3.4. OpenShift Dedicated 検証用 Webhook
OpenShift Dedicated 検証 Webhook は、OpenShift SRE チームによって維持される動的受付制御のセットです。これらの HTTP コールバック (Webhook とも呼ばれる) は、さまざまなタイプの要求に対して呼び出され、クラスターの安定性を確保します。以下のリストは、登録された操作および制御されるリソースが含まれるルールが含まれる各種 Webhook について説明しています。これらの検証用 Webhook を回避しようとすると、クラスターの安定性およびサポート性に影響が出る可能性があります。
例3.3 検証用 Webhook のリスト
[ { "webhookName": "clusterlogging-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE" ], "apiGroups": [ "logging.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "v1" ], "resources": [ "clusterloggings" ], "scope": "Namespaced" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may set log retention outside the allowed range of 0-7 days" }, { "webhookName": "hiveownership-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "quota.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterresourcequotas" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "webhookObjectSelector": { "matchLabels": { "hive.openshift.io/managed": "true" } }, "documentString": "Managed OpenShift customers may not edit certain managed resources. A managed resource has a \"hive.openshift.io/managed\": \"true\" label." }, { "webhookName": "namespace-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "namespaces" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not modify namespaces specified in the [openshift-monitoring/addons-namespaces openshift-monitoring/managed-namespaces openshift-monitoring/ocp-namespaces] ConfigMaps because customer workloads should be placed in customer-created namespaces. Customers may not create namespaces identified by this regular expression (^com$|^io$|^in$) because it could interfere with critical DNS resolution. Additionally, customers may not set or change the values of these Namespace labels [managed.openshift.io/storage-pv-quota-exempt managed.openshift.io/service-lb-quota-exempt]." }, { "webhookName": "pod-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "v1" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "pods" ], "scope": "Namespaced" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may use tolerations on Pods that could cause those Pods to be scheduled on infra or master nodes." }, { "webhookName": "regular-user-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "cloudcredential.openshift.io", "machine.openshift.io", "admissionregistration.k8s.io", "addons.managed.openshift.io", "cloudingress.managed.openshift.io", "managed.openshift.io", "ocmagent.managed.openshift.io", "splunkforwarder.managed.openshift.io", "upgrade.managed.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "*/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "autoscaling.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterautoscalers", "machineautoscalers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "config.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "clusterversions", "clusterversions/status", "schedulers", "apiservers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "operator.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "kubeapiservers", "openshiftapiservers" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "nodes", "nodes/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "managed.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "subjectpermissions", "subjectpermissions/*" ], "scope": "*" }, { "operations": [ "*" ], "apiGroups": [ "network.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "netnamespaces", "netnamespaces/*" ], "scope": "*" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift customers may not manage any objects in the following APIgroups [network.openshift.io cloudcredential.openshift.io managed.openshift.io ocmagent.managed.openshift.io upgrade.managed.openshift.io config.openshift.io operator.openshift.io machine.openshift.io admissionregistration.k8s.io addons.managed.openshift.io cloudingress.managed.openshift.io splunkforwarder.managed.openshift.io autoscaling.openshift.io], nor may Managed OpenShift customers alter the APIServer, KubeAPIServer, OpenShiftAPIServer, ClusterVersion, Node or SubjectPermission objects." }, { "webhookName": "scc-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "UPDATE", "DELETE" ], "apiGroups": [ "security.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "securitycontextconstraints" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not modify the following default SCCs: [anyuid hostaccess hostmount-anyuid hostnetwork node-exporter nonroot privileged restricted]" }, { "webhookName": "techpreviewnoupgrade-validation", "rules": [ { "operations": [ "CREATE", "UPDATE" ], "apiGroups": [ "config.openshift.io" ], "apiVersions": [ "*" ], "resources": [ "featuregates" ], "scope": "Cluster" } ], "documentString": "Managed OpenShift Customers may not use TechPreviewNoUpgrade FeatureGate that could prevent any future ability to do a y-stream upgrade to their clusters." } ]