79.9. Images エンドポイント
| operation | Description | Headers | Result | | ------ | ---- | ------- | 00:00:0- | | list
| list images available on your account | CamelDigitalOceanType
* DigitalOceanImageTypes | List<com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image &
gt; | | ownList
| retrieve the private images of a user | | List<com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image
> | | listActions
| retrieve all actions that have been executed on a Image | CamelDigitalOceanId
Integer | List <com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Action
> | | get
| retrieve information about an image(public or private)by id| CamelDigitalOceanId
Integer| com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image
| | get
| retrieve information about an public image by slug| CamelDigitalOceanDropletImage
String| com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image
| | update
| update an image| CamelDigitalOcean id Integer <br>'CamelDigitalOceanName' String|
| | com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Image
| | delete
| delete an image| CamelDigitalOceanId
Integer | com.my
| transfer an image to another region| CamelDigitalOceanId
Integer <br>'CamelDigitalOceanRegion' String| com.myjeeva.digitalocean . POJO.Action
| | convert
| convert an image, たとえば、スナップショットへのバックアップ| CamelDigitalOceanId
Integer | com.myjeeva.digitalocean.pojo.Action