles can increase security at the container level in your cluster.

Seccomp security profiles list the syscalls a process can make. Permissions are broader than SELinux, enabling users to restrict operations system-wide, such as write.

SELinux security profiles provide a label-based system that restricts the access and usage of processes, applications, or files in a system. All files in an environment have labels that define permissions. SELinux profiles can define access within a given structure, such as directories.

7.5. Enabling the Security Profiles Operator

Before you can use the Security Profiles Operator, you must ensure the Operator is deployed in the cluster.


The Security Profiles Operator supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) worker nodes. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes are not supported.


The Security Profiles Operator only supports x86_64 architecture.

7.5.1. Installing the Security Profiles Operator


  • You must have admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Search for the Security Profiles Operator, then click Install.
  3. Keep the default selection of Installation mode and namespace to ensure that the Operator will be installed to the openshift-security-profiles namespace.
  4. Click Install.


To confirm that the installation is successful:

  1. Navigate to the Operators Installed Operators page.
  2. Check that the Security Profiles Operator is installed in the openshift-security-profiles namespace and its status is Succeeded.

If the Operator is not installed successfully:

  1. Navigate to the Operators Installed Operators page and inspect the Status column for any errors or failures.
  2. Navigate to the Workloads Pods page and check the logs in any pods in the openshift-security-profiles project that are reporting issues.

7.5.2. Installing the Security Profiles Operator using the CLI


  • You must have admin privileges.


  1. Define a Namespace object:

    Example namespace-object.yaml

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-security-profiles
      openshift.io/cluster-monitoring: "true"

  2. Create the Namespace object:

    $ oc create -f namespace-object.yaml
  3. Define an OperatorGroup object:

    Example operator-group-object.yaml

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
    kind: OperatorGroup
      name: security-profiles-operator
      namespace: openshift-security-profiles

  4. Create the OperatorGroup object:

    $ oc create -f operator-group-object.yaml
  5. Define a Subscription object:

    Example subscription-object.yaml

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: security-profiles-operator-sub
      namespace: openshift-security-profiles
      channel: release-alpha-rhel-8
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: security-profiles-operator
      source: redhat-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

  6. Create the Subscription object:

    $ oc create -f subscription-object.yaml

If you are setting the global scheduler feature and enable defaultNodeSelector, you must create the namespace manually and update the annotations of the openshift-security-profiles namespace, or the namespace where the Security Profiles Operator was installed, with openshift.io/node-selector: “”. This removes the default node selector and prevents deployment failures.


  1. Verify the installation succeeded by inspecting the following CSV file:

    $ oc get csv -n openshift-security-profiles
  2. Verify that the Security Profiles Operator is operational by running the following command:

    $ oc get deploy -n openshift-security-profiles

7.5.3. Configuring logging verbosity

The Security Profiles Operator supports the default logging verbosity of 0 and an enhanced verbosity of 1.


  • To enable enhanced logging verbosity, patch the spod configuration and adjust the value by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod \
        spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"verbosity":1}}'

    Example output

    securityprofilesoperatordaemon.security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/spod patched

7.6. Managing seccomp profiles

Create and manage seccomp profiles and bind them to workloads.


The Security Profiles Operator supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) worker nodes. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes are not supported.

7.6.1. Creating seccomp profiles

Use the SeccompProfile object to create profiles.

SeccompProfile objects can restrict syscalls within a container, limiting the access of your application.


  1. Create a project by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project my-namespace
  2. Create the SeccompProfile object:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: SeccompProfile
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: profile1
      defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG

The seccomp profile will be saved in /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator/<namespace>/<name>.json.

An init container creates the root directory of the Security Profiles Operator to run the Operator without root group or user ID privileges. A symbolic link is created from the rootless profile storage /var/lib/openshift-security-profiles to the default seccomp root path inside of the kubelet root /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator.

7.6.2. Applying seccomp profiles to a pod

Create a pod to apply one of the created profiles.


  1. Create a pod object that defines a securityContext:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
        runAsNonRoot: true
          type: Localhost
          localhostProfile: operator/my-namespace/profile1.json
        - name: test-container
          image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
  2. View the profile path of the seccompProfile.localhostProfile attribute by running the following command:

    $ oc -n my-namespace get seccompprofile profile1 --output wide

    Example output

    profile1   Installed  14s   operator/my-namespace/profile1.json

  3. View the path to the localhost profile by running the following command:

    $ oc get sp profile1 --output=jsonpath='{.status.localhostProfile}'

    Example output


  4. Apply the localhostProfile output to the patch file:

              type: Localhost
              localhostProfile: operator/my-namespace/profile1.json
  5. Apply the profile to any other workload, such as a Deployment object, by running the following command:

    $ oc -n my-namespace patch deployment myapp --patch-file patch.yaml --type=merge

    Example output

    deployment.apps/myapp patched


  • Confirm the profile was applied correctly by running the following command:

    $ oc -n my-namespace get deployment myapp --output=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.securityContext}' | jq .

    Example output

      "seccompProfile": {
        "localhostProfile": "operator/my-namespace/profile1.json",
        "type": "localhost"
    } Binding workloads to profiles with ProfileBindings

You can use the ProfileBinding resource to bind a security profile to the SecurityContext of a container.


  1. To bind a pod that uses a quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21 image to the example SeccompProfile profile, create a ProfileBinding object in the same namespace with the pod and the SeccompProfile objects:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileBinding
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: nginx-binding
        kind: SeccompProfile 1
        name: profile 2
      image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21 3
    The kind: variable refers to the kind of the profile.
    The name: variable refers to the name of the profile.
    You can enable a default security profile by using a wildcard in the image attribute: image: "*"

    Using the image: "*" wildcard attribute binds all new pods with a default security profile in a given namespace.

  2. Label the namespace with enable-binding=true by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace spo.x-k8s.io/enable-binding=true
  3. Define a pod named test-pod.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      - name: test-container
        image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
  4. Create the pod:

    $ oc create -f test-pod.yaml

    If the pod already exists, you must re-create the pod for the binding to work properly.


  • Confirm the pod inherits the ProfileBinding by running the following command:

    $ oc get pod test-pod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].securityContext.seccompProfile}'

    Example output


7.6.3. Recording profiles from workloads

The Security Profiles Operator can record system calls with ProfileRecording objects, making it easier to create baseline profiles for applications.

When using the log enricher for recording seccomp profiles, verify the log enricher feature is enabled. See Additional resources for more information.


A container with privileged: true security context restraints prevents log-based recording. Privileged containers are not subject to seccomp policies, and log-based recording makes use of a special seccomp profile to record events.


  1. Create a project by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project my-namespace
  2. Label the namespace with enable-recording=true by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace spo.x-k8s.io/enable-recording=true
  3. Create a ProfileRecording object containing a recorder: logs variable:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileRecording
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: test-recording
      kind: SeccompProfile
      recorder: logs
          app: my-app
  4. Create a workload to record:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: my-pod
        app: my-app
        runAsNonRoot: true
          type: RuntimeDefault
        - name: nginx
          image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            - containerPort: 8080
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
        - name: redis
          image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/redis:6.2.1
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
  5. Confirm the pod is in a Running state by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n my-namespace get pods

    Example output

    my-pod   2/2     Running   0          18s

  6. Confirm the enricher indicates that it receives audit logs for those containers:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles logs --since=1m --selector name=spod -c log-enricher

    Example output

    I0523 14:19:08.747313  430694 enricher.go:445] log-enricher "msg"="audit" "container"="redis" "executable"="/usr/local/bin/redis-server" "namespace"="my-namespace" "node"="xiyuan-23-5g2q9-worker-eastus2-6rpgf" "pid"=656802 "pod"="my-pod" "syscallID"=0 "syscallName"="read" "timestamp"="1684851548.745:207179" "type"="seccomp"


  1. Remove the pod:

    $ oc -n my-namepace delete pod my-pod
  2. Confirm the Security Profiles Operator reconciles the two seccomp profiles:

    $ oc get seccompprofiles -lspo.x-k8s.io/recording-id=test-recording -n my-namespace

    Example output for seccompprofile

    NAME                   STATUS      AGE
    test-recording-nginx   Installed   2m48s
    test-recording-redis   Installed   2m48s Merging per-container profile instances

By default, each container instance records into a separate profile. The Security Profiles Operator can merge the per-container profiles into a single profile. Merging profiles is useful when deploying applications using ReplicaSet or Deployment objects.


  1. Edit a ProfileRecording object to include a mergeStrategy: containers variable:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileRecording
      # The name of the Recording is the same as the resulting SeccompProfile CRD
      # after reconciliation.
      name: test-recording
      namespace: my-namespace
      kind: SeccompProfile
      recorder: logs
      mergeStrategy: containers
          app: sp-record
  2. Label the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace security.openshift.io/scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit=privileged pod-security.kubernetes.io/warn=privileged --overwrite=true
  3. Create the workload with the following YAML:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deploy
      namespace: my-namespace
      replicas: 3
          app: sp-record
            app: sp-record
          serviceAccountName: spo-record-sa
          - name: nginx-record
            image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            - containerPort: 8080
  4. To record the individual profiles, delete the deployment by running the following command:

    $ oc delete deployment nginx-deploy -n my-namespace
  5. To merge the profiles, delete the profile recording by running the following command:

    $ oc delete profilerecording test-recording -n my-namespace
  6. To start the merge operation and generate the results profile, run the following command:

    $ oc get seccompprofiles -lspo.x-k8s.io/recording-id=test-recording -n my-namespace

    Example output for seccompprofiles

    NAME                          STATUS       AGE
    test-recording-nginx-record   Installed    55s

  7. To view the permissions used by any of the containers, run the following command:

    $ oc get seccompprofiles test-recording-nginx-record -o yaml

Additional resources

7.7. Managing SELinux profiles

Create and manage SELinux profiles and bind them to workloads.


The Security Profiles Operator supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) worker nodes. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) nodes are not supported.

7.7.1. Creating SELinux profiles

Use the SelinuxProfile object to create profiles.

The SelinuxProfile object has several features that allow for better security hardening and readability:

  • Restricts the profiles to inherit from to the current namespace or a system-wide profile. Because there are typically many profiles installed on the system, but only a subset should be used by cluster workloads, the inheritable system profiles are listed in the spod instance in spec.selinuxOptions.allowedSystemProfiles.
  • Performs basic validation of the permissions, classes and labels.
  • Adds a new keyword @self that describes the process using the policy. This allows reusing a policy between workloads and namespaces easily, as the usage of the policy is based on the name and namespace.
  • Adds features for better security hardening and readability compared to writing a profile directly in the SELinux CIL language.


  1. Create a project by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project nginx-deploy
  2. Create a policy that can be used with a non-privileged workload by creating the following SelinuxProfile object:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha2
    kind: SelinuxProfile
      name: nginx-secure
      namespace: nginx-deploy
          - listen
          - name_bind
          - node_bind
      - kind: System
        name: container
  3. Wait for selinuxd to install the policy by running the following command:

    $ oc wait --for=condition=ready -n nginx-deploy selinuxprofile nginx-secure

    Example output

    selinuxprofile.security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/nginx-secure condition met

    The policies are placed into an emptyDir in the container owned by the Security Profiles Operator. The policies are saved in Common Intermediate Language (CIL) format in /etc/selinux.d/<name>_<namespace>.cil.

  4. Access the pod by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles rsh -c selinuxd ds/spod


  1. View the file contents with cat by running the following command:

    $ cat /etc/selinux.d/nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.cil

    Example output

    (block nginx-secure_nginx-deploy
    (blockinherit container)
    (allow process nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.process ( tcp_socket ( listen )))
    (allow process http_cache_port_t ( tcp_socket ( name_bind )))
    (allow process node_t ( tcp_socket ( node_bind )))

  2. Verify that a policy has been installed by running the following command:

    $ semodule -l | grep nginx-secure

    Example output


7.7.2. Applying SELinux profiles to a pod

Create a pod to apply one of the created profiles.

For SELinux profiles, the namespace must be labelled to allow privileged workloads.


  1. Apply the scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false label to the nginx-deploy namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns nginx-deploy security.openshift.io/scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false
  2. Apply the privileged label to the nginx-deploy namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns nginx-deploy --overwrite=true pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged
  3. Obtain the SELinux profile usage string by running the following command:

    $ oc get selinuxprofile.security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/nginx-secure -n nginx-deploy -ojsonpath='{.status.usage}'

    Example output


  4. Apply the output string in the workload manifest in the .spec.containers[].securityContext.seLinuxOptions attribute:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: nginx-secure
      namespace: nginx-deploy
        runAsNonRoot: true
          type: RuntimeDefault
        - image: nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.21
          name: nginx
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
              # NOTE: This uses an appropriate SELinux type
              type: nginx-secure_nginx-deploy.process

    The SELinux type must exist before creating the workload. Applying SELinux log policies

To log policy violations or AVC denials, set the SElinuxProfile profile to permissive.


This procedure defines logging policies. It does not set enforcement policies.


  • Add permissive: true to an SElinuxProfile:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha2
    kind: SelinuxProfile
      name: nginx-secure
      namespace: nginx-deploy
      permissive: true Binding workloads to profiles with ProfileBindings

You can use the ProfileBinding resource to bind a security profile to the SecurityContext of a container.


  1. To bind a pod that uses a quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21 image to the example SelinuxProfile profile, create a ProfileBinding object in the same namespace with the pod and the SelinuxProfile objects:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileBinding
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: nginx-binding
        kind: SelinuxProfile 1
        name: profile 2
      image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21 3
    The kind: variable refers to the kind of the profile.
    The name: variable refers to the name of the profile.
    You can enable a default security profile by using a wildcard in the image attribute: image: "*"

    Using the image: "*" wildcard attribute binds all new pods with a default security profile in a given namespace.

  2. Label the namespace with enable-binding=true by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace spo.x-k8s.io/enable-binding=true
  3. Define a pod named test-pod.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: test-pod
      - name: test-container
        image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
  4. Create the pod:

    $ oc create -f test-pod.yaml

    If the pod already exists, you must re-create the pod for the binding to work properly.


  • Confirm the pod inherits the ProfileBinding by running the following command:

    $ oc get pod test-pod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].securityContext.seLinuxOptions.type}'

    Example output

    profile_nginx-binding.process Replicating controllers and SecurityContextConstraints

When you deploy SELinux policies for replicating controllers, such as deployments or daemon sets, note that the Pod objects spawned by the controllers are not running with the identity of the user who creates the workload. Unless a ServiceAccount is selected, the pods might revert to using a restricted SecurityContextConstraints (SCC) which does not allow use of custom security policies.


  1. Create a project by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project nginx-secure
  2. Create the following RoleBinding object to allow SELinux policies to be used in the nginx-secure namespace:

    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      name: spo-nginx
      namespace: nginx-secure
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: spo-deploy-test
      kind: Role
      name: spo-nginx
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  3. Create the Role object:

    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: spo-nginx
      namespace: nginx-secure
    - apiGroups:
      - security.openshift.io
      - securitycontextconstraints
      - privileged
      - use
  4. Create the ServiceAccount object:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: spo-deploy-test
      namespace: nginx-secure
  5. Create the Deployment object:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: selinux-test
      namespace: nginx-secure
          app: selinux-test
      replicas: 3
          app: selinux-test
            app: selinux-test
          serviceAccountName: spo-deploy-test
              type: nginx-secure_nginx-secure.process 1
          - name: nginx-unpriv
            image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            - containerPort: 8080
    The .seLinuxOptions.type must exist before the Deployment is created.

    The SELinux type is not specified in the workload and is handled by the SCC. When the pods are created by the deployment and the ReplicaSet, the pods will run with the appropriate profile.

Ensure that your SCC is usable by only the correct service account. Refer to Additional resources for more information.

7.7.3. Recording profiles from workloads

The Security Profiles Operator can record system calls with ProfileRecording objects, making it easier to create baseline profiles for applications.

When using the log enricher for recording SELinux profiles, verify the log enricher feature is enabled. See Additional resources for more information.


A container with privileged: true security context restraints prevents log-based recording. Privileged containers are not subject to SELinux policies, and log-based recording makes use of a special SELinux profile to record events.


  1. Create a project by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project my-namespace
  2. Label the namespace with enable-recording=true by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace spo.x-k8s.io/enable-recording=true
  3. Create a ProfileRecording object containing a recorder: logs variable:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileRecording
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: test-recording
      kind: SelinuxProfile
      recorder: logs
          app: my-app
  4. Create a workload to record:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: my-pod
        app: my-app
        runAsNonRoot: true
          type: RuntimeDefault
        - name: nginx
          image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            - containerPort: 8080
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
        - name: redis
          image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/redis:6.2.1
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              drop: [ALL]
  5. Confirm the pod is in a Running state by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n my-namespace get pods

    Example output

    my-pod   2/2     Running   0          18s

  6. Confirm the enricher indicates that it receives audit logs for those containers:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles logs --since=1m --selector name=spod -c log-enricher

    Example output

    I0517 13:55:36.383187  348295 enricher.go:376] log-enricher "msg"="audit" "container"="redis" "namespace"="my-namespace" "node"="ip-10-0-189-53.us-east-2.compute.internal" "perm"="name_bind" "pod"="my-pod" "profile"="test-recording_redis_6kmrb_1684331729" "scontext"="system_u:system_r:selinuxrecording.process:s0:c4,c27" "tclass"="tcp_socket" "tcontext"="system_u:object_r:redis_port_t:s0" "timestamp"="1684331735.105:273965" "type"="selinux"


  1. Remove the pod:

    $ oc -n my-namepace delete pod my-pod
  2. Confirm the Security Profiles Operator reconciles the two SELinux profiles:

    $ oc get selinuxprofiles -lspo.x-k8s.io/recording-id=test-recording -n my-namespace

    Example output for selinuxprofile

    NAME                   USAGE                                       STATE
    test-recording-nginx   test-recording-nginx_my-namespace.process   Installed
    test-recording-redis   test-recording-redis_my-namespace.process   Installed Merging per-container profile instances

By default, each container instance records into a separate profile. The Security Profiles Operator can merge the per-container profiles into a single profile. Merging profiles is useful when deploying applications using ReplicaSet or Deployment objects.


  1. Edit a ProfileRecording object to include a mergeStrategy: containers variable:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ProfileRecording
      # The name of the Recording is the same as the resulting SelinuxProfile CRD
      # after reconciliation.
      name: test-recording
      namespace: my-namespace
      kind: SelinuxProfile
      recorder: logs
      mergeStrategy: containers
          app: sp-record
  2. Label the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc label ns my-namespace security.openshift.io/scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit=privileged pod-security.kubernetes.io/warn=privileged --overwrite=true
  3. Create the workload with the following YAML:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deploy
      namespace: my-namespace
      replicas: 3
          app: sp-record
            app: sp-record
          serviceAccountName: spo-record-sa
          - name: nginx-record
            image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
            - containerPort: 8080
  4. To record the individual profiles, delete the deployment by running the following command:

    $ oc delete deployment nginx-deploy -n my-namespace
  5. To merge the profiles, delete the profile recording by running the following command:

    $ oc delete profilerecording test-recording -n my-namespace
  6. To start the merge operation and generate the results profile, run the following command:

    $ oc get selinuxprofiles -lspo.x-k8s.io/recording-id=test-recording -n my-namespace

    Example output for selinuxprofiles

    NAME                          USAGE                                              STATE
    test-recording-nginx-record   test-recording-nginx-record_my-namespace.process   Installed

  7. To view the permissions used by any of the containers, run the following command:

    $ oc get selinuxprofiles test-recording-nginx-record -o yaml About seLinuxContext: RunAsAny

Recording of SELinux policies is implemented with a webhook that injects a special SELinux type to the pods being recorded. The SELinux type makes the pod run in permissive mode, logging all the AVC denials into audit.log. By default, a workload is not allowed to run with a custom SELinux policy, but uses an auto-generated type.

To record a workload, the workload must use a service account that has permissions to use an SCC that allows the webhook to inject the permissive SELinux type. The privileged SCC contains seLinuxContext: RunAsAny.

In addition, the namespace must be labeled with pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: privileged if your cluster enables the Pod Security Admission because only the privileged Pod Security Standard allows using a custom SELinux policy.

Additional resources

7.8. Advanced Security Profiles Operator tasks

Use advanced tasks to enable metrics, configure webhooks, or restrict syscalls.

7.8.1. Restrict the allowed syscalls in seccomp profiles

The Security Profiles Operator does not restrict syscalls in seccomp profiles by default. You can define the list of allowed syscalls in the spod configuration.


  • To define the list of allowedSyscalls, adjust the spec parameter by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod spod --type merge \
        -p '{"spec":{"allowedSyscalls": ["exit", "exit_group", "futex", "nanosleep"]}}'

The Operator will install only the seccomp profiles, which have a subset of syscalls defined into the allowed list. All profiles not complying with this ruleset are rejected.

When the list of allowed syscalls is modified in the spod configuration, the Operator will identify the already installed profiles which are non-compliant and remove them automatically.

7.8.2. Base syscalls for a container runtime

You can use the baseProfileName attribute to establish the minimum required syscalls for a given runtime to start a container.


  • Edit the SeccompProfile kind object and add baseProfileName: runc-v1.0.0 to the spec field:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: SeccompProfile
      namespace: my-namespace
      name: example-name
      defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_ERRNO
      baseProfileName: runc-v1.0.0
        - action: SCMP_ACT_ALLOW
            - exit_group

7.8.3. Enabling memory optimization in the spod daemon

The controller running inside of spod daemon process watches all pods available in the cluster when profile recording is enabled. This can lead to very high memory usage in large clusters, resulting in the spod daemon running out of memory or crashing.

To prevent crashes, the spod daemon can be configured to only load the pods labeled for profile recording into the cache memory.


SPO memory optimization is not enabled by default.


  1. Enable memory optimization by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableMemoryOptimization":true}}'
  2. To record a security profile for a pod, the pod must be labeled with spo.x-k8s.io/enable-recording: "true":

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: my-recording-pod
        spo.x-k8s.io/enable-recording: "true"
    # ...

7.8.4. Customizing daemon resource requirements

The default resource requirements of the daemon container can be adjusted by using the field daemonResourceRequirements from the spod configuration.


  • To specify the memory and cpu requests and limits of the daemon container, run the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod spod --type merge -p \
        '{"spec":{"daemonResourceRequirements": { \
        "requests": {"memory": "256Mi", "cpu": "250m"}, \
        "limits": {"memory": "512Mi", "cpu": "500m"}}}}'

7.8.5. Setting a custom priority class name for the spod daemon pod

The default priority class name of the spod daemon pod is set to system-node-critical. A custom priority class name can be configured in the spod configuration by setting a value in the priorityClassName field.


  • Configure the priority class name by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"priorityClassName":"my-priority-class"}}'

    Example output

    securityprofilesoperatordaemon.openshift-security-profiles.x-k8s.io/spod patched

7.8.6. Using metrics

The openshift-security-profiles namespace provides metrics endpoints, which are secured by the kube-rbac-proxy container. All metrics are exposed by the metrics service within the openshift-security-profiles namespace.

The Security Profiles Operator includes a cluster role and corresponding binding spo-metrics-client to retrieve the metrics from within the cluster. There are two metrics paths available:

  • metrics.openshift-security-profiles/metrics: for controller runtime metrics
  • metrics.openshift-security-profiles/metrics-spod: for the Operator daemon metrics


  1. To view the status of the metrics service, run the following command:

    $ oc get svc/metrics -n openshift-security-profiles

    Example output

    metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   43s

  2. To retrieve the metrics, query the service endpoint using the default ServiceAccount token in the openshift-security-profiles namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc run --rm -i --restart=Never --image=registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-minimal:latest \
        -n openshift-security-profiles metrics-test -- bash -c \
        'curl -ks -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" https://metrics.openshift-security-profiles/metrics-spod'

    Example output

    # HELP security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total Counter about seccomp profile operations.
    # TYPE security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total counter
    security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total{operation="delete"} 1
    security_profiles_operator_seccomp_profile_total{operation="update"} 2

  3. To retrieve metrics from a different namespace, link the ServiceAccount to the spo-metrics-client ClusterRoleBinding by running the following command:

    $ oc get clusterrolebinding spo-metrics-client -o wide

    Example output

    NAME                 ROLE                             AGE   USERS   GROUPS   SERVICEACCOUNTS
    spo-metrics-client   ClusterRole/spo-metrics-client   35m                    openshift-security-profiles/default controller-runtime metrics

The controller-runtime metrics and the DaemonSet endpoint metrics-spod provide a set of default metrics. Additional metrics are provided by the daemon, which are always prefixed with security_profiles_operator_.

Table 7.1. Available controller-runtime metrics
Metric keyPossible labelsTypePurpose




Amount of seccomp profile operations.


node, namespace, pod, container, executable, syscall


Amount of seccomp profile audit operations. Requires the log enricher to be enabled.


node, mount_namespace, profile


Amount of seccomp profile bpf operations. Requires the bpf recorder to be enabled.




Amount of seccomp profile errors.




Amount of SELinux profile operations.


node, namespace, pod, container, executable, scontext,tcontext


Amount of SELinux profile audit operations. Requires the log enricher to be enabled.




Amount of SELinux profile errors.

7.8.7. Using the log enricher

The Security Profiles Operator contains a log enrichment feature, which is disabled by default. The log enricher container runs with privileged permissions to read the audit logs from the local node. The log enricher runs within the host PID namespace, hostPID.


The log enricher must have permissions to read the host processes.


  1. Patch the spod configuration to enable the log enricher by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod spod \
        --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableLogEnricher":true}}'

    Example output

    securityprofilesoperatordaemon.security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/spod patched


    The Security Profiles Operator will re-deploy the spod daemon set automatically.

  2. View the audit logs by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles logs -f ds/spod log-enricher

    Example output

    I0623 12:51:04.257814 1854764 deleg.go:130] setup "msg"="starting component: log-enricher"  "buildDate"="1980-01-01T00:00:00Z" "compiler"="gc" "gitCommit"="unknown" "gitTreeState"="clean" "goVersion"="go1.16.2" "platform"="linux/amd64" "version"="0.4.0-dev"
    I0623 12:51:04.257890 1854764 enricher.go:44] log-enricher "msg"="Starting log-enricher on node:"
    I0623 12:51:04.257898 1854764 enricher.go:46] log-enricher "msg"="Connecting to local GRPC server"
    I0623 12:51:04.258061 1854764 enricher.go:69] log-enricher "msg"="Reading from file /var/log/audit/audit.log"
    2021/06/23 12:51:04 Seeked /var/log/audit/audit.log - &{Offset:0 Whence:2} Using the log enricher to trace an application

You can use the Security Profiles Operator log enricher to trace an application.


  1. To trace an application, create a SeccompProfile logging profile:

    apiVersion: security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
    kind: SeccompProfile
      name: log
      namespace: default
      defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG
  2. Create a pod object to use the profile:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: log-pod
        runAsNonRoot: true
          type: Localhost
          localhostProfile: operator/default/log.json
      - name: log-container
        image: quay.io/security-profiles-operator/test-nginx-unprivileged:1.21
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            drop: [ALL]
  3. Examine the log enricher output by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles logs -f ds/spod log-enricher

    Example 7.1. Example output

    I0623 12:59:11.479869 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=3 "syscallName"="close" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1061" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:11.487323 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=157 "syscallName"="prctl" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1062" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:11.492157 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=157 "syscallName"="prctl" "timestamp"="1624453150.205:1063" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.258523 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=12 "syscallName"="brk" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2873" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.263349 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=21 "syscallName"="access" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2874" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.354091 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=257 "syscallName"="openat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2875" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.358844 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=5 "syscallName"="fstat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2876" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.363510 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=9 "syscallName"="mmap" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2877" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.454127 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=3 "syscallName"="close" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2878" "type"="seccomp"
    I0623 12:59:20.458654 1854764 enricher.go:111] log-enricher "msg"="audit"  "container"="log-container" "executable"="/usr/sbin/nginx" "namespace"="default" "node"="" "pid"=1905792 "pod"="log-pod" "syscallID"=257 "syscallName"="openat" "timestamp"="1624453150.235:2879" "type"="seccomp"

7.8.8. Configuring webhooks

Profile binding and profile recording objects can use webhooks. Profile binding and recording object configurations are MutatingWebhookConfiguration CRs, managed by the Security Profiles Operator.

To change the webhook configuration, the spod CR exposes a webhookOptions field that allows modification of the failurePolicy, namespaceSelector, and objectSelector variables. This allows you to set the webhooks to "soft-fail" or restrict them to a subset of a namespaces so that even if the webhooks failed, other namespaces or resources are not affected.


  1. Set the recording.spo.io webhook configuration to record only pods labeled with spo-record=true by creating the following patch file:

        - name: recording.spo.io
              - key: spo-record
                operator: In
                  - "true"
  2. Patch the spod/spod instance by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles patch spod \
        spod -p $(cat /tmp/spod-wh.patch) --type=merge
  3. To view the resulting MutatingWebhookConfiguration object, run the following command:

    $ oc get MutatingWebhookConfiguration \
        spo-mutating-webhook-configuration -oyaml

7.9. Troubleshooting the Security Profiles Operator

Troubleshoot the Security Profiles Operator to diagnose a problem or provide information in a bug report.

7.9.1. Inspecting seccomp profiles

Corrupted seccomp profiles can disrupt your workloads. Ensure that the user cannot abuse the system by not allowing other workloads to map any part of the path /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator.


  1. Confirm that the profile is reconciled by running the following command:

    $ oc -n openshift-security-profiles logs openshift-security-profiles-<id>

    Example 7.2. Example output

    I1019 19:34:14.942464       1 main.go:90] setup "msg"="starting openshift-security-profiles"  "buildDate"="2020-10-19T19:31:24Z" "compiler"="gc" "gitCommit"="a3ef0e1ea6405092268c18f240b62015c247dd9d" "gitTreeState"="dirty" "goVersion"="go1.15.1" "platform"="linux/amd64" "version"="0.2.0-dev"
    I1019 19:34:15.348389       1 listener.go:44] controller-runtime/metrics "msg"="metrics server is starting to listen"  "addr"=":8080"
    I1019 19:34:15.349076       1 main.go:126] setup "msg"="starting manager"
    I1019 19:34:15.349449       1 internal.go:391] controller-runtime/manager "msg"="starting metrics server"  "path"="/metrics"
    I1019 19:34:15.350201       1 controller.go:142] controller "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile" "source"={"Type":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null},"spec":{"defaultAction":""}}}
    I1019 19:34:15.450674       1 controller.go:149] controller "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile"
    I1019 19:34:15.450757       1 controller.go:176] controller "msg"="Starting workers" "controller"="profile" "reconcilerGroup"="security-profiles-operator.x-k8s.io" "reconcilerKind"="SeccompProfile" "worker count"=1
    I1019 19:34:15.453102       1 profile.go:148] profile "msg"="Reconciled profile from SeccompProfile" "namespace"="openshift-security-profiles" "profile"="nginx-1.19.1" "name"="nginx-1.19.1" "resource version"="728"
    I1019 19:34:15.453618       1 profile.go:148] profile "msg"="Reconciled profile from SeccompProfile" "namespace"="openshift-security-profiles" "profile"="openshift-security-profiles" "name"="openshift-security-profiles" "resource version"="729"
  2. Confirm that the seccomp profiles are saved into the correct path by running the following command:

    $ oc exec -t -n openshift-security-profiles openshift-security-profiles-<id> \
        -- ls /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/operator/my-namespace/my-workload

    Example output


7.10. Uninstalling the Security Profiles Operator

You can remove the Security Profiles Operator from your cluster by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

7.10.1. Uninstall the Security Profiles Operator using the web console

To remove the Security Profiles Operator, you must first delete the seccomp and SELinux profiles. After the profiles are removed, you can then remove the Operator and its namespace by deleting the openshift-security-profiles project.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses an account with cluster-admin permissions.
  • The Security Profiles Operator is installed.


To remove the Security Profiles Operator by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

  1. Navigate to the Operators Installed Operators page.
  2. Delete all seccomp profiles, SELinux profiles, and webhook configurations.
  3. Switch to the Administration Operators Installed Operators page.
  4. Click the Options menu kebab on the Security Profiles Operator entry and select Uninstall Operator.
  5. Switch to the Home Projects page.
  6. Search for security profiles.
  7. Click the Options menu kebab next to the openshift-security-profiles project, and select Delete Project.

    1. Confirm the deletion by typing openshift-security-profiles in the dialog box, and click Delete.
  8. Delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration object by running the following command:

    $ oc delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration spo-mutating-webhook-configuration
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