apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1" kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: elasticsearch-secure 4 type: "elasticsearch" url: https://elasticsearch.secure.com:9200 secret: name: elasticsearch - name: elasticsearch-insecure 5 type: "elasticsearch" url: http://elasticsearch.insecure.com:9200 - name: kafka-app 6 type: "kafka" url: tls://kafka.secure.com:9093/app-topic inputs: 7 - name: my-app-logs application: namespaces: - my-project pipelines: - name: audit-logs 8 inputRefs: - audit outputRefs: - elasticsearch-secure - default labels: secure: "true" 9 datacenter: "east" - name: infrastructure-logs 10 inputRefs: - infrastructure outputRefs: - elasticsearch-insecure labels: datacenter: "west" - name: my-app 11 inputRefs: - my-app-logs outputRefs: - default - inputRefs: 12 - application outputRefs: - kafka-app labels: datacenter: "south"
$ oc create secret generic -n <namespace> <secret_name> \ --from-file=ca-bundle.crt=<your_bundle_file> \ --from-literal=username=<your_username> \ --from-literal=password=<your_password>
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 pipelines: - inputRefs: - <log_type> 4 outputRefs: - <output_name> 5 outputs: - name: <output_name> 6 type: <output_type> 7 url: <log_output_url> 8 # ...
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: # ... spec: tuning: delivery: AtLeastOnce 1 compression: none 2 maxWrite: <integer> 3 minRetryDuration: 1s 4 maxRetryDuration: 1s 5 # ...
| ||||
| |||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.toString()" because "<param1>" is null at testjava.Main.handle(Main.java:47) at testjava.Main.printMe(Main.java:19) at testjava.Main.main(Main.java:10)
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: pipelines: - name: my-app-logs inputRefs: - application outputRefs: - default detectMultilineErrors: true
[transforms.detect_exceptions_app-logs] type = "detect_exceptions" inputs = ["application"] languages = ["All"] group_by = ["kubernetes.namespace_name","kubernetes.pod_name","kubernetes.container_name"] expire_after_ms = 2000 multiline_flush_interval_ms = 1000
<label @MULTILINE_APP_LOGS> <match kubernetes.**> @type detect_exceptions remove_tag_prefix 'kubernetes' message message force_line_breaks true multiline_flush_interval .2 </match> </label>
$ oc -n openshift-logging create secret generic gcp-secret --from-file google-application-credentials.json=<your_service_account_key_file.json>
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: gcp-1 type: googleCloudLogging secret: name: gcp-secret googleCloudLogging: projectId : "openshift-gce-devel" 4 logId : "app-gcp" 5 pipelines: - name: test-app inputRefs: 6 - application outputRefs: - gcp-1
$ oc -n openshift-logging create secret generic vector-splunk-secret --from-literal hecToken=<HEC_Token>
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: splunk-receiver 4 secret: name: vector-splunk-secret 5 type: splunk 6 url: <http://your.splunk.hec.url:8088> 7 pipelines: 8 - inputRefs: - application - infrastructure name: 9 outputRefs: - splunk-receiver 10
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: httpout-app type: http url: 4 http: headers: 5 h1: v1 h2: v2 method: POST secret: name: 6 tls: insecureSkipVerify: 7 pipelines: - name: inputRefs: - application outputRefs: - httpout-app 8
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-secret
namespace: openshift-logging
type: Opaque
shared_key: <your_shared_key> 1
Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceSharedKey -ResourceGroupName "<resource_name>" -Name "<workspace_name>”
apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1" kind: "ClusterLogForwarder" metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: outputs: - name: azure-monitor type: azureMonitor azureMonitor: customerId: my-customer-id 1 logType: my_log_type 2 secret: name: my-secret pipelines: - name: app-pipeline inputRefs: - application outputRefs: - azure-monitor
apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1"
kind: "ClusterLogForwarder"
name: instance
namespace: openshift-logging
- name: azure-monitor-app
type: azureMonitor
customerId: my-customer-id
logType: application_log 1
name: my-secret
- name: azure-monitor-infra
type: azureMonitor
customerId: my-customer-id
logType: infra_log #
name: my-secret
- name: app-pipeline
- application
- azure-monitor-app
- name: infra-pipeline
- infrastructure
- azure-monitor-infra
apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1" kind: "ClusterLogForwarder" metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: outputs: - name: azure-monitor type: azureMonitor azureMonitor: customerId: my-customer-id logType: my_log_type azureResourceId: "/subscriptions/111111111" 1 host: "ods.opinsights.azure.com" 2 secret: name: my-secret pipelines: - name: app-pipeline inputRefs: - application outputRefs: - azure-monitor
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance 1 namespace: openshift-logging 2 spec: outputs: - name: fluentd-server-secure 3 type: fluentdForward 4 url: 'tls://fluentdserver.security.example.com:24224' 5 secret: 6 name: fluentd-secret - name: fluentd-server-insecure type: fluentdForward url: 'tcp://fluentdserver.home.example.com:24224' inputs: 7 - name: my-app-logs application: namespaces: - my-project 8 pipelines: - name: forward-to-fluentd-insecure 9 inputRefs: 10 - my-app-logs outputRefs: 11 - fluentd-server-insecure labels: project: "my-project" 12 - name: forward-to-fluentd-secure 13 inputRefs: - application 14 - audit - infrastructure outputRefs: - fluentd-server-secure - default labels: clusterId: "C1234"
$ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: pipelines: - inputRefs: [ myAppLogData ] 3 outputRefs: [ default ] 4 inputs: 5 - name: myAppLogData application: selector: matchLabels: 6 environment: production app: nginx namespaces: 7 - app1 - app2 outputs: 8 - <output_name> ...
- inputRefs: [ myAppLogData, myOtherAppLogData ]
$ oc create -f <file-name>.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: pipelines: - name: my-pipeline inputRefs: audit 1 filterRefs: my-policy 2 outputRefs: default filters: - name: my-policy type: kubeAPIAudit kubeAPIAudit: # Don't generate audit events for all requests in RequestReceived stage. omitStages: - "RequestReceived" rules: # Log pod changes at RequestResponse level - level: RequestResponse resources: - group: "" resources: ["pods"] # Log "pods/log", "pods/status" at Metadata level - level: Metadata resources: - group: "" resources: ["pods/log", "pods/status"] # Don't log requests to a configmap called "controller-leader" - level: None resources: - group: "" resources: ["configmaps"] resourceNames: ["controller-leader"] # Don't log watch requests by the "system:kube-proxy" on endpoints or services - level: None users: ["system:kube-proxy"] verbs: ["watch"] resources: - group: "" # core API group resources: ["endpoints", "services"] # Don't log authenticated requests to certain non-resource URL paths. - level: None userGroups: ["system:authenticated"] nonResourceURLs: - "/api*" # Wildcard matching. - "/version" # Log the request body of configmap changes in kube-system. - level: Request resources: - group: "" # core API group resources: ["configmaps"] # This rule only applies to resources in the "kube-system" namespace. # The empty string "" can be used to select non-namespaced resources. namespaces: ["kube-system"] # Log configmap and secret changes in all other namespaces at the Metadata level. - level: Metadata resources: - group: "" # core API group resources: ["secrets", "configmaps"] # Log all other resources in core and extensions at the Request level. - level: Request resources: - group: "" # core API group - group: "extensions" # Version of group should NOT be included. # A catch-all rule to log all other requests at the Metadata level. - level: Metadata
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: loki-insecure 4 type: "loki" 5 url: http://loki.insecure.com:3100 6 loki: tenantKey: kubernetes.namespace_name labelKeys: - kubernetes.labels.foo - name: loki-secure 7 type: "loki" url: https://loki.secure.com:3100 secret: name: loki-secret 8 loki: tenantKey: kubernetes.namespace_name 9 labelKeys: - kubernetes.labels.foo 10 pipelines: - name: application-logs 11 inputRefs: 12 - application - audit outputRefs: 13 - loki-secure
注意$ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: elasticsearch-example 4 type: elasticsearch 5 elasticsearch: version: 8 6 url: http://elasticsearch.example.com:9200 7 secret: name: es-secret 8 pipelines: - name: application-logs 9 inputRefs: 10 - application - audit outputRefs: - elasticsearch-example 11 - default 12 labels: myLabel: "myValue" 13 # ...
$ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: openshift-test-secret data: username: <username> password: <password> # ...
$ oc create secret -n openshift-logging openshift-test-secret.yaml
kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: outputs: - name: elasticsearch type: "elasticsearch" url: https://elasticsearch.secure.com:9200 secret: name: openshift-test-secret # ...
注意$ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance 1 namespace: openshift-logging 2 spec: outputs: - name: fluentd-server-secure 3 type: fluentdForward 4 url: 'tls://fluentdserver.security.example.com:24224' 5 secret: 6 name: fluentd-secret - name: fluentd-server-insecure type: fluentdForward url: 'tcp://fluentdserver.home.example.com:24224' pipelines: - name: forward-to-fluentd-secure 7 inputRefs: 8 - application - audit outputRefs: - fluentd-server-secure 9 - default 10 labels: clusterId: "C1234" 11 - name: forward-to-fluentd-insecure 12 inputRefs: - infrastructure outputRefs: - fluentd-server-insecure labels: clusterId: "C1234"
$ oc create -f <file-name>.yaml
input { tcp { codec => fluent { nanosecond_precision => true } port => 24114 } } filter { } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: rsyslog-east 4 type: syslog 5 syslog: 6 facility: local0 rfc: RFC3164 payloadKey: message severity: informational url: 'tls://rsyslogserver.east.example.com:514' 7 secret: 8 name: syslog-secret - name: rsyslog-west type: syslog syslog: appName: myapp facility: user msgID: mymsg procID: myproc rfc: RFC5424 severity: debug url: 'tcp://rsyslogserver.west.example.com:514' pipelines: - name: syslog-east 9 inputRefs: 10 - audit - application outputRefs: 11 - rsyslog-east - default 12 labels: secure: "true" 13 syslog: "east" - name: syslog-west 14 inputRefs: - infrastructure outputRefs: - rsyslog-west - default labels: syslog: "west"
$ oc create -f <filename>.yaml
spec: outputs: - name: syslogout syslog: addLogSource: true facility: user payloadKey: message rfc: RFC3164 severity: debug tag: mytag type: syslog url: tls://syslog-receiver.openshift-logging.svc:24224 pipelines: - inputRefs: - application name: test-app outputRefs: - syslogout
<15>1 2020-11-15T17:06:14+00:00 fluentd-9hkb4 mytag - - - {"msgcontent"=>"Message Contents", "timestamp"=>"2020-11-15 17:06:09", "tag_key"=>"rec_tag", "index"=>56}
<15>1 2020-11-16T10:49:37+00:00 crc-j55b9-master-0 mytag - - - namespace_name=clo-test-6327,pod_name=log-generator-ff9746c49-qxm7l,container_name=log-generator,message={"msgcontent":"My life is my message", "timestamp":"2020-11-16 10:49:36", "tag_key":"rec_tag", "index":76}
- 注意
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: app-logs 4 type: kafka 5 url: tls://kafka.example.devlab.com:9093/app-topic 6 secret: name: kafka-secret 7 - name: infra-logs type: kafka url: tcp://kafka.devlab2.example.com:9093/infra-topic 8 - name: audit-logs type: kafka url: tls://kafka.qelab.example.com:9093/audit-topic secret: name: kafka-secret-qe pipelines: - name: app-topic 9 inputRefs: 10 - application outputRefs: 11 - app-logs labels: logType: "application" 12 - name: infra-topic 13 inputRefs: - infrastructure outputRefs: - infra-logs labels: logType: "infra" - name: audit-topic inputRefs: - audit outputRefs: - audit-logs labels: logType: "audit"
# ... spec: outputs: - name: app-logs type: kafka secret: name: kafka-secret-dev kafka: 1 brokers: 2 - tls://kafka-broker1.example.com:9093/ - tls://kafka-broker2.example.com:9093/ topic: app-topic 3 # ...
$ oc apply -f <filename>.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: cw-secret namespace: openshift-logging data: aws_access_key_id: QUtJQUlPU0ZPRE5ON0VYQU1QTEUK aws_secret_access_key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQo=
$ oc apply -f cw-secret.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: <service_account_name> 3 outputs: - name: cw 4 type: cloudwatch 5 cloudwatch: groupBy: logType 6 groupPrefix: <group prefix> 7 region: us-east-2 8 secret: name: cw-secret 9 pipelines: - name: infra-logs 10 inputRefs: 11 - infrastructure - audit - application outputRefs: - cw 12
$ oc create -f <file-name>.yaml
$ oc get Infrastructure/cluster -ojson | jq .status.infrastructureName "mycluster-7977k"
$ oc run busybox --image=busybox -- sh -c 'while true; do echo "My life is my message"; sleep 3; done' $ oc logs -f busybox My life is my message My life is my message My life is my message ...
$ oc get ns/app -ojson | jq .metadata.uid "794e1e1a-b9f5-4958-a190-e76a9b53d7bf"
apiVersion: "logging.openshift.io/v1" kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: instance namespace: openshift-logging spec: outputs: - name: cw type: cloudwatch cloudwatch: groupBy: logType region: us-east-2 secret: name: cw-secret pipelines: - name: all-logs inputRefs: - infrastructure - audit - application outputRefs: - cw
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-groups | jq .logGroups[].logGroupName "mycluster-7977k.application" "mycluster-7977k.audit" "mycluster-7977k.infrastructure"
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name mycluster-7977k.application | jq .logStreams[].logStreamName "kubernetes.var.log.containers.busybox_app_busybox-da085893053e20beddd6747acdbaf98e77c37718f85a7f6a4facf09ca195ad76.log"
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name mycluster-7977k.audit | jq .logStreams[].logStreamName "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.k8s-audit.log" "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.linux-audit.log" "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.openshift-audit.log" ...
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name mycluster-7977k.infrastructure | jq .logStreams[].logStreamName "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.kubernetes.var.log.containers.apiserver-69f9fd9b58-zqzw5_openshift-oauth-apiserver_oauth-apiserver-453c5c4ee026fe20a6139ba6b1cdd1bed25989c905bf5ac5ca211b7cbb5c3d7b.log" "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.kubernetes.var.log.containers.apiserver-797774f7c5-lftrx_openshift-apiserver_openshift-apiserver-ce51532df7d4e4d5f21c4f4be05f6575b93196336be0027067fd7d93d70f66a4.log" "ip-10-0-131-228.us-east-2.compute.internal.kubernetes.var.log.containers.apiserver-797774f7c5-lftrx_openshift-apiserver_openshift-apiserver-check-endpoints-82a9096b5931b5c3b1d6dc4b66113252da4a6472c9fff48623baee761911a9ef.log" ...
$ aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name mycluster-7977k.application --log-stream-name kubernetes.var.log.containers.busybox_app_busybox-da085893053e20beddd6747acdbaf98e77c37718f85a7f6a4facf09ca195ad76.log { "events": [ { "timestamp": 1629422704178, "message": "{\"docker\":{\"container_id\":\"da085893053e20beddd6747acdbaf98e77c37718f85a7f6a4facf09ca195ad76\"},\"kubernetes\":{\"container_name\":\"busybox\",\"namespace_name\":\"app\",\"pod_name\":\"busybox\",\"container_image\":\"docker.io/library/busybox:latest\",\"container_image_id\":\"docker.io/library/busybox@sha256:0f354ec1728d9ff32edcd7d1b8bbdfc798277ad36120dc3dc683be44524c8b60\",\"pod_id\":\"870be234-90a3-4258-b73f-4f4d6e2777c7\",\"host\":\"ip-10-0-216-3.us-east-2.compute.internal\",\"labels\":{\"run\":\"busybox\"},\"master_url\":\"https://kubernetes.default.svc\",\"namespace_id\":\"794e1e1a-b9f5-4958-a190-e76a9b53d7bf\",\"namespace_labels\":{\"kubernetes_io/metadata_name\":\"app\"}},\"message\":\"My life is my message\",\"level\":\"unknown\",\"hostname\":\"ip-10-0-216-3.us-east-2.compute.internal\",\"pipeline_metadata\":{\"collector\":{\"ipaddr4\":\"\",\"inputname\":\"fluent-plugin-systemd\",\"name\":\"fluentd\",\"received_at\":\"2021-08-20T01:25:08.085760+00:00\",\"version\":\"1.7.4 1.6.0\"}},\"@timestamp\":\"2021-08-20T01:25:04.178986+00:00\",\"viaq_index_name\":\"app-write\",\"viaq_msg_id\":\"NWRjZmUyMWQtZjgzNC00MjI4LTk3MjMtNTk3NmY3ZjU4NDk1\",\"log_type\":\"application\",\"time\":\"2021-08-20T01:25:04+00:00\"}", "ingestionTime": 1629422744016 }, ...
cloudwatch: groupBy: logType groupPrefix: demo-group-prefix region: us-east-2
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-groups | jq .logGroups[].logGroupName "demo-group-prefix.application" "demo-group-prefix.audit" "demo-group-prefix.infrastructure"
cloudwatch: groupBy: namespaceName region: us-east-2
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-groups | jq .logGroups[].logGroupName "mycluster-7977k.app" "mycluster-7977k.audit" "mycluster-7977k.infrastructure"
cloudwatch: groupBy: namespaceUUID region: us-east-2
$ aws --output json logs describe-log-groups | jq .logGroups[].logGroupName "mycluster-7977k.794e1e1a-b9f5-4958-a190-e76a9b53d7bf" // uid of the "app" namespace "mycluster-7977k.audit" "mycluster-7977k.infrastructure"
$ oc create secret generic cw-sts-secret -n openshift-logging --from-literal=role_arn=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-role_with-permissions
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: namespace: openshift-logging name: my-secret-name stringData: role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-role_with-permissions
apiVersion: cloudcredential.openshift.io/v1 kind: CredentialsRequest metadata: name: <your_role_name>-credrequest namespace: openshift-cloud-credential-operator spec: providerSpec: apiVersion: cloudcredential.openshift.io/v1 kind: AWSProviderSpec statementEntries: - action: - logs:PutLogEvents - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:PutRetentionPolicy - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:DescribeLogGroups - logs:DescribeLogStreams effect: Allow resource: arn:aws:logs:*:*:* secretRef: name: <your_role_name> namespace: openshift-logging serviceAccountNames: - logcollector
$ ccoctl aws create-iam-roles \ --name=<name> \ --region=<aws_region> \ --credentials-requests-dir=<path_to_directory_with_list_of_credentials_requests>/credrequests \ --identity-provider-arn=arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:oidc-provider/<name>-oidc.s3.<aws_region>.amazonaws.com 1
$ oc apply -f output/manifests/openshift-logging-<your_role_name>-credentials.yaml
apiVersion: logging.openshift.io/v1 kind: ClusterLogForwarder metadata: name: <log_forwarder_name> 1 namespace: <log_forwarder_namespace> 2 spec: serviceAccountName: clf-collector 3 outputs: - name: cw 4 type: cloudwatch 5 cloudwatch: groupBy: logType 6 groupPrefix: <group prefix> 7 region: us-east-2 8 secret: name: <your_secret_name> 9 pipelines: - name: to-cloudwatch 10 inputRefs: 11 - infrastructure - audit - application outputRefs: - cw 12