
75.4. 署名付きデータ

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通常、crypto-cms:sign エンドポイントは 1 つのルートで定義され、補完的な crypto-cms:verify は別のルートで定義されることに注意してください。

次の例は、Signed Data メッセージを作成する方法と、Signed Data メッセージを検証する方法を示しています。

Java DSL の基本的な例

import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean

//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the signing
signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key

simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry


Spring XML の基本的な例

   <keyStoreParameters xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"
        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
    <bean id="signer1"
        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
        <from uri="direct:start" />
        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;includeContent=true&amp;toBase64=true" />
        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1&amp;fromBase64=true" />
        <to uri="mock:result" />

Java DSL での 2 人の署名者の例

import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean

//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the signing
signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key

DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo2 = new DefaultSignerInfo();

simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry
simpleReg.put("signer2", signerInfo2); //register signer info in the registry


Spring XML での 2 つの署名者の例

   <keyStoreParameters xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"
        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
    <bean id="signer1"
        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
    <bean id="signer2"
        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="dsa" />
        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withDSA" />
        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw2" />
        <from uri="direct:start" />
        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;signer=#signer2&amp;includeContent=true" />
        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1" />
        <to uri="mock:result" />

Java DSL でのデタッチされた署名の例

import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean

//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the signing
signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key

simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry

     //with the option includeContent=false the SignedData object without the signed text will be written into the header "CamelCryptoCmsSignedData"
    //the verifier reads the Signed Data object form the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData and assumes that the signed content is in the message body

Spring XML のデタッチされた署名の例

   <keyStoreParameters xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"
        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
    <bean id="signer1"
        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
        <from uri="direct:start" />
        <!-- with the option includeContent=false the SignedData object without the signed text will be written into the header "CamelCryptoCmsSignedData" -->
        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;includeContent=false&amp;toBase64=true" />
        <!-- the verifier reads the Signed Data object form the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData and assumes that the signed content is in the message body -->
        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1&amp;signedDataHeaderBase64=true" />
        <to uri="mock:result" />
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