286.5. 例子
286.5.1. 将文档上传到内容工作空间
使用处理器实例在 Java 中创建 ContentVersion:
public class ContentProcessor implements Processor { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Message message = exchange.getIn(); ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(); ContentWorkspace cw = getWorkspace(exchange); cv.setFirstPublishLocationId(cw.getId()); cv.setTitle("test document"); cv.setPathOnClient("test_doc.html"); byte[] document = message.getBody(byte[].class); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String enc = mapper.convertValue(document, String.class); cv.setVersionDataUrl(enc); message.setBody(cv); } protected ContentWorkspace getWorkSpace(Exchange exchange) { // Look up the content workspace somehow, maybe use enrich() to add it to a // header that can be extracted here .... } }
将处理器的输出信息提供给 Salesforce 组件:
from("file:///home/camel/library") .to(new ContentProcessor()) // convert bytes from the file into a ContentVersion SObject // for the salesforce component .to("salesforce:createSObject");