第25章 Out of Resource (リソース不足) エラーの処理

25.1. 概要

このトピックでは、OpenShift Container Platform がメモリー不足 (OOM) やディスク領域不足の状況を防ぐためのベストエフォートの取り組みについて説明します。



このトピックでは、OpenShift Container Platform がリソース不足の状況に対処する方法についての情報を提供し、シナリオ例推奨される対策について説明します。


If swap memory is enabled for a node, that node cannot detect that it is under MemoryPressure.

メモリーベースのエビクションを利用するには、オペレーターは swap を無効にする必要があります。

25.2. エビクションポリシーの設定

エビクションポリシー により、ノードが利用可能なリソースが少ない状況で実行されている場合に 1 つ以上の Pod が失敗することを許可します。Pod の失敗により、ノードは必要なリソースを回収できます。

An eviciton policy is a combination of an eviction trigger signal with a specific eviction threshold value, that is set in the node configuration file or through the command line. Evictions can be either hard, where a node takes immediate action on a pod that exceeds a threshold, or soft, where a node allows a grace period before taking action. See the sections below for important information the differences between hard and soft evictions.

By using well-configured eviction policies, a node can proactively monitor for and prevent against total starvation of a compute resource.


When the node fails a pod, it terminates all containers in the pod, and the PodPhase is transitioned to Failed.

25.2.1. ノード設定を使用したポリシーの作成

To configure an eviction policy, edit the node configuration file (the /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml file) to specify the eviction thresholds under the eviction-hard or eviction-soft parameters.


例25.1 Sample Node Configuration file for a hard eviction

  eviction-hard: 1
  - memory.available<500Mi2
  - nodefs.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - imagefs.available<100Mi
  - imagefs.inodesFree<100Mi
エビクションのタイプ: ハードエビクションにこのパラメーターを使用します。

例25.2 Sample Node Configuration file for a soft eviction

  eviction-soft: 1
  - memory.available<500Mi 2
  - nodefs.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - imagefs.available<100Mi
  - imagefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - memory.available=1m30s
  - nodefs.available=1m30s
  - nodefs.inodesFree=1m30s
  - imagefs.available=1m30s
  - imagefs.inodesFree=1m30s
エビクションのタイプ: ソフトエビクションにこのパラメーターを使用します。
  1. 変更を有効するために OpenShift Container Platform サービスを再起動します。

    # systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node

25.2.2. エビクションシグナルについて


The value of each signal is described in the Description column based on the node summary API.


curl <certificate details> \
表25.1 サポートされるエビクションシグナル



memory.available = node.status.capacity[memory] - node.stats.memory.workingSet




nodefs.available = node.stats.fs.available

Available diskspace on either the node root file system or image file system has exceeded an eviction threshold.


nodefs.inodesFree = node.stats.fs.inodesFree


imagefs.available = node.stats.runtime.imagefs.available


imagefs.inodesFree = node.stats.runtime.imagefs.inodesFree

Each of the above signals supports either a literal or percentage-based value. The percentage-based value is calculated relative to the total capacity associated with each signal.

スクリプトは kubelet が実行する一連の手順を使用し、cgroup から memory.available 値を派生させます。スクリプトは計算から非アクティブなファイルメモリー (つまり、非アクティブな LRU リストのファイルベースのメモリーのバイト数) を計算から除外します。非アクティブなファイルメモリーはリソースの不足時に回収可能になることが想定されます。


free -m はコンテナーで機能しないため、free -m のようなツールは使用しないでください。

The node supports the nodefs and imagefs file system partitions when detecting disk pressure, as follows:

  • The nodefs file system that the node uses for local disk volumes, daemon logs, and so on (for example, the file system that provides /).
  • The imagefs file system that the container runtime uses for storing images and individual container writable layers.

OpenShift Container Platform はこれらのファイルシステムを 10 秒ごとにモニターします。

If you store volumes and logs in a dedicated file system, the node will not monitor that file system.


As of OpenShift Container Platform 3.4, the node supports the ability to trigger eviction decisions based on disk pressure. Before evicting pods becuase of disk pressure, the node also performs container and image garbage collection. In future releases, garbage collection will be deprecated in favor of a pure disk-eviction based configuration.

25.2.3. エビクションのしきい値について

You can configure a node to specify eviction thresholds, which triggers the node to reclaim resources, by adding a threshold to the node configuration file.

If an eviction threshold is met, independent of its associated grace period, the node reports a condition indicating that the node is under memory or disk pressure. This prevents the scheduler from scheduling any additional pods on the node while attempts to reclaim resources are made.

The node continues to report node status updates at the frequency specified by the node-status-update-frequency argument, which defaults to 10s (ten seconds).

エビクションのしきい値は、しきい値に達する際にノードが即時にアクションを実行する場合にハード となり、リソース回収前の猶予期間を許可する場合はソフトになります。


Soft eviction usage is more common when you are targeting a certain level of utilization, but can tolerate temporary spikes. We recommended setting the soft eviction threshold lower than the hard eviction threshold, but the time period can be operator-specific. The system reservation should also cover the soft eviction threshold.




たとえば、オペレーターが 10Gi メモリーのあるノードを持つ場合で、オペレーターは利用可能なメモリーが 1Gi を下回る場合にエビクションを導入する必要がある場合、メモリーのエビクションしきい値は以下のいずれかで指定することができます。


ノードはエビクションしきい値の評価とモニターを 10 秒ごとに実行し、値を変更することはできません。これはハウスキープ処理の間隔になります。 ハードエビクションのしきい値について

A hard eviction threshold has no grace period and, if observed, the node takes immediate action to reclaim the associated starved resource. If a hard eviction threshold is met, the node kills the pod immediately with no graceful termination.

ハードエビクションのしきい値を設定するには、「ポリシー作成のためのノード設定の使用」に示されるように、エビクションしきい値を eviction-hard の下にあるノード設定ファイルに追加します。

Sample Node Configuration file with hard eviction thresholds

  - memory.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - imagefs.available<100Mi
  - imagefs.inodesFree<100Mi

この例は一般的なガイドラインを示すためのもので、推奨される設定ではありません。 デフォルトのハードエビクションしきい値

OpenShift Container Platform は、eviction-hard の以下のデフォルト設定を使用します。

  - memory.available<100Mi
  - nodefs.available<10%
  - nodefs.inodesFree<5%
  - imagefs.available<15%
... ソフトエビクションのしきい値について

A soft eviction threshold pairs an eviction threshold with a required administrator-specified grace period. The node does not reclaim resources associated with the eviction signal until that grace period is exceeded. If no grace period is provided in the node configuration the node errors on startup.

In addition, if a soft eviction threshold is met, an operator can specify a maximum allowed pod termination grace period to use when evicting pods from the node. If eviction-max-pod-grace-period is specified, the node uses the lesser value among the pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds and the maximum-allowed grace period. If not specified, the node kills pods immediately with no graceful termination.


  • eviction-soft: a set of eviction thresholds (for example, memory.available<1.5Gi) that, if met over a corresponding grace period, triggers a pod eviction.
  • eviction-soft-grace-period: a set of eviction grace periods (for example, memory.available=1m30s) that correspond to how long a soft eviction threshold must hold before triggering a pod eviction.
  • eviction-max-pod-grace-period: ソフトエビクションのしきい値に達する際の Pod の終了時に使用される最長で許可される猶予期間 (秒単位) です。

ソフトエビクションのしきい値を設定するには、「ポリシー作成のためのノード設定の使用」に示されるように、エビクションのしきい値を eviction-soft の下にあるノード設定ファイルに追加します。

Sample Node Configuration files with soft eviction thresholds

  - memory.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.available<500Mi
  - nodefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - imagefs.available<100Mi
  - imagefs.inodesFree<100Mi
  - memory.available=1m30s
  - nodefs.available=1m30s
  - nodefs.inodesFree=1m30s
  - imagefs.available=1m30s
  - imagefs.inodesFree=1m30s


25.3. スケジューリング用のリソース量の設定


Set system-reserved equal to the amount of resource you want available to the scheduler for deploying pods and for system-daemons. Evictions should only occur if pods use more than their requested amount of an allocatable resource.

ノードは 2 つの値を報告します。

  • Capacity: How much resource is on the machine
  • Allocatable: スケジューリング用に利用可能にされるリソースの量です。

To configure the amount of allocatable resources, edit the node configuration file (the /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml file) to add or modify the system-reserved parameter for eviction-hard or eviction-soft.


  eviction-hard: 1
    - "memory.available<500Mi"
    - "1.5Gi"
このしきい値は、eviction-hard または eviction-soft のいずれかにできます。
  1. 変更を有効するために OpenShift Container Platform サービスを再起動します。

    # systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node

25.4. ノードの状態変動の制御

If a node is oscillating above and below a soft eviction threshold, but not exceeding its associated grace period, the corresponding node condition oscillates between true and false, which can cause problems for the scheduler.

To prevent this oscillation, set the eviction-pressure-transition-period parameter to control how long the node must wait before transitioning out of a pressure condition.

  1. Edit or add the parameter to the kubeletArguments section of the node configuration file (the /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml) using a set of <resource_type>=<resource_quantity> pairs.

+ The node toggles the condition back to false when the node has not observed an eviction threshold being met for the specified pressure condition for the specified period.



Use the default value (5 minutes) before doing any adjustments. The default choice is intended to allow the system to stabilize, and to prevent the scheduler from assigning new pods to the node before it has settled.

  1. 変更を有効するために OpenShift Container Platform サービスを再起動します。

    # systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node

25.5. ノードレベルのリソースの回収

If an eviction criteria is satisfied, the node initiates the process of reclaiming the pressured resource until the signal goes below the defined threshold. During this time, the node does not support scheduling any new pods.

The node attempts to reclaim node-level resources prior to evicting end-user pods, based on whether the host system has a dedicated imagefs configured for the container runtime.

Imagefs が設定されている場合

ホストシステムに imagefs が設定されている場合:

  • If the nodefs file system meets eviction thresholds, the node frees up disk space in the following order:

    • Delete dead pods/containers
  • If the imagefs file system meets eviction thresholds, the node frees up disk space in the following order:

    • Delete all unused images
Imagefs が設定されていない場合

ホストシステムに imagefs がされていない場合:

  • If the nodefs file system meets eviction thresholds, the node frees up disk space in the following order:

    • Delete dead pods/containers
    • Delete all unused images

25.6. Pod エビクションについて

If an eviction threshold is met and the grace period is passed, the node initiates the process of evicting pods until the signal goes below the defined threshold.

The node ranks pods for eviction by their quality of service, and, among those with the same quality of service, by the consumption of the starved compute resource relative to the pod’s scheduling request.

Each QOS level has an OOM score, which the Linux out-of-memory tool (OOM killer) uses to determine which pods to kill. See Understanding Quality of Service and Out of Memory Killer below.

The following table lists each QOS level and the associated OOM score.

表25.2 Quality of Service (QoS) レベル
QoS (Quality of Service)説明


Pods that consume the highest amount of the starved resource relative to their request are failed first. If no pod has exceeded its request, the strategy targets the largest consumer of the starved resource.


Pods that consume the highest amount of the starved resource relative to their request for that resource are failed first. If no pod has exceeded its request, the strategy targets the largest consumer of the starved resource.


Pods that consume the highest amount of the starved resource are failed first.

A Guaranteed pod will never be evicted because of another pod’s resource consumption unless a system daemon (such as node, docker, journald) is consuming more resources than were reserved using system-reserved, or kube-reserved allocations or if the node has only Guaranteed pods remaining.

If the node has only Guaranteed pods remaining, the node evicts a Guaranteed pod that least impacts node stability and limits the impact of the unexpected consumption to other Guaranteed pods.

Local disk is a BestEffort resource. If necessary, the node evicts pods one at a time to reclaim disk when DiskPressure is encountered. The node ranks pods by quality of service. If the node is responding to inode starvation, it will reclaim inodes by evicting pods with the lowest quality of service first. If the node is responding to lack of available disk, it will rank pods within a quality of service that consumes the largest amount of local disk, and evict those pods first.

25.6.1. QoS および Out of Memory Killer について

If the node experiences a system out of memory (OOM) event before it is able to reclaim memory, the node depends on the OOM killer to respond.

The node sets a oom_score_adj value for each container based on the quality of service for the pod.

表25.3 Quality of Service (QoS) レベル
QoS (Quality of Service)oom_score_adj




min(max(2, 1000 - (1000 * memoryRequestBytes) / machineMemoryCapacityBytes), 999)



If the node is unable to reclaim memory prior to experiencing a system OOM event, the oom_killer calculates an oom_score:

% of node memory a container is using + `oom_score_adj` = `oom_score`

The node then kills the container with the highest score.

Containers with the lowest quality of service that are consuming the largest amount of memory relative to the scheduling request are failed first.

Unlike pod eviction, if a pod container is OOM failed, it can be restarted by the node based on the node restart policy.

25.7. Pod スケジューラーおよび OOR 状態について

The scheduler views node conditions when placing additional pods on the node. For example, if the node has an eviction threshold like the following:

eviction-hard is "memory.available<500Mi"

and available memory falls below 500Mi, the node reports a value in Node.Status.Conditions as MemoryPressure as true.

表25.4 ノードの状態およびスケジューラーの動作


If a node reports this condition, the scheduler will not place BestEffort pods on that node.


If a node reports this condition, the scheduler will not place any additional pods on that node.

25.8. シナリオ例

Consider the following scenario.

An opertator:

  • has a node with a memory capacity of 10Gi;
  • wants to reserve 10% of memory capacity for system daemons (kernel, node, etc.);
  • wants to evict pods at 95% memory utilization to reduce thrashing and incidence of system OOM.

この設定から、system-reserved にはエビクションのしきい値でカバーされるメモリー量が含まれていることを読み取ることができます。

To reach that capacity, either some pod is using more than its request, or the system is using more than 1Gi.

If a node has 10 Gi of capacity, and you want to reserve 10% of that capacity for the system daemons (system-reserved), perform the following calculation:

capacity = 10 Gi
system-reserved = 10 Gi * .1 = 1 Gi


allocatable = capacity - system-reserved = 9 Gi

これは、デフォルトでスケジューラーはノードに対し、9 Gi のメモリーを要求する Pod をスケジュールすることを意味します。

If you want to turn on eviction so that eviction is triggered when the node observes that available memory falls below 10% of capacity for 30 seconds, or immediately when it falls below 5% of capacity, you need the scheduler to see allocatable as 8Gi. Therefore, ensure your system reservation covers the greater of your eviction thresholds.

capacity = 10 Gi
eviction-threshold = 10 Gi * .1 = 1 Gi
system-reserved = (10Gi * .1) + eviction-threshold = 2 Gi
allocatable = capacity - system-reserved = 8 Gi

Enter the following in the node-config.yaml:

  - "2Gi"
  - memory.available<.5Gi
  - memory.available<1Gi
  - memory.available=30s

This configuration ensures that the scheduler does not place pods on a node that immediately induce memory pressure and trigger eviction assuming those pods use less than their configured request.

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